расширенный поиск
11659999 - Dique Potrerillos
11659998 - El Bullying y Sus Implicaciones Juridicas
11659997 - El Antioxidante N-Acetilcisteina En La Diferenciacion de Adipocitos
11659996 - El Oleozon, Una Opcion de Tratamiento En La Piodermitis Canina
11659995 - El Modelo de Mejora Continua Aplicado a la Ensenanza-Aprendizaje
11659994 - El Diseno Curricular Como Via Para La Profesionalizacion del Docente
11659993 - El Periodismo Narrativo
11659992 - Estudio de las variables de produccion mas limpia en centros lecheros
11659991 - Estudio Analitico de Materiales Reciclados Para Envase Alimentario
11659990 - Analisis de La Practica del Profesorado Universitario
11659989 - Aprendizaje de Los Alumnos del Bachillerato
11659988 - Cluster socio politico desde la perspectiva ambiental
11659987 - El Papel de Las Traducciones Como Textos Independientes
11659986 - Enlace En Educacion Basica
11659985 - Cancer Laboral y Actuacion de La Enfermeria del Trabajo
11659984 - El Graffiti Tiene La Palabra
11659983 - Acidos Grasos Omega-3 Para El Desarrollo de Alimentos Funcionales.
11659982 - El Vidrio En Arqueologia Historica
11659981 - El Cristianismo A-Religioso Desde La Teologia de Dietrich Bonhoeffer
11659980 - Expandidos Maiz
11659979 - El Desarrollo de Las Actitudes Cientificas
11659978 - 10 Lecciones de Mercadeo Que Un Microempresario Jamas Debe Olvidar
11659977 - Filosofia del Derecho
11659976 - Biologia. Guion de Practicas
11659975 - El Estudiante Residente, Las Significaciones del Momento Inter-Activo
11659974 - Energia Undimotriz
11659973 - Estudios mecano-cuanticos de moleculas antioxidantes
11659972 - Desarrollo Perceptual y Dificultades En La Lectura y Escritura
11659971 - Determinacion Experimental de Indices de Refraccion
11659970 - Estudio de Trabajo En Abastecimiento Forestal
11659969 - Desarrollo de Habilidades Para Construir Una Autoestima Positiva
11659968 - Determinacion de Propiedades Termicas En Alimentos Semisolidos
11659967 - Estimacion de Efectos Maternales En Rasgos de Crecimiento En Cerdos
11659966 - Cotidianidad de la investigacion y programacion neurolinguistica
11659965 - El Concepto de Soberania Popular En Jurgen Habermas
11659964 - Estudio de La Estabilidad del Plano de Frankfurt Intracraneal
11659963 - Adaptacion de Programas Urbanos Sostenibles a Ciudad Latinoamericana
11659962 - Estudio de Aminoglucosidos a Regimen de Dosis Unica Diaria
11659961 - Estandares del derecho a la educacion en prisiones
11659960 - Educar Ambientalmente a Ninos Con Caracteristicas Especiales
11659959 - Creacion de empresa, empresa productora y comercializadora de cafe
11659958 - Aproximaciones a la Nocion de Curriculum
11659957 - Diseno de sistemas transformables en las cubiertas tensadas
11659956 - Casa Profanada
11659955 - Comparacion y Evaluacion de Indicadores de Produccion y Bienestar
11659954 - Ensayos sobre literatura
11659953 - Comportamiento de La Cesarea Primitiva
11659952 - Epidemiologia del Cancer Cutaneo En Trasplantados de Rinon O Corazon
11659951 - Armonia Contratendiente
11659950 - Analisis de la intervencion del socorrista acuatico profesional
11659949 - El Virus del Mal de Rio Cuarto En Trigo
11659948 - Estudio Evaluativo de Sistemas Instruccionales
11659947 - Educacion Formal En Mexico y Formacion de Ciudadanos Democraticos
11659946 - Analisis de la Industria de Software y Servicios Informaticos de LatAm
11659945 - Analisis de Las Empresas Exportadoras de Miel En Yucatan
11659944 - Autoliderazgo de La Gestion de Investigacion
11659943 - Desarrollo sostenible y pensamiento multimodal
11659942 - Como Formar En Seguridad Alimentaria a Los Decisores Locales?
11659941 - Estrategias de Propagacion En Vallisneria Americana
11659940 - El Proyecto Literario de Orlando Araujo
11659939 - Antologia de algoritmos computacionales
11659938 - Derecho Real de Superficie En El Estado de Veracruz
11659937 - Cesacion tabaquica y mortalidad en poblacion general geriatrica
11659936 - El Calentamiento Global En El Siglo XXI y La Cuestion del Agua
11659935 - Doctrina Social de La Iglesia y La Cuestion Laboral
11659934 - Diagnostico turistico del Parque Nacional el Cusuco PANACU
11659933 - Diagnostico y Rehabilitacion de Algias En Columna
11659932 - Enfoque Practico En Aplicaciones de Matematicas Financieras
11659931 - Cooperacion Empresarial a Traves de La Subcontratacion
11659930 - C4d unido a reticulocitos, anti-ADN, complemento, y actividad ludica
11659929 - Auriculectomia Izquierda En El Tratamiento de La Fibrilacion Auricular
11659928 - El matrimonio gay en Mexico
11659927 - Estudio de Receptores B-Cardiacos En Enfermedad de Chagas Experimental
11659926 - Didacticas Desde La Apreciacion de Estudiantes Universitarios
11659925 - Analisis comparativo de las zonas industriales
11659924 - El Liderazgo Tranformacional y Su Influencia En El Burnout
11659923 - Accion Economica y Orden Social
11659922 - Ecografia Prostatica Transrectal En Cancer de Prostata
11659921 - El Trabajo de Grado
11659920 - Desarrollo de Un Biopolimero Termoplastico Por Moldeo Por Compresion
11659919 - El Defensor de Los Derechos del Televidente
11659918 - Aportes En Administracion, Mercadotecnia, Calidad y Educacion
11659917 - Deteccion de Candida Spp. En Pacientes Con Estomatitis Sub-Protesica
11659916 - Conocimiento En La Educacion a Distancia
11659915 - Construccion de Un Microaerogenerador
11659914 - El Enfoque Comunicativo por Tareas. Tomo II
11659913 - Determinacion de Actitudes En La Tenencia de Fauna Silvestre
11659912 - Evaluacion de trampas para el manejo de Thrips tabaci en cebolla
11659911 - Escuela Primaria Rural y Trabajo Comunitario
11659910 - El Ordenamiento Urbano En Zonas Propensas a Desastres Naturales
11659909 - Extension agricola universitaria
11659908 - El Aspecto Cultural En La Clase de Espanol Como Lengua Extranjera
11659907 - Diagnostico de La Innovacion En El Sector Agroexportador En El Peru
11659906 - Entramados...
11659905 - El Modus Operandi Lucano y Paulino
11659904 - Confesion y Autobiografia En La Obra Poetica de Abigael Bohorquez
11659903 - Contabilidad Ambiental
11659902 - Calidad de Vida
11659901 - Educacion Ambiental Para El Desarrollo Agrosostenible Desde La Escuela
11659900 - Fundamentos de La Quimica
11659899 - Diseno de Un Sistema Portatil Para El Registro de Actividad Meteorica
11659898 - Espacio y Poetica
11659897 - Facilitando la transferencia de biotecnologia
11659896 - Estudio de los fenomenos armonicos en la subestacion melones oeste
11659895 - Estrategias de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de nociones historicas
11659894 - Entre Mito y Politica. El Caso de Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
11659893 - Algunos Apuntes Sobre La Mimesis y Lo Bello de Democrito a Platon
11659892 - Arquitectura En La Era de La Informacion
11659891 - Deteccion Optima de Marcas de Agua Digitales
11659890 - El aquafitness y su influencia en la salud
11659889 - El Enfoque Vigotskiano del Curriculum En La Pedagogia Contemporanea
11659888 - Evaluacion de un sistema de interaccion fisica hombre-robot
11659887 - Acciones metodologicas para preparar los metodologos
11659886 - Estudio Mitocondrial de la tortuga cabezona Caretta caretta
11659885 - Fundamentos de la formacion humana
11659884 - Coordinacion En Futbolistas de 12 a 14 Anos
11659883 - Acciones metodologicas para preparar a los profesores
11659882 - Estudio Hidrogeologico de La Cubeta Glaciar del Principado de Andorra
11659881 - Evaluacion del funcionamiento de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales
11659880 - Catedra Compartida
11659879 - Delta del Cauto, segundo humedal del Caribe Insular, Cuba
11659878 - Endurecimiento del Acero Aisi 1045 Deformado Por Rodadura
11659877 - Diseno de compuertas en las lineas de un sistema de pintura
11659876 - Estrategia Didactica Para La Evaluacion En La Ensenanza Superior
11659875 - Contaminacion sonora en la region Lima Provincias
11659874 - El Derecho Como Factor Necesario En Una Globalizacion Social
11659873 - Ewa - Easy Webserver Administrator
11659872 - Ficcion y Filosofia
11659871 - Character Level Authorship Attribution of Turkish Texts
11659870 - Formirovanie Sistemnogo Myshleniya Uchashchikhsya V Kurse Informatiki
11659869 - Elementary Partial Differential Equations
11659868 - Biodegradation of Phenol Using Rotating Biological Contactor
11659867 - Challenges of Dissertation Writing in the Foreign Language
11659866 - Financial Inclusion & Economic Development
11659865 - Amphiprion Nigripes (Regan, 1908) at Lakshadweep
11659864 - Ethnomedicine
11659863 - Effect of Chewing Gum on Food Choice and Calorie Intake
11659862 - Design of Adaptive Cruise Controller
11659861 - Errors and Maths achievement in longitude/latitude concepts in CRS Nig
11659860 - Auditory Perceptual Training of Listeners to Evaluated Dysphonic Voice
11659859 - Ambient Air Quality & Bbtex in an Urban Metropolis, India
11659858 - Consumer Information Search Behaviour
11659857 - Alternative Forms of Communication at Persons with Aphasia
11659856 - Connective Tissue
11659855 - Domestic Violence
11659854 - Ecocriticism in Disney/Pixar
11659853 - Fizicheskaya reabilitatsiya bol'nykh rasseyannym sklerozom
11659852 - Assessment of Caesarean Section Delivery
11659851 - Futlyarnyy Geroy V Kontekste XIX Veka
11659850 - Funktsionirovanie organov ispolnitel'noy politsii v nachale KhKh stoletiya
11659849 - Evaluation of Rapeseed Genotypes for Commercial Cultivation
11659848 - Development of Socio-Economic Scale
11659847 - A Connecticut Yankee at the Gates of Heaven
11659846 - C-Shaped Angle Shear Connectors in High Strength Concrete
11659845 - Epidemiology of Human Enteric Viruses in Cameroon
11659844 - Agro-Water Management Practices in Coastal Bangladesh
11659843 - Contesting Hegemony
11659842 - Essays in Sustainable Development Communication Volume Two
11659841 - Drinking Water Safety in Slums
11659840 - Developping ISO 9001
11659839 - Early Detection and Treatment Evaluation of Gastric Cancer
11659838 - Economics of Gambling Behavior
11659837 - Environmental Impact Assessment of Road
11659836 - Exploring the Path to Inflammation Caused by a Fructose Rich Diet
11659835 - Bol'shoy Adronnyy Kollayder Lhc Glazami Khimika I Filosofa
11659834 - Alternative Development Loom by Reason of Natural Changes
11659833 - Analysis of decoding technique for asymmetric channel
11659832 - Customer Relationship Network
11659831 - Analytical method development and validation with respect to ICH
11659830 - Clinical Aids in Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis
11659829 - Feasibility study for implementing online shopping system in Nigeria
11659828 - A Proposal for an African Civilian Peacebuilding Brigade
11659827 - Ekzistentsial'naya Psikhoterapiya Fenomena Odinochestva U Podrostkov
11659826 - Colon Targeted Matrix Tablet Of Biodegradable Swellable Polymers
11659825 - Financing of Higher Educational Institutions
11659824 - Calcium Intake and Osteoporosis Prevention
11659823 - Contributions to Modular Equations and Class Invariants
11659822 - Detection and Classification of Cerebral Aneurysm
11659821 - Behavioral Biases & Investors Decision
11659820 - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Design Simulations
11659819 - Advanced Beb Over Traditional Beb
11659818 - A Study on Quality of Work Life at South Central Railway, Vijayawada
11659817 - Case Control Studies in Medical Research
11659816 - Effektivnost' Plenochnogo Okhlazhdeniya Poverkhnosti
11659815 - Fabrication of TiO2 Nanotubes Using Electrochemical Anodization
11659814 - Budgetary Control
11659813 - Effect Of Micro-vortex Generator In Hypersonic Inlet
11659812 - Effect of Growth Regulators on Physiological Aspects of Cowpea
11659811 - A New Slant on the Philosophy of Language
11659810 - An 'ABCD...' for an Assertive African
11659809 - Cold tolerability in faba bean plants for maximizing productivity
11659808 - Continuous Assessment in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
11659807 - Electronic Nose
11659806 - Administration of Medications Via Nasogastric Tube
11659805 - Bibliometric Analysis of Electronic Journal
11659804 - Design and Drawing For Multistoried Apartments
11659803 - Critical pedagogy in an EFL Writing class
11659802 - An intelligent WLAN system
11659801 - Consumer Behavior on Investments
11659800 - Digital Signal Processing Receivers for Dynamic Optical Networks
11659799 - Etnopedagogicheskaya Teoriya I Ee Sovremennaya Interpretatsiya
11659798 - Design & Implementation of Solar Panel Position Control
11659797 - Choosing and Deciding
11659796 - Comparing Key Brand Elements within Female Markets
11659795 - Clinical Significance of Soleus H - Reflex in L5s1 Radiculopathy
11659794 - Design and Analysis of Clock Subsystem Elements
11659793 - Cardiovascular Changes and Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia in Neonates
11659792 - Enhancing Biometric Authentication Using Visual Challenge Response
11659791 - Distance Protection for Electrical Transmission Line
11659790 - Fundamentals of Inventory Management
11659789 - Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Cameroon
11659788 - Cognition & Neurological Soft Signs, Bipolar State or trait markers
11659787 - Consolidation and Financial Performance
11659786 - Analysis of genetic diversity of Castor cultivars using RAPD
11659785 - Current Trends in Biotechnology
11659784 - Epokha Syurrealizma V Zhivopisi
11659783 - Controversial Issues in Reproductive Biotechnology
11659782 - Effect of Silver-Based Products on Simulated Body Fluids
11659781 - English Web Chat and Text Messages
11659780 - Epidemiological indicators in exploring the effects of a disaster
11659779 - Formulation Development of Bilayer Tablets of Carvedilol Phosphate
11659778 - Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Higher Educational Institutions
11659777 - Allotransplantatsiya Kostey Pri Zameshchenii Defektov Nizhney Chelyusti
11659776 - Acyclovir
11659775 - Employment Generation by Fish Hatchery in Bangladesh
11659774 - Fasilitatsiya Kreativnosti
11659773 - Cancer care in Iraq
11659772 - Civil Society, Women's Movement and the Moroccan State
11659771 - Bronirovannye Mashiny Spetsial'nogo Naznacheniya
11659770 - Fixed point theorems in Menger spaces
11659769 - Antioxidant activity of Glycosmis mauritiana and Streblus asper
11659768 - Business And Consumer Education(Global and Indian perspective)-Vol-IV
11659767 - Diatoms-Biosilica and its modern age application
11659766 - Fiber Bragg gratings
11659765 - Dinamika Vuzovskogo Kursa Teorii I Metodiki Obucheniya Informatike
11659764 - Capital Structure Decision
11659763 - Automatic Fault Locator of Transmission lines by RF Module
11659762 - Financial crises and the warning models
11659761 - A Life Undivided
11659760 - Adenomy okoloshchitovidnykh zhelez
11659759 - Al'ternativnaya Gidroenergetika
11659758 - Forecasting of Rubber in Futures Market
11659757 - Ankylosis
11659756 - Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity of Composite Energetic Materials
11659755 - ECRG1 polymorphism & esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Kashmir
11659754 - Educating the Nation on a Shrinking Budget
11659753 - Atherosclerosis and vascular calcification in uremia
11659752 - Fuzzy graphs
11659751 - Conflict Resolution In Africa
11659750 - Camera Planning and Fusion in a Heterogeneous Camera Network
11659749 - Antidiabetic Properties Of S-Allylcysteine In Experimental Diabetes
11659748 - A Guide to Coral Diseases in the Northern Red Sea, Egypt
11659747 - Alzheimer's Disease
11659746 - Faktory potrebitel'skogo povedeniya
11659745 - Connection between history and propaganda
11659744 - Culture and Spirituality in the Margins
11659743 - Differentsirovannye uchebnye zadaniya v samostoyatel'noy rabote studentov
11659742 - Arsenicosis and Its Managemant
11659741 - Environmental Beliefs and Practices
11659740 - Advancement
11659739 - Effect of Specific Programmes on Soccer Performance
11659738 - Constitutional Power-Sharing Democracy in Africa
11659737 - Characterization of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase for malaria therapy
11659736 - Fonetika tabasaranskogo yazyka
11659735 - Comparing efficiency of RCBD and alpha lattice designs
11659734 - Deviation Mechanism Control Advanced 3D Automated Steering Techniques
11659733 - FDIs analysis through the stimulating financial macroeconomic policies
11659732 - A Glimpse of American Socio-Political History
11659731 - Design and Development of Decelerometer
11659730 - Fauna Respubliki Ingushetiya
11659729 - Academic Stress And Management Among Students
11659728 - Disordered Eating Behavior in Pregnancy
11659727 - Congenital Malaria and Birth Weight in North Central Nigeria
11659726 - Fixed Point Theorems and Best Proximity Points
11659725 - Brand-Consumer Congruence Personality and Brand Quality Relationships
11659724 - Challenges to 2nd law of thermodynamics, surface tension and some mech
11659723 - Expatriate Adjustment in Brazil
11659722 - Analiz Programm Dlya Postroeniya Parallel'nykh Algoritmov
11659721 - Dissipative Networked Control Systems
11659720 - Game Based Learning in Primary Education
11659719 - Floristic Composition and Structure of Riverine Vegetation
11659718 - Edible Activism
11659717 - Development of Rust & Yellow Mosaic Disease Tolerant Lines in soybean
11659716 - Analysis of Cattle Marketing System in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
11659715 - Critical Thinking of Chinese Students
11659714 - Employee Relationship Model
11659713 - Factors Which Influence Performance in Biology
11659712 - Advanced Motion Detection Algorithm for Patient Monitoring
11659711 - Development and Production of Humanized Monoclonal Antibody
11659710 - Antioxidants in Plants
11659709 - Authentic and Inauthentic Existence
11659708 - Colloidosomes a drug delivery
11659707 - A Novel Approach For High Dimensional Data Clustering
11659706 - Ekologo-Genotoksicheskiy Monitoring
11659705 - Clean Water and Sanitation as Determinants to Control Typhoid
11659704 - Code Switching and Mixing Trends in Text Messaging
11659703 - Cotsial'no-Pedagogicheskoe Soprovozhdenie V Vospitatel'noy Kolonii
11659702 - Antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
11659701 - Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Bangladesh
11659700 - Foundation Aspects of Physical Education
11659699 - Econometric Time Series Analysis
11659698 - Basics of Health and Physical Education
11659697 - Electronic Transport Mechanism of Se/c-Si Diodes
11659696 - Ants Guide You to Good Route
11659694 - Employee Welfare In Industry
11659693 - Collaboration Of Parents and Educational Assessment Professionals
11659692 - Fenomen Modernizatsionnogo Diskursa V Rossii
11659691 - Evaluating Multifunctional Land Use and Livestock Farming
11659690 - After WTO Accession
11659689 - Bioekologicheskie osobennosti i sistema roda Nagolovatka (Jurinea)
11659688 - Enhancement of solubilization & bioavailability of poorly soluble drug
11659687 - Applications of Analytical Techniques / Methods in Drug Analysis
11659686 - A Holistic Blended Design Studio Model
11659685 - Antibacterial Activity of Cissus quadrangularis Stem
11659684 - Efficiency of Bse Sectoral Indices in India
11659683 - Efeito do desvio de forma e rugosidade superficial na geracao de ruido
11659682 - A Comunidade imaginada da afrodescendencia na educacao
11659681 - Caminho Velho das Minas Gerais
11659680 - A natureza do afeto nas relacoes familiares
11659679 - Desejo ou Renuncia
11659678 - Der Mensch vor der Frage nach dem Sinn
11659677 - Energy Harvesting for Electronic Devices
11659676 - A escrita descolonial de Manoel Bomfim
11659675 - Formas de cooperacao, negociacao e conflito no setor publico
11659674 - "Soziale Nachhaltigkeit" als Kriterium im geforderten Wohnbau in Wien
11659673 - Estudo do Efeito das Incertezas em Ensaios Acelerados
11659672 - "A dinamica cibercultural na ressignificacao do ensino de geometria."
11659671 - Ensino de Fisica para pessoas surdas
11659670 - Estudo do pensamento de bombeiros militares acerca de emergencias
11659669 - Desenvolvimento e otimizacao de um misturador estatico
11659668 - Embalagens na industria textil- perspectivas logistica e ambiental
11659667 - Desatando o no do Transito de Sao Paulo
11659666 - Assoziation zwischen Multiple Sklerose und Angststorungen
11659665 - A aceitacao ironica do sagrado
11659664 - Bilanzierung von Personalruckstellungen nach dem neuen Fachgutachten
11659663 - Auf den Spuren des systemischen Konstrukts der Neutralitat
11659662 - Erwerb und Weitergabe von Wissen unter Schichtbedingungen
11659661 - Confessar Jesus no Espirito Santo
11659660 - Fatores genotipicos relacionados a cronicidade da hepatite B
11659659 - Educacao Fisica escolar
11659658 - Darba Samaksas Organiz Cija, Uzskaite Un Anal Ze Lauku Pamatskol
11659657 - Computer forensics
11659656 - Analysis of Vascularity of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Buccal Mucosa
11659655 - Arka Platona
11659654 - Factors Influencing the Bank Selection Decision of Students
11659653 - 64-bit Dynamic FeedThrough Logic Adder
11659652 - Comparative Study of Curricula, Methodology and Examination System
11659651 - Analysis of three-phase instantaneous power using MATLAB/PSB
11659650 - Antioxidant Activity of N-Arylhydroxamic Acid
11659649 - English as a corporate language
11659648 - Access to fishing grounds and adaptive strategies
11659647 - Failure of a crusher disk in a mercury recovery device
11659646 - Customer Satisfaction
11659645 - Consequences of low Human Needs
11659644 - Ekstremistskiy Prizyv V Lingvistike
11659643 - Crossing the Transmedia Frontier
11659642 - Dynamic Characterization of Vocal Fold Vibrations
11659641 - Basin analysis of Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniya Area, NE-Iraq
11659640 - Evaluation of Waste Water Treatment Options
11659639 - Anti Emetic Activity of Some Locally Available Spices
11659638 - Anti-Hepatotoxic Potential from Medicinal Plants
11659637 - Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and India
11659636 - Cost of Capital - Redefined
11659635 - Adaptation of Web Operating System Using Semantic Web Techniques
11659634 - A Study of Race, Class, Gender & Assimilation among Immigrants
11659633 - Academic Procrastination
11659632 - Disaster Resilient Housing
11659631 - Elektrovzryvnoe Boromednenie Poverkhnosti Stali 45
11659630 - Biodiversity from Mangroves of Uran Coast, Navi Mumbai, India
11659629 - Diabetic Foot Care - A Public Health Problem
11659628 - Biology & Management of Mud Crab Fishery in Mangrove Swamps, Thailand
11659627 - Assessing Experiential Learning
11659626 - Analysis of Traffic Revenue Risk for PPP Highway Projects in India
11659625 - El Autismo Como Trastorno Generalizado del Desarrollo
11659624 - Educacion Musical En Preescolar
11659623 - El Desarrollo Socioeconomico Regional En El Estado de Sonora 1990-2000
11659622 - Cambio de Creencias y Sus Aplicaciones Sobre Estados de Conocimiento
11659621 - Armonia
11659620 - Correlatos Neurales del Temblor
11659619 - El Juego En El Nuevo Mundo
11659618 - Clusters Patagonicos
11659617 - Educacion superior en la Republica Argentina
11659616 - Filosofia
11659615 - Conectando Conceptos y Recursos Matematicos
11659614 - El Estres En Las Sociedades Humanas
11659613 - Ciudades de Pelicula
11659612 - Espectros de Rayos X y Kerma En Aire
11659611 - Compendio Biografico-Tecnico de Las Parrandas Remedianas
11659610 - Cultura Organizacional y Valores En Cooperativas
11659609 - El Chateo Como Orden Discursivo Electronico
11659608 - El Buen Vivir Comunitario - Una Alternativa Civilizatoria
11659607 - El Fotoperiodismo En Su Nuevo Horizonte Digital
11659606 - Determinacion de Parametros Atmosfericos y Oceanograficos
11659605 - Cristeras, Las Mujeres En Combate
11659604 - Convertidores Electronicos de Potencia
11659603 - El Proceso Migratorio de Braceros del Caribe Anglofono
11659602 - Factores de Riesgo y Marcadores Somaticos de Aterosclerosis
11659601 - El Ultimo Camino
11659600 - Evaluacion del USO de Un Course Management System (CMS)
11659599 - Apuntes de Ciencias de La Tierra y del Medio Ambiente
11659598 - Economia Informal
11659597 - El Desafio de Humanizar El Trabajo
11659596 - Educando El Gusto Estetico de Escolares Con Retraso Mental Leve
11659595 - Educacion Superior E Innovacion
11659594 - Elaboracion y aplicacion de la estrategia L.A.C.I.
11659593 - Buscando La Ciudadania
11659592 - Enfoque Relacional del Diagnostico y Psicoterapia
11659591 - El Webtrust
11659590 - Evaluacion de Acero Al Carbon Recubierto Contra Corrosion Caliente
11659589 - Expresion de Hsp70 por UV-B en linfocitos humanos
11659588 - Conducta Delictiva y Autoridad Paterna
11659587 - Fotoneutrones y H*(10) En Un Linac de 18 Mv de USO Medico
11659586 - Alcoholismo En Adolescentes y Jovenes
11659585 - Breeding of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
11659584 - Design of Highway
11659583 - Funktsionirovanie Leksicheskikh I Frazeologicheskikh Predlogov
11659581 - Ab-initio Study of the Properties of Advanced Metal Nitrides
11659580 - Face Recognition using Independent Component Analysis
11659579 - Discovery Of Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors Using In Silico Docking Studies
11659578 - Anti-tobacco legislation
11659577 - Fuzzy Bitopology
11659576 - Extraction of U(vi)from High Ionic Strength Solutions by (Hddpa)
11659575 - Ectomycorrhiza
11659574 - Bacterial Flora and Pollution Level of the River Buriganga, Dhaka
11659573 - Cocrystal of Allopurinol
11659572 - Formulation and Evaluation of Albendazole Tablet
11659571 - An Evaluation of Financial Practices in investment decision making
11659570 - Dry Coating
11659569 - Cyclooxygenase
11659568 - Community Reintegration and the Basis for Reconciliation in Colombia
11659567 - Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Practices in Electronic Media
11659566 - ANFIS Models for Dynamic Load Balancing in 3GPP LTE
11659565 - A three component hazards of place model
11659564 - Electrical and Thermal Flows across Parallel Plates
11659563 - ALGAE BIODIESEL An Alternative Fuel For Diesel Engine
11659562 - Ad hoc Routing Protocols
11659561 - CFD Simulation of Airflow Distribution with Active Chilled Beam AC
11659560 - Anatomy of Mishima's Most Successful Play "Rokumeikan"
11659559 - Factors Affecting Conviction Rate in Criminal Justice System
11659558 - Anticancer Drug & Carbon Nanotubes
11659557 - Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry among people living with HIV
11659556 - Development and Validation of Anlytical Methods
11659555 - Cluster Based Secure Key Establishment Protocol for WSN
11659554 - BP's Brand Image
11659553 - Biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystem
11659552 - Biodegradable Nano-Clusters as drug delivery vehicles
11659551 - Antigipoksanty V Anesteziologii
11659550 - Aspects in the Care of Older Adult
11659549 - Extremely Visual & Incredibly Communal
11659548 - DC Drive Control System Design with Power Factor Correction
11659547 - Driving Toward a Global Consciousness
11659546 - Analysis of Conversations among Multilingual Nigerian (Shuwa) Arabs
11659545 - D.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)
11659544 - Financing of India's Balance of Payments
11659543 - Enterprise Content Management in the Cloud
11659542 - Digital Image Forensic
11659541 - A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility at Ashok Leyland Company
11659540 - Bioefficacy and residues of spinosad and emamectin benzoate on brinjal
11659539 - Analysis of Taste Disturbances Following Middle Ear Surgery
11659538 - Existentialism in African American Literature
11659537 - City of Joy
11659536 - Ecological Niche Modelling Of Potential Distribution Of Amphibians
11659535 - Comprehensive assessment of urbanized areas
11659534 - Evaluation of Student Ethics Management Models at Universities
11659533 - Creating Team Leadership
11659532 - Antimicrobial Films
11659531 - Backpain and Medical Community
11659530 - Brain MRI Segmentation using Texture Features
11659529 - Effects of Thermal Therapy on Human Cancer Cells
11659528 - Divide y venceras
11659527 - Control de la insuficiencia arterial en diabeticos tipo 2
11659526 - Agentes inteligentes para la correccion de errores estilisticos
11659525 - Alimentacion de peces con ensilaje de desechos pesqueros
11659524 - Evaluacion estrategica como un modelo de calidad institucional
11659523 - Aplicaciones de geotecnologias
11659522 - Convergencia digital
11659521 - Entorno virtual Facebook, herramienta de aprendizaje del diseno web
11659520 - Educacion de descendientes de inmigrantes japoneses.
11659519 - Boxeo, lesiones y calidad de vida, una trilogia para pensar
11659518 - Analisis de sistemas de adquisicion de datos de tarjetas RFID
11659517 - Alternativas tecnologicas en la destoxificacion de efluentes
11659516 - Comportamiento del concreto reciclado como agregado grueso en diseno de mezclas f 'c = 175 kg/cm2 y f 'c = 210 kg/cm2
11659515 - Capas de proteccion de un sistema de reformacion de hidrogeno
11659514 - Acumulacion por desposesion y conflictos espaciales
11659513 - Contruccion social de la identidad cultural en Chile
11659512 - Diseno e implementacion de un modulo didactico de control
11659511 - Analisis fisicoquimico y microbiologico cuenca Rio Nazas, Mexico
11659510 - El estudio de la figura humana en la representacion artistica
11659509 - Chile y el Pisco
11659508 - Capacidad de agencia de autocuidado en paciente con hemodialisis
11659507 - Apropiacion de habilidades TIC en estudiantes de FID
11659506 - Calidad del Humus de lombriz roja a partir de sustratos organicos
11659505 - Analisis del comportamiento dinamico de lechos empacados
11659504 - Caracteristicas del Self en mujeres con diagnostico de depresion
11659503 - Aportes para el analisis futuro en la Formacion de Ingenieros
11659502 - Diseno de un sistema de informacion utilizando tecnologia web
11659501 - Contaminacion ambiental con plaguicidas OrganoFosforados
11659500 - Accidentes provocados por animales venenosos en Colombia
11659499 - Construccion de ensamblajes supramoleculares de niquel(II)
11659498 - Evaluacion de metodos de propagacion de Pitahaya Amarilla
11659497 - Cooperacion Universitaria al desarrollo y Derechos Humanos
11659496 - Estrategias de afrontamiento
11659495 - Calidad de vida y gasto publico social en Colombia 1993-2000
11659494 - El control de convencionalidad de las normas constitucionales
11659493 - De las TIC a las TICAC como estrategia metodologica
11659492 - Estrategias para las PYMES en el sector textil y manufacturero
11659491 - Deteccion temprana de biocapas bacterianas en implantes
11659490 - Feria de emprendedores
11659489 - E-actividades y competencias digitales en la universidad
11659488 - Biondicador a exposicion de compuestos de plomo
11659487 - Fotografias vs. siluetas en la evaluacion de la imagen corporal
11659486 - Alfabetizacion tecnologica del docente
11659485 - El deporte desde una mirada psicopedagogica
11659484 - Biopsia en la cavidad oral
11659483 - Calidad del aire por fuentes fijas en Ambato, Ecuador
11659482 - Determinacion de metales pesados en la Peninsula de Guanahacabibes
11659481 - El proceso de diseno de objetos de aprendizaje
11659480 - Formas de sociabilidad en torno a una experiencia de microcredito
11659479 - Fisonomia del monte ribereno de la subcuenca Quiroz
11659478 - Comorbilidades en pacientes susceptibles a cirugia bariatrica
11659477 - B-learning para una educacion en valores del Buen Vivir
11659476 - Diseno preliminar de una planta de gas natural licuado (GNL)
11659475 - El amor era un trabajo temporal
11659474 - Barrios populares y produccion social del habitat en Bogota
11659473 - Buenos Aires. La cabeza de Goliat en la encrucijada y otros ensayos
11659472 - Administracion energetica empresarial
11659471 - Fotobiorreactor
11659470 - Estrategia didactica para la implementacion de un AVA
11659469 - Agricultura Sostenible
11659468 - Estado y autoridad escolar
11659467 - Alta Gerencia - Gestion de Competencias Profesionales
11659466 - Ensayos, vacilaciones y enigmas
11659465 - Artes Visuales
11659464 - El contrato de transaccion en la jurisprudencia puertorriquena
11659463 - Atisbos cristologicos en la obra de Edith Stein; Ciencia de la Cruz
11659462 - Compensacion de sobretensiones con generadores fotovoltaicos
11659461 - Dificultades en la lectura de graficos estadisticos - Pruebas grado 9°
11659460 - Derivados del petroleo
11659459 - Flora vascular Parque Litoral Laguna de Los Patos, Venezuela
11659458 - Factores del desarrollo fonetico articulatorio
11659457 - Aplicacion de corinebacterias en biorremediacion de arsenico
11659456 - Bancarizacion y desarrollo humano
11659455 - Asombros identitarios
11659454 - Epidemiologia veterinaria practica
11659453 - Didactica de la competencia investigativa
11659452 - De la actividad fisica al ejercicio fisico para el adulto mayor
11659451 - Didactica del analisis literario
11659450 - Concepto de derivada como razon de cambio
11659449 - Evolucion general de receptores de trasplante renal con Hepatitis C
11659448 - Centro Internacional de negocios Babel
11659447 - Evaluacion de sistemas de separacion gas liquido
11659446 - Caracterizacion e identificacion de la vegetacion
11659445 - Cambio climatico y desarrollo sostenible
11659444 - Estrategia de medicion de variables electricas para la eficiencia
11659443 - De la derivada a la funcion derivada con el uso de infinitesimales
11659442 - Experimentos de Fisica con Aplicacion de Metodos Estadisticos
11659441 - El sentido del gusto
11659440 - Cambios espaciales en la dinamica del ecosistema dunario
11659439 - Enfermedad por hipertension en jovenes
11659438 - Evaluacion de la eficiencia bancaria en Venezuela
11659437 - Caracterizacion molecular de mutaciones en el gen ? GLOBINA
11659436 - Ansiedad social en ninos con deficit mental
11659435 - Analisis de los tipos de curvas de declinacion de produccion
11659434 - Cambio organizacional hacia la organizacion flexible
11659433 - Aproximacion a la problematica de la depresion
11659432 - El uso del cuerpo femenino
11659431 - Clima, satisfaccion y violencia en ambientes laborales
11659430 - Construccion de textos
11659429 - Analisis de estabilidad de reologia de soluciones micelares de CTAT
11659428 - Aprendiendo desde el preescolar
11659427 - Estudio zooplanctonico en la costa norte golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela
11659426 - El arte de contar cuentos y rendir cuentas
11659425 - El espanol de Argentina
11659424 - A Review on Obesity and Its Management
11659423 - Antihypothyroidism activity of leaves of Cassia fistula Linn. on rats
11659422 - Community Spate Irrigation in Raya Valley
11659421 - Filosofskie Aspekty Vospitaniya
11659420 - Biospectral Studies of Some Trnsitionmetal Complexes of Phenoneoxime
11659419 - Critical Discourse Analysis
11659418 - Bullwhip effect and its behavioural causes
11659417 - A Study of English Romanticism and Sufism as Literary Movements
11659416 - Chto Takoe Dukhovnost'? Popytka Sotsial'no-Filosofskoy Tipologizatsii
11659415 - Analiz Nekotorykh Zadach Teorii Uprugosti Dlya Neodnordnykh Obolochek
11659414 - Context in Language Tests
11659413 - A new Solution to Peace 2000
11659412 - Financial Performance Analysis
11659411 - Functions of a Tertiary Care Hospital
11659410 - Elastomernye Kompozitsii S Novym Polifunktsional'nym Ingredientom
11659409 - Bridging Cultural Gaps Through Media Translation
11659408 - A Common pattern of disease
11659407 - Frontal Sinus Surgery
11659406 - An Evaluation of scaffolds in Regeneration of Necrotic Immature Teeth
11659405 - Factors Influencing Low Birth Weight
11659404 - Current and Prospects of Sustainable Energy Development in Ethiopia
11659403 - Edinovercheskaya Tserkov' V Zaural'e
11659402 - Customer Potential In Life Insurance A Research Report
11659401 - Co-design in Industrial Design Education
11659400 - Effect Of Physical Education Programme On Students Of Utttar Pradesh
11659399 - Beneath the Veil lies a Hidden Secret
11659398 - Compound Image Segmentation and Compression for Secure Transmission
11659397 - Color Congruence as an Influential Cue in Brand Attitude Formation
11659396 - Attitude of Teacher Educators Towards ICT
11659395 - Dispersive properties of the Dirac equation
11659394 - Emerging Trends in Financial Markets Integration
11659393 - Efficiency of ATMs in Tanzania
11659392 - Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of caesalpinia bonducella
11659391 - Antegonial Notch And Craniofacial Morphology
11659390 - DC Motor Fault Detection and Speed Characterization
11659389 - Baking New Cakes
11659388 - Analysis of beacon enabled ieee zigbee wireless network in wpan
11659387 - Design and evaluation of prolonged release gliclazide matrix tablets
11659386 - Bioisosters of nitrogen heterocyclics as microbial growth inhibitors
11659385 - Epidemiology of enteric and blood protozoa of Pakistan
11659384 - Cellular import and export of free and protein-bound vitamin B12
11659383 - Effect of chromium toxicity on germination and growth of chick pea
11659382 - Application of NQS in Pharmaceutical Analysis
11659381 - Analytical method development and validation for eprosartan
11659380 - A New Approach to Implement Atomic Data Types
11659379 - Biometric Fusion Studies
11659378 - Cross Layer Design in Adhoc Networks
11659377 - A Study of Surface and Surface-Volume Scattering
11659376 - Formal Education and Social Empowerment
11659375 - Cell Proliferative Markers in Canine Tumours
11659374 - Cerebral Stroke
11659373 - Competitive Analysis
11659372 - Amaranthus
11659371 - Development and Evaluation of an Electric Lawn Mower
11659370 - Agriculture Transformation and Development Economics in Rwanda
11659369 - Analiz Prilagatel'nykh So Znacheniem Kharakter Cheloveka V Russkom Yazyke
11659368 - Data Mining of medical informatics
11659367 - Competitive Intelligence for the Regional Development in Indonesia
11659366 - Bankrotstvo V Rossii
11659365 - Agribusiness of Fish Farm in Bangladesh
11659364 - Effective Vocabulary Teaching Techniques Used by EFL Teachers
11659363 - Anomalous Behavior of Stock Prices in India - Volume I
11659362 - Fish Farming in West Bengal
11659361 - Attitudes of Grade 11 Female Students Towards Physical Science
11659360 - Danish FDI in Lithuania
11659359 - Compton profile study of technologically important materials
11659358 - Contributions of Floor Slab in Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures
11659357 - Banking Efficiency and Productivity Growth in the Middle East
11659356 - Arbitration between Law & Politics
11659355 - Bit Loading for Mobile WiMAX Physical Layer
11659354 - Biodrainage and Carbon Sequestration
11659353 - Design and Statistical Analysis of High Performance Sram Cell
11659352 - Commercial Banks' Intermediation in Zimbabwe - 2009 to 2010
11659351 - Financial Health Analysis of Sugar Companies in India
11659350 - Formirovanie Professional'noy Kompetentnosti Uchitelya Nachal'nykh Klassov
11659349 - Dinamicheskie Kachestva I Resurs Kombinirovannykh Opornykh Uzlov Rotorov
11659348 - Essays on Corruption and Economic Growth
11659347 - A Descriptive Analysis of Mozart Piano Sonata
11659346 - Frevo and the Contemporary Dance Scene in Pernambuco, Brazil
11659345 - Design of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
11659344 - Designing an Infrared Robotic Telescope for Antarctica
11659343 - Financing University Education in Ghana
11659342 - Dietary Patterns and Obesity Risk Among Adults in Mongolia
11659341 - Co-inoculation Effect Of Gluconacetobacter And Am Fungi On Sugarcane
11659340 - Exploring Hospitality Sector Through Relationship Marketing
11659339 - Contentious Politics in the Maghreb
11659338 - Development of the 3D Volume Calculating Device
11659337 - 2.45GHz Microstrip Patch Antenna
11659336 - An Outline of Communicative Language Teaching in Bangladesh
11659335 - Attitude of Secondary School Teachers towards Teaching Profession
11659334 - Advanced Materials Research in Pavement
11659333 - Automated Negotiation Based on Virtual Intelligent Agents
11659332 - 'Ulama's Authority and the State of Exception
11659331 - Climate Change, Oil & Gas Industry, and Investors
11659330 - Finland
11659329 - A Study of Teachers Stress in Teaching English as a Second Language
11659328 - An Analysis of Customer Loyalty to Branded Farm Milk
11659327 - Consumer Acceptance of online Stores' in Bricks and Clicks e-commerce
11659326 - Automated RRM Optimization of LTE networks using Statistical Learning
11659325 - Disaster Management and Housing Provision
11659324 - Evaluation of a Clergy Stress Management Intervention
11659323 - Dealer Management System Implementation at Porsche Macedonia
11659322 - Deviantnoe Povedenie Podrostkov
11659321 - Content Based Image Retrieval Fundamentals & Algorithms
11659320 - Adaptive Approach towards Biometric Authentication System
11659319 - Effect of fruits of Opuntia ficus indica on Hemolytic Anemia
11659318 - Byudzhetirovanie V Sisteme Finansovogo Upravleniya
11659317 - Ekonomiko-Matematicheskie Modeli Investitsiy
11659316 - Developing the Speaking Ability in High School Students
11659315 - Computed Tomography Evaluation of Craniomandibular Articulation
11659314 - Analiz mekhanizmov kletochnykh reaktsiy vrozhdyennogo immuniteta iglokozhikh
11659313 - Changes in Fertility & Infant Mortality and Future Prospect in Bihar
11659312 - Faktor Prostranstvennoy Zakrytosti V Arkhitekture
11659311 - Economic Evaluation of Bean-Research Investment in Mexico
11659310 - Elementy teorii pravorealizatsii
11659309 - Anti-diabetic Potential of Trace Metals and Medicinal Plants
11659308 - Balanopostit U Detey
11659307 - Critical Thinking in Madrasa and Government Schools
11659306 - Balance and Fitness in Older Adults
11659305 - Chloroquine and Liver Histology
11659304 - Biznes - Analiz Deyatel'nosti Kompanii
11659303 - Determination of Lateral Dispersion of Gaseous Pollutants
11659302 - Dairy Knowledge Information System
11659301 - Enhanced flux pinning to high fields in YBCO & YBCO/Ag superconductors
11659300 - Functions and Formal and Stylistic Features of Kafa Proverbs
11659299 - Decomposition of Income Distribution among Farm Households
11659298 - Antropogenno-Narushennye Ekosistemy Prikaspiyskogo Regiona
11659297 - Economic Diversification in Resource Abundant Economies
11659296 - Decentralization
11659295 - Effects of grey imports on franchised dealers and the economy
11659294 - Assessment of Life-Approach Method of Teaching Crs
11659293 - Arche and Telos
11659292 - Al'ternativnyy Metod Resheniya Plasticheskikh Zadach Po Teorii Tekuchesti
11659291 - Energy Star Ratings for Neighbourhoods
11659290 - Bespozvonochnye V Mikrovolnakh
11659289 - Drenazhnye Sistemy Skorykh Fil'trov
11659288 - Evolution Towards Cloud
11659287 - Accounting standards and earnings management
11659286 - Assessment of Biochemical Leaching of Domestic Sewage Sludge
11659285 - Effectiveness of Computer Simulations in Physics Teaching/Learning
11659284 - Formirovanie kul'tury bezopasnosti u uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel'nykh shkol
11659283 - Employment impact of foreign direct investment
11659282 - Cytogenetic Effects of C.arvensis Extracts on Tumor Cell Lines
11659281 - Design and studies of some new controlled-release formulations
11659280 - Allied Health Graduates' First Year of Employment
11659279 - Audience Response Towards Television Advertisements
11659278 - Funktsional'naya Nagruzka Intonatsionnogo Tsentra V Angliyskom Yazyke
11659277 - Cloning and expression of recombinant Fasciola antigen?
11659276 - Fal'sifitsirovannaya I Kontrafaktnaya Naukoyemkaya Promyshlennaya Produktsiya
11659275 - Entrepreneurism
11659274 - Dental Phobia & Anxiety
11659273 - Dinamika Slozhnykh Mekhanicheskikh Sistem S Servosvyazyami
11659272 - Active Microwave Imaging for Mammography
11659271 - A Search for Redeemed Power and Dynamic Asymmetry
11659270 - Avoidable blindness
11659269 - Congestion Control Scheme for Mobile Communication Network
11659268 - Educational stress and advance education
11659267 - Emerging Communities of Practice in ESD
11659266 - Civil Engineering Materials Handbook for Technicians
11659265 - Chemistry of Dinucleating Macrocyclic Ligand and their Complexes
11659264 - Exploring local and global ideals of beauty in Turkey
11659263 - Feeding the Dream... Nurturing the Spirit... Winning in Visions
11659262 - Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
11659261 - Culture Building and Culture Development of Urban Life
11659260 - Bankovskaya Sistema Rossii V Kontekste Modernizatsii Ekonomiki
11659259 - A Comparative Analysis among Different Routing Protocols with QoS
11659258 - Copper resistant mould from industrial effluents
11659257 - Evaluation of Quality of Frozen Semen of Cattle
11659256 - Design of Quinazolones As Potential Novel Antibacterial Agents
11659255 - Analiz I Otsenka Riskov Kreditnogo Portfelya Kommercheskogo Banka
11659254 - A Study on Customer Perception towards Internet Banking
11659253 - Evaluation of the Ability of Periodontal-Derived Stem Cells
11659252 - Complementary role of environmental science
11659251 - Antidiabteic & Antifungal Activity of Family Euphorbiaceae
11659250 - Bakterial'nyy Melanin V Zhivotnykh Modelyakh Neyrodegeneratsii
11659249 - Action Cyber Crime Prevention Programme in Civics and Social Studies
11659248 - Formirovanie kompozitsionnykh umeniy u vzroslykh
11659247 - A Study on Fixed Point Theory
11659246 - Effect of Probiotic on Aggressive Periodontitis
11659245 - Effect Of Chemotherapy On Ascairiasis In Buffalo Calves
11659244 - Fibrillyatsiya Predserdiy
11659243 - Dream
11659242 - Forensic odontology
11659241 - Exceeding Expectations
11659240 - Developing Graphical Design Tool Using Eclipse Technologies
11659239 - Concept attainment quotient
11659238 - Effect Of Financial Management Policies On The Sustainability Of NGOs
11659237 - An effective application of wavelet transforms in video compression
11659236 - Decision Making For Business Growth
11659235 - Artificial Neural Networks
11659234 - Computer-Aided Cognitive Training for Average Scholastic Performance
11659233 - DigitalJewellery
11659232 - Computer Graphics
11659231 - Analysis on Digital Electronic Display System
11659230 - Assessment of Edible Wild Fruits
11659229 - Capitalism and Ethnicity
11659228 - Bolevoy Sindrom V Poyasnichnom Otdele Vo Vremya Beremennosti U Zhenshchin
11659227 - Caste System, Social Inequalities and Reservation Policy in India
11659226 - Fuel Wood Demand
11659225 - Alternative Sources of Funding Secondary Schools in Kenya, Africa
11659224 - Common Medical Disorders of Uro-Genital System
11659223 - Assessment Of Improved Market Infrastructure
11659222 - "The Challenge of Slum Development" Melatala-Dasnagar Slum Area of HMC
11659221 - Bifurcation Phenomena in Power System - Subsynchronous Resonance
11659220 - Biological investigation of the plant Boerhavia repens
11659219 - Development of Seed
11659218 - Excipient Functionality Enhancement
11659217 - Dolgovechnost' Metalloizdeliy Pri Raznykh Temperaturakh
11659216 - ESP Sample Textbooks Evaluation
11659215 - Composite Culture - A Reappraisal
11659214 - Dvorovyy Futbol
11659213 - Butenolide
11659212 - Analysis of Social Protection Programs in Pastoralist Areas
11659211 - Detection of Breast Cancer Microcalcifications in Mammograms
11659210 - Clinical Aspects of Hand Osteoarthritis
11659209 - Corporate Culture in Bulgaria - Reality and Challenges
11659208 - Changes in Phytoplankton Community Structure in Southern Caspian Sea
11659207 - Delivering Quality Service - A Pharmaceuticals Sector's Perspective
11659206 - Design and Analysis of Mill Elements
11659205 - A.A.Kofod I Deyatel'nost' Inspektorsko-Revizorskoy Chasti Guziz
11659204 - Experimental investigation of parabolic trough solar collector
11659203 - Analiz Struktury Khromatina I Transkriptsionnykh Kompleksov
11659202 - Fitting into the Shoes of Others
11659201 - Environmental Hazards
11659200 - Effect of Social Context on Motivation and Achievement of EFL Students
11659199 - A Presurgical Biomodel Manufacture Using Rapid Prototyping Technology
11659198 - Effects of 3D structured grids on computational modeling of flow
11659197 - Dividend Policy and Agency Theory on Emerging Stock Exchanges
11659196 - Ain't No Rest for the Brain
11659195 - Formirovanie Samootsenki V Supruzhestve
11659194 - A New MultiMaster Replication Method
11659193 - Energy Recovery Clocking Scheme to Achieve Ultra Low-Power
11659192 - Corticosteroids
11659191 - Form-focused Instruction of Formulaic Sequences
11659190 - Biogas Production-optimal conditions affecting gas yield
11659189 - Feature weighting for clustering
11659188 - Filming Postcolonial Casablanca
11659187 - Access to Chemistry (Vol III)
11659186 - An Evaluation of the Role of Csos in Promotion of Upe-Uganda
11659185 - Bus Encoder for Crosstalk avoidance in on-chip communication
11659184 - Anthropogenic Vegetation Changes on Uzi and Vundwe Islands
11659183 - Bovine Tuberculosis In DOTS Implemented Area of Nepal
11659182 - A Cooperative Architecture to Localize Targets for Underwater Vehicles
11659181 - Evaluation of Public Housing Strategies in Ogun State, Nigeria
11659180 - Energy from Waste Plastics
11659179 - Cancer and Nanodelivery
11659178 - Dielectric studies of Mg Substituted NiCuZn Ferrites
11659177 - Expressed Emotion & Family Burden in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
11659176 - An Integrated Approach
11659175 - Bankostrakhovanie
11659174 - Do No Harm
11659173 - Expectancy Violation in Dogs
11659172 - Designing a Liberal Arts University in New Zealand
11659171 - Effektivnost' Ispol'zovaniya Solnechnykh Sistem Teplosnabzheniya
11659170 - An Analysis of Poverty in Cash Cropping Economies of Rural Mozambique
11659169 - Bioecology of the invasive fruitfly Bactrocera invadens
11659168 - Developing Vocational Skills of Youths with Incomplete Schooling
11659167 - Coping With Water Shortages
11659166 - Digital Audio Watermarking
11659165 - Aural Regeneration
11659164 - Factors Associated with Rural Livelihood Activities
11659163 - Environmental Cleanup Using Photocatalytic Materials & Surfaces
11659162 - Dss for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Development
11659161 - Component Based Regression Testing Approaches Without Source Code
11659160 - Assessment of Sagittal Relationship between Maxilla and Mandible
11659159 - Enamines as Intermediates in the Heterocyclic Synthesis
11659158 - Factibilidad de Produccion de Cobre En Argentina
11659157 - Cuaderno de Jardineria
11659156 - El uso del software educativo en la licenciatura en Informatica
11659155 - Estudio comparativo de las modalidades de adquisicion de software
11659154 - Evaluacion de la estructura curricular problemica
11659153 - Diseno de un plan de recuperacion ante desastre (DRP)
11659152 - Curriculo Para La Ensenanza del Idioma Ingles
11659151 - Azudas de Larmahue en la region de O'higgins, Chile
11659150 - Farmacologia y Fitoquimica del Genero Solanum (Solanaceae)
11659149 - Dirofilaria immitis, correlacion con el EKG, y su Zoonosis
11659148 - El Caracter Intersectorial
11659147 - Ahorro de Energia
11659146 - Adsorcion E Incorporacion de Atomos de Cu En La Superficie (0001)Gan
11659145 - Espacio escolar y tribus urbanas
11659144 - Fenomenologia del Cuerpo
11659143 - Asesoria y Consultoria Farmaceutica
11659142 - Cambio Climatico En Zonas Semiaridas
11659141 - Celebrar, Comunicar, Educar
11659140 - El Espacio Como Principio Constituyente de La Realidad
11659139 - Fundamentos de electromagnetica para ingenieros
11659138 - Elaborar y Presentar Trabajos Fin de Grado, Master y Tesis Doctorales
11659137 - Contribucion Al Estudio de Los Aphyllophorales
11659136 - Estrategias de Marketing 3.0
11659135 - Ficoflora y Calidad del Agua del Arroyo Mista (Tucuman-Argentina)
11659134 - Aproximacion a la funcionalidad en la creacion
11659133 - Derrumbamiento de la Inquisicion
11659132 - Aplicaciones de Probabilidad y Estadistica a Problemas de Hidrologia
11659131 - Algoritmo de Compresion de Datos Multidimensionales
11659130 - Comprension de La Identidad Docente
11659129 - Aplicacion Web Para La Gestion de Informacion
11659128 - Embarazo y salud emocional
11659127 - Autoestima, Motivacion y Apoyo Familiar. Factores y Aprendizaje
11659126 - Como Gestar Un Homo Sovieticus En Casa?
11659125 - Economia y felicidad
11659124 - Comunicacion y Seguridad Ciudadana
11659123 - Diferencia de Valores Morales Entre Adictos y No Adictos
11659122 - Beneficios Socio Laborales En Venezuela
11659121 - Diseno de un modelo de aplicacion movil en entorno Android
11659120 - Desarrollo de un Modelo Estandar de EA para el software alasClinicas
11659119 - Estudio de puntos criticos de accidentalidad en la ciudad de Asuncion
11659118 - Cromatografia-Masas
11659117 - El voluntariado hoy
11659116 - Desarrollo del Pais Convoca a Aperturar Carreras En Ciencias Sociales
11659115 - Estrellas Que Se Opacan
11659114 - Construcciones Franciscanas en la Nueva Espana
11659113 - El homosexualismo politico
11659112 - Aspectos victimologicos en la politica de seguridad en Chile
11659111 - Desarrollo de pigmentos anticorrosivos amigables con el medioambiente
11659110 - Aceite de palma, analisis practico del negocio
11659109 - Detector pasivo de neutrones
11659108 - Crisis en la industria del futbol profesional espanol
11659107 - El uso de herramientas tecnologicas en traducciones corporativas
11659106 - Analisis tectonico en los Andes centrales sur a partir de modelos GOCE
11659105 - Centros Especiales de Empleo
11659104 - Exportacion de software en el contexto de una region emergente
11659103 - Evaluacion de especies Mexicanas de anis
11659102 - El caso de las Islas Salvajes
11659101 - Analisis de modelos de estudio en ortodoncia mediante CBCT
11659100 - Die Landrechte der indigenen Bevolkerung Malaysias-
11659099 - Ethologische Untersuchungen Im Melkstand
11659098 - Air Vision
11659097 - Das Phanomen "Deutschenfeindlichkeit" an deutschen Schulen
11659096 - Energy saving using smart glazing systems
11659095 - Beitrage zur Selbstaffinitat konvexer Polygone
11659094 - Betriebliche Kompetenzentwicklung Durch Informelle Lernprozesse
11659093 - Der Analyserahmen der Projektideenfindung in der Wohnungswirtschaft
11659092 - Conflict in Schools and its Management
11659091 - Framing Trust at the Street Level
11659090 - Environmental Politics
11659089 - Constructing PLNs for Non-Formal Workplace Learning
11659088 - Australian Families of Missing People
11659087 - Fem Based Strategy for Analysis of Rc Structures
11659086 - Privacy Preserving Data Mining - Issues & Techniques
11659085 - Application of Plant Derived Metabolites
11659084 - Economic Conditions In Early Andhra BC200 to 300AD
11659083 - Akarsz-e meggyogyulni?
11659082 - A 100 Uj Gyulekezet ebredesi terve
11659081 - Early Anglican Bishops in Bahamian History
11659080 - Born Again for Revelation Living
11659079 - Fenymozaikok
11659078 - Analysis of First Timothy
11659077 - Az Ige tukreben 1. resz
11659076 - A Gyulekezetvezeto kepe a pasztori levelekben
11659075 - Espiritualidad, Madurez Religiosa y Derechos Humanos
11659074 - Espiritualidad Ecologica
11659073 - Font, Un Corazon de Una Doble Pasion
11659072 - Amigos y En La Fe
11659071 - Cuando La Vida Muere En La Indiferencia
11659070 - Exorcismos; No. Exorcismo; Si.
11659069 - Candileja de Bendiciones
11659068 - El Discipulado En Aparecida
11659067 - Psychological therapies and mental health nursing
11659066 - Enterprise Risk Management and Sarbanes-Oxley
11659065 - Career Dynamics
11659064 - "Furundu", a Roselle Seed-based Fermented Food
11659063 - Causal Relationships in Economic Growth
11659062 - Friend or Foe
11659061 - Evaluations of Barley Genotypes for Irrigation and Drought Resistance
11659060 - A Handbook of High-Radix Combined Switches
11659059 - Biochemical Studies of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis Enzymes
11659058 - Ethical Decision-making And Corporate Governance
11659057 - Disputes in Construction
11659056 - Classroom Interactional Feedback in Second Language Acquisition
11659055 - Curriculum Issues in teaching English
11659054 - Optimal Portfolio Management in Highly Volatile Markets
11659053 - 3,4-Diaryl Substituted Polythiohene Derivatives with Various Spacers
11659052 - Effects Of Drug Abuse In Secondary Schools
11659051 - Bioavailability of macular carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin
11659050 - A Class of Multivariate Skew Distributions
11659049 - Early Clinical Exposure in Classroom Setting
11659048 - Aug Start Codon Recognition by Bacterial Ribosomes
11659047 - Architectural Grotesque
11659046 - Effects of Seasonal Hunger on Socio-cultural Value Systems
11659045 - Ensayos por el camino. Un enfoque teologico desinhibido
11659044 - Desde el Vientre
11659043 - Como mejorar la Predicacion Sagrada
11659042 - Cien Curvas
11659041 - Conozcamos Nuestra Fe
11659040 - El Cristo Que He Buscado
11659039 - Cryotosporidiosis, treating and culturing trials
11659038 - A Survey Robot
11659037 - Access to Health Care and Patient Safety
11659036 - Fostering Learner Identity Through Education Partnerships
11659035 - Fundamental questions on the patello- and tibiofemoral knee joint
11659034 - GSM System Security
11659033 - Disability Rights in Africa
11659032 - Action Research Concerning Women Empowerment
11659031 - Determinants of Debt Maturity in Indian Corporate Sector
11659030 - Analysis of Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network
11659029 - Impact Of Microfinance On Income & Employment Generation
11659028 - Application of Dairy Effluent on Growth of Agriculture Crops
11659027 - Cache Energy Optimization Techniques for Modern Processors
11659026 - Evolution and Analysis of Neuromorphic Flapping Wing Flight Control
11659025 - Change in the Chemical Composition of Onion during Storage
11659024 - Congestion Management for HPC Interconnects Using Distributed Routing
11659023 - Fulvous Fruit Bat Populations from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab
11659022 - The triple burden of trauma, uprooting and settlement
11659021 - A Comparison of Auditory Brainstem Response
11659020 - Development of a 3D Log Processing Optimization System
11659019 - Class and Status Identity Among Information Technology Employees
11659018 - Contributors of Achievement of Teacher Trainees
11659017 - A Study of Intercultural Contact & L2 Motivation for Saudi Sojourners
11659016 - Africa-China Relations
11659015 - In utero polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon effects on fetal growth
11659014 - Corporate Social Responsibility. Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives
11659013 - A New Model for Explaining Obesity in African American Women
11659012 - Alfred Hitchcocks Filme Im Zeichen Der Kunstlerischen Moderne
11659011 - Data Quality Analysis for Food Composition Databases
11659010 - Entscheidungsfindung Fur It-Outsourcing
11659009 - Die Konstruktion Des Krieges
11659008 - Die Feldartillerie Von 1550 Bis 1650
11659007 - (Alltags-)gerausche in der Musik
11659006 - Entwicklung eines kollaborativ zu losenden Kreuzwortratsels im Web
11659005 - Auszuge aus Schullehrbuchern - Mathematik, Physik, Chemie und Biologie
11659004 - Die relative Solmisation als Gehorbildungskonzept
11659003 - Die Absicherung von Fremdwahrungskrediten
11659002 - Die Verarbeitung der Jugoslawienkriege im serbischen Film
11659001 - Bettines Tanz Mit Der Kunst
11659000 - Die zahnarztliche Hygienepraxis
11658999 - Demokratische Legitimitat der Europaischen Union
11658998 - Empirical Analysis of Sector Rotation
11658997 - Engel Im Wandel
11658996 - Dystopian Regimes in Collins "The Hunger Games" and Orwell?s "1984"
11658995 - Bevolkerungswachstum
11658994 - Emissionszertifikatehandel in Der Eu
11658993 - Chancengerechte Schule fur Alle?
11658992 - Anticipations of Aestheticism in Robert Browning's Poetry
11658991 - Das BIP ein Wohlstandsindikator?
11658990 - Die Entwicklung der Osterreichischen Hochschulerschaft
11658989 - Der unternehmerische Erfolg von Grundern aus der Arbeitslosigkeit
11658988 - CSR in China
11658987 - Eine sprach- und kulturhistorische Analyse von Kinderreimen
11658986 - Digitale Zusammenarbeit in Jungen, Innovativen Unternehmen
11658985 - Ernahrung im Wandel der Zeit
11658984 - Die Balanced Scorecard zur strategischen Steuerung im Vertrieb
11658983 - Burnout-Prophylaxe Im Pflegeberuf
11658982 - Automotive Cluster in Russland
11658981 - Die glaserne Decke im Top-Management
11658980 - Drivers & Barriers for the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies
11658979 - Business Intelligence
11658978 - Eventtourismus in Karnten
11658977 - Fuhren Ohne Weisungsbefugnis
11658976 - Berechnung von nichtlinearen Schieberegistern
11658975 - Expatriates in Russland
11658974 - Faszination Festival
11658973 - Die Chancen und Grenzen des Videojournalismus
11658972 - Berufseinstieg im Controlling
11658971 - Die mediale Entwicklung im Handballsport
11658969 - Family Planning and Development
11658968 - Dynamics of nitrogen responses to wheat under moisture stress
11658967 - Environmental Education
11658965 - Fundamentals of English Jurisprudence
11658964 - "Cleofide" von Johann Adolph Hasse vor dem Hintergrund seiner Zeit
11658962 - An investigation into a local Church's Response to HIV in South Africa
11658961 - Computer Science MCQ's and Interview Questions
11658960 - GASP/GSVP-Militardoktrin
11658959 - Behavior of the Indian Stock Market
11658957 - Die tiergestutzte Therapie mit Hund
11658956 - Advertising Fashion Brands to the UK Ethnic Market
11658955 - Drogensucht - Mediale Darstellung versus Realitatsgehalt
11658954 - Autism, Family Life and Short Breaks
11658953 - Beyond Blurred Genres
11658952 - Balancing the forces for training programs and work alignment
11658951 - Estimating Couples' Response to Price Changes in Contraceptives
11658950 - Development of Functional Diets for Larval Fish
11658949 - Financial Governance in NGO's
11658948 - Exploring the Combining Abilities in Tomato
11658947 - A Dictionary of Ornithological Terms
11658944 - Acoustic Study of Akan Nasals
11658941 - Become A Scientist
11658940 - A comprehensive guide to valuate IT and IT-security investments
11658939 - Current Drive by Helicon Waves
11658938 - Bundestagswahl 2002
11658937 - Breaking Down the Homogenized View of Asian American Academic Success
11658936 - Contextual Interaction and Bicultural Marginality
11658935 - A Bit-Serial Implementation of the AES Encryption Algorithm
11658934 - China's Economic Expansion in Latin America
11658933 - Biopesticides and Cotton insect pest
11658932 - Effect of Service Delivery and Quality on Customer Satisfaction
11658930 - Determinants of Profitability and Productivity Analysis
11658927 - Fiction and the Meaning of Place
11658926 - A History of Sinasa people
11658925 - An Introduction to Spanish Phonology
11658924 - Challenges and Opportunities of Local Seed Business sector in Ethiopia
11658923 - Affordance Based Design
11658922 - A Study on Unequal Facilities in Elementary Schools of INDIA
11658921 - Carriage of Goods by Sea
11658920 - Development of Wheat Stem Rust Epidemics in Ethiopia
11658919 - Firm Size, Growth and Profitability
11658918 - Erfassung, Bewertung und Katalogisierung von Denkmalgruppen
11658917 - Crossmediale Werbestrategien
11658916 - "Mind the gap"
11658915 - Evaluation of Lucern as a Predator Source for Wheat Aphids
11658914 - Festung oder Zivilmacht?
11658913 - Beratung im Alltag der offenen Jugendarbeit
11658912 - Diagnostic Reference Levels at the Dr George Mukhari Hospital
11658911 - Double Intercropping of Pulse with Cereal in Ethiopia
11658910 - Forest Extension Service Delivery
11658908 - Assessment of microfinance impact in Ghana
11658907 - Dental implants at glans
11658906 - Deep Learning
11658905 - Enzyme immobilization and applications using nanostructured materials
11658904 - Fremdsprache Englisch und Legasthenie
11658903 - Catalytic Hydrogen Production from Bioethanol
11658902 - Abschatzung von Quellschuttungen in Trockenperioden mit Pegeldaten
11658901 - Der SS-1, ein Synthesizer fur 5.0-Surround
11658900 - Der neue Buromietvertrag nach HGB
11658899 - Choice of Marketing Channels under Transaction costs
11658898 - Corporate Social Responsibility
11658897 - Aktive Regenerationsmassnahmen im Fussball
11658895 - GENERIC DRUGS
11658894 - Decentralization and Poverty Reduction
11658893 - DNA - Im Fokus der Kriminalistik
11658892 - Der Falkland-Krieg
11658891 - A Comparison of Tomb Art
11658890 - Coordinating Conjunction
11658889 - Die Minarettinitiative in der deutschschweizerischen Presse
11658888 - Die Rolle der Entwicklungslander in der Doha-Runde der WTO
11658886 - Aggregative Mechanics
11658885 - Evaluierung eines Enzym-Assays zur Laktatmessung im Speichel
11658884 - Digital Preservation in Norway's Record Keeping and Archiving Traditions
11658883 - Catholic and Protestant Churches' views on Women Ordination
11658882 - Developing a CSR Program for a regional cooperative bank
11658881 - Behinderung und Geschichte
11658880 - Difference in Academic Performance Among First Grade Children
11658879 - Effects of Music Therapy on Joint Attention in Children with Autism
11658877 - Competitive Balance in der TOYOTA Handball Bundesliga
11658876 - Cognitive Tutor Geometry Curriculum
11658874 - After the Color Revolutions
11658873 - Enforcement der Rechnungslegung in Europa
11658872 - Erzahl mir deinen Traum - Gesprache mit Kindern uber das Traumen
11658869 - Biological Metal Molecules
11658868 - Anthropogenic pollution of Lake Hawassa, southern Ethiopia
11658867 - Effect on Management and immunity of broilers rearing under stress
11658865 - Adoption of Trapezoidal Water Harvesting Ponds in Northern Ethiopia
11658863 - Einsatzmoglichkeiten von ITIL in KMU
11658862 - Analysis of Elastic Filaments Conveying a Fluid and a Numerical Study
11658860 - Found in Translation
11658859 - Cattle Fattening by Growth Stimulating Drugs
11658858 - Die kollisionsrechtliche Anknupfung der Produkthaftung
11658857 - E-Governance Framework at the Local Government Level
11658855 - Analog Baseband Processor for a 5 GHz WLAN Receiver
11658854 - Financial Crisis in the United States
11658853 - Bioplastic production in plastic age
11658852 - Engineering principles for open socio-technical systems
11658850 - Dynamic Universe Model
11658849 - Altern in Diapause
11658847 - Eternal Cuddle
11658846 - Black Europeans, the Indian Coolies and Empire
11658844 - Approaches of Wound Healing Properties of Tropical Medicinal Plant
11658843 - Determination of Premature Ventricular Contraction Beat in ECG signal
11658842 - Computational Studies of the Mechanisms of Organometallic Reactions
11658841 - Coping with the psychosocial challenges of HIV/AIDS
11658840 - Beteiligungsrechte im BetrVG und dem BPersVG sowie den LPVG
11658838 - Children and Art
11658837 - Cyclone Resistant Village Development Plan for Coastal Region
11658836 - Democracy Promotion in the Middle East
11658834 - Eucalyptus Dieback in Pakistan
11658833 - Game Ranger's Diary
11658832 - Facial Expression Analysis
11658831 - A feminist reading of two unconventional Biblical women
11658829 - Effectiveness of an Upflow Roughing Filter for High Turbidity Water
11658827 - Energy Management in Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Co-Simulation
11658826 - Attitudes Of Business Income Tax Payers' Towards Taxation
11658824 - Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
11658823 - Corporate Social Responsibility vis-a-vis Natural Resource Management
11658822 - Computer program development for house cost calculation
11658820 - A Receptor-ligand Pair of Natural Killer Cells
11658819 - Edgeworth Expansion and Saddle Point Approximation
11658818 - Data Exchange Standards in the Public Sector
11658817 - Decentralized Educational Management
11658816 - Crowdsourcing
11658815 - Access Network Selection in Heterogeneous Networks
11658814 - Food Security Challenges and Prospects in Ethiopia
11658813 - "Hier ist das Ratsel"
11658812 - Customary Settings for Dispute settlement
11658811 - Evaluation and Modification of Static Head Restraint Testing Machine
11658809 - Das osterreichische Deutsch in der Gastronomie
11658808 - A Transferable Employee Retention Model
11658807 - Economic and Biological Aspects of Vaccinations
11658806 - Child Psychotherapy
11658805 - Fate of Cyfluthrin in soil-plant system
11658804 - Exploring public views and perceptions of facial disfigurement
11658803 - Effects of performance swimming on cardiovascular system
11658802 - Academic Achievment in Secondary Schools in Papua New Guinea
11658801 - Faith Based Organizations Empowering Vulnerable Children, South Africa
11658800 - CULTIVATION OF ARTEMISIA (Artemisia annua l.) IN ETHIOPIA
11658799 - Educational Research
11658798 - A special form of child abuse
11658796 - Challenges and Prospects of Private Investment In Ethiopia
11658795 - Freedom of Association
11658793 - Customer Information System
11658792 - Afar Politics and Its Implication In The Horn of Africa
11658791 - Eavesdropping on the Atisokanak
11658790 - Ethnographic Art of Sirigu
11658789 - Ballgefuhl vs. sexy Pferdeschwanze
11658787 - Brauchen Kinder Rituale?
11658786 - Ein Kunstwerk zur Uberwindung des Leides
11658785 - Conditions for Primary School Improvement in Oromia Regional State
11658784 - Deposition and Characterization of Carbon Film
11658783 - Automatisierung von Requirements Traceability
11658780 - Erstellung CMSD-konformer Dokumente mittels einer Webanwendung
11658779 - Bindung des Zivilrichters an strafrechtliche Erkenntnisse
11658778 - Die Besteuerung von Finanzintermediaren
11658776 - Friction stir welding of Mg AZ31B
11658775 - Das Burnout Syndrom aus dem Blickwinkel des Psychodramas
11658774 - Analyse und Bewertung der InDesign Markup Language
11658773 - "Das ungewohnlich Normale"
11658772 - Das Kongresshaus 2030
11658771 - Fechten
11658770 - Ehrenamtliche Tatigkeit im Asylbereich in Niederosterreich
11658769 - Chromatic polynomials and chromaticity of some linear h-hypergraphs
11658768 - Enforcement der Rechnungslegung
11658766 - Empirical Analysis of Freeway Traffic Oscillation
11658764 - Galilean Theoretical Mechanics
11658763 - Formen der Moralbegrundung in der Sportethik
11658762 - Auswirkungen von Bindungsreprasentationen auf die visuelle Wahrnehmung
11658761 - Ailing and Hospitalization In India
11658760 - Applications of Fuzzy Logic Time Control in Industrial Automation
11658759 - Die Elektrotechnische Ausstellung in Frankfurt 1891 und die Folgen
11658758 - Erziehung zu Freiheit und Unabhangigkeit
11658757 - Die Blue Card EU und die Probleme ihrer Umsetzung in Deutschland
11658756 - Die USA und die Entstehung Israels
11658755 - Changing Approaches to Musical Practice and Education
11658754 - Dynamic Pattern of Networks and Small Business Development
11658753 - Forest Cover Change and Vulnerability
11658752 - A Two-Parameter Correlation of Teletraffic
11658751 - Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles
11658750 - Ethnic Advertising
11658749 - Der Musiktherapeut als Coach
11658748 - Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems with Imperfect Kinematic Joints
11658747 - Aus der Biographie eines Menschen mit Behinderung
11658746 - (Foreign) Tourism Investment in the South Pacific Region
11658745 - Computer Assisted Instruction in Sanskrit
11658743 - Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Concerns in West Bengal, India
11658742 - Ernahrungswandel 1946-1960
11658741 - Diallel Analysis for some Agronomic Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
11658740 - Fate of Silver in an Aquatic System Inhabited by Hediste diversicolor
11658739 - Bela Bartoks Sonate fur Solovioline
11658738 - Das Kreditrisiko im Konjunkturverlauf
11658737 - Do Looser Hedge Fund Regulations Lead To Better Performance?
11658736 - Die Symbolik der Freimaurer in barocker Bildprogrammatik
11658735 - Early Adolescents' Perceived School Environment
11658734 - Entrepreneurship and Risk
11658733 - An Improved Rationale for Public Choice
11658731 - Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Geometry In The Primary School
11658730 - Beliefs and Strategies
11658727 - An introduction to Solar System to Drive Base Transceiver System
11658726 - Controlling verschiedener Supply Chain Typen
11658725 - Der Verfuhrer und die Verfuhrerin im Burgerlichen Trauerspiel Lessings
11658724 - BRAZIL - Opportunities For German Environmental Technology Companies
11658723 - Factors Influencing Work Motivation of Development Agents
11658722 - East African Customs Union and Foreign Direct Investment in Uganda
11658721 - Fiscal Federalism in India
11658719 - An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Spirit in 1 Peter
11658718 - Access to Justice and Informal Courts
11658717 - Demand Effective Intra-City Bus Service for a Secondary City
11658716 - Assessment of Physio-genetic Traits for Drought Tolerance in maize
11658715 - Expression and Mutational study of recombinant mouse IRF-2
11658714 - Development Planning
11658712 - Climate Change, Man-made Destruction and the Loss of Rural Livelihoods
11658711 - Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction
11658710 - AhR-Binding pollutants in aquatic environment
11658709 - Bit-Serial Architecture Optimizations
11658708 - Analytical Treatment of Quantized Electromagnetic Field
11658707 - Emerging Out of Shadow
11658705 - Freedom of Expression v. Hate Speech
11658704 - Entwicklung des Jexo Frameworks fur OpenOffice.org Extensions
11658703 - Floating Microballoons for oral delivery of Domperidone
11658702 - Application of the Snowmelt Runoff Model
11658701 - Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in freshwater macrophytes
11658700 - Climate Refugees
11658699 - Determinants of Kerosene and LPG Demand in Ethiopa
11658697 - From Denmark to Pride Rock
11658696 - Emotional Engineering through the Application of Fuzzy Logic
11658693 - Exploring Academic Scientific Productivity
11658692 - Child Mortality Risk Factors with associated Socio-economic Inequality
11658691 - Electrification of Rural Areas Using Solar Energy
11658690 - Biology of groupers in inshore waters
11658689 - Effects of Teacher Mediation on Student Conceptions and Approaches
11658688 - Customer Satisfaction and Service Loyalty in Banking Industry
11658687 - Die Konstruktion kollektiver Identitat
11658686 - "Gender or Socio-political Background? War in Savushun and Landlocked
11658685 - Finding Meaning in Suffering
11658684 - Applied Linguistics and Translation
11658683 - Characterisations of Base Course Materials For Flexible Pavements
11658682 - Corona and Laser Ignition in Internal Combustion Engines
11658681 - Evaluation of Voluntary Counseling and Testing Service
11658680 - Effects of HIV/AIDS on Sugar Industry in Kenya
11658679 - "Rauber und Gendarm"
11658677 - Conservation of the Dugong along the Andaman Coast of Thailand
11658676 - Analysing the effects of human activities on aquatic ecosystems
11658675 - Durability Prediction of Composites through Continuum Damage Mechanics
11658674 - Application of semiconductor quantum dots in quantum computing
11658673 - Development of a Plug & Play Concept for Industrial Automation
11658672 - Autonomos Railway Vehicle Control System
11658671 - Development of Advanced Surface Coatings for Decorative Applications
11658670 - Deutsche und marokkanische Jugendsprache
11658669 - Die Dilts-Strategie und was wirkt noch?
11658668 - Compressive Spectral and Coherence Imaging
11658666 - Concepts Made Concrete
11658665 - Aspekte zur Wahrnehmung des Summenlokalisationseffekts
11658664 - Die duale Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann/zur Industriekauffrau
11658663 - Cash Reserves during the Financial Crisis
11658662 - Die Drogen- und Suchtproblematik
11658661 - Are Parents and Teachers Enemies?
11658660 - Deregulation of the Downstream Petroleum Sector in Nigeria
11658659 - Analysis and evaluation of learning strategies using 2D and 3D VLE
11658656 - English Language Classroom Anxiety
11658655 - F&E Aufholbedarf Kroatiens im EU-Kontext
11658651 - Ertanzte Bildung - Lernende Korper
11658650 - Aufmerksamkeitsstorungen in Grundschulen
11658649 - Bacterial Mastitis of Cattle and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns
11658648 - Children's Literature in Malaysian Primary Schools
11658647 - Eventplanung und Eventkonzeption im Sport
11658646 - Development Initiatives by Foreign Funded NGOs in Bangladesh
11658644 - Comparative Company Law
11658643 - Espanola
11658642 - Conventional Approach of Planning Drainage System for an Urban Area
11658641 - Fruhkindliche Bildung und Erziehung heute
11658640 - Die organisationsrechtliche Stellung der Universitatsbediensteten
11658639 - ETHIOPIAN HIGHLAND BAMBOO (Yushania alpina) and rural economy
11658638 - Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Clinical Knowledge Discovery in Databases
11658636 - Branchensituation und Entwicklungspotentiale der Pelletsbranche
11658635 - Code-switching and code-mixing in Pakistani English Novels
11658634 - Assessment of sediment transport processes
11658633 - Female headed farmers' participation in agricultural extension
11658632 - Adding Customer Value Through Effective Distribution Strategy
11658629 - Freizeit und Behinderung
11658628 - Fall in Elderly Diabetes
11658627 - An infrared view of protostellar shocks
11658626 - Culinary Festival Visitors
11658625 - A Study on Rural Road Pavement Performance
11658623 - A Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Augmented Reality Interfaces
11658622 - Export Puzzles
11658621 - Erfolgsfaktoren der Fuhrung virtuell interagierender Projektteams
11658620 - A Portrait of the Artist as a Bricoleur
11658618 - 'Somalia lives with me'
11658617 - Association of Nematodes with Rice and Their Control
11658615 - Erfolgsfaktoren der Dachmarke "Sudtirol"
11658614 - Feminism's Unfinished Legacy
11658612 - Domestic Influences for Interstate Cooperation
11658611 - Efficient HIV/AIDS care in resource-limited settings
11658609 - Coastal hazard and Risk analysis in the gulf of Cambay, India
11658608 - Calculation and Simulation of Q-switched Laser Ignition Sources
11658607 - Determinants of Public Attitudes Toward the Police
11658606 - Drug Discovery of Inflammation through Complement receptors
11658605 - Die Wissensbilanz als Instrument der strategischen Unternehmensfuhrung
11658604 - Classroom Discourse in Bilingual Context
11658603 - Art Museums in Global Age
11658602 - CERES and Fast Cut-Elimination
11658601 - Canada's Multiculturalism Policy
11658600 - Do Small Enterprises study Competitors?
11658599 - Ein dezentraler Ansatz fur computergesteuerte Einheiten in DeltaStrike
11658598 - Ethnic and Male/Female Diversity and the Performance of European Banks
11658597 - Autoimmunity in Chronic Periodontitis
11658596 - "There is Work To Be Done"
11658595 - Design and Implementation of a Controller for a Laser Tracking System
11658594 - Combating HIV
11658593 - "...ein Restrisiko bleibt immer!?"
11658592 - Evolutionary Psychology
11658591 - Comparative Analysis of Western-European, American and Ukrainian
11658590 - Biogeochemistry of the II.A group elements in a forested catchment
11658589 - Chiral Extension of Lattice Field Theory with Ginsparg-Wilson Fermions
11658587 - Forest Valuation under Carbon Pricing
11658586 - Education Reform at the "Edge of Chaos"
11658585 - Discurso, retorica y agencia del criollo mexicano
11658584 - Culture as a Catalyst in L.
11658583 - Design for Global Markets
11658582 - An Investigation of Psychological Effects on American Troops - The US Occupation of Iraq
11658581 - A Graph Theoretic Approach to Heterogeneous Data Clustering
11658580 - Bartolome de Las Casas und die Rechte der Ureinwohner in Amerika
11658579 - Decision Making Best Practices - A case study of artificial reef decision making in the Florida Keys
11658578 - Ablative Nano- Composites
11658577 - Cost Allocation Problems on Connection Networks in an interactive cooperative setting
11658576 - Environmental Audit and Compliance
11658575 - Development and Application of Occupational Health and Safety Benchmarking Tool
11658574 - 2D Coordinate System of the Heart
11658573 - Accounting for Financial Instruments
11658572 - An Instructional Designer Learns about Technology Integration
11658571 - Aphrodite's Bosom
11658570 - Arctic Climate and Its Change from Space - Characteristics, Trends, Linkage to Global Climate Change
11658569 - Extended Testing Time for College Students with Learning Disabilities
11658568 - Asymptotic Analysis of Stationary Random Tessellations
11658567 - E-business Planning and Decision-Making Processes - A Qualitative Study of Strategy
11658566 - From Depression to Aggression
11658565 - English Phrasal Verbs in Ontological Semantics
11658564 - From Lipid Bilayers to Synaptic Vesicles
11658563 - Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Bioinformatics
11658562 - Effects of Naturally Occurring Compounds on Human Cancer Cells
11658561 - Achieving Food Security Through Food System Resilience
11658560 - A Hybrid Equalizer/ Rake Receiver
11658559 - Children with Visual Disorders - Cognitive development, developmental disorders and consequences for treatment and counselling
11658558 - An Architectural Prognosis
11658557 - Critical Pedagogy as Praxis
11658556 - Electronic Properties of Silicon-based Nanostructures
11658555 - An Explanatory Mixed Methods Content Analysis of Two State Level Correctional Institutions
11658554 - A Communication Perspective on Leadership
11658553 - Designing Models to Elucidate Radical Reaction Mechanisms
11658552 - Epistemic Logic Planning - Case-Based Planning Adaptation, Using Epistemic Logic Revision for Robot's Decision Making
11658551 - China's Korean Minority
11658550 - Age-Related Memory Loss
11658549 - Black Non-Family Households
11658548 - Buhne frei fur die Verschworer
11658547 - A Schaefferian Sociology
11658546 - "It's not my job to teach them writing."
11658545 - Dying to Help
11658544 - African American College Students at Black versus White Institutions
11658543 - A Dynamic Network Model for Imbibition
11658541 - A Practical Framework for Adaptive Metaheuristics
11658540 - Economic and Trade Relations Between the European Union and South Korea
11658539 - Efficient Security for Mobile Communication Utilizing Elliptic Curves
11658538 - Decentralized Control of Interconnected Systems
11658537 - Applications of GIS in Community Forestry
11658536 - Childcare Worker Assumptions about Caring
11658535 - Coming Out of the Coven
11658534 - Electrophoretic Display Applications - Technical, Ecological and Economic Aspects
11658533 - Connecting School Culture to Boys' Learning
11658532 - Econometric Model Selection
11658531 - Benchmarking Based Process Re-engineering for Construction Management
11658530 - Cusp Forms, Spanning Sets, and Super Symmetry
11658529 - Expressive Arts-Based Learning for Leadership Development - An Integral Approach
11658528 - Behavior of Wood in Case of Fire
11658527 - Breastfeeding Attitudes - A Comparison between Junior and Senior Nursing Students
11658526 - The Taluqdari Settlements in Oudh (Classic Reprint)
11658525 - Farrington Memorial
11658524 - The Land of Fair Play, How America Is Governed (Classic Reprint)
11658523 - With Wordsworth in England
11658522 - The Novels, Stories, Sketches and Poems of Thomas Nelson Page (Classic Reprint)
11658521 - Seven Sermons Upon the Following Subjects
11658520 - Turner's North Carolina Almanac, for the Year of Our Lord 1893, Vol. 9
11658519 - The Legacy of an Octogenarian
11658518 - Original Notes on the Book of Proverbs, Vol. 2
11658517 - Illustrated Catalogue of the Valuable Paintings and Sculptures by the Old and Modern Masters, Forming the Famous Catholina Lambert Collection, Removed From Belle Vista Castle, Paterson, New Jersey (Classic Reprint)
11658516 - The Lyric Songs of the Greeks
11658515 - History of Cuyahoga County, Ohio
11658514 - Fifteen Months Among the Kaffirs (Classic Reprint)
11658513 - Respiratory Care, Vol. 40
11658512 - The Story of France, Vol. 1 of 2
11658511 - Popular History of Noble County Capitals and Greater Albion
11658510 - Die Stationsatmosphare der Klinik
11658509 - The History and Genealogy of the Van Deusens of Van Deusen Manor, Great Barrington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts (Classic Reprint)
11658508 - The Phenomena and Laws of Heat (Classic Reprint)
11658507 - Primer of Design (Classic Reprint)
11658506 - Official Record of the Holston Annual Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Sixty-Third Session
11658505 - An Inquiry Into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
11658504 - On the Form and Structure of the Manatee (Manatus Americanus) (Classic Reprint)
11658503 - Murmurmontis, 1916 (Classic Reprint)
11658502 - The Biblical Illustrator, or Anecdotes, Similes, Emblems, Illustrations, Expository, Scientific, Georgraphical, Historical, and Homiletic, Gathered From a Wide Range of Home and Foreign Literature, on the Verses of the Bible, Vol. 1
11658501 - The Ladye Nancye, Vol. 3 of 3
11658500 - Kitty Grafton
11658499 - Kay's Edinburgh Portraits, Vol. 2 of 2
11658498 - A History of Water-Colour Painting in England (Classic Reprint)
11658497 - The Altruist (Classic Reprint)
11658496 - Kindergarten Stories for the Sunday School and Home (Classic Reprint)
11658495 - Greek Vases (Classic Reprint)
11658494 - The Battle of Gettysburg
11658493 - The Life of Me (Classic Reprint)
11658492 - How to Teach to Read
11658491 - Lyra Sacra (Classic Reprint)
11658490 - Seals (Classic Reprint)
11658489 - Russell on the Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards and References Under Order of Court
11658488 - Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea (Classic Reprint)
11658487 - Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica, Vol. 3
11658486 - The Pennsylvania-German Society Proceedings and Addresses at Ephrata, Oct; 20, 1899, Vol. 10 (Classic Reprint)
11658485 - A General Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Engraved Portraits (Classic Reprint)
11658484 - Illustrations of the Divine Government in Remarkable Providences (Classic Reprint)
11658483 - The Story of Manitoba, Vol. 3
11658482 - Livy's History of Rome, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
11658481 - Complete Version of Ye Three Blind Mice (Classic Reprint)
11658480 - Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning
11658479 - Memorial Addresses in Honor of General John B. Sanborn, at the Monthly Council Meeting of the Minnesota Historical Society, in the State Capitol, St. Paul, Minn;, Monday Evening, October 10, 1904 (Classic Reprint)
11658478 - Eleonore
11658477 - Edinburgh (Classic Reprint)
11658476 - Twenty-Eighth Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Monmouth College for the Academical Year Ending June 19, 1884 (Classic Reprint)
11658475 - Rotuli Hugonis De Welles, Episcopi Lincolniensis, Vol. 1
11658474 - An Abstract of a Genealogical Collection, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
11658473 - What Faith Really Means
11658472 - Supplement to the 1913 Pocket Directory of the Delta Phi Fraternity
11658471 - Sketches of the Life of Edward Jackson, Incumbent of St. James', Leeds, and Honorary Canon of Ripon
11658470 - Christian Workers' Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
11658469 - Eutropius
11658468 - Armory and Lineages of Canada
11658467 - History of the Life, Works, and Doctrines of John Calvin (Classic Reprint)
11658466 - History of the American Nation, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
11658465 - New York and Its Institutions, 1609-1871
11658464 - The Works of the Late Reverend James Hervey, A. M., Rector of Weston-Favell, in Northamptonshire, Vol. 5
11658463 - Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whiting, D.D., And of His Wife, Elizabeth St. John
11658462 - Southern Germany and Austria
11658461 - Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses, Vol. 2
11658460 - The Practical Exemplar of Architecture (Classic Reprint)
11658459 - The Works of Shakespeare, Vol. 11 of 12
11658458 - The Oologist, 1889, Vol. 6
11658457 - The Critics of Edmund Spenser (Classic Reprint)
11658456 - The True Lovers' Knot (Classic Reprint)
11658455 - Certain Partial Differential Equations Connected With the Theory of Surfaces
11658454 - Review of Agricultural and Natural Resources of New York State, 1912 (Classic Reprint)
11658453 - A Atencao em Saude Mental na Estrategia Saude da Familia (ESF)
11658452 - A Renovacao Carismatica Catolica na condicao Pos-Moderna
11658451 - Aldravismo
11658450 - Analise de adequacoes curriculares no ensino fundamental
11658449 - Economic Feasibility Study of Mushroom Production
11658448 - Drug Target Identification
11658447 - Emerging Diversity Techniques and Their Performance in Fading Channels
11658446 - Assessment of Security Controls
11658445 - Carbon Credit - An Eco Friendly Business
11658444 - Corrosion in the aircraft industry
11658443 - EU Renewable Energy Policy - Aan Analysis of Four EU Countries
11658442 - Bioremediation of Sewage Water and its Impact on Plant Growth
11658441 - Adaptatsiya inostrannoy rabochey sily v Rossii
11658440 - Dual task training effect in patients with Parkinsonism
11658439 - Anticonvulsant activity of pentazocine and its probable mechanism
11658438 - Computational Analysis of Antimicrobial Peptides
11658437 - A Semiotic Study of Misrepresentation of Punjabi Culture
11658436 - A Review of Basic Tools of Pharmacology
11658435 - Abiente Virtual de Aprendizagem em ondas e acustica
11658434 - Avaliacao e distribuicao de recursos para o transporte escolar rural
11658433 - A alianca da Igreja Universal com o Partido dos Trabalhadores
11658432 - Aspectos teorico-metodologico da Controladoria Governamental no Brasil
11658431 - Customizacao de cadeira de rodas
11658430 - Eletrolise a plasma em aluminio 2024
11658429 - Animacao estereoscopica
11658428 - Elaboracao de atividade interdisciplinar em educacao ambiental
11658427 - Avaliacao molecular de oncogenes no carcinoma vulvar
11658426 - Determinacao das dimensoes espaciais de solidos por tecnica optica
11658425 - Direitos e deveres dos refugiados no Brasil
11658424 - Estrutura para organizacao do conhecimento em empresas de edificacoes
11658423 - Biology of the Termite Microcerotermes championi(Snyder)(Isoptera)
11658422 - Academic Performance of Pupils from Fishing & Nonfishing Homes, Winneba
11658421 - Educators'challenges in compiling assessment portfolios for learners
11658420 - CFD Modeling for Heat and Mass Transfer on Potato in Cold Store
11658419 - Bioremediation Techniques for Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbon
11658418 - Communication Agents in Development Process
11658417 - Active Tilt and Steer Control for a Narrow Tilting Vehicle
11658416 - Factors Influencing the Choice of Business Ownership
11658415 - Biological function of agriculture with the honey bee
11658414 - Assessment of On-street Parking in Lokoja, Nigeria
11658413 - Corporate Innovative Strategy
11658412 - A RESPER Probe for Measurements of RESisitivity and PERmittivity
11658411 - Applications of Nanoparticle Image Velocimetry in Nanofluids
11658410 - Burden of Environmental Law on Third World Economies
11658409 - From auteur to filmmaking institution
11658408 - Adaptive Modulation with Partial Relay Selection
11658407 - As limitacoes impostas a atividade economica e a regra de igualdade
11658406 - A escrita errante de Samuel Rawet
11658405 - Alface cultivada com urina de vaca
11658404 - Dinamicas de aprendizagem musical em uma comunidade de pratica
11658403 - Analise da Conversacao Digital
11658402 - A espiritualidade e os processos inconscientes
11658401 - Analise dos processos de construcao textual nos ensaios de Montaigne
11658400 - A reconfiguracao de uma periferia de amenidades
11658399 - Busca por novos quimioterapicos
11658398 - Desenvolvimento economico e biosseguranca
11658397 - Brasil e territorios lusofonos em atualizacoes de relacoes coloniais
11658396 - Captacao de recursos e o marketing social em estudo de caso
11658395 - Effect of cypermethrin on frog
11658394 - Effectiveness in recruitment and selection of teachers
11658393 - Economic Empowerment of Farm Women Through Agro-Based Enterprises
11658392 - Basic Mathematical Economics
11658391 - Ekologicheski Bezopasnye Sredstva Zashchity Rasteniy
11658390 - Children's lifestyle. Overview from Russia, Belarus, Lithuania
11658389 - An optimal asset allocation in a portfolio
11658388 - Determination of the thermal conductivity by using the Hot Wire Method
11658387 - Cross Educational Methods to Improve Mental Toughness in Golf
11658386 - Bronkhial'naya Giperreaktivnost' U Detey S Bronkhial'noy Astmoy
11658385 - Educational Inequality among Social Groups in India
11658384 - Bezlichnye Predlozheniya V Sovremennom Nemetskom I Russkom Yazykakh
11658383 - An Improvement of Fems
11658382 - Clear-Air Modeling for Terrestrial and Satellite Communication Systems
11658381 - Electro-acoustic waves in presence of polarization force
11658380 - Event Experience
11658379 - As astucias de um destinador na Geleia Geral brasileira
11658378 - Crise economica e identidade
11658377 - Desafios do professor de biologia ao abordar os temas de saude
11658376 - A encenacao discursiva na configuracao das capas de um jornal popular
11658375 - Ferramenta para auditoria de aspectos ambientais de fornecedores
11658374 - Exercicio Fisico Durante a Gestacao
11658373 - Facilitacao da aprendizagem do modelo atomico no ensino medio
11658372 - Chic show e Zimbabwe e a construcao da identidade nos bailes black
11658371 - A Geografia e a paisagem tropical nas obras de Johann Rugendas
11658370 - A cultura da infancia pelas lentes da representacao cinematografica
11658369 - Contribuicoes do Programa de Mentoria a uma professora iniciante
11658368 - Estudo e simulacao de ruido em transistores
11658367 - Basic Electronics
11658366 - Cold-Emulsion Recycled Asphalts
11658365 - Fotodinamicheskaya Terapiya Opukholey Golovnogo Mozga Krys
11658364 - Bicriteria Flow Shop Scheduling Models
11658363 - Formirovanie Innovatsionnoy Informatsionno - Obrazovatel'noy Sredy
11658362 - Data Mining
11658361 - Fracture Calcaneum - Ligamentotaxis by multiplaner Fixator
11658360 - Accountability as Core Element of Ethical Leadership
11658359 - Functions of "Shell Nouns" as Cohesive Devices in Academic Writing
11658358 - Domestic Wastewater Treatment By Constructed Wetland And Vermifilter
11658357 - Form Processing System for Hand-filled Forms in Gurmukhi Script
11658356 - Chronic Conditions, Disability and Healthy Ageing
11658355 - Edible Oils Market in Sudan
11658354 - Finansirovanie obyazatel'nogo sotsial'nogo strakhovaniya v RF
11658353 - Avtomatizirovannaya Sistema Upravleniya Protsessami Na Khlebozavode
11658352 - Can corporate entrepreneurship and corporate strategy match?
11658351 - A educacao infantil bilingue (portugues/ingles) na cidade de Sao Paulo
11658350 - Desenvolvimento do sector industrial da Biotecnologia em Portugal
11658349 - Acoes Afirmativas na Educacao Superior
11658348 - A matematica,o professor do Ensino Primario em Sao Paulo 1890/1930
11658347 - Desenvolvimento Amazonico
11658346 - Elementos de Psicologia Experimental
11658345 - Escola de nove anos
11658344 - Ciberespaco movel
11658343 - Formacao de compostos de aluminio por associacao radiativa
11658342 - Estudo morfometrico do dente para identificacao humana
11658341 - Entomologia forense
11658340 - Antropologos brasileiros e a antropologia do Brasil
11658339 - Advances in Anti-Inflammatory Drug Research
11658338 - A Monograph on Nursery Management of Fruits and Vegetables
11658337 - Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Asia
11658336 - Evaluating Kissan Credit Card Scheme in Punjab (India)
11658335 - Fenoprofen Calcium Compressed Coated Tablets for Colon Drug Delivery
11658334 - Development of Storage System Based on Earth Tube Heat Exchanger
11658333 - Free Trade in Services
11658332 - Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose And Lifestyle
11658331 - Development of Palm Oil Industrial Cluster in Indonesia
11658330 - Energosberegayushchie Rezhimy Upravleniya Dvizheniem Poezdov Metropolitenov
11658329 - Basic Bioinformatics
11658328 - Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on the kidney of adult wistar rats
11658327 - An extension of semi-open sets with applications on spaces, functions
11658326 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Beyond
11658325 - Evolyutsiya Konkurentsii I Konkurentnoy Sredy Funktsionirovaniya Firmy
11658324 - Aprendizado Supervisionado de Redes Bayesianas na Mineracao de Dados
11658323 - Cinema e o Mundo Antigo
11658322 - Contradicoes da producao do espaco dos assentamentos
11658321 - Concepcoes de linguagem
11658320 - Aprendizagem(ns) para mudar totalidade(s)
11658319 - Direito a paz como direito fundamental no pensamento de Hannah Arendt
11658318 - Efeitos da natacao em tecidos-alvo da sindrome metabolica
11658317 - Determinacao do grau de trofia comparando indices de estado troficos
11658316 - Divulgacao cientifica em assessorias de comunicacao
11658315 - Augustus Earle (1793 - 1838)
11658314 - Centro de Arte Contemporanea Inhotim - Caci
11658313 - Cultura cientifica
11658312 - Fenomenologiya Mass-Media
11658311 - Breastfeeding And College Girls
11658310 - Biotechnology Breeding for Salt Tolerant Lines in Sugarcane
11658309 - Determinants of Delivery Assistant in Ethiopia
11658308 - A Study of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry in the New Patent Regime
11658307 - Evaluation of Decenteralizing Health Reform in Kurdistan Region, Iraq
11658306 - Biohydrogen Production
11658305 - Damage Identification of Structures
11658304 - Dvoynye zvyezdnye sistemy s ekzoplanetami
11658303 - Effektivnost' Monoterapii Olanzapinom Depressivno-Bredovykh Rasstroystv
11658302 - Effektivnyy rukovoditel' v usloviyakh ekonomicheskoy nestabil'nosti
11658301 - Citizen Participation in Budget Processes
11658300 - An Insight into Multi Echelon Repair Inventory Systems
11658299 - Compressed Video Transmission Over Wireless Channel
11658298 - Does Male Participation in Maternal Health Can Achieve Mdgs in India?
11658297 - Confiabilidade de canal e decodificacao eficiente em sistemas DS/CDMA
11658296 - Espiritualidade quantica?
11658295 - Condicao Macroeconomica e Estrutura de Capital
11658294 - A comunicacao organizacional, tendo como base a gestao por valores
11658293 - A efetividade do principio da dignidade da pessoa humana
11658292 - Entre a clinica e a organizacao
11658291 - Contrastes
11658290 - Adolescentes infratores
11658289 - Exercicio fisico e parametros de estresse oxidativo e molecular
11658288 - Carotenoides do camarao L. vannamei e da microalga N. oculata
11658287 - Conceituacao e desenvolvimento da Escola Parque no Brasil desde 1930
11658286 - Demandas no trabalho de controladores do setor eletrico
11658285 - Antimicrobial Activity of 1,3,4-oxadiazole analogues
11658284 - Comprehension of Lever and Types of Lever
11658283 - CLT in Bangladesh-An objective study
11658282 - Drug Delivery Strategy
11658281 - Degradation - conservation - degradation
11658280 - Avtomatizatsiya Vychislitel'nykh Protsessov
11658279 - Eq, Academic & Personality Traits
11658278 - Battery-Aware Multiprocessor Task Scheduling
11658277 - Analyzing corporate discourse in globalized markets
11658276 - Coupled channel effects at near barrier energies
11658275 - Corruption Phenomenon as Incriminated by the Romanian Penal Code
11658274 - A Study of the Practice of E-governance in the Developing Countries
11658273 - Concepts and Practices
11658272 - Caryedon Serratus Olivier
11658271 - Dermatophytoses-Pathogenesis and much more
11658270 - Estudo do ARINC 664 P7 (AFDX) e policiamento de trafego
11658269 - Equacoes Indeterminadas e Lugares Geometricos
11658268 - A TV multimidia como instrumento mediador de acoes docentes
11658267 - A teoria da evolucao na visao de professores-pesquisadores
11658266 - A resistencia camponesa na avicultura
11658265 - Educacao religiosa
11658264 - A Escuta e o virtual
11658263 - Desempenho de modelos de previsao de demanda de abastecimento de agua
11658262 - Fundamentos da recuperacao avancada de petroleo
11658261 - A Etica Naturalista de B. F. Skinner
11658260 - Familia do doente com cancer
11658259 - Cancelamento de beneficio fiscal e a (in)seguranca juridica
11658258 - Critical Review of Security Management Policy in Cloud Computing
11658257 - Chuvstva I Emotsii V Interpretatsii Russkoy Dialektnoy Metafory
11658256 - A Modern Approach for Palmprint Recognition System
11658255 - Eticheskiy Kod Kak Nachalo Istorii
11658254 - Development Potentials and Obstacles
11658253 - Causes of Employee Turnover and Strategies for Improvement
11658252 - Energy Management Practices in SME
11658251 - Ecopharmacology and its Future Forensic Implications
11658250 - Contemporary Economic Science
11658249 - Economics of Land Title Registration
11658248 - Formation & Evaluation of Financial Investments
11658247 - Clinical Psychology in Ghana
11658246 - A Comparative Analysis of Banking Products of Ethiopia and Kenya
11658245 - A Transformative Multicultural Approach
11658244 - A Lightweight Distributed Super Peer Election
11658243 - Ctruktura Uchebnoy I Professional'no-Pedagogicheskoy Motivatsii Studentov
11658242 - Cinetica dos anticorpos Anti-HLA no pos-transplante renal
11658241 - Afetividade e desenvolvimento
11658240 - Classificacao de imagens do SAR/SIPAM com Redes Neurais Artificiais
11658239 - A reducao da faixa marginal no Codigo Ambiental Catarinense
11658238 - Dimensionamento de secadores de madeira
11658237 - Ensaios diversos
11658236 - A Modelagem Matematica no ensino de Equacoes Diferenciais
11658235 - A crianca e seu corpo
11658234 - Auto-organizacao, inteligencia coletiva e cocriacao
11658233 - A organocatalise na sintese de compostos com potencial biologico
11658232 - Competitive Tendering and Market Structural Changes
11658231 - EM for the Control of Internal Parasitic Load of Sheep in Ethiopia
11658230 - Farming through draught bullocks
11658229 - English Borrowings in Jaffna Tamil from 1993 to 2006
11658228 - Al Jazeera and The Second Intifada
11658227 - Fractal Time of Life
11658226 - Analysis of Sustainable Sanitation Options for Peri Urban Areas
11658225 - Artificial High Flexion Knee for Eastern Lifestyles
11658224 - Computational Study of Wielandt Subgroups and Series Using Gap
11658223 - A Comparative Study of Sacral Index and Kbwi for Sex Identification
11658222 - Effects of Physical Exercise on Hypertension
11658221 - An Analysis of Rail Transit Investments in Turkey
11658220 - Etnichnost' I Mezhetnicheskiy Dialog Na Srednem Urale
11658219 - Breaking the Silence
11658218 - Compact modeling of spintronic devices
11658217 - Anaphor Resolution in the Sanskrit Text Panchatantra
11658216 - Desempenho de redes de distribuicao
11658215 - CPC, as execucoes de titulos extrajudiciais e as execucoes fiscais
11658214 - Adocao de IFRS e gerenciamento de resultado nas empresas brasileiras
11658213 - Ensino Medico no Rio de Janeiro
11658212 - Ambiente colaborativo semantico voltado a aprendizagem organizacional
11658211 - Divulgando ciencias para criancas
11658210 - Aplicacao da teoria da boa fe objetiva nos contratos consumeristas
11658209 - As escolhas publicas no orcamento do Brasil entre 2008 e 2011
11658208 - Diversity Management - Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
11658207 - Empowering Arts and Culture Specifically Music Education
11658206 - Design and Implementation of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
11658205 - Badland of Rarh Lateritic Tract
11658204 - Anexplorativestudyofthe Expectantfatherhood Experience
11658203 - Anglicisms in the Romanian Business Vocabulary
11658202 - Agrogeografiya
11658201 - Efficiency Analysis of Public Sector Banks in India
11658200 - Biomechanics In Restorative Dentistry
11658199 - Buccal Film (Enalapril)
11658198 - February 14
11658197 - A insercao internacional e as vantagens estaticas e dinamicas
11658196 - Aplicacao do "Just in time" combinado com outras ferramentas
11658195 - Assessoria de Imprensa
11658194 - Analise de correlacao canonica entre cultura e clima organizacionais
11658193 - Correlacao da assistencia pre-natal com a mortalidade fetal e neonatal
11658192 - Avaliacao de competencias e indicadores qualitativos de aprendizagem
11658191 - A ouvidoria na universidade publica
11658190 - As operacoes logisticas na cadeia produtiva da soja
11658189 - Bioatividade de extratos vegetais no controle do Zabrotes subfasciatus
11658188 - A influencia da tensao de cisalhamento do vento no sistema climatico
11658187 - Ferramentas computacionais no ensino de Estruturas em Concreto Armado
11658186 - Formacao de conceitos
11658185 - Employee Satisfaction Survey
11658184 - Eliciting the evolution of spatiotemporal objects
11658183 - Formirovanie Sotsiokul'turnoy Kompetentsii Studentov
11658182 - Crop Climate Simulation Modelling
11658181 - Fatigue in rubber
11658180 - Broiler farming-A profitable Venture
11658179 - Assessment of Effective Teaching in Economics
11658178 - Free Maternal Care Policy and Utilisation of Maternal Care Services
11658177 - Evaluation of vertical transmission of HIV
11658176 - Diagnostika tseliakii u vzroslykh
11658175 - FPGA Based Intellegent Sensor for Image Processing
11658174 - Desidratacao osmotica com secagem complementar de banana Pacovan
11658173 - Avaliacao do PAA e do PNAE na agricultura familiar
11658172 - Analise do desempenho de alunos em jogos matematicos
11658171 - Adesao, manutencao e desistencia de programas de treino personalizado
11658170 - A educacao empreendedora no ensino fundamental, medio e superior
11658169 - Educacao profissional e desenvolvimento territorial
11658168 - A indexacao social na construcao discursiva midiatica de Jogo de cena
11658167 - Efeito do Si e tratamento termico nas propriedades de um aco bifasico
11658166 - Algoritmo genetico adaptativo para otimizacao via simulacao
11658165 - A ciencia "psi" nos tribunais
11658164 - Analise de incertezas parametricas em malhas de controle de processos
11658163 - A segmentacao no jornalismo
11658162 - Flexible User Interface - FLUSI
11658161 - Communicating News via Weblogs
11658160 - Calling the Customer
11658159 - Collected Essays and Reviews
11658158 - "We're not better - just different"
11658157 - Challenges of the Teaching Fraternity; The Case of Zambia
11658156 - An African (Auto)biography. Ama Ata Aidoo's Literary Quest
11658155 - Archetypes in the Confessional Poetry of Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton
11658154 - Ekologicheskie Aspekty Promyshlennogo Proizvodstva
11658153 - Dorogi, Kotorye My Vybiraem
11658152 - Effect of Some Managerial Factors on Behavior and Performance of Quail
11658151 - Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of copolymers
11658150 - Filosofiya Raka
11658149 - Federal'nyy Konstitutsionnyy Zakon O Konstitutsionnom Sude Rossii
11658148 - Biotechnology for Toxicity Evaluation of Pest Control Agents
11658147 - Evangelie ot prirody
11658146 - As faces do dragao
11658145 - Cidadania em textos escolares
11658144 - Desenvolvimento de um prototipo de energia solar em sala de aula
11658143 - Acoes de Saude em areas impactadas pos desastres ambientais
11658142 - Avaliacao do estado nutricional e desenvolvimento motor
11658141 - A televisao no ciberespaco
11658140 - Floristica, fitossociologia e potencial medicinal de especies vegetais
11658139 - A questao do genero em Sa-Carneiro
11658138 - As determinacoes das relacoes de genero na reproducao social da mulher
11658137 - Curriculo e Educacao a Distancia
11658136 - Aplicacao do processo sol-gel na producao de recobrimentos de CaP
11658135 - A impontualidade da Fazenda Publica e a elisao do pedido de falencia
11658134 - Effect of Unfocused vs. Focused Written Feedback on Writing Accuracy
11658133 - Disfunktsional'nost' Supruzheskoy Diady I Povedenie Podrostka
11658132 - Antimicrobial Studies on Conventional & Cultured Plant Tissue Extracts
11658131 - Antioxidant Potential of Polyphenols From Fruits and Health Benefits
11658130 - Dinamika Kachestva Zhizni Regional'nogo Sotsiuma
11658129 - Electoral Participation Of Persons With Disabilities In Ethiopia
11658128 - Decentralisation and development
11658127 - Demand Elasticities for Low Income Housing Market
11658126 - Ethnobotany Of Medicinal Plants In Mt. Elgon District Kenya
11658125 - Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Terminalia chebula leaves
11658124 - Diastolicheskaya i endotelial'naya disfunktsii u zhenshchin s povyshennym AD
11658123 - Atomic Force Microscopy applied to biological systems
11658122 - A sala de informatica como suporte para o reforco de Matematica
11658121 - Diferencas e semelhancas entre a leitura impressa e a digital
11658120 - Educacao a Distancia (EaD)
11658119 - Analise de metodos discretos
11658118 - Compactacao de um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro sob sistema plantio direto
11658117 - Entendendo as medidas resumo da estatistica descritiva
11658116 - Cultura da mamona
11658115 - Educar para o pensamento critico
11658114 - Ecohidrologia e hidrograma ecologico
11658113 - Da representacao a apresentacao
11658112 - A consciencia inexplicada
11658111 - Controles internos e contabeis na gestao de tesouraria
11658110 - Adult Education And Biodiversity Conservation
11658109 - Agordat Material, Eritrea, implication on Early Food Production
11658108 - Antiterroristicheskaya podgotovka
11658107 - Folklore Medicines of Salem District of Tamil Nadu, Southern India
11658106 - Development of laminated electromagnetic shield
11658105 - Determinants of Credit Financing Choice amongst Small Dairy Farmers
11658104 - Confronting a faceless enemy
11658103 - Enhanced Coral Larval Settlement and Coral Transplantation in Tanzania
11658102 - Ekologiya I Ekologicheskoe Obrazovanie
11658101 - Enzyme Catalytic Residues
11658100 - Achieving Competitive Advantage through Organizational Learning
11658099 - Enhancement of complexation of drug
11658098 - Adaptacao do OpenUP para o desenvolvimento de sistemas seguros
11658097 - Escola, educacao fisica e aptidao fisica
11658096 - Formando lideres generosos
11658095 - CAEE
11658094 - Digestibilidade de alimentos para tilapia
11658093 - A certificacao do cafe
11658092 - Estudo sobre o conceito de causacao na filosofia de C.S.Peirce
11658091 - Dinamicas da gestao local em Mocambique (1990 - 2005)
11658090 - As luzes da comunicacao na era do espetaculo
11658089 - Equacoes Diofantinas Lineares
11658088 - Aplicacoes de certificacao digital no Recife
11658087 - Atividade antiviral de plantas do cerrado contra herpesvirus
11658086 - Cultural Festivals and Events
11658085 - A Comparative Study In Two Different Service Organisation
11658084 - An Examination of the Content Validity of a High-Stakes English Test
11658083 - Ensuring Energy Security
11658082 - First step in emergency care of sick children
11658081 - Anxiety Disorders in Children
11658080 - Dokovanie Sudov
11658079 - Effect of pipe aging of different diameters and pressure on chlorine
11658078 - Cheslav Milosh
11658077 - Core JAVA
11658076 - Enhancement of Teachers' Efficacy Through School Culture Improvement
11658075 - Energy and momentum in tetrad theory of gravitation
11658074 - Female Expatriate Managers
11658073 - Applications in Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability
11658072 - End-System Multicast Protocols (ESM)
11658071 - Facial Expression Recognition System
11658070 - A Polvora e o Salitre em Memorial de Maria Moura
11658069 - Fazenda Publica em juizo
11658068 - Ensaio sobre a ironia como fio condutor da obra kierkegaardiana
11658067 - Deteccao de Rastros de Redemoinhos de Poeira em Marte
11658066 - A mobilidade do cromio em compartimentos ambientais
11658065 - Diagnostico do gerenciamento dos lodos oriundos de ETAs nas bacias PCJ
11658064 - A geometria dinamica como ferramenta para o ensino de Matematica
11658063 - Entre o querer e o poder
11658062 - Alta disponibilidade e balanceamento de carga para melhoria de sistema
11658061 - Aplicacao de Polihidroxialcanoatos em Liberacao Controlada de Ativos
11658060 - Frederico Pimentel Gomes e a Pesquisa Estatistica no Brasil
11658059 - Estrategias, capacidades internas e desempenho na industria textil
11658058 - Distribution of Rural Household Assets and Resultant Pattern
11658057 - Environmental Endocrine Disruptors (A Review)
11658056 - Comparison Between MGIT 960 and Bactec 460 TB system
11658055 - Conservation studies on some RET medicinal Plants
11658054 - Career and Technical Education (CTE) Graduation Rates in Tennessee
11658053 - Conversion of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy to Open Surgery
11658052 - Amino Acid Derivatives as Novel Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
11658051 - Bf2 Gene in Red Jungle Fowl
11658050 - Formirovanie Avtorskikh Nauchnykh Terminosistem V Angliyskom Yazyke
11658049 - Challenges on Nation building and Democratic Process in Cameroun
11658048 - Evolution of Cities
11658047 - Elevator System Using Plc
11658046 - Anthropological Demography
11658045 - Disaster Management
11658044 - Batch size policy, Thule Vehicle Solutions
11658043 - A qualificacao e a formacao da identidade profissional
11658042 - Cristais de gelo em nuvem da Amazonia - analise microfisica
11658041 - Codigo B
11658040 - Efeitos da corrente eletrica na reducao da gordura abdominal
11658039 - Discurso, midia e representacao
11658038 - Analises multiobjetivo baseada em programacao linear
11658037 - Ensino Medio diurno e noturno
11658036 - Formacao docente no uso de tecnologias
11658035 - Capim Elefante
11658034 - Desempenho hidraulico de sistema de irrigacao com microtubos gotejador
11658033 - Analise dos fatores influenciadores para a nao sobrevida de empresas
11658032 - Associativismo e animacao sociocultural
11658031 - Election Management in Cameroon
11658030 - Formirovanie Vyborok I Analiz Kachestva Modeley
11658029 - Aspektual'no-Taksisnye Formy V Tuvinskom Yazyke
11658028 - A Handbook of Lectins-Structure and Biomedical Applications
11658027 - Dcars
11658026 - Extrusion Pretreatment of Biomass Towards Bioethanol Production
11658025 - Computational Pipeline for Human Transcriptome quantification
11658024 - Development and Security
11658023 - Exchange Rate Regimes in Zambia
11658022 - Advanced Global Analysis
11658021 - Cytogenetics
11658020 - Biological Activities of Plants
11658019 - Exchange Rate Volatility and Exports Nexus for Pakistan
11658018 - Comparison of DYNAPAR with its competitors
11658017 - Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping
11658016 - Biogas
11658015 - Biological Activities of Trichosanthes dioica
11658014 - Banking Reforms and Efficiency of Public Sector Banks in India
11658013 - Advanced Microcontroller Trainer Using 8051, Avr and PIC
11658012 - Anxiety Level, Interviewers' Gender & Interview Topic
11658011 - Fertility Behaviour of Rural Women in Pakistan
11658010 - Education for Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups in India
11658009 - Fitoremediatsiya Metallov Iz Vod
11658008 - Ethnofloristic Biodiversity of Bhanavad, Jamjodhpur and Lalpur Taluka
11658007 - Felip Pedrell A pioneer of his time
11658006 - Atomnaya Model' Bol'shogo Vzryva
11658005 - Contextual Issues & Essays in International Criminology
11658004 - Calcium, Europium and Thorium Compounds
11658003 - Elements of Mechanical Engineering
11658002 - Domestic External Interplay
11658001 - Business Interest Associations
11658000 - A Monetary Policy Rule
11657999 - A Heat Exchanger by Using MFRD Transfer Heat
11657998 - Dvumernaya Plastichnost'
11657997 - Factors Affecting Instructional Leadership
11657996 - Anger Management Group With Aggressive Children
11657995 - Advanced Analysis
11657994 - Design and Development of Semantic Web Services
11657993 - Effects of Oral Iron on Oxidative Stress in Anaemia in Pregnancy
11657992 - Business Incubator
11657991 - Anti-stress and Anti-oxidant activity of Morninga oleifera.
11657990 - A Study of Educational Implications of the Quran
11657989 - Efficiency of Conventional versus Islamic Banks
11657988 - Assessing the need for a fast track unit at AUBMC emergency department
11657987 - Estimation of Flood and Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
11657986 - Antenny I Antennye Sistemy Dlya Zagorizontnykh Rls
11657985 - Ambient pressure dried silica aerogels and their properties
11657984 - Educational Philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi
11657983 - Detecting Conjunctions Using Cluster Volumes
11657982 - Ekzistentsiya Lyubvi I Svobody Vybora V Sufizme
11657981 - Adaptivnoe Modal'noe Upravlenie Biotekhnologicheskimi Sistemami
11657980 - Efficacy of Insecticides for the Control of Maize Stem Borer
11657979 - Composite Heuristics for a Class of Vehicle Routing Problems
11657978 - Eye Safe Laser
11657977 - Development of W-CDMA RFCMOS Inductively-Degenerated LNAs
11657976 - Effects of Oil Exploration on the Livelihoods of Host Communities
11657975 - Enlarged Stopping Distance
11657974 - Brazilian Berry
11657973 - Artificial Intelligence in Power System Stabilizer
11657972 - Comparative study of personal loans in major banks
11657971 - Evaluation Of The S.B.S. Of a Composites Used For Orthodontic Bonding
11657970 - Forms, Transitions, and Design Approaches
11657969 - Energo- Resursosberegayushchie Tekhnologii Chizel'noy Obrabotki Pochvy
11657968 - Early Childhood Development Pedagogy and Student Performance
11657967 - Assertivnost' Kak Mekhanizm Sotsial'noy Adaptatsii Doshkol'nikov
11657966 - Can Patents Deter Innovation?
11657965 - Adaptatsiya Inoyazychnykh Terminov Menedzhmenta V Russkom Yazyke
11657964 - Detection of transcription silencing sites in Mycobacterium leprae TN
11657963 - Base Station Cooperation on Spatial Spectrum Sharing and Cell Planning
11657962 - Assessment of Selected Micronutrients in Sweet Potatoes
11657961 - Effektivnye Instrumenty Sovremennogo Mediaobrazovaniya
11657960 - Common Third Molar Surgery Complications and Managments
11657959 - Ethical Use of Transgenic Animals
11657958 - Constraints in Building Empowerment of Women Through Micro finance
11657957 - Banking Industry in the Global Perspective
11657956 - Community of Practice
11657955 - Characterization Of Dekoko (Pisum Sativum Var.Abyssinicum)
11657954 - Formirovanie Sotsial'noy Zrelosti Studentov
11657953 - An Analysis of Banks in Empowering Rural Women Through Shgs
11657952 - Dynamic Simulation of a 3 Cylinder Valve train Mechanism
11657951 - Crisis Management
11657950 - Environmental Education & Its Implication to Climate Change Adaptation
11657949 - Analysis of Performance and Interference Effects in Rfid Systems
11657948 - Farm Management
11657947 - Chemical Process Synthesis
11657946 - Determinants of Capital Structure
11657945 - Dendritic Microstructure of Directionally Cast Al and Mg Alloys
11657944 - Coffee Trap
11657943 - Callus Culture
11657942 - A Bivariate Pareto Distribution for Modeling Load Sharing Dependence
11657941 - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Saskatchewan
11657940 - A Development Disaster of Bangladesh
11657939 - Administrativno-Pravovaya Model' Regulirovaniya Sluzhebnykh Otnosheniy V RF
11657938 - Dukhovno-Nravstvennoe Vospitanie
11657937 - Control of Soil-Borne Pathogens in Chilli of Sindh-Pakistan
11657936 - Atributsiya Publitsistiki, Pripisyvaemoy A.S.Pushkinu
11657935 - Digital Image Watermarking Using Contourlet Transform
11657934 - Bukhgalterskiy Uchet Zatrat V Ptitsevodstve
11657933 - Fakticheskoe Pitanie Detey V Severnykh Malykh Gorodakh Tsentral'noy Sibiri
11657932 - Curve Complexes of Nonorientable Surfaces
11657931 - Call Center Staffing and Shift Optimization
11657930 - Dekabrist A.N.Murav'ev O Krymskoy Voyne I Krest'yanskoy Reforme
11657929 - Belorusskie ostarbaytery
11657928 - Analysis of Respiratory Motion in Chest Organs
11657927 - Concord with Collective noun in Pakistani English
11657926 - Artocarpus heterophyllus mucilage as a tablet binder
11657925 - Environmental Ethics
11657924 - Bioelectricity generation using bioethanol and fuel cell
11657923 - Female Genital Cutting in Ethiopia
11657922 - Bukhgalterskiy Uchet Zatrat V Usloviyakh Inflyatsii
11657921 - A brief review on cystic fibrosis
11657920 - Finansovyy Menedzhment Sovremennoy Kompanii
11657919 - Fish Biodiversity
11657918 - Analysis of CUBIC
11657917 - Formirovanie Professional'noy Identichnosti
11657916 - A Study of Children of 0-6 Years in Urban Icds Project Area
11657915 - Comaticheskoe Vospitanie V Professional'noy Didaktike
11657914 - Cold Finger Melt Crystallization
11657913 - Design of One-Stage Overhang Pinion Engagement System for CV Starter
11657912 - Destabilization of Magnesium Hydride by Composite Formation
11657911 - Educational Environment in Medical Assistant Colleges
11657910 - Design and Development of Orifice-Type Air Thrust Bearing
11657909 - A Consecutive Approach to the Teaching of the Reading Skill
11657908 - Antimicrobial Activity of Bougainvillea Spectabilis and Bacteriocin
11657907 - Agro-Meteorological Research
11657906 - Anton Chekhov Na Vostoke
11657905 - Employees engagement
11657904 - Creating Datasets for Testing Relational Databases
11657903 - Bacterial Cellulase Production under Solid State Fermentation
11657902 - E-Waste Generation and its Impact on Water Sector in Nepal
11657901 - Classification of Land Cover in Ghana Using Noaa/Avhrr Data
11657900 - Endometrial Aspiration Cytology in Gynaecological Pathology
11657899 - Environmental Performance of Eco-Tourism Accommodation
11657898 - Application of Semiochemicals for Post-Harvest Pest Management
11657897 - Evolyutsiya Institutov Rossiyskoy Gosudarstvennoy Vlasti
11657896 - Building Peace through Contact?
11657895 - Design and Simualtion of Yaw Control System for Car
11657894 - Employment Generation and PMRY scheme
11657893 - Demographic profile of deliquent adolescents
11657892 - Effect of Carbohydrate on Alcohol Production by Yeast
11657891 - Employee Service Behaviour and Human Resources Management Practices
11657890 - Effektivnost' Ispol'zovaniya Gena -Laktoglobulina
11657889 - Building Psychosocial Perspective on Disability Experience
11657888 - Ekonomicheskie Osnovy Material'no-Tekhnicheskoy Bazy Agrarnogo Sektora
11657887 - Environmental Biology
11657886 - Capital Market Efficiency
11657885 - Etching performance of silicon wafers with redesigned etching drum
11657884 - Determinants of Customer Switching Behavior
11657883 - Digital Signal Processing Algorithms
11657882 - Behaviour and Space Use in Zoo Lion-Tailed Macaques, Macaca Silenus
11657881 - Dinamicheskaya Strategiya Upravleniya Portfelem Tsennykh Bumag
11657880 - Evaluation of Microbiological Quality of Desalinated Drinking Water
11657879 - Entrepreneurship Practice Among TVET Graduates
11657878 - Antichnost' I Problemy Mirovoy Kul'tury
11657877 - Aksiologicheskoy Potentsial Slozhnoy Leksiki
11657876 - Epidemiological and Therapeutic Studies on Dermatomycosis in Dogs
11657875 - Applied Shari'ah in Financial Transactions
11657874 - Diagnostika i lechenie Sindroma khronicheskoy ustalosti
11657873 - Coach2learn
11657872 - Employee Recognition & Customer Satisfaction
11657871 - Angiospermic Plant Diversity of Dhaka City, Bangladesh
11657870 - Distantsionnoe Zondirovanie Mutnosti Atmosfery
11657869 - A Text Book of Economic Botany
11657868 - Concept of Natural Product Chemistry
11657867 - Fotokhimiya Gidrokso- I 5-Sul'fosalitsilatnykh Kompleksov Fe(iii)
11657866 - Arsenic Toxicity
11657865 - Ekolozheleznodorozhnyy Turizm
11657864 - Factors Influencing Utilization of ANC and Delivery Care Services
11657863 - Arkhitektura Volgo-Kamskikh krepostey XVI-XVII vekov
11657862 - Bridging the Gap between Business and Information Technology
11657861 - Europe's Fiscal Catastrophe - A Case Study of Greece
11657860 - Education and Utilization of Contraceptive Methods in Pakistan
11657859 - Cyber Media in Oman
11657858 - A Modern Representation of the Flow of Electromagnetic Power
11657857 - Automotive Electrical Systems
11657856 - Challenges and Opportunities of Good Governance
11657855 - A Handbook on Employability Skills
11657854 - Ambroxol HCl SR Tablet
11657853 - Behaviour of Continuous Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars
11657852 - Examining the Experience of a Mother with Multi-Disabled Children
11657851 - A Critique of the Socialist Theories of Nkrumah, Nyerere and Awolowo
11657850 - Bread and Peace for the Dr.Congo
11657849 - Ekspansiya Inostrannogo Kapitala V Bankovskiy Sektor Ukrainy
11657848 - 2-Trichloromethylbenzimidazole (Tcmb) in Analytical Chemistry
11657847 - Armed Conflict, Internal Disturbances or something else?
11657846 - Development of Rural Women
11657845 - Dal'nevostochnyy Teatr
11657844 - Bias-adjusted satellite based rainfall estimates for flood prediction
11657843 - Analysis of existing Salvage shops of Shekh Para in Khulna City
11657842 - Ethosomes for Transdermal Delivery
11657841 - Chemical Characterization of Sinopean Archaeological Common Ware
11657840 - Federalism and Ethnic Conflict Management in Ethiopia
11657839 - Evolution of Contemporary Living
11657838 - Antidiabetic, cardioprotective and ros scavening effects of avocado
11657837 - E-Brand Extensions
11657836 - Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Biomacromolecules
11657835 - Can Changes in Sr Protein Acetylation Affect Alternative Splicing?
11657834 - Etiko-Filosofskie Kontseptsii Distsipliny
11657833 - Fotografii S Natury - Istochnik Po Sotsial'noy Istorii Rossii K.XIXV.
11657832 - Entry to home ownerhsip
11657831 - Effect of Inadequate Sanitation Infrastructure on Human Health
11657830 - A study on age patterns of fertility in India
11657829 - Child labour in the carpet industry of Kashmir
11657828 - Contributions of Community Volunteers Towards MDGs
11657827 - A Survey of Local Community Participation in Tourism
11657826 - FPGA Implementation of Speech Recognition System Based on Hmm
11657825 - Challenges of Teacher Education in Jharkhand
11657824 - Evakuatsionnye Protsessy V Gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy Voyny
11657823 - Are Radiographers Developing Thyroid Nodules?
11657822 - Budget Deficit Financing and Exchange Rate Volatility in Kenya
11657821 - A Study of Consumer Behaviour Towards Durables in Chandigarh
11657820 - A Stylistic Guide of Classical Cabaret
11657819 - Economic Efficiency and Profitability of Islamic Bank
11657818 - Biotechnological Processes in the Restoration of Historical Textiles
11657817 - Clustering Techniques
11657816 - Dempfirovanie Kolebaniy Dissipativno-Neodnorodnykh Mekhanicheskikh Sistem
11657815 - "Betrayed, Abandoned, Raped" a Literary Feminist Reading of Judges 19
11657814 - Dostoynyy Trud Vekonomike Respubliki Kazakhstan
11657813 - An Integration and Standardization of Data from Heterogeneous Sources
11657812 - Consumer Behaviour - Organized Fish Retail
11657811 - Corporate Real Estate Management in Tanzania
11657810 - Deyatel'nostno-Lichnostnaya Tekhnologiya Obucheniya
11657809 - Ekonomicheskiy monitoring v zdravookhranenii
11657808 - Ecto and Endo Parasites of Malaysian Rodents
11657807 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
11657806 - Emotional Intelligence
11657805 - Development Process of Informal Industries in Developing Countries
11657804 - Designing the Enjoyment Experience for Informal Online Learning
11657803 - Conaty Betkhovena
11657802 - Banki I Zayemshchiki Na Rossiyskom Rynke Ipotechnogo Zhilishchnogo Kreditovaniya
11657801 - Bioindikatsiya I Biotestirovanie Gorodskikh Pochv
11657800 - Etnicheskie Razlichiya Metabolicheskikh Reaktsiy Na Etanol
11657799 - Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements
11657798 - Crop Yield in Soil Amended with Sawdust and Organomineral Fertilizer
11657797 - Biotechnology for Biodiesel Fuel and Bioengineering Approaches
11657796 - An Immortal Science
11657795 - Development of a Landslide Hazard Assessment System
11657794 - Evaluation of Maize Genotypes Against Southern Corn Leaf Blight
11657793 - A Public Health Nutritional Assessment of Elderly in Islamabad
11657792 - Ekzotsentricheskoe slovoslozhenie v nemetskoy obikhodno-razgovornoy rechi
11657791 - Biomass Production of Cenchrus Ciliaris
11657790 - A Course on Turbulence and Magneto-Hydrodynamic Turbulence
11657789 - Determinants of production performance of Wonji Shoa Sugar Factory
11657788 - Children Who Survived
11657787 - Carbon Nanofiber Layers on Metal and Carbon Substrates
11657786 - FPGA Optimized Processor
11657785 - Contaminant Transport of Sugarcane Effluent Through Porous Soil Medium
11657784 - A Morpho-semantic Analysis of Aspectuality in siSwati
11657783 - Eligibility Criteria for Granting Loans
11657782 - Effect of Low Temperature on Cell Division and Morphology of Wheat
11657781 - Ferganskaya Dolina.
11657780 - Analiz I Prognozirovanie Evolyutsii Ekonomicheskikh Sistem
11657779 - Construction of Virtual Heritage Application
11657778 - Development of Vaccines Against Necrotic Enteritis in Poultry
11657777 - Electronic Eye
11657776 - Essentials of instructional technology
11657775 - Arifmeticheskiy Vychislitel'
11657774 - Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites
11657773 - Aboriginal People of Godavari
11657772 - Evaluation of Accreditation Practice in Ethiopia
11657771 - Formirovanie Informatsionnoy Kompetentnosti U Uchashchikhsya
11657770 - Arkhetip V Kul'ture
11657769 - Deviantnye I Prestupnye Formy Etnicheskogo Povedeniya V Pravovoy Sisteme
11657768 - Effective Measurement Methods of Water-Induced DRR Works
11657767 - A Literature Work Book on Mariama Ba's Novel
11657766 - Filosofskiy Analiz Problemy Logosa V Tvorchestve S.N. Trubetskogo
11657765 - Advanced Segmentation of Brain MRI Images
11657764 - Analysis of Photovoltaic Energy Market in Spain
11657763 - A Study of Relation of Mandibular Incisor to the Lingual Frenum
11657762 - Cost of Capital and Performance(relationship Study of Indian Company)
11657761 - A Decision Support Tool for Library Book Inventory Management
11657760 - Developing English for Specific Purposes Materials
11657759 - Formalizatsiya Protsessa Sozdaniya Informatsionnykh Produktov
11657758 - Effect of Heavy Metals on Growth and Biochemical Components of Plants
11657757 - Forensic dentistry - Teeth and Their secrets
11657756 - Content Based Image Retrieval
11657755 - Belokurikhinskiy Kompleks Altaya (Rossiya)
11657754 - Akmeologicheskaya Napravlennost' Obrazovaniya Vzroslykh
11657753 - Emotsional'noe Stanovlenie Mladshego Shkol'nika
11657752 - Cities of Darkness and Fear
11657751 - Christianity from 15 Countries - Live and Let Live Peace Ambassadors
11657750 - Effectiveness of Community Conversation
11657749 - Ecology of Nymphalid Butterflies in Assam Himalaya
11657748 - Basic Concepts Of Statistics
11657747 - Evaluating the Accuracy of Absorbed Dose in Photon Beam Radiotherapy
11657746 - Export Performance of Indian Industries
11657745 - Bitumen Treatment and the Mechanical Properties of Bicycle Axle
11657744 - Furthering Justice or Promoting Impunity in Africa?
11657743 - EU's External Energy Policy
11657742 - Enhancement of Xylitol Production in Candida Tropicalis
11657741 - Business Data Processing and BASIC Language
11657740 - Alternating Polyfluorene Green-6 & (PCBM) Based Solar Cell
11657739 - Breast cancer treatment by targeting breast cancer stem cells
11657738 - Elektrokontaktnaya Privarka Raznorodnykh Materialov
11657737 - Boot Software for Pxa270 Board
11657736 - Crypto Authentication System Using Hilbert Matrices
11657735 - From 'Charity' to 'Justice'
11657734 - Antimicrobial Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Meat
11657733 - Evreyskie Politicheskie Partii I Organizatsii V Zapadnoy Belarusi
11657732 - Development of Computer Ethical Framework for Information Security
11657731 - Analysis of water quality index of Jayakwadi Dam
11657730 - Drivers of Land Use Change Among Agro-Pastoralist of Somali Region
11657729 - Filosofiya V Stikhakh
11657728 - Experience of Teacher Trainees
11657727 - Formirovanie I Vospitanie Patriotizma U Rossiyskoy Molodyezhi
11657726 - Barium Strontium Titanate
11657725 - Exterior Styling of the Futuristic Indian Car
11657724 - Arterial'naya Gipertenziya I Kislotozavisimaya Patologiya
11657723 - Basel Mission Education in the Gold Coast / Ghana (1950-2007)
11657722 - Ekologo-Khozyaystvennaya Otsenka Territorii
11657721 - English-Japanese Code-switching and Formulaic Language
11657720 - Analysis of Burn Wound Infections
11657719 - Electron Transfer Reactions in Colloidal Systems
11657718 - Design of onsite volume reduction system for human urine
11657717 - Challenges And Prospects Of Implementing BPR
11657716 - Diclofenac Na Matrix Tablet
11657715 - Employee Commitment in Banking Sector, Chennai-India
11657714 - Fatigue Strength of Cold Formed Members
11657713 - Folate Transport & DNA Methylation
11657712 - Ekonomicheskaya Bezopasnost' Predpriyatiya
11657711 - Environmental Microflora of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii
11657710 - Blast Loading and Blast Effects on Rc Frame Buildings
11657709 - Coordination of Urban Planning Organizations
11657708 - Development of a Web-based Data Entry System for Disease Surveillance
11657707 - Fizicheskie Osnovy Fotokhimii Tverdogo Tela
11657706 - Child Trafficking as a Form of Child Labour
11657705 - Financial Development and Economic Growth in Iran
11657704 - Farmers' Training Centers (FTCs)
11657703 - Frazeologizatsiya Slozhnopodchinennykh Predlozheniy V Russkom Yazyke
11657702 - A comparative evaluation of Scatter Factor levels in GCF and saliva
11657701 - Determinants of Share Price, Stock Market Volatility and Efficiency
11657700 - Automatic Question Generation for Language Testing
11657699 - Corporate Governance in India
11657698 - Clinical Measurement Scales for Health Professionals
11657697 - Biomass Derived Syngas Cleaning Technologies
11657696 - E-Hrm Strategies for Recruitment
11657695 - Cost Effective Made Habitable
11657694 - Evaluating Eu Actorness in 'European Neighbourhood' Countries
11657693 - Angliyskaya Poeziya Dlya Detey Na Yazyke Originala I V Russkikh Perevodakh
11657692 - Filtering and Smoothing of Financial Data Using Wavelets
11657691 - Economic Development Beyond the Core
11657690 - Fuel Cell Application
11657689 - Depeasantization in Punjab
11657688 - Applied Activation Techniques on Cement-Slag Mortars and Concretes
11657687 - Brucellosis in Black Bengal Goat
11657686 - A Study of a Conductive and Adaptive E-Learning Environment
11657685 - A Generalized Approach to Amharic Text-To-Speech(tts) Synthesis System
11657684 - Audit Committee's Effectiveness and Financial Reporting Quality
11657683 - Application of Multiple Tabu Search Algorithm
11657682 - Assisted Reproduction
11657681 - Chemical Composition of Phaseolus Vulgaris Linn (Kidney Bean) Seeds
11657680 - Bioactive Glass Ceramics for Orthopedic Applications
11657679 - An Introduction to Translation Studies
11657678 - An Investigation Into The Factors Hindering SME Growth
11657677 - European Youth Policy regarding Active Youth Participation
11657676 - Cloning and expression of bovine coronavirus genes
11657675 - Advanced Mathematics
11657674 - Brunei Darussalam - Challenges for Economic Diversification
11657673 - Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Handball Players
11657672 - Automotive Emissions and Its Control
11657671 - Career paths of student affairs administrators
11657670 - Determining Success
11657669 - Biochemistry of Gir Cow Urine at Different Development Stages
11657668 - Byudzhetnaya Sistema Rossiyskoy Federatsii
11657667 - Advanced Diagnostic Techniques in Oral Pathology
11657666 - Co-curricular Activities & Personality Development
11657665 - Access to Land and Land Rights in Post Conflict Societies in Uganda
11657664 - Clay Based Geopolymers
11657663 - Amx-07 (Amlexanox 5% Oral Paste) "The Best Treatment of Mouth Ulcer"
11657662 - Biocides in papermaking chemistry
11657661 - Design of an Automobile Theft Deterrent System
11657660 - Climate Change, Variability and Human Health Protection Policy Options
11657659 - Angloyazychnyy Religiozno-Populyarnyy Diskurs
11657658 - Effects of Observation
11657657 - Formirovanie Moral'no-Eticheskikh Kachestv U Budushchikh Gossluzhashchikh
11657656 - 1 Aderenoceptor Subtypes in the Control of Renal Haemodynamics in Lvh
11657655 - Advances in Mechanical Machinery
11657654 - Finansovye Piramidy V Ekonomike Firmy I Gosudarstva
11657653 - Corporate Social Responsibility in Small, Medium and Large Industries
11657652 - Bluetooth Data Exchange over WLAN 802.11b
11657651 - Contemporary Green Marketing Strategies and Practices
11657650 - Ekologiya I Onkologiya
11657649 - An Economic Analysis of Milk Production in Vidarbha Region of India
11657648 - De Davos a Cerisy-La-Salle
11657647 - Estesia y Estetica En La Educacion
11657646 - Funktsionirovanie Kontsepta Dobro V Nemetskom I Russkom Yazykakh
11657645 - Clinical Case Analysis
11657644 - A Quantum Simulator
11657643 - Calculus for Economics
11657642 - Elektronnoe Muzykal'noe Tvorchestvo
11657641 - Anaerobic Filter for Distillery Condensate Treatment
11657640 - Cognitive Development in Planning Theory
11657639 - Formirovanie Kul'tury Delovogo Obshcheniya U Budushchikh Gossluzhashchikh
11657638 - Correlation and Aggregation of Security Alerts in Networks
11657637 - An Assessment of Biodiversity Richness
11657636 - Automation and Mechanization in Agriculture
11657635 - An introduction to mathematical economics
11657634 - Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Purchase
11657633 - Creating Educational Opportunities for Children With Disabilities
11657632 - An Epidemiological Study of Natural Deaths in Limpopo
11657631 - Derivatsionnyy Potentsial Kontsepta I Ego Yazykovaya Realizatsiya
11657630 - Electronic Media Polio Immunization Campaign
11657629 - Exploiting Attitude Sensing in Vision-Based Navigation with an Airship
11657628 - Fizicheskaya Informatika
11657627 - Dairy Supply Chain Management
11657626 - A Socio-Economic History of Kano Emirate, 1800-1968
11657625 - E-Banking in India-Progress & Prospects
11657624 - Effects of Cultural Components in Foreign Language Teaching Books
11657623 - Academic Freedom in Africa
11657622 - Drama as a tool to fight stigma among people living with HIV/ AIDS
11657621 - 'Problem child' at school - who's problem?
11657620 - Freedom of the press in Zimbabwe
11657619 - Conservation Agriculture
11657618 - Ferritic Stainless Steel Type Aisi 441
11657617 - Commemoration of Shi'a Muharram Rituals in Pakistan
11657616 - Fingerprint Authentication Based on Statistical Features
11657615 - Effective Leadership
11657614 - Enabling Seamless Handoff for Next Generation Networks
11657613 - Distribution and impacts of Lantana camara on different land uses
11657612 - Children's Nutritional Status and Poverty
11657611 - Bracket Materials in Orthodontics
11657610 - Foreign Body Inhalation
11657609 - Barriers to Education and Its Impacts
11657608 - Feature Subset Selection in Intrusion Detection
11657607 - A Study of Entrepreneurship
11657606 - Development of an Improved Pitaya Juice Processing System
11657605 - Antioxidant & Antibacterial Activities of Tetrahydro- -Carbolines
11657604 - Characterization and Micropropagation of Some Orchid Species
11657603 - Finite Element Based Surface Fatigue Estimation in Involute Spur Gear
11657602 - Adoption of Mobile Commerce
11657601 - An Assessment of Wood Fuel Demand and Management Practices
11657600 - Combined Heat and Power
11657599 - Asymptotic Behavior of Viscous Fluids on Rough Boundaries
11657598 - Dekor Traditsionnogo Krest'yanskogo Zhilishcha Bryanskoy Oblasti
11657597 - Climate change
11657596 - A Study on Production and Marketing of Papaya in Gujarat State
11657595 - Development of a Summarisation System for Web Pages
11657594 - An Introduction to Psychotherapy and Psychopathology
11657593 - Capital Market Efficiency
11657592 - Ergonomika Informatsii
11657591 - Cost Estimation for Commercial Software Development Organizations
11657590 - Engineering Family Values
11657589 - Evidence Based Practice and Nurse Managers An Irish Perspective
11657588 - Assessment of Non-Chemical Seed Treatment Methods in Organic Seeds
11657587 - Analytical Methods for the Estimation of Dpp-IV Inhibitors
11657586 - Computer Troubleshooting, Using an Expert System
11657585 - Achieving Optimal Performance in Hospital Practice
11657584 - Elementary Fluid Mechanics
11657583 - Formirovanie Proektno-Deyatel'nostnykh Kompetentsiy Studenta
11657582 - Aporphines - Mdma Antagonists and Ache Inhibitors
11657581 - Emotional Intelligence and Value Orientation of Research Scholars
11657580 - Business as Usual?
11657579 - Antiishemicheskaya Effektivnost' Koronarnogo Stentirovaniya
11657578 - Electrochemical Reactor Performance Optimization and Modeling
11657577 - Derivatives and Market Behavior
11657576 - 1917-Y God V Kontekste Postneklassicheskikh Poiskov
11657575 - Ekonomicheskoe Sotrudnichestvo Stran Sng V Usloviyakh Globalizatsii
11657574 - At the Horizons of Modernity
11657573 - Economics of Dryland and Irrigated Cropping Pattern in Jammu
11657572 - Depressiya
11657571 - Fieldwork experience, Geography and Sustainable Development Education
11657570 - Difficulties of Learning English in Bangladesh
11657569 - Environmental Impact Comparison of Some Cast Metals Using LCA Approach
11657568 - Exposure of Nigerian Children to Television and Video Violence
11657567 - Assessment of facial profile of North Indians
11657566 - Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka
11657565 - Culture the 'Rejected Jewel in the Transfer of Management Practices
11657564 - Food Security Program
11657563 - Chinese Expatriates Working in Thailand
11657562 - A Causal Attribution
11657561 - Constructivism in Language Teaching
11657560 - Covremennoe Rossiyskoe Obshchestvo
11657559 - Demand and Productivity
11657558 - Characterization of Ni-Co Nanoferrites
11657557 - Finding a Husband and Finding Life?
11657556 - Estimation of quality of plastins of silicon
11657555 - Ekspluatatsiya Truda I Eye Modifikatsii
11657554 - Ekonomicheskaya Otsenka Riskov I Predotvrashchennogo Ekologicheskogo Ushcherba
11657553 - Corporate Social Responsibility in Cameroon
11657552 - Changing Facets of Rural Transformation in India
11657551 - Dominating Sets and Domination Polynomials of Graphs
11657550 - A Scrutiny of the Ivorian National Human Rights Commission
11657549 - Charter Schools
11657548 - Aptitud fisica del musico Afinando su instrumento corporal
11657547 - Alternativa didactica para la contabilidad de los seguros
11657546 - Espumas Inyectables de Hidroxiapatita para Regeneracion Osea
11657545 - En busca de la Sociedad Haitiana
11657544 - Educacion, Trabajo y Diferencias en el tamiz de la organizacion social
11657543 - Cambio conceptual en medicina
11657542 - Cuerpo limpio, casa limpia, ciudad limpia
11657541 - Derechos y Garantias de las Personas con Discapacidad en Cuba
11657540 - Ciudad de ciudadanos
11657539 - ALBA y MERCOSUR
11657538 - Estudios Sobre La Familia Cubana. Apuntes y Propositos
11657537 - Enrique Lihn
11657536 - Aplicaciones del modelo CAIT en el area de las Ciencias Experimentales
11657535 - Epistemologia de la cultura de la evaluacion educativa
11657534 - Caracteristicas Biomecanicas del Forehand Top Spin en el Tenis de Mesa
11657533 - Analisis, Diagnostico, Optimizacion de Voz Sobre VoIP y Fax Sobre FoIP
11657532 - Emision de contaminantes del aire para modelos fotoquimicos
11657531 - Coleccion Suma Veracruzana y Revista Jarocha
11657530 - El Taller de Arquitectura del Banco Obrero en Venezuela
11657529 - Evaluacion del aguacate antillano en policultivo en Cesar Colombia
11657528 - Campos termicos de electrones y fonones en semiconductores
11657527 - Convertidor CA-CD trifasico topologia Zeta
11657526 - Arqueologia particular y arqueologia de rescate
11657525 - El modelo de gestion de recursos humanos por competencias
11657524 - Acidic Protease Production in Air Lift Bioreactor by Rhizopus Arrhizus
11657523 - A Study of Rail Mass Transit
11657522 - Catering Incorporation
11657521 - Fertigation Management of Cucumber Plants Under Plastic Houses
11657520 - Bovine Metacestodes
11657519 - Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Properties of Surfactant Membranes
11657518 - Football for the Blind
11657517 - Financing Concept to adopt Equator Principles
11657516 - El papel del zooplancton en la red trofica marina
11657515 - Evaluacion de un Programa de Innovacion Educativa
11657514 - Evaluacion del duo Comunicacion Participacion en Politicas Publicas
11657513 - Educacion y democracia en John Dewey
11657512 - Claves de identificacion macroscopica para 22 especies maderables
11657511 - Aptitud Agronomica del Agua Residual y Lodos Generados En Una Edar
11657510 - Efectos Ambientales de la Aplicacion de Cenizas Madereras sobre Suelos
11657509 - El problema de la conciliacion vida familiar y laboral
11657508 - DAMSFORT
11657507 - El periodismo constructor
11657506 - Estimulacion magnetica transcraneal como tratamiento para la depresion
11657505 - Condiciones de Marginalidad y Exclusiones en Rahue
11657504 - Efectos del Cadmio en el testiculo
11657503 - Biodiesel de aceites residuales de fritura
11657502 - Comentario de Achilles Staco a Tibulo. Libro I.
11657501 - El Cuerpo Inteligente
11657500 - Distintas topologias del convertidor matricial
11657499 - Derecho Penal Internacional
11657498 - Al Mejor Postor
11657497 - Analisis del Programa Escuelas de Calidad
11657496 - Atencion a la diversidad en la formacion del educador infantil
11657495 - Comunicacion intercultural
11657494 - Fundicion Esferoidal de Pequeno Espesor
11657493 - Compacidad en reductores mecanicos
11657492 - El Problema de la Vivienda Marginal en Mexico
11657491 - Factores que inciden en la I+D+i en las empresas del sector de la moda
11657490 - Autopercepcion En Practicas Clinicas de Los Estudiantes de Enfermeria
11657489 - Alternativas de sostenibilidad para asentamientos humanos
11657488 - Daylighting Concepts for University Libraries
11657487 - Discourses of Dissent
11657486 - "Market Study for the Import of Wood Pellets from Russia to Finland"
11657485 - Basel III
11657484 - Determinants of Household Expenditure on Consumer Goods -South Africa
11657483 - Determinants of U5 Mortality in Benshangul-Gumuz Regional State
11657482 - El procedimiento internacional de registro de marcas
11657481 - Contribuciones a la Administracion
11657480 - Control LQG de un helicoptero de 3 grados de libertad
11657479 - Formando profesionistas con tecnicas de Coaching
11657478 - El Aguila Perdicera en Andalucia
11657477 - El desarrollo compensado en la mineria
11657476 - El Maiz en Mexico ante los retos del Libre Mercado
11657475 - Cambio de Fundacion Superficial a Profunda en Puentes
11657474 - De rocas, pastores y agricultores
11657473 - Evolucion de Oxidos de Cobre en una Matriz de Silica-Xerogel
11657472 - Compresion de Imagenes Mediante Modelos Gausianos de Percepcion Visual
11657471 - En busca de nuestros origenes
11657470 - Espectros de La Palabra
11657469 - Efectividad de la Comunicacion en Gobiernos Municipales
11657468 - Comparacion de Modelos de Evaluacion del Servicio de Clases
11657467 - El Aeropuerto Internacional de Guadalajara
11657466 - Ejercicios Fisicos Terapeuticos En Adultos Con Atrosis Cervical
11657465 - El sueno europeo. Cicatrices en el cuerpo.
11657464 - El Protocolo Ipv6 Movil
11657463 - Analisis comparado
11657462 - ATP6V1C1 en el diagnostico y el pronostico del cancer oral
11657461 - El cultivo forestal de Paulownia spp
11657460 - El Simbolismo en la Obra de Frida Kahlo
11657459 - Diseno de sistemas y estrategias de gestion del conocimiento
11657458 - Biplots Robustos
11657457 - Estudio de la propagacion de ondas Ultrasonicas en capas de Si-poroso
11657456 - Eclesiologia y ministerialidad en clave de Principio-Misericordia
11657455 - Dinamicas de interaccion en espacios urbanos
11657454 - Depiction of Modern Civilization in Modern Poetry
11657453 - English Spelling and Sound
11657452 - Evaluation of Humid Tropical Screenhouse in Lowland Area
11657451 - Christological Ethics
11657450 - An Analysis of Ecowas - Eu Agricultural Trade Flows
11657449 - Calculos para el diseno de redes de distribucion de fluidos
11657448 - Diseno de "Sistema Integrado de Administracion y Recursos Humanos"
11657447 - Antioxidantes Naturales en Polimeros
11657446 - El cristianismo y la politica a lo largo de la historia
11657445 - Cultura, Gestion y Ambitos Mitopoieticos
11657444 - Ciclos economicos de origen politico
11657443 - De la Historia Escrita al Documental Historico
11657442 - Discapacidad intelectual y deporte
11657441 - Caracteristicas demograficas y socioeconomicas del Chaco
11657440 - Diagnostico de competitividad para la gestion de un restaurante
11657439 - Ambiente del vecindario e inseguridad ciudadana
11657438 - Evaluacion dietetica de platos de la cocina tradicional camagueyana
11657437 - Estandarizacion de la Escala Existencial en universitarios Mexicanos
11657436 - Desarrollo, Territorio y Gobernanza Local
11657435 - Caracterizacion de zeolitas basicas por RMN e infrarrojo
11657434 - Desarrollo de software libre para la creacion de webquest
11657433 - Aproximacion a la Formacion del Medico para la Atencion Primaria
11657432 - Evaluacion del desempeno docente en Catedras de Cursado Intensivo. UNT
11657431 - Estructura y funcion de la fosforilcolina fosfatasa de P. aeruginosa
11657430 - El contexto como contextura
11657429 - El lugar de la poesia
11657428 - Estudio Exploratorio Sobre Factores de Riesgo En El Desarrollo de Trastornos Alimentarios
11657427 - Evolucion y creacion
11657426 - Fray Antonio Margil de Jesus y Queretaro en el siglo XVIII
11657425 - Ensilaje de Arachis pintoi
11657424 - Comodoro Rivadavia
11657423 - Construir un crucero hoy
11657422 - Efectividad Simbiotica de Sinorhizobium Meliloti En Suelos de Chile
11657421 - Corporate Governance and Coherent Financial Crises
11657420 - Abdominal Insufflation and Its Effects on Bacterial Peritonitis
11657419 - Elektrofiziologicheskie Parametry Miokarda Pri Difterii U Detey
11657418 - Financial Performance
11657417 - FDI attraction policies in ASEAN economies
11657416 - EU's accession to the ECHR
11657415 - Factores Pronosticos en el Cancer de Labio
11657414 - El Entrenamiento de La Fuerza y La Velocidad En El Beisbol
11657413 - Control Adaptable Para Plataforma Industrial
11657412 - Aminas y volatiles en vino envejecido con diferente turbidez
11657411 - El potencial acumulador de Cd y Pb de la Nicotiana tabacum L
11657410 - Coordenadas disciplinarias a debate. Verdad, poder y tiempo
11657409 - Competencias Investigativas
11657408 - El Metodo Monte Carlo y la propagacion de luz en medios no homogeneos
11657407 - El camino de la vida
11657406 - El empoderamiento femenino a traves de las microfinanzas
11657405 - Ecologia de Protozoos y Levaduras del Tracto Gastrointestinal
11657404 - Cronicas periodisticas de la cultura popular urbana limena
11657403 - Analisis del perfil de expresion genico hepatico hormono-dependiente
11657402 - El capital intelectual y la administracion del conocimiento
11657401 - Clustering de Documentos con Sistemas Evolutivos
11657400 - Factores de motivacion docente en la escuela secundaria
11657399 - Descendientes de Italianos y Ciudadanos Italianos en la Lima de Hoy
11657398 - Formacion etico profesional en la UABC en Mexico
11657397 - El Tda-h y su incidencia en la escuela de hoy
11657396 - Compromiso de la Alta Gerencia
11657395 - Consumo de Carne de res tratada con Clenbuterol
11657394 - Diseno e Implementacion de una Fuente Generadora de Ozono
11657393 - Disfunciones en los dispositivos de control de la migracion irregular
11657392 - Fraseologia Rusa Deanimalistica
11657391 - El baile y la calidad de vida
11657390 - Galerias de Arte
11657389 - De la Administracion Cientifica a los Estudios Organizacionales
11657388 - Factores de Riesgo de La Enfermedad Cerebrovascular
11657387 - Brain Injuries
11657386 - 3D Facial Feature Extraction and Recognition
11657385 - Conservation of Avian Communities of Oak Forests of Himalaya, India
11657384 - Active and Proactive Characteristics of Human Needs
11657383 - Brucellosis in Livestock in Bangladesh
11657382 - Broadband Optical Quantum Memory
11657381 - Financial Innovation, Capital Market and Economic Growth
11657380 - Formacion por Competencias como Herramienta Motivacional
11657379 - Analisis de polimorfismos de riesgo a la Diabetes tipo 1 en Uruguay
11657378 - Clonacion y Expresion de Proteinas Recombinantes
11657377 - El fenomeno de las necesidades de informacion
11657376 - Diseno de Un Sistema Integral Para La Pitaya (Stenocereus Griseus)
11657375 - El discurso politico
11657374 - Desarrollo y Aplicaciones sobre Lluvias de Diseno en Argentina
11657373 - Control Supervisorio de Flujo Vehicular
11657372 - Ensayos de Economia Politica y Pensamiento Economico Universal
11657371 - Fundamentos del desarrollo local
11657370 - Atencion a la diversidad
11657369 - El simulacro de las marcas de consumo
11657368 - Diagnostico de Calidad en Equipamientos Urbanos de Educacion Ambiental
11657367 - 3. Switch Optico Usando Dispersion Raman Estimulada En Fibras Opticas
11657366 - Epidemiologia, prevencion y control de la legionelosis
11657365 - Consideraciones Para Una Fenomenologia de La Comunicacion
11657364 - Diseno de un Modelo de Intervencion Educativa
11657363 - Fijador interno empleado en el tratamiento de fracturas vertebrales
11657362 - Biodiversidad de la macrofauna bentonica
11657361 - Control de Protesis Transfemorales basado en Patrones de Accion Fija
11657360 - Diseno de Producto Turistico Sabana Camaguey
11657359 - Ejercicio de Aletheia
11657358 - Estudio y caracterizacion de patrones de radiacion solar
11657357 - Countries y Asentamientos
11657356 - Como escribir exitosamente textos academicos
11657355 - Compendio Documental para el Estudio del Pensamiento de Simon Bolivar
11657354 - Estabilidad en Sistemas Distribuidos de Consenso de Larga Vida
11657353 - El aprendizaje en la Universidad
11657352 - Efficiency of Bangladeshi Rice Farmers
11657351 - Decentralization of Education Management in Ghana
11657350 - Bufferzone to Buffer Protected Area
11657349 - Alpha-1-syntrophin protein expression in human cancers
11657348 - Application of Molecular Recognition Technology
11657347 - Forecasting Inflation in Asian Economies
11657346 - Electronic Banking vs Ordinary Banking In Uganda
11657345 - Aditivos en yesos ceramicos
11657344 - Desarrollo de Sistema de Informacion Web para la CTG UDO-SUCRE
11657343 - Cambios en fractura de cadera en una poblacion a lo largo de ocho anos
11657342 - Compras y Almacen Para Empresas Gastronomicas
11657341 - El Tratamiento de Las Aguas Residuales
11657340 - El ejercicio en el medio acuatico tras la menopausia
11657339 - El jaguar en el Sector San Cristobal, Guanacaste-Costa Rica
11657338 - Efectividad de Un Programa de Exposicion a Altitud Simulada
11657337 - Comunicacion, semiotica, investigacion.
11657336 - Estabilizacion del Salvado de Arroz y extraccion de su Aceite
11657335 - Caracterizacion Biologica y Molecular de cepas de B. thuringiensis
11657334 - Evaluacion
11657333 - Comunidad Zooplanctonica de La Ensenada de Gaira, Caribe Colombiano
11657332 - Estudios sobre generalizacion
11657331 - Cinetica Quimica de las Reacciones Sencillas
11657330 - Aplicacion del analisis de riesgos en presas VOLUMEN II
11657329 - Estilos de crianza. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones Practicas
11657328 - Analisis de la mortalidad por causas en Mexico
11657327 - Bienaventurados
11657326 - Funcion Matematica
11657325 - Evaluacion y planificacion
11657324 - Conductas Prosociales En Preadolescentes
11657323 - Analisis y optimizacion de modelos de colas con datos inciertos
11657322 - Breve introduccion al pensamiento de socrates
11657321 - Contribuciones europeas al desarrollo de la investigacion en Venezuela
11657320 - Entornos virtuales para la exploracion y busqueda de informacion
11657319 - Estudio de Potenciales Cepas Probioticas en Alimentacion Animal
11657318 - El impulso de la competitividad de las pequenas y medianas empresas
11657317 - Biodiversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
11657316 - Banking Behavior of Islamic Bank Customers
11657315 - 'Expressing Federo'
11657314 - Domestic Tourism in Kenya
11657313 - Academic Discounting
11657312 - Enhancing Research Productivity of TEFL Academics in China
11657311 - De la Tradicion a la Vanguardia
11657310 - Determinacion de contaminantes polares en muestras medioambientales
11657309 - Delincuencia y exclusion social
11657308 - Aproximacion Sociopedagogica Al Discurso Docente
11657307 - Apuntes para Facilitar la Recoleccion de Datos
11657306 - Comprension social de la biotecnologia
11657305 - Formalizacion de la propiedad rural y su impacto en la calidad de vida
11657304 - Equipamiento Vecinal En Chile
11657303 - Filosofia, tradicion, cultura y modernidad desde America Latina
11657302 - Dinamica No-lineal de un Servomecanismo Neumatico de Posicionamiento
11657301 - Cognacion en el Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Tecnico en Ingles
11657300 - Fundamento etico, politico y pedagogico del pensamiento cubano
11657299 - Aplicacion de La Legislacion Laboral En Los Disenos Industriales
11657298 - Apiterapia como modalidad complementaria a la Fisioterapia
11657297 - Fitoplancton de un ambiente costero, bahia Nueva,Chubut, Argentina
11657296 - Evaluando los Sistemas de Refrigeracion "Absorcion versus Compresion"
11657295 - Analisis critico de la politica petrolera venezolana hasta 1985
11657294 - Aplicaciones de tres capas en J2EE y .NET
11657293 - El fenomeno de Pinsky para funciones suaves en cuerpos convexos
11657292 - Desarrollando el Pensamiento Logico Matematico
11657291 - El testimonio infantil y la sugerencia en contexto forense
11657290 - Conocimiento local y contexto escolar en zonas campesinas de Colombia
11657289 - Fundamentos del Bicicross
11657288 - El suelo en la residencia colectiva
11657287 - Diseno E Implementacion de Procedimientos de Costos
11657286 - Estado de Derecho Vs. Derechos Humanos
11657285 - Alternativa agroecologica en relictos de Bosque seco tropical
11657284 - Cartografia de la Esperanza
11657283 - Correspondence Between The Attributes of Heterogeneous Datasets
11657282 - Dhole (Cuon alpinus) Conservation in Kangchenjunga, Nepal
11657281 - Conversion of Hydrocarbons to Biosurfactants
11657280 - Constitutional Developments in India
11657279 - Environmental Implications of a City-Lake Interface
11657278 - Atlas of Veterinary Teratology
11657277 - El Sistema Legislativo Europeo
11657276 - Azucar, familia, Parentesco y Poder Politico en Tucuman, Argentina
11657275 - Ciclo Estral del Bovino
11657274 - Domines y pedantes. Ensenar latin en la literatura espanola
11657273 - Contenidos Ideologicos Cinematograficos
11657272 - El cine de terror. Historias de vampiros y qarqachas
11657271 - Eliminacion de nutrientes mediante procesos de membrana
11657270 - Diseno y construccion de un calentador solar para agua
11657269 - Feminidad, cine e imaginarios posmodernos
11657268 - Analisis e Historia de la transformacion del Paisaje
11657267 - Cultura politica de las elites en Bolivia
11657266 - El problema de la libertad y la moralidad en Kant
11657265 - Biocombustibles
11657264 - Control Neurodifuso Multivariable de Una Turbina de Gas
11657263 - Arquicultura
11657262 - Conociendo La Antropologia Forense
11657261 - Categorias de Uso de Graficas en libros de texto de Ingenieria
11657260 - El efecto del pais de origen
11657259 - Analizando Los Factores Que Afectan El Comportamiento de Compra Online
11657258 - Atenuacion luminica, productividad y biomasa en laguna facultativa
11657257 - Analisis de la programacion infantil de la TDT espanola
11657256 - A Fraga
11657255 - Compresion de Imagenes con Perdidas
11657254 - Cultura visual de genero
11657253 - Autogestion en salud desde una perspectiva de genero
11657252 - Ensenanza de valores, Educacion Estetica y creatividad del docente
11657251 - Caracterizacion electrofisiologica de las celulas madre
11657250 - Encadenamiento Productivo y Competitividad En Las Mipymes
11657249 - Equilibrium and Charge Transfer
11657248 - Cooperative Information Systems in Europe
11657247 - Compliance with Eu Legislation
11657246 - Class G Headphones Amplifier
11657245 - Access And Control In The Lake Chilwa Wetlands
11657244 - Cumulative Effect Assessment
11657243 - Estudio espectrometrico y su correlacion con registros de pozo
11657242 - Colonias Populares
11657241 - Estudios de surgencia en el Banco de Campeche
11657240 - Analisis y sistematizacion de la television y el video en Internet
11657239 - Ceramica Artistica
11657238 - Culturas de formacion de investigadores en Mexico
11657237 - Culturas juveniles, identidades y globalizacion
11657236 - Estilo Cognitivo En La Dimension de Dependencia de Campo
11657235 - El modelo linguistico-transaccional
11657234 - Concreto Polimerico comparado con el Portland
11657233 - Analisis no lineal y escalamiento de excursiones en senales cardiacas
11657232 - Contaminacion por drenaje acido de minas en la cuenca del rio Odiel
11657231 - Derecho Informatico
11657230 - El Imaginario Oriental en Chile en el Siglo XIX
11657229 - Dinamica atmosferica y los procesos tormentosos severos
11657228 - Estudio Teorico del Regenerador para un Motor Stirling
11657227 - "Los Rancheros" que la Etnografia Olvido
11657226 - Evaluaciones antropometricas en mujeres obesas
11657225 - Estres laboral despues de un infarto agudo del miocardio
11657224 - Filosofia de la Biologia
11657223 - Analisis de Filtros Activos de Potencia mediante Tecnicas Geometricas
11657222 - Biosfera
11657221 - El turismo rural, una forma de desarrollo local
11657220 - Adiposidad y su Patron de Distribucion en Ninos de 4 a 7 Anos
11657219 - Combustion Modelling
11657218 - Analysis of Composite Concrete Beam -Slab System Under Dynamic Loads
11657217 - Exploring Genes Regulating Insect Physiology and Behaviour
11657216 - Cash-Flow Management in a Volatile Flexible Exchange Rate System
11657215 - Brand Loyalty and Telecommunication Sector
11657214 - Bony Cuts of Spent Hens in Chicken Whey Soup
11657213 - Communication and Advertising
11657212 - Childlessness as a challenge in African Christianity
11657211 - An Anthology of African Experience
11657210 - Funktsionirovanie Formul Izvineniya V Diskurse
11657209 - A Fast Recognition System for Isolated Printed Characters
11657208 - Castigos y Castigados en Michoacan, 1825-1881
11657207 - Ciencias En Mapudungun
11657206 - Actividades Para La Comprension E Interpretacion Textual En Literatura
11657205 - Extensiones a R2 de la nocion de Funciones con phi-Variacion Acotada
11657204 - Dificultades Conceptuales y Procedimentales del Concepto Funcion
11657203 - Evita
11657202 - Correspondencia del escritor Raimundo de los Reyes (1896-1964)
11657201 - Acero inoxidable de desecho como refuerzo en concreto estructural
11657200 - Antropologia del envejecimiento en las ruralidades veracruzanas
11657199 - Diseno de Sistemas Genericos
11657198 - Estudios sobre Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderias
11657197 - El Suicidio En Adolescentes, Un Problema Psicosocial
11657196 - Docencia como Poder
11657195 - Diseno de un Enfriador de Agua Aplicado a la Incubacion Avicola
11657194 - El perfil cognoscitivo del bachiller
11657193 - El Trabajo Social y Su Mision Con La Ninez En Costa Rica
11657192 - DILUCT
11657191 - Como crear empresas rurales competitivas
11657190 - Elementos claves para insertar el producto eventos en una ciudad
11657189 - Arenas en facies Utrillas en las obras de ingenieria civil
11657188 - Aportaciones Metodologicas Para La Introduccion del Turismo Rural
11657187 - Desarrollo de Sistema de Deteccion de Fallas
11657186 - Code-switching en la Poesia Norteamericana de Origen Hispano
11657185 - Estudio Regional de Accesibilidad Al Entorno
11657184 - Democracia y Autonomia en cinco regiones latinoamericanas
11657183 - El Outsourcing como ventaja competitiva
11657182 - Color shade determination in Sudanese population
11657181 - Formative Evaluation, Reinforcement and learning
11657180 - E-Banking Services
11657179 - Circular Polarized Antenna for Broadband Wireless System
11657178 - Building Soviet Citizens with American Tools
11657177 - Elektrokhimicheskoe Opredelenie Salmonella S Ispol'zovaniem Nano Fe3o4
11657176 - Cultivo de Organismos en Agua Recirculada y su Prevencion Sanitaria
11657175 - Experiencias de recuperacion emocional
11657174 - Efectos y defectos de los programas gubernamentales en Mexico
11657173 - Controladores de varianza minima generalizados
11657172 - Estilistica de percepcion en el analisis del texto literario
11657171 - Deficit fiscal o ajuste
11657170 - Ctenomys
11657169 - Fisicolosando
11657168 - Analisis de la potencia reactiva en una interconexion HVDC
11657167 - Filtros de Banda Eliminada con un Ancho de Banda Moderado
11657166 - Analisis de Sensibilidad de Observaciones Visuales de Oleaje
11657165 - Efectos Laborales de la Situacion Social de la Inmigracion en Espana
11657164 - Ciudad Sutura
11657163 - Fuentes alternas de energia
11657162 - Conversemos de Pedagogia
11657161 - Futbol Rural
11657160 - Conato de participacion ciudadana
11657159 - Derecho a la Seguridad Social en la Constitucion Venezolana
11657158 - Emociones, Justicia y Derechos Humanos
11657157 - Entrenamiento de la memoria en el envejecimiento
11657156 - Bruxismo, Estres y Ansiedad
11657155 - Diccionario de Canonistas y Eclesiasticistas Europeos y Americanos (I)
11657154 - El Espacio Publico En El Siglo XXI
11657153 - Cultura y Liderazgo basado en Aprendizaje Organizacional
11657152 - Especies patogenas del genero Vibrio en alimentos marinos
11657151 - Analisis Economico de La Imposicion En Mexico
11657150 - Desarrollo de un modelo de prediccion de fracturas osteoporoticas
11657149 - Estandares de calidad para la cirugia del cancer de recto
11657148 - Basics of Immunology
11657147 - Ancestors and HIV/AIDS
11657146 - A Mesh-Free Lagrangian Methods for Free Surface and Interfacial Flows
11657145 - Application of Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference Systems in Machining
11657144 - Entrepreneurship Development in the Developing World
11657143 - Factors Related to Training Transfer in the Workplace
11657142 - Biografiya Y.P. Gebbel'sa V Svete Problemy Kontinuiteta Tret'ego Reykha
11657141 - Algoritmo de Busqueda de Posicion y Orientacion de Un Robot Movil
11657140 - Ambiente de Simulacion 3D para Robots Modulares
11657139 - El Regimen Juridico del Ordenamiento Ambiental en Colombia
11657138 - Administracion de la Construccion
11657137 - Evaluacion curricular de los estudios de postgrado en Venezuela
11657136 - Biologia de Gambusia holbrooki en sistemas salinos epicontinentales
11657135 - Aspectos Psicosociales de la Maternidad Temprana
11657134 - Ensayos Sobre Economia y Educacion de Oaxaca
11657133 - Control digital basado en FPGA para convertidores conmutados
11657132 - Eficiencia energetica y calidad de la energia electrica
11657131 - Ciencias Sociales, Escuela y Nacion
11657130 - Evaluacion a Las Politicas de Inversion Extranjera Directa En Chile
11657129 - Carbono Almacenado En Los Bosques de La Region Purepecha
11657128 - Caracterizacion de semillas de amaranto sometidas a estres abiotico
11657127 - Dos Enfoques en la Ensenanza de Limite de Funciones Reales
11657126 - Calentamiento de combustible en reservorios
11657125 - Del Messenger y otras escrituras en la universidad
11657124 - Analisis de La Deuda Publica Venezolana
11657123 - El Bullying en la Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria
11657122 - Control Estadistico de Procesos por Redes Neuronales Artificiales
11657121 - Electronica Analoga - Conceptos y Tecnicas
11657120 - Estado Cognitivo y Socioeconomico de la Poblacion Adulta Mayor
11657119 - Determinantes Contextuales de la Mortalidad
11657118 - Arquitectura y simbolo del Panteon de Roma
11657117 - Barranquilla
11657116 - Colapsabilidad en tablas de contingencia multivariantes
11657115 - Estudios ecofisiologicos en Lupinus L. de la alta montana tropical
11657114 - Conciliacion trabajo-familia
11657113 - From Symptom to Cure
11657112 - Childhood Diarrhoea
11657111 - Equivalent Frame Approach for Nonlinear Modeling of Masonry Buildings
11657110 - Bioaccumulation of Metals in Cyanobacteria
11657109 - A Subspace Approach for Speech Signal Modelling and Classification
11657108 - An Exploratory Study of GIS Based Analysis
11657107 - Dinamica de la epidemia de la infeccion por el VIH
11657106 - Construccion del Texto Escrito En La Escuela Multigrado
11657105 - Arqueologia En Los Andes. Los Primeros Humanos Detras De Las Piedras
11657104 - Compendio de preparacion de materiales
11657103 - Estudio del proceso de inercia en modelos de funcion de transferencia
11657102 - Factores de Riesgo y Proteccion del consumo de Cannabis
11657101 - Conductas de Riesgo, Prueba del Vih y Seroestatus En Hsh de Espana
11657100 - Enfermedad Cronica, Familia Cuidadora y Dependencia
11657099 - Estudio del Proceso de Elaboracion del Queso Azul
11657098 - Dimension Fractal Reactiva de Particulas Farmaceuticas
11657097 - El Problema de la Unicidad de la Mente en Spinoza
11657096 - El fenomeno literario
11657095 - Estudios Sobre Lorca y Su Comarca
11657094 - Ecologia reproductiva de tres batoideos (Chondrichthyes)
11657093 - Dos modelos de insercion de Argentina
11657092 - Biologia de la Culebrera Europea en la provincia de Alicante (Espana)
11657091 - "While Men Sleep..."
11657090 - Caracterizacion Electrica por Efecto Hall del Silicio
11657089 - Bizcocheras, lancheros y demas...
11657088 - El profesor reflexivo
11657087 - Estudio de Impacto Ambiental en la cantera "El Santuario".
11657086 - Analisis de Flujos de Trabajo y Su Aplicacion Con Plone
11657085 - Ciencia y politica en el contexto de la nueva influenza A/H1N1
11657084 - Finale, Allegro con brio. La deconstruccion de E. P. Thompson (II).
11657083 - Estimacion muy Temprana del Tiempo y Esfuerzo de Desarrollo de SI
11657082 - Efecto Kerr optico resuelto en el tiempo en escala de femtosegundos
11657081 - Anulacion de la conciencia como buena praxis medica
11657080 - Analisis Discursivo
11657079 - Elektroenergetika I Elektrifikatsiya Arabskikh Stran
11657078 - Determinants of Community Involvement in Health Partnerships
11657077 - A Management Paradigm for FPGA Design Flow Acceleration
11657076 - Formirovanie Mirovozzreniya U Doshkol'nikov I Mladshikh Shkol'nikov
11657075 - Evolyutsiya Denezhno-Kreditnogo Regulirovaniya V Usloviyakh Globalizatsii
11657074 - Diccionario Historico de Jalisco
11657073 - Diseno y Construccion de Un Web Warehouse
11657072 - El mal como voluntad de la mirada
11657071 - Escenarios Futuros para el Arroz Argentino en el Mercado Mundial
11657070 - El Aura Urbana, Territorio de Gestion
11657069 - El arte o la sombra de si mismo
11657068 - Estrategias de Comunicacion Politica Para Jovenes
11657067 - Escuela - familia
11657066 - Estimacion de la edad dental
11657065 - Diseno de un controlador de trafico vehicular y peatonal
11657064 - Como
11657063 - Excavacion en roca con explosivos
11657062 - Cinematica de Cadenas Espaciales por Medio de la Teoria de Tornillos
11657061 - Apertura y crecimiento economico en Mexico.
11657060 - Flora briofitica epifita de Marruecos
11657059 - Del discurso retorico al discurso cinematografico
11657058 - Analisis de errores en el aprendizaje del Espanol
11657057 - Erosion de la agrodiversidad en los pueblos originarios de Mexico
11657056 - Deteccion de senal en MIMO
11657055 - Fecundacion In Vitro en cerdos con semen congelado-descongelado
11657054 - Evaluacion Sistemica para Certificacion de Estudios en Turismo
11657053 - Contemporaneidad y Fe en S?ren A. Kierkegaard
11657052 - Autonomia O Escudo Protector?
11657051 - Analisis Critico del Curriculum de La Asignatura de Educacion Civica
11657050 - Cistatina C en Insuficiencia Cardiaca
11657049 - Evaluacion de los Programas de Formacion Permanente
11657048 - Fundamentos teorico-practicos de la informacion religiosa
11657047 - Disparadores de Violencia Escolar y Ausencia de Ciudadania
11657046 - Detskaya Neyrodietologiya
11657045 - Carbon-polymer composite bipolar plate for PEM fuel cell
11657044 - Application of CVM in Valuation of Urban Green, Open-Spaces
11657043 - Computational folding of small and medium size peptides
11657042 - Dynamics and Control of Multibody Systems in Central Gravity
11657041 - Ekologo-Energeticheskiy Analiz Agroekosistem
11657040 - Adaptation, Deployment and Use Bio Power
11657039 - Evaluacion de los Servicios Ecosistemicos de los Arboles
11657038 - Contrabando, bala y timon en el Caribe colombiano 1886-1926
11657037 - Ascenso a la Verdad
11657036 - Esquizofrenia
11657035 - Diseno de una arquitectura de red para una empresa
11657034 - El Hombre Nuevo
11657033 - Caracteristicas Epidemiologicas E Infarto del Miocardio Agudo
11657032 - Factores relacionados a las decisiones de organizacion productiva
11657031 - Control bilateral de robots teleoperados
11657030 - Consumo y felicidad
11657029 - Exposicion a CO en individuos de departamentos
11657028 - El patrimonio cultural
11657027 - El enriquecimiento del proceso traductologico mediante la retraduccion
11657026 - Ecologia y gestion del habitat de los Passeriformes palustres
11657025 - Determinantes en la fijacion de la estrategia de cobertura financiera
11657024 - Caracterizacion de Las Fronteras de Mda Mediante UML
11657023 - Fusiones y Adquisiciones de Empresas en Mexico
11657022 - Aportes Al Mapa de Riesgo Sanitario de Santiago del Estero
11657021 - Arquitectura de distribucion adaptable para sistemas colaborativos
11657020 - Analisis de redes sociales, innovacion tecnologica y su transferencia
11657019 - Aprendemos a Ahorrar
11657018 - Epidemiologia de la pulicosis en perros y gatos de Colombia
11657017 - Control de una Mano Robot para Reproducir algunos de sus Movimientos
11657016 - Aportaciones hacia una Etica liberadora
11657015 - Educacion Media Superior en Mexico
11657014 - Complexus Teorico Desde Una Perspectiva Compleja y Transdiciplinaria
11657013 - Alto Rendimiento Academico
11657012 - El paradigma sociocognitivo base del cambio en la cultura Pedagogica
11657011 - EKG Monitoring Over Wireless Sensor Networks & Ddos Vulnerabilities
11657010 - Analysis of Complex Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
11657009 - Development of a Method to Measure Tep on Fresh & Saline Water
11657008 - Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Rural Communities of Garhwal
11657007 - Blind Compensation of Non Linear Channels
11657006 - Changing Lifestyles
11657005 - Estilo de Vida Laboral del Sector Carbonifero
11657004 - Actitudes y Autorregulacion en el aprendizaje de la matematica
11657003 - Enfoque de sistemas y Modelos de simulacion de cultivos
11657002 - DSP para la medicion de parametros electricos en una red de potencia
11657001 - Evaluacion Emergetica de Los Sistemas Agroforestales - Safs
11657000 - El desarrollo de la ciencia en Mexico
11656999 - Analisis del discurso narrativo, identidad y genero
11656998 - Abuso corporativo laboral
11656997 - Causes and Consequences of Government Growth
11656996 - Ekologiya I Povedenie Saygaka
11656995 - European Integration and Economic Development
11656994 - A Critical Assessment of Hydropolitics in Southern Africa
11656993 - A List of Optimum Goppa Codes
11656992 - Assessment of Some Physio-Chemical Parameters of Brewery Wastewater
11656991 - Automatic Effective Model Discovery
11656990 - Fundamentals of Safe Motherhood
11656989 - Centralized Reactive Power Management
11656987 - Classifying Damages in Engineering Material Using Bayesian Networks
11656986 - Effect of Microcurrent,Laser and Kneading on Upper Trapezius Pain
11656983 - Amino acids in the atmospheric and marine environments
11656982 - Devolution Plan (2000)
11656981 - Bible Battles
11656980 - Development of Zirconia Toughened Alumina Cutting Tools
11656979 - Agent Based User Modeling
11656978 - Cross-Dressing in Soviet Cinema
11656977 - Fruit Leathers
11656976 - DNA Content Analysis and Invitro Cytotoxicity in Bladder Cancer Patients
11656975 - Climate Change
11656974 - Financial stress, conflict, and poor adolescent adjustment
11656973 - American Educational Policy and Practice
11656971 - Children in Conflict Zones-Need for Reappraisal
11656970 - Establishment of Herbal Monograph
11656969 - A Corpus-Based Analysis of Classroom Interaction
11656968 - Economic Analysis of Dairying in Smallholder Farming Systems
11656967 - Duty-Cycle Division Multiplexing (DCDM)
11656966 - Analysis of Sprinters vs. Distance Runners
11656965 - Experiments in Automated Generation of Games
11656964 - Energy Markets' Liberalization in Greece
11656963 - Agency Costs in Small Firm Acquisitions
11656962 - Chinese Adolescents in Social Transition
11656961 - Allelopathic Effects of Croton Bonplandianum Baill
11656960 - Aleaciones Nanoestructuradas AuCu y AuAl
11656957 - Chirality and Molecular Interactions
11656955 - Education Reconstruction in War-Torn Southern Sudan
11656954 - A Computational Intelligence Paradigm
11656953 - Forex Market and Indian Rupees Valuation with Respect to Japaneese Yen
11656952 - Design and Development of Unmanned Grass Cutter
11656950 - Corpora in Language Classroom
11656949 - Fluid Dynamics of Water under Simulated Drought Condition in Rice
11656948 - Faceted Lightweight Ontologies
11656947 - Chutnifying History
11656946 - Deleuze Over Bacon
11656945 - Criminality in the Contemporary World, the Bible and the Quran
11656944 - Benefits from a Prospective Bolivia - Us Trade Agreement
11656943 - Determinants of Broad Bad Maker Technology Adoption in Vertisol
11656942 - Economic Stimulus Projects in Educational Institutions in Kenya
11656941 - Chaotic and Hyperchaotic Nonlinear Systems
11656940 - A Natural Adsorbent - Sea Shell for Removal of Methylene Blue
11656939 - Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration and Community Forest of Nepal
11656938 - Adsorption of Hazardous Malachite Green on Low-Cost Adsorbents
11656937 - Does Buffer Zone Buffering?
11656936 - Developments in Rheology for Environmental and Process Engineering
11656935 - Economic Valuation of Carbon Sequestration in Community Forest
11656933 - Cross-Cultural Competence
11656932 - EFL Learners' Additional Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement
11656931 - Chemistry of Mangrove Ecosystem of the Indian Sundarbans
11656930 - Accountability in the charitable sector
11656929 - Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Technology
11656928 - Foreign Policy of the Republic of Mali Since Independence (1960-2002)
11656927 - 'The impact on section 3(d) on Indian Pharmaceutical industry
11656926 - Clay Hybrid Materials
11656925 - Ecohydrology for Indonesia Condition
11656924 - Benzimidazole-2-Carboxylic Acids
11656923 - Climate Change Diplomacy
11656922 - Communicative Feedback and Leadership in a Rural School Setting
11656921 - Analysis of Technetium-99m Radiopharmaceuticals by HPLC
11656920 - Biokhimicheskie Metody Diagnostiki
11656919 - GPS Based Taxi Fare System
11656918 - Converts, Apostates, and Hermits
11656916 - Business Opportunities for Micro Irrigation System
11656915 - Accumulation
11656914 - (No)Where to Go
11656913 - Analysis and Improvement of Virtex-4 Block RAM Built-In Self-Test
11656912 - Access Rights and Oil Exploitation
11656910 - Elementary Reading Instruction for Teachers and Teacher Educators
11656909 - Finding Sustainable Means of Financing Health Care Delivery in Ghana
11656908 - Ecophysiology of Heliodiaptomus
11656907 - Ecofriendly approach for the management of carnation wilt
11656906 - Evaluation of Citizen Participation in Policy Implementation
11656905 - Building Professional Bureaucracies in Less Developed Countries
11656904 - Education for Sustainability in Trades
11656903 - Dr Charles Burstone's Contribution in Orthodontics
11656902 - Bilateral Donors and a Human Rights-Based Approach to
11656901 - Complete Signal Processing for Through Wall Tracking of Moving Targets
11656900 - ELT Curriculum Innovation
11656899 - Business Model for Technical Pre-Sales Services
11656898 - Banking and Insurance Law Volume One
11656897 - Canine Distemper and its Diagnosis
11656896 - Analysis of Periodic Repeats in Protein Sequences
11656895 - Dancers in a Dance Movement Therapy Group
11656894 - Congenital Markers and Gastrointestinal Disorders
11656893 - Battles That I Fought and Interviews of War Heroes
11656892 - Blood Sugar Level
11656891 - Democratic Coaching
11656890 - "Patera Migration" from West Africa to Spain
11656889 - An Investigation
11656888 - Blood Injury Injection Phobia
11656887 - Ecological studies of selected beaches of Mumbai coast
11656886 - Anaerobic Digestion in a Tapered Fluidized Bed Reactor
11656885 - Adaptation of Oral- literary Forms in Toni Morrison's Novels
11656884 - Developing Africa from Below
11656883 - Chloride Ingress Into Reinforced Concrete Sustaining In-Service Loads
11656882 - Beyond "Basic Audio Quality"
11656881 - Application of Preservation Metadata
11656880 - Aksiologicheskaya Model' Yazykovoy Lichnosti V Epistolyarnom Diskurse
11656879 - A Comparison of Three Levels of Achievers
11656878 - Climatology and Biogeography
11656877 - 18 Women 18 Stories
11656876 - Causes of Low Success Rates in English Study Programs of South Asia
11656875 - Become as One People
11656874 - Detection of Anti Malarial Igg/Igg Subclasses in Sudanies Patients
11656873 - Aesthetic Experience and Language
11656872 - Exploring Antecedents of Active and Passive Use of Classified websites
11656871 - Foreign Aid and Social Sector of Pakistan
11656870 - Evaluation of Hunteria umbellata seed
11656865 - Eroziya elektrodov GZSI. Modelirovanie i raschet
11656864 - Can spectators become co-authors in the process of a story narrative?
11656863 - Cyanobacterial Biodiversity of the Sub-Himalayan Belt of Kumaon Region
11656862 - Acute Pain Management
11656861 - Bioprocesos Para La Produccion de DNA Plasmidico Para USO Medico
11656860 - European Union Pre-Accession Funding in Croatia
11656859 - Evolutionary Dynamics of RNA-like Replicators
11656858 - Antioxidant and Other Beneficent Effects of Free and Conjugated Phytostreroids of Solanum and Withania
11656857 - Deciphering the Cypriot
11656856 - Demand Side Management
11656855 - Electrochemical Study of Natural Anticancer Drugs Volume 2
11656854 - Creating Positive Feeling
11656853 - Balance Control in Vestibular Neuritis
11656852 - Fiber Degrading Enzyme in Poultry Feeds
11656851 - Capital Structure of Companies in Ghana
11656850 - Block Transmission in Wireless Communications
11656849 - Babylon Christendom
11656847 - Conflicts and management among pastoral communities in Kenya
11656846 - Evaluation of Adaptability in Rice and Ragi
11656845 - Analysing Policies to Reduce Population Ageing Induced Fiscal Pressure
11656844 - An Exploratory Study of Non-Kin Models of Care
11656843 - Foreign Direct Investment in India
11656842 - Close-to-Nature concept for restoring tropical degraded natural forest
11656841 - Filosofsko-Kul'turologicheskie Kontsepty Teorii K. G. Yunga
11656840 - Employers' Organisations
11656839 - Financial Capital Paradigm and Income Poverty Reduction in Tanzania
11656838 - Ethnocentrism a challenge to Evangelization in the world
11656837 - Engineered Particulate Systems for Chemical Mechanical Planarization
11656836 - Challenges to Evangelisation in Africa Today
11656835 - Efficiency Study of Swiss Airports Management
11656834 - Formulation and Evaluation of Ion Exchange Resin Based Soluble Ocusert
11656833 - Adaptive Techniques to Power Harmonics Measurement and Control
11656832 - A Human Touch Across the Hall
11656831 - E-Government System
11656830 - Economics for southern Africa high school students
11656829 - Air Passenger Data Protection
11656828 - Antioxidant response to Chromium stress in Brassica juncea
11656827 - Enhanced Vortex Stability of Trapped Vortex Combustor(tvc)
11656824 - Emotion and English Vocabulary Learning of Senior High School Students
11656823 - Environmental Scanning and Investment Decision Quality
11656822 - Development of biodegradable polymer for treatment of solid tumor
11656820 - Access to Finance, Banking Market Power and Institutional Development
11656818 - Fundamental Understanding with Smart Materials
11656817 - Cardinal Elements of Efficient Use of Nitrogen in Agroforestry Systems
11656815 - "Research for the Benefit of Smes"
11656814 - Accelerating Recursive Queries in Federated Database Systems
11656813 - Direct Liquefaction of Pretreated Low Rank Malaysian Coal
11656812 - Enhancement of Company's Competitiveness by Using Process Approach
11656811 - Contract Renegotiation and Adaptation
11656810 - Coupled Meshfree and Fractal Finite Element Method
11656809 - Delta-Induced Fuzzytopology, Fuzzytopology Generated by Delta-Open Set
11656808 - Evaluating Coastal Community Resilience Assessments Methods
11656807 - Cultural Hegemony in English Language Textbooks
11656806 - Eu Sugar Reform and Preference Receiving Countries
11656805 - Domestic Drama
11656803 - Blended Fertilizer Formulation from Available Resources in Bangladesh
11656801 - Bob Dylan Lyrics Versus the Academics
11656800 - Discovering Friendly Bacteria- A Quest
11656799 - Assessment of perceived parental influence on substance use
11656798 - Economic Development of Regions in the Context of Sustainability
11656797 - Biological Activities of Linum usitatissimum (Flaxseed) Fixed Oil
11656796 - Dietary Practices of the Garo Tribe
11656795 - Carbon Nanotubes
11656794 - Finding out the Killer in the Kitchen
11656793 - Flows in Graphs and Related Problems
11656792 - Acute Exacerbation of Bronchial Asthma
11656791 - Artificial Financial Market
11656790 - "Smart Video Surveillance System"
11656789 - Coulomb Modified Nuclear Scattering
11656788 - Fuzzy Similarity Measures
11656787 - Econometrics of Electricity Demand
11656786 - Agency Constraints of Women Credit Clients
11656785 - Design of Ict Procurement Process Model for Secondary Schools Tanzania
11656784 - Galerkin Boundary Integral Analysis of the Grad-Shafranov Equation
11656783 - Collected Poems Volume 2
11656782 - Fitness, Fatness and C-Reactive Protein
11656781 - Baghdad University
11656780 - A Short Guide to Mold Technology
11656779 - Business Internationalization
11656778 - Finding Foot as an International Court
11656776 - Exploring Deaf Students Experiences in Higher Education Institution
11656775 - Counselling Handbook for University and Colleges
11656774 - 'Free' public transport
11656773 - Arms Export Regulations and Member State Preferences
11656772 - Effects of N, P and FYM on Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Triticale
11656770 - Changes in Organization
11656769 - Collisionless Transport of Energetic Electrons in the Solar Corona
11656768 - Effect of Antibiotics on Phagocytosis
11656767 - Fermentation
11656766 - A Multi-Factor Study on Land Administrative Corruptions in China
11656765 - Change Management and Market Orientation
11656764 - Feeding Practices Among Mothers of Nursery School Children
11656763 - Dubrovnik Under Siege
11656762 - Dechlorination of Pops in Fly Ash and Metals Accumulation in Ariake Bay
11656761 - Determination of Survival Rate of Prawn Larvae Using Probiotics
11656760 - Blinded by the Light of Reason
11656759 - Development of Nano-Ceramic Dispersed Cu-Based Metal Matrix Composites
11656758 - Customised Mobile Application Development
11656757 - Corporate Governance and Manager Turnover in the Netherlands
11656756 - Ecology and Biology of the Indian Peafowl, Pavo cristatus
11656755 - Ammonium Nitrate Based Catalysts for the Production of Particleboards
11656754 - Dynamic Effects of External Shocks on Malawi's Inflation
11656753 - Contesting Discouses on Sexuality and Sexual Subjectivity
11656752 - Biochemical Study of -Glucuronidase
11656751 - Frequent Pattern Mining in Transactional and Structured Databases
11656750 - Assessment of Suicidality Risk Factors and Its Management
11656749 - Biopiracy of Local Seed Varieties
11656748 - Conformity and Subversion in Gikuyu Children's Oral Poetry
11656747 - Balancing Environmental and Economic Criteria in the European Union
11656746 - "God Is Dead."
11656745 - Clinical concerns of immunogenicity produced by biopharmaceuticals
11656744 - From Cravens to Intellectuals
11656743 - Emergent Projects in Large Organizations
11656742 - Design of a Renewable Energy Powered Desalination System
11656741 - Bassoon Vibrato Production
11656740 - English Medium for Collegiate Level Science Classes in Sri Lanka
11656739 - A Study of Leadership Styles of Department Heads
11656738 - Block Toeplitz Operators
11656737 - Feed Resources Assessment and Evaluation
11656736 - A Versatile Spread Plasticity Model for Seismic Analysis of Rc Frames
11656735 - C++ for Novice Programmers
11656734 - Diversifying Horticulture Industry
11656733 - Evaluation of Two Urban Development Programs in West Bengal, India
11656732 - Contemporary Patterns of Communication
11656731 - Fiscal Policy in a Growth Model with a Public Capital Externality
11656730 - A Key to Unlock the Rights of Pwds
11656729 - Fuzzy N-Normed Linear Spaces
11656727 - Family Structure
11656726 - Extension Education in Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries Sectors
11656725 - Family Risk Factors and Juvenile Delinquency in Nigeria
11656724 - Acquisitions for Higher Pay?
11656723 - Dosimetry of The Teflon-Encased Strontium Eye Applicator
11656722 - Error-free Implementation of the Discrete Cosine Transform
11656721 - From Genome Sequence to Enzyme activity
11656720 - Computational Prediction of Aggregated Structure of Denatured Lysozyme
11656719 - Factors Associated with Occurrence of Bacterial Waterborne Diseases
11656718 - Constraints in Managing Community Secondary Schools in Tanzania
11656717 - English Up to Par
11656716 - Derivation of Morison's Force Coefficients
11656715 - Academic Staff Responses to roles in a Market Environment
11656713 - Beekeeping Simplified
11656712 - Akan Metalanguage and Terminology
11656711 - Co-construction in Intergenerational Family Conversations
11656709 - Advancement of Biotechnology
11656708 - Computational Intelligence in Computer Aided Medical Diagnosis
11656707 - Essentials of Employee Communication
11656706 - Acoustic Cavitation in Dual Frequency Ultrasound Fields
11656705 - Basic Computer Engineering
11656703 - Elliptic Curve Cryptography as suitable solution for mobile devices
11656702 - Chemistry of Isocyanates and Ureas
11656701 - Developing a Model of Psychiatric Visit Non-Adherence
11656700 - Capital Account Convertibility
11656699 - Challenges of Women Executives
11656698 - Board Characteristics and Firm Performance
11656697 - Calcium in the Hypertension Management
11656696 - Bayesian Process Capability Indices for Various Sources of Variability
11656695 - An Application of Household Net Metering in South Africa
11656693 - Development of Aluminium matrix composites by double stir-casting
11656692 - Audit Tenure and the Equity Risk Premium
11656691 - Environmental Pollution of Chemical Nature in Lake Ohrid
11656690 - Curriculum Implementation and Instruction
11656689 - Chiral Constituent Quark Model
11656688 - Environmental Tribulations and Solutions
11656687 - A Gender Perspective on Landmine Management in Kampuchea
11656686 - Female Students' Knowledge and Attitude Towards HIV and AIDS
11656685 - Coastal Change
11656684 - Firm Level Competitive Practices in Indian Industry
11656683 - Bayesian Analysis of Statistical Distribution in Open Bugs
11656682 - Assessment of Lead Contamination in Pigeons from Lahore, Pakistan
11656680 - Collected Plays Volume 1
11656679 - Big Lies Behind Self-Help Books
11656678 - Currency Union for West Africa
11656677 - Blurred Organisational Boundaries and Precarious HRM
11656676 - Coastal management in Timor-Leste
11656675 - Doctors on the move
11656673 - Convergence of Dependent Random Variables
11656672 - A Canadian Policy on Places of Refuge for Ships in Need of Assistance
11656671 - For the Player, by the Player
11656670 - Development of High Power Fiber Laser Technologies
11656669 - Anatomy of the Forebrain and Cerebellum of African Grasscutter
11656668 - GSM Tower Antenna Control System
11656667 - Basic Needs Satisfaction and Self-Directed Learning Among Children
11656666 - Canada, the United States, and NAFTA
11656665 - A Methodical Approach to Diagnosis of an Animal Syndrome
11656664 - An Exploration of African Feminism
11656663 - Coherent Photoproduction of -Mesons Off Protons at Threshold Energies
11656662 - Corporate Response to Recession (2008-09)
11656661 - A history of the Manjo Minorities in Kafa Zone,Southwestern Ethiopia
11656660 - Chip Electrochromatographic Systems
11656659 - A Handbook on Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary
11656658 - Assessment of Some Hydrological and Environmental Problems in Makkah
11656656 - Capital Structure in Iran
11656655 - Development of Renewable Energy Resources in India
11656654 - Cationic Polymers Based Non-Viral Gene Carriers
11656653 - Complete Removable Dentures (Crds) vs. Implant Overdentures (Iods)
11656652 - Corporate Governance in Jordan and Australia
11656651 - Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
11656650 - An Assessment of the Need for Pharmaceutical Care in an NICU in Sa
11656649 - Complete Arithmetic Coding
11656648 - Chemical Constituents Isolated from Andrographis Paniculata
11656647 - Finance and Investments
11656646 - Bulimia Nervosa
11656645 - Effect of Edta Versus Citric Acid on Smear Layer Removal-In Vitro
11656644 - A New Approach to Video Compression using DWT and MEC
11656643 - Fruits and Nuts
11656642 - End-To-End Path Computation Schemes
11656641 - Creativity
11656640 - Evangelisation in Africa Kenya from 1969 to 2010
11656639 - Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Ions and Organic Pollutants by Microbes
11656638 - Creating Opportunities from Crisis
11656637 - Framing Breaking News
11656636 - Factors influencing nutrition and food insecurity
11656635 - Catalysis of Interfacial Transfer of Photo-Generated Electrons
11656634 - A Desktop System for Attack-Resistance and Rapid Recovery
11656633 - Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave
11656632 - Fiber Composite Adaptive Systems
11656631 - Fundamental Indexation in South Africa
11656630 - Converting Technology
11656629 - Examination of the Optimal Power Flow Based Facts Devices
11656628 - A History of Persecution
11656627 - Ethics and Integrity Applied
11656625 - Colposcopy Diagnosis Made Easy Quick And Accurate
11656624 - Biochemical Studies During Organogenesis
11656622 - Albania's Foreign Policy in Transition
11656621 - Emergence and spread of antimalarial drug resistance
11656620 - Creative education as a way of the organisation of self-development
11656619 - Dynamic Modeling of Electrochemical Energy Systems
11656618 - Apexification and Apexogenesis
11656617 - Four Scenarios of Fish Finger Production from a Life Cycle Perspective
11656616 - Cadmium Sulfide Nanostructures for Device Applications
11656615 - Cross Functional Leadership
11656614 - Bolting and Seed Production Potentials in Tropical Shallots
11656613 - Dismantling Virginity
11656612 - Extraction of the Auditory Brainstem Response
11656611 - Capital Structure of Banks in Ghana
11656610 - Feasibility Assessment of Village/Community Water Banks
11656609 - Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Green Areas' Development
11656608 - A Simulation Optimization Approach to Groundwater Management Problems
11656607 - Evaluation of the INNOPAC library system
11656606 - Fuzzy Algebra
11656605 - AGRISENS
11656604 - Computationally Intelligent CFD
11656603 - Female and gender leadership
11656602 - Art,wit,wisdom of African proverbs from the bukusu of western Kenya
11656600 - GROWTH CENTRE
11656599 - Centric Jaw Relations
11656597 - Flesh Made Word
11656596 - Applying Ecosystem Approach to Integrated Watershed Management
11656595 - Financial Structure, Bank Credit Channel and Monetary Policy
11656594 - A Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioning System
11656593 - Comparison Between Ankle Taping and Prophylactic Bracing
11656592 - Effects of Vitamins on Reproductive System of Female Swiss Albino Mice
11656591 - Breast Size in Advertising
11656590 - Cooking the Book
11656589 - Culturable Methanotrophic Bacteria in Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest
11656588 - Education and Development
11656587 - An Application of Data Mining Techniques in Data Warehousing
11656586 - Embeddednessof Humanitarianmineaction
11656585 - Bioreactor design for the production of recombinant proteins
11656584 - A Distributed Multiagent Architecture
11656583 - Computer-Based Attacks on Governments
11656581 - Angiosperms Diversity in Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve
11656580 - Expectations, Obligations, Goals
11656579 - Einstein's Timeless Universe
11656578 - Biodiversity of Wetlands and Impact of Environmental Contamination
11656577 - Biological Treatment of Tannery Wastewater in Sequencing Batch Reactor
11656576 - Animirovannaya Prezentatsiya Kak Metodicheskiy Instrument Lektora
11656575 - Evidentialism and the Rationality of Religious Belief
11656574 - Absolute and Relative Dating Methods in Prehistory
11656573 - African Knowing and Biblical Interpretation
11656571 - Challenges Facing Artists & Institutions When Collecting Internet Art
11656570 - An Agent Based Goal Elicitation Technique using Agile Methods
11656569 - Factors Related to Moscow Teenagers' Purchase Intention
11656568 - A Morphology-driven Syntax of Arabic clauses
11656567 - Exact probability density function using multivariate transformation
11656566 - Fault-Tolerant Data Aggregation Methods in Sensor Networks
11656565 - Androgen Effects in Ovarian Epithelial Cells and Cancer Predisposition
11656564 - Forests in the changing climate
11656563 - Altering the Dutch labour market
11656562 - A Path to Disaster Resilient Communities
11656561 - Anti Stretch Marks Formulation
11656560 - A Study of Unlearning It Instruments in Health Organization
11656559 - Dimensions of State-Building
11656558 - (Im)Politeness in an Internet Chatroom
11656557 - Asthma Management Through Care Pathways
11656556 - Developing a Virtual Test Environment for Granular Materials Using Dem
11656555 - Ethnicity and Nation-Building in India
11656554 - Everyone's Guide to Real Estate Development
11656553 - A Tool for Solving Land Use Conflicts?
11656552 - Auto Estabilizacion de Frutas En El Envase
11656551 - Design Optimization of Stand-Alone Hybrid Energy Systems
11656550 - Cultural Mediation
11656549 - Examples for practice in mechanical motion for mechanical engineers
11656548 - Financial Liberalisation and Performance in the Insurance Industry
11656547 - Cultural Dimensions on Tribal Health
11656546 - A Comprehensive Compilation of World History
11656545 - Four Perspectives on Contemporary Anglo-Irish Fiction
11656544 - "To Thine Own Self Be True
11656542 - A 2-D Numeric Model for Open-water Evaporation Estimation
11656541 - Applying US Critical Election Theories to the 97' UK General Election
11656540 - Cultured and Ornamental Exotic Fishes of Bangladesh
11656539 - E-Marketing
11656538 - Control of Mineral Uptake in Vitro
11656537 - Efl Learners' L1 Conceptual Transfer
11656536 - Advanced Traffic Control Systems
11656535 - Application of Series Compensation in Bangladesh Power System
11656533 - Evaluation of allelopathic potential
11656532 - Deconstructing the Spatial Perceptions by Creating an Artist's Retreat
11656531 - Drug, Sex, HIV and Street Children in India
11656530 - Aid Effectiveness
11656529 - Advance Reservation and Revenue-Based Resource Management
11656528 - Appreciative Merger and Acquisition Team Coaching Programme
11656527 - Causes of Rural to Urban Migration Among Rural Youths in East Africa
11656526 - Access, Use and Management of Water Resources by Rural Communities
11656525 - Advances in Odor and Flavor Science
11656524 - Advanced Macroeconomics
11656522 - Dietary Inadequacies in Chronic Renal Disease in Developing Countries
11656521 - Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa
11656520 - Braiding and Channel Morphodynamics of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River
11656518 - Application of GIS in defining Urban Heat Island using Transect data
11656516 - Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Research and Development Activities
11656515 - Antioxidants from Medicinal Plants and of Synthetic Origin
11656514 - Biomass Gasification
11656512 - Development of a Finite Element Model of Tyre-Soil Interaction
11656511 - Branding in a Postmodern Society
11656510 - Chromatographic analysis
11656509 - Blind Samurai
11656508 - Bioactive Metabolites of Endophytic Fungi from Medicinal Plant
11656507 - Combination Drying Processes
11656506 - Beyond the Executive Amnesty
11656505 - Design Optimization
11656504 - An Extracurricular Science Program
11656503 - 1,3-Butadiene and Crotonaldehyde
11656502 - A Rights Based Approach to Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe
11656501 - Finding Hope in Creating Solutions
11656500 - Analyzing Myocardial Contractility Using Speckle Tracking
11656499 - A Study of Organised Crime from an International Relations Perspective
11656498 - Face Recognition by Using Statistical Analysis
11656497 - Children Born Outside Marriage
11656496 - Descentralized Control Management Applied To Power DGs in Microgrids
11656495 - Comparative Analysis of Standard PMS and Local PMS
11656494 - Excitations to the continuum in reactions with unstable nuclei
11656493 - Fixed Points of Set Valued Maps
11656492 - Elicitor Induced Resistance in Taro Against Phytophthora Leaf Blight
11656491 - Application of Corona Discharge in Off-Gas and Wastewater Treatment
11656490 - A small book of MHD free convection heat and mass transfer flow
11656489 - Corrosion Science and Natural Products Chemistry
11656488 - Crack Growth Resistance in Nuclear Graphite
11656487 - Competitividad de La Vainilla En La Region del Totonacapan, Mexico
11656486 - Environmental Sustainability as a Source of Competitive Advantage
11656485 - Discovering and Analyzing Scientific Communities
11656484 - Bridging the Gap
11656483 - Breeding Strategies for Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle
11656481 - Drug Information Center- An International Scenario
11656480 - E-Government and Municipal Organizational Change
11656479 - Business IT alignment model application in the hospitality industry
11656478 - Apple Pomace Drying
11656477 - Fe Large Amplitude Free Flexural Vibration Analysis of Plates
11656476 - Cross-Cultural Customer Service in Recreation Management
11656475 - Closure Properties of Some New Families of Life Distributions
11656474 - Argali Ovis Ammon Ammon Linnaeus, 1758
11656473 - Appraising Teacher Performance
11656472 - Free Time Management and Working Women
11656471 - Cost benefit and livelihood impacts of agroforestry in Bangladesh
11656469 - Feasibility Study - Marketing, Financial and Operational Analysis
11656468 - Climate Change Impacts on Crop Production
11656467 - Clausal Complementation in Arabic (A Minimalist Approach)
11656466 - At First Blush
11656465 - Fundamental analysis in value investing
11656464 - A Methodology for Building Performance Evaluation and Diagnosis
11656463 - An Access to Cationic Rosin Sizing
11656462 - Analysis of Energy Developmet Perspectives
11656461 - Effect of Induction on Capacitor Bank Protection Schemes
11656460 - Comparison of Permeability in Constant Head and Falling Head Method
11656459 - Enhanced Adaptive Frequency Hopping
11656458 - Factors Behind Gifted Dropouts
11656457 - Balanced Scorecard for Local Government
11656456 - Abiding African Traditional Religion During Marriage Ceremonies
11656455 - Construction Delay Analysis Techniques
11656454 - Elements of Marketing
11656453 - Exploring the Power to Change
11656452 - Behaviors of honeybee species and colony management in Nepal
11656451 - Assessment of the Seismic Behavior structures by Fragility Curves
11656450 - A Study on the Anthology Za Ahan Jing (T101)
11656449 - Decomposition and Recapture of Ammonium Bicarbonate Draw Solution
11656448 - Chiral Leptons and Hypermagnetic Fields in the Hot Electroweak Era
11656447 - Design and Analysis of Virtual Human Arm Driven by EMG Signal
11656446 - Altayskiy Obryadovyy Fol'klor
11656445 - Conservation Efforts for Endangered Indigenous Cattle in Nepal
11656444 - Characterization and Diallel Analysis of Cotton, Tanzania
11656443 - Exfoliative Cytology for Diagnosis of Oral Pathological Lesions
11656442 - Firms and Their Female Labourers - An Indian Informal Industry
11656441 - Dispersive Saws in Layered Systems Consisting of Cubic Piezoelectrics
11656440 - C Nanoparticles Laser Desorption Ionization to Produce Heavy Cations
11656439 - Dispensing Errors in Hospital
11656438 - Drought Tolerance Studies in Tomato
11656437 - Electron Impact Excitation of Helium Atom
11656436 - An Investigation of Polypyrrole Coated Conductive Textiles
11656435 - Dew Dynamics in Indian Mustard
11656434 - Electron Collisions and Ionization of Atoms and Molecules
11656433 - Dividend Policy and Stock Price Behaviour in Indian Corporate Sector
11656432 - Development of Technology for Production of Peanut Butter
11656431 - Financial Management Practices- A Study on Indian Pharmaceutical Sector
11656430 - Eu Relations with Macedonia
11656429 - Dynamic Sonography in Infant Clubfoot
11656428 - Developing Crop Information System
11656427 - E-Commerce
11656426 - Evaluation Comparison and Standardization of Arthritis Drugs
11656425 - Fractures and Dislocations for Allied Health Sciences
11656424 - Financing IPP's in Nigeria
11656423 - A Literary Realist Appreciation of the Novel Lokhu Akungeke Kwenzeke
11656422 - Current status of glycopeptides resistance among MRSA isolates
11656421 - Behavioral Budgets and Feeding Ecology of Japanese Macaques
11656420 - Centrifuge Modelling of the Salt Range and the Potwar Plateau-Pakistan
11656419 - Body Condition Score (BCS) system
11656418 - Far- and Near-field characterization of small radiation sources
11656417 - A Gendered Perspective on Challenges Surrounding Land Tenure Security
11656416 - Democratic School Leadership
11656415 - Export Performance of Uganda
11656414 - Derivatives
11656413 - Felidae in Xinjiang
11656412 - A Brain Interface for a Robot Chair
11656411 - Biotechnology for Bioassay of Biomolecules from Callus of Stevia
11656410 - GIS Based Earthquake Risk Assessment System
11656409 - ASEAN and the Eu
11656408 - Compost y Vermicompost de Palma de Sombrero Como Sustrato de Cultivo
11656407 - Aspects of Oral Literature in Ghana
11656406 - Appraisal of the United Nation's Goldstone Report on the Gaza Conflict
11656405 - Chiropractic and Guided Imagery in the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain
11656404 - Changing the world
11656403 - Deconstructing the Native/Imagining the Post-Native
11656402 - Food Marketing to Children
11656401 - Distinctiveness of Latino Public Opinion in the United States
11656400 - Echocardiograph Imaging
11656399 - A TCP/IP Stack for Geekos
11656398 - Evaluation of Florida Indoor Urban Water Use and Water Loss Management
11656397 - Dimension Reduction Method for Design under Uncertainty
11656396 - A multi scalar analysis of local responses to shifting paradigms in water management
11656395 - Evaluating Social Capital in Rio's Favelas
11656392 - Establishing efficient operational work teams in private security
11656391 - Adaptivnaya Sistema Upravleniya Plavkoy Pri Peredele Fosforistogo Chuguna
11656390 - Do You Love Me, Master?
11656389 - Emotional Intelligence - Measurement and Related Constructs
11656388 - Academia and Industry Linchpin
11656387 - Carbon Nanotube-based Gas Sensors
11656386 - Foreign Market Entry Into China
11656385 - Fault Diagnosis in Spacecraft Attitude Control System
11656384 - Autonomous Under Water Base Profiling System
11656383 - Engineering Calculation of Hydrodynamic Plain Bearings
11656382 - Effect of Super Disintegrants on Rapid Release Tablets of Aceclofenac
11656381 - Customer Relationship Management in Banks
11656380 - Combustion Nanoparticles from Aviation and Shipping
11656379 - Adaptive Model Predictive Control in the Inventory Control Problem
11656378 - Ankara-Baghdad-Erbil Triangular Relationship
11656377 - Effect of Strain and Stiffness on Matrix Remodelling Genes
11656376 - Financing of Small Scale Enterprises
11656375 - Earnings Management During a Financial Crisis
11656374 - Das Event im Marketing
11656373 - Design of a Switched-Beam Scanning Parasitic Array
11656372 - Digital Technology and Museum Narratives
11656371 - Drug Compliance
11656370 - 'I am Dalit, How are You?'
11656369 - Exiled Narratives
11656368 - Brazilian EFL learners' identification of word-final nasals m-n
11656367 - Designing Inhibitors Against Asthma Targeting Mammalian Chitinase
11656366 - Bioremediation of Heavy metals from industrial wastewater
11656365 - Built-In Self-Test of Global Routing Resources in FPGAs
11656364 - Brand Presentation on Consumer Preferences Of Rice in Singapore
11656362 - An Introduction to Floral Dyes
11656361 - Endocrine Disruptors - A Major Medical Challenge
11656360 - Flow Regimes, Thermal and Humidity Patterns in Archaeological Tombs
11656359 - Built-In Self-Test for Input/Output Buffers
11656357 - Appreciating, Unlocking and Building Effective Entrepreneurial Capacity
11656356 - Eu's Natural Gas Supply Between Russia and Central Asia
11656355 - Arterial Stiffness
11656354 - Antimicrobial Screening of Some Selected Plants of Balh Valley
11656352 - A Study on the Species of Fasciola in an Endemic Area in Alexandria
11656351 - Environmental Impact Assessment on Projects in Kailahun District
11656349 - Dynamic and Control Analysis of Semi-Active Suspension System
11656348 - Beyond Semantic Wikis
11656347 - Costa Rica as a Learning Economy
11656346 - Do outreach programmes for sex workers work?
11656345 - Disaster Management
11656344 - Adoption of micro-pond type of rainwater harvesting technology
11656343 - A Book of Biodiesel Fuel
11656342 - A Study on Coalescence and Spline Fractal Interpolation Functions
11656341 - Control Loop Performance Monitoring -
11656340 - Extremism
11656339 - Dendrochronology and Environmental Change
11656338 - Contamination Inspection System
11656337 - Conceptualising the Research Problem
11656336 - Fractal Compression and Analysis on Remotely Sensed Imagery
11656335 - Evaluation Antioxidant Activity
11656334 - E-Business in Pakistan
11656333 - Angola
11656332 - From traditional to technology-based tertiary education in Sri Lanka
11656331 - Carbon Emission in Domestic Energy Use
11656330 - Boulder and Vail Models
11656329 - Complex Network Models of Protein Structures
11656327 - Distribution of Intestate Property in an Igbo Community of Nigeria
11656326 - Active control with delay of mechanichals structures
11656325 - Combinatorial Results on the Finite Presented Groups and Semigroups
11656323 - Biosorcion de Cobre Con Bacterias Aerobias Inmovilizadas En Zeolita
11656321 - A Telemedicine Platform for Chronic Diseases
11656320 - ART + INTERNET + PERFORMANCE = beginning of the 90s
11656319 - An African Language as a Medium of Instruction at the University Level
11656318 - Design and Implementation of a Pool Cleaning Robot
11656317 - Business Statistics For Beginners
11656316 - Aksiosfera Interneta
11656315 - Effect of fiber degrading Enzymes on broiler chicks
11656314 - Database on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Madhya Pradesh, India
11656313 - Ethnographic Study on Childhood Acute Respiratory Illness in Nepal
11656312 - Ethnobotany of Primitive Tribal Groups of Visakhapatnam District
11656310 - Chewing of Betel Quid among Health Care Providers in Thimphu,Bhutan
11656309 - Catadioptric Vision for Robotic Applications
11656308 - Economic Diversification Of Mining Towns In Namibia
11656307 - Community Based Organizations and Household Livelihoods in Nigeria
11656305 - Fundamentals of Research methodology and Basic statistical theory
11656304 - Ethnomedicines Used by the Santal People in Controlling Fertility
11656303 - Customer Loyalty In Mobile Telecom Sector Of Pakistan
11656302 - Diffusion with Reaction and Interaction
11656301 - Abr and Ambr Reactors in the Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater
11656300 - Effects of rape on Rwandan women genocide survivors
11656299 - An Analysis of Community Centred Leadership in Rural Areas
11656296 - Forest Carbon Management in India
11656295 - Environmentally Friendly Materials in Highway Engineering
11656294 - Conservation Club Programme of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation
11656293 - Epistemic Modality in English and French
11656290 - An Investigation on the Analysis Method for Assembled Tolerances
11656289 - Electrochemical Study of Natural Anticancer Drugs
11656288 - Dried Distillery Yeast Sludge
11656287 - Community Participation in Community Water Management
11656286 - European Neighbourhood Policy in South Caucasus
11656284 - Futures Markets
11656283 - Biocontrol of heavy metals polluted wastewater
11656282 - Determinants of Population and Income Growth at Suburb Level
11656281 - A Critique of Sources of Nigerian History
11656280 - Efficient Cryptography for the Next Generation Secure Cloud
11656279 - Disciplining Bureaucracy
11656278 - Blind and Semi-Blind Signal Processing
11656276 - Complex Adaptive E-Commerce Systems
11656275 - Afghanistan Jirga System
11656274 - An Assessment on the Services Provided by Sharjah University Libraries
11656273 - Combinatorics
11656272 - Corridor Viability and Habitat Restoration
11656271 - Action Learning
11656270 - Design of Operational Transconductance Amplifier
11656269 - Carbon-Free Electric Energy from Fossil Fuel Power Plants
11656268 - Contemplative Teachers' Practical Knowledge
11656266 - Carbon Emissions in Domestic Energy Use
11656265 - Edge Effects on the Understorey Bird Community
11656264 - Flood Plain Analysis and Risk Assessment
11656262 - Development and Preliminary Validation of the Self-Harm Questionnaire
11656261 - Coordination Compounds as Building Blocks
11656260 - Environmental Management in the Netherlands
11656259 - Development of Biomass Gasification Technology in India
11656257 - Examining Passionate Pursuits
11656255 - Determination of groundwater-surface water relationship
11656254 - Equivariant Lyapunof Center Theorem
11656253 - Fast Layer-3 Handover in Vehicular Networks
11656252 - Arming with Opportunities
11656251 - Coptic Orthodox Christianity
11656250 - Early Intervention and Prevention of Conduct Problems in Children
11656249 - A Distributed Tuple Space for Scalable Scientific Computing
11656248 - Extreme Rainfall Events
11656247 - Factors Shaping Pre-Service Teacher Identities in an HIV/AIDS Context
11656246 - Fighting against HIV/AIDS with Nutrition
11656245 - Behaviour of Soils Stabilized with Phosphoric acid and Lime
11656244 - "Good Enough" to Release
11656243 - 'Online Shopping' Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Norway
11656242 - Cross Cultural Negotiation Styles
11656241 - Apologies by ESL/EFL Teachers
11656238 - Biogeography of Intertidal Species Along the Portuguese Rocky Coast
11656237 - Applied Eco-Water Management in Indonesia
11656236 - Assessment of the United Nations' Intervention in Rwanda
11656235 - Cervicovaginal Cytology
11656234 - A Novel Workforce Training Model for Lean Manufacturing
11656233 - Bioremediation of Textile Dyes and Effluent
11656232 - Extended Enterprise
11656231 - Earthquake Wave Amplifications in the Slopes
11656230 - Designing Emergency Management Training Sessions for C3fire
11656229 - Evaluation of DNA Markers and Blood Groups in Disputed Paternity
11656228 - Functioning of Health, Nutrition and Disabled Programme in AP, India
11656227 - Farmer Strategies Towards Climate Variability and Change
11656226 - Building Sustainability
11656225 - Expert System for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
11656224 - Competitive Marketing
11656223 - Employee Turnover
11656222 - Besov spaces on fractals
11656221 - Documentation of Indigenous Knowledge Farm Practices in Uganda
11656220 - F.D. Kryukov I Russkoe Bogatstvo
11656219 - Flavor Violation in Supersymmetry
11656218 - Can Empowerment be an Instrument against Domestic Violence?
11656217 - Dance as a Discourse
11656216 - Complete Denture Occlusal Schemes
11656215 - A Framework for Improving Knowledge-Intense Business Processes
11656214 - Dealing with Guanxi
11656213 - Dynamic Relationship among Vegetation Cover, Drought and Temperature
11656212 - Developing Chinese Orthographic Awareness
11656211 - For better or for Worse...
11656210 - Amenability of Beurling Algebra
11656209 - Domain Driven Program Evolution
11656208 - E-Learning in Secondary Schools in Kenya
11656207 - Dynamics of Permselectivity of the Glomerular Capillary Wall
11656206 - Electronic Commerce Adoption among Indian Small Businesses
11656205 - Civil Society Mobilization and Development in 21st Century S. Africa
11656204 - Analysing Productivity Performance of Indian Fertiliser Industry
11656203 - Checkpointing Algorithm for Alchemi.NET in Grid
11656202 - Developing ESL Learners' Self-Assessment Accuracy in Reading Skills
11656201 - Advancing Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory
11656200 - A glossary of terms used in human rights law in Malta
11656199 - Cross-Cultural Identity Re/Construction
11656198 - Christian Theology Is Trinitarian in Origin
11656197 - Formirovanie konkurentnoy sredy lokal'nogo otraslevogo rynka
11656196 - Brand Value Creation Through Stakeholders
11656194 - Can Water Become More Appealing Through Enhanced Design and Marketing?
11656193 - Algonquian Manipulation of the Colonial System
11656192 - Birth Orders effect on Romantic Relationships
11656191 - African Fiction and Quest for a Viable Leadership
11656189 - Computational Techniques and Algorithms for Image Processing
11656188 - Fungal Biochemistry and Biotechnology
11656187 - DNA-binding aromatic drug molecules
11656186 - A Framework For Context Aware Adaptable Software Services
11656185 - Diversity and Abundance of Earthworms as indicators of soil pollution
11656184 - Emergent Probability, Computers and Insight as Information
11656183 - Ex - vivo antimicrobial activity of Ayurvedic formulations
11656182 - ALGAE
11656181 - ALL FOR ONE
11656180 - Dealing with Manhood
11656179 - Boron Requirements of Maize with differnt SAR Waters
11656178 - Energy consumption in a PC
11656177 - Aerosol Calculation and Pressure Drop Simulation for Sep
11656176 - Does the Gaining Worth the Compromise?
11656174 - Ends Never Meet
11656173 - Accumulation by Dispossession and Displacement
11656172 - A Qualitative Analysis of the Similarity Boundary Layer Equations
11656171 - Alkaline Protease Production Under Solid State Fermentation
11656170 - Antioxidant Capacity of Tomato Juice
11656168 - A First Course on Calculus with Applications to Differential Equations
11656167 - A Comparative Analysis of Shona and Christian Attitudes to Nature
11656166 - Determination of Caffeine in Roasted Coffee Using Optical Method
11656165 - Data Streams Mining
11656164 - Cleaner Processing of Leather and Its Wastes
11656163 - Diarrhoeal Diseases in Children
11656162 - Assessing Democracy Promotion
11656161 - An Innovative Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing
11656160 - Factors That Affect Child Growth Monitoring Programme Adherence
11656159 - Ecological Inventory Approach for Assessment and Training
11656158 - Delphi Decision Support 2.0
11656157 - Crime and the Exclusive City
11656156 - A Method and Tool Support for Software Architecting Activities
11656155 - Entrepreneurs and Self-Employees
11656154 - Everyone's Guide to Real Estate Investment
11656153 - Fluorine Enriched Silicon
11656152 - Confucian Primers in Dynastic China
11656151 - From Possibilistic Similarity Measures to Possibilistic Decision Trees
11656150 - Durability of Concrete/Epoxy Bonded System
11656149 - Easy Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma by Use of Hyper Tonic Saline ( Nacl)
11656148 - Consumption and Investment Decision
11656147 - Evaluating the influence of environmental schools on their communities
11656146 - Cabbage White Butterfly Pieris brassicae (Linn.)
11656143 - Assessment quality in South African schools
11656142 - Arsenic Calamity in India
11656141 - Coming in First, Finishing Last
11656139 - Asymmetrical Federalism in the Multinational Federation
11656138 - Challenging Aspects in Spoken Modern Standard Arabic
11656136 - Beyond Fragmentation, Toward Polyphony
11656135 - A Model Treatment Program for Revictimized Women
11656134 - Arctic Host, Icy Visit
11656132 - Algebras of Coloured/ Petri Nets
11656131 - Factors That Affect Corporate Sustainability Practices
11656130 - Dynamics of International Economic Integration
11656129 - Fish Diversity in Some Water Bodies of Baro and Tekeze Basins, Ethiopia
11656128 - Factoring Services
11656127 - Challenges to Theology in Africa Today
11656126 - Application of Quality Function Deployment in Product Development
11656125 - Forest Cover Change and Socioeconomic Drivers in Southwest Ethiopia
11656124 - Exploitation and Health Issues of Brick Kiln Labors
11656123 - Conocimiento tradicional, predictores climaticos y diversidad genetica
11656122 - Exercise and Oxidative Stress in Health and Disease
11656121 - Evidence-based Global Health Interventions
11656120 - Engineering Business Processes with Service Level Agreements
11656119 - Evaluation Study of Sub Surface Land Reclamation Programme
11656118 - Fishery Sector and Sustainable Development
11656117 - Becoming a learning coach in academic settings
11656115 - Constraint Based Communication Network Design Using Genetic Algorithm
11656112 - A Reference Grammar of Ibanag
11656111 - Advertising as a marketing communication tool
11656110 - Determination of the Accuracy of Residual Stress Measurement Methods
11656109 - Financial Management Practices in Pakistani Corporate Sector
11656108 - Anomalous Radon Concentration Prior to an Earthquake
11656107 - A Journey from Learning to Teach to Teaching to Learn Across Cultures
11656106 - Biodiversity Conservation in Buffer Zone - Problems and Opportunities
11656105 - Diatom Resistance to Digestion and Diatom Community Structure
11656104 - Emerging Challenges in Food Safety in Southern Nigeria
11656103 - Comparative analysis
11656102 - Economic Growth, Inequality and Regional Disparity
11656101 - Cost-Sharing in Ghana's Public Universities
11656100 - Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth
11656099 - Chaos in Jerk Dynamical Systems
11656098 - Exploring Secondary Traumatic Stress In Nurses
11656097 - Etching of Wide-Bandgap Chemically Resistant Semiconductors
11656096 - Evolution of Self Help Groups
11656095 - Antimalarial Drug Resistance
11656094 - Conducting Polymers and Conductive Elastomers
11656093 - Fertility Desire and Contraceptive Utilization
11656092 - Artificial Intelligence in Earthquake Engineering
11656091 - Flood Risk Perception and Coping Strategies
11656090 - Ethnographic Research with the Elderly to Identify Packaging Concerns
11656089 - Efficacy of Some Pesticidal Plants on Two Insect Pests of Cowpea
11656088 - Cooperative Wireless Model Based Predictive Networked Control Systems
11656087 - Classroom Interaction
11656086 - Contributions to Spatial Uncertainty Modelling in GIS
11656085 - Climatic hazards in the Bucharest Metropolitan Area
11656084 - Clergy New Dealers
11656082 - Estimating Household Energy Demand for Rural Ethiopia Using (AIDS)
11656081 - Advanced User Interface Technology for I-Soas
11656080 - Ethics and Morality from an African Perspective
11656079 - Creating an Internet Service Provider
11656077 - Curricular Innovations in Language Teacher Education
11656076 - Disparities in Infant and Child Health Status
11656075 - Filtered Tractography
11656074 - Emotional regulation and test-taking strategies
11656073 - Access versus Quality in Albania's Higher Education System
11656072 - Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) System
11656071 - Causes and impact of staff turnover at polytechnics in Zimbabwe
11656070 - CVD of Carbon Thin Films and Micro/Nano-structures
11656069 - An Assessment of the Influence of Mass Media and Its Challenges
11656068 - Aircraft Conceptual Design Methods
11656067 - Development of a Time-Domain Terahertz Spectrometer
11656066 - Emerging from the Shadows
11656065 - Between Sin and Disease
11656064 - Biochemical Characterization of Dystrophin Spectrin Type Repeats
11656063 - Comparative Study of Formal and Non Formal Training in Adire Production
11656062 - An Assessment of the Literature on Micro Finance
11656061 - A Rehabilitative Care Approach for People Living with Cancer
11656060 - Challenges Adults with Mental Retardation Face on Homebased Programs
11656059 - Design, Discovery and Construction of Service-Oriented Systems
11656058 - Data Driven Pricing
11656057 - Aspects of Marine and Brackish Water Fishery in Indian Coastal Areas
11656056 - Chislennoe I Fizicheskoe Modelirovanie Vzryvov Gazovykh Smesey
11656055 - Development of Optimum Water Based Oil Well Drilling Fluids
11656054 - ARTIST'S BLOCK
11656053 - Frontal Polymerization
11656051 - Environment Factors in English
11656050 - Capacity Development in the Public Service of Tanzania
11656049 - Being Rotuman in Australia
11656048 - Determinants of Delivery Care In Dhaka, Bangladesh
11656047 - Design Manufaturing & Calibration of Inspection Tool
11656045 - Africa's Largest Shea Resource
11656044 - Cooperative Wireless Networks for Localization
11656043 - Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Activity of Medicinal Plants
11656042 - Characterization of a Transitional Hypersonic Boundary Layer
11656041 - Fiscal Decentralization in Mexico
11656039 - Blogs in Slovakia
11656038 - Assessment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
11656037 - Analysis Over Cayley-Dickson Numbers and Its Applications
11656036 - A Kap Study on Age Related Cataract
11656035 - Complexity and Emergence in Innovation Projects
11656034 - Applications of Coal Fly Ash in Agriculture and Related Fields
11656033 - Characterization of Aeromonas
11656032 - EU-Russia Energy Relations after the Lisbon Treaty
11656031 - Evidentiary Value of DNA Tests in Adjudication of Paternity Disputes
11656029 - GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE FROM Hevea brasiliensis
11656028 - Design And Implementation of Remotely Controlled Experiments
11656026 - Diving behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Kattegat
11656025 - Computer Forensic Profiling
11656022 - Direction-Based Location management techniques for Wireless Networks
11656021 - Electrospun Fiber Membranes as Wound Dressing Materials
11656020 - Coupled Multi-Zone Hygrothermal-Airflow Analysis
11656019 - A Book on Gold in Banded Iron Formations in Western Dharwar Craton
11656018 - Economic Valuation of Non-Timber Forest Products
11656017 - Bursting the Microfinance Bubble
11656016 - Fishery Biology of Ribbon Fish Trichiurus Japonicus Kagoshima - Japan
11656015 - Automaticity and Levels of Information Processing
11656013 - Buffer Zone Resources, Livelihood and Conservation
11656012 - A River for War, A Watershed to Change
11656011 - A Survey of Eeg Signal Processing Techniques
11656010 - Empowering the Phoenix
11656009 - Adaptation of Wetlands Based Livelihoods to Climate Variability
11656008 - Causality in Western Science and Traditional African Thought
11656006 - Customers' Behaviour towards Small Car in Unorganized Environment
11656005 - Depiction of Female Athletes in the Mass Media
11656002 - Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles in Bangladesh
11656001 - Evolution of Non-Violence
11656000 - From symplectic and contact geometry to dynamical systems
11655999 - Formirovanie Gumanitarnoy Kul'tury Starsheklassnikov
11655998 - Buffaloes' Reproductive and Productive Traits
11655997 - Electrochemical Synchronization of Cell Spreading on Solid Surfaces
11655996 - E-Learning Continuum Within Higher Education
11655995 - Adult Children of Seriously Mentally Ill Mothers
11655994 - Alkogol' I Serdechno-Sosudistaya Smertnost' V Belarusi
11655993 - Exchange Energy Density Functional
11655992 - Cost Tool Development
11655991 - Child Labor in Automobile Workshops
11655990 - Acoustic Characteristics of Brazilian English Vowels
11655989 - Experimental investigation On Earthen Building Materials
11655988 - Achieving Food Security in Pakistan
11655987 - Economic impacts on fish stock resources in the case of climate change
11655986 - Drawbar Performance Prediction of Agricultural Tractors
11655984 - Extraction of Texture Features by Euclidean, Canberra & Both Distance
11655983 - Do adults need growth hormone?
11655982 - An Analysis of Bio-Medical Waste Management
11655981 - Consensus Policies to Solve Bioinformatic Problems
11655980 - Evaluation of New Bicyclic Lactone 'Michelianone'
11655979 - "Competency Level of Staff Nurses "
11655978 - Coping with Calculus
11655977 - A corruption measure applied to Italian Regional Public Accounts
11655976 - Effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
11655975 - Gaining Respect
11655974 - Ethnonationalism in Central Asia
11655973 - A Text-Book of Classical Mechanics
11655972 - Evening Primrose (Oenothera Spp.)
11655971 - A History of the Elephant in Ghana in the Twentieth Century
11655970 - Building a Biological Database
11655969 - Advanced Technology in a Low Technology Setting
11655967 - Functional brain asymmetry
11655966 - Effective properties of multi-scale fracture networks
11655965 - A Just Culture
11655964 - Contralateral Suppression of DPOAE as an Index of EAS maturation
11655961 - Claiming Indigenous Land Rights from the Bottom Up
11655960 - Embodied Religion
11655959 - Feruloyl Esterases as Biotechnological Tools
11655958 - Evaluating Bilingual Education
11655957 - Digital image fusion and compression
11655956 - Application of Queuing Theory in Hospitals
11655955 - Elektrodinamika Izluchayushchikh Sistem Svch, Soderzhashchikh Sloistyy Dielektrik
11655954 - An Efficient System for Sensor Tag Management
11655953 - Breeding for Drought Tolerance in Bread Wheat
11655952 - Documentary Production for Television and Film
11655951 - Comparative and Plant Biochemistry with Metabolic Connotations
11655950 - Female Crime, Control and Conformity
11655949 - Bio-Intensive Integrated Pest Management.
11655948 - Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems
11655947 - E-Marketplace Selection
11655946 - Formulation Variables of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
11655945 - Evaluation of Unexplained Syncope in young adults
11655944 - Evaluation of Drymatter Intake Estimation Techniques in Dairy Cows
11655943 - Changing roles in the changing information world
11655942 - Alkanolamine Based Esterquats
11655941 - Ekologicheskie Aspekty Antigribnogo Antagonizma Pochvennykh Aktinomitsetov
11655939 - Corporate Finance
11655938 - Determinants of Contract Choices in Public-Private Partnerships
11655936 - Cash for Care
11655935 - A low frequency of induction heating for continues welded rails
11655934 - Final Dot
11655933 - Agglomeration Economies in Rural Electrification
11655931 - From A Darkness to A Blind Spot
11655930 - Cultivation Strategies in Implementing Health Information Systems
11655929 - Factors Affecting Women's Role in Family Planning Decision Making
11655928 - Available Bandwidth Estimation
11655927 - Banking and Insurance Law Volume Two
11655926 - Diabetic Drugs for Controlled Release
11655925 - Advanced Time Series Forecasting Using Data Mining Techniques
11655924 - A Review of Leicestershire Solid Waste Management Strategies
11655923 - Financial Intermediation in Ghana
11655922 - Development of a Periodic Function for Atomic Radius
11655921 - From Epistemic Justification to Philosophical Authenticity
11655919 - BEYOND WORDS
11655917 - Between Membership and Non-Membership in the European Union
11655916 - An easy Guide to the Financial Services Sector
11655915 - A Study on Spatial Analysis of Urban Sprawl on an Algerian Oasis City
11655914 - Azbuka Chelovecheskogo Intellekta
11655913 - A Humanist in the Hospital
11655912 - Corporate Governance in Malaysia
11655911 - Cyclone Nargis Relief Assistance
11655910 - Fostering Scientific Literacy in Qatar
11655909 - Coir Industry-The Green Money Spinner
11655908 - Abstracting the Concrete
11655907 - Energy Integration for Distillation Systems
11655905 - Application of Self-assembled Monolayers to Cholesterol Biosensor
11655904 - A geometrical visual servoing approach based on statistical modeling
11655903 - Conflict coverage in Kosovo
11655902 - Efficient Query-Specific Summarization of Text Documents
11655901 - Application of Weather Radar for Rainfall Forecasting
11655900 - Cyperus Pangorei (Korai)- The Wonder Sedge
11655899 - Coniopterygidae of the World
11655898 - Enriching Genetic Diversity of Forage Pea with a View to Selection
11655897 - Cosmological Inflation
11655896 - Em Radiation in the Interaction of Laser Pulse and Magnetized Plasma
11655895 - China - Myanmar Relations
11655894 - Citizen Participation in China
11655893 - Corporate Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain
11655892 - Employees' Nonverbal Communication Cues and Satisfaction
11655890 - A Good Zombie Is Hard To Find
11655889 - Analyzing Object-Oriented Systems with Software Quality Metrics
11655888 - Economics Optimization of Forest Management
11655887 - African Philosophy in the Global Village
11655886 - Characterization of the Soil Mass Using Piezoceramic Elements
11655885 - Chetyre izmereniya Noosfery
11655884 - Contemporary Left Politics in South Africa
11655883 - 'A Passage in Women's Sculpture'
11655882 - Export Cartels
11655881 - A Light-Weight Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Client
11655880 - Bullets to Ballots
11655879 - Forenesics DNA and Botany
11655878 - A Study on Pune by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
11655877 - Cocoa Chemistry and Technology
11655876 - Development of Ito-Coated Fiber Optic Immunosensors and Bio-Devices
11655875 - My Jewish Holidays Journal
11655874 - An analysis of the effects of WCM on the profitability of Tobacco Pak
11655873 - Functionalism Reviewed
11655872 - Architectural Integration of Transpired Solar Technology in Buildings
11655871 - Caching using Memcached in Open Source Searching
11655870 - Catalyst Layer of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
11655869 - Factors Influencing Skilled Delivery in Asante Akim North
11655868 - Counselling Therapy for Clients under Rehabilitation
11655867 - Brief Introduction of IL and Synthesis of [DBU][Ac] and PEG-DIL
11655866 - A Treatise on the Principle of Primacy of EU law
11655865 - Effect of renal dysfunction on plasma natriuretic peptides levels
11655864 - Detection Of Heart Attack Type Along With Suggestion Of Treatment
11655863 - Barriers of HIV/AIDS Service Uptake by female sex workers
11655862 - Analysis of Handover based on the use of Femtocells in LTE Networks
11655861 - Evolving neuro-fuzzy systems with kernel activation functions
11655860 - China's Presence in Developing Countries' Technology Basket
11655859 - Blog Assisted Language Learning
11655858 - A comparative study for evaluation of Micronuclei in Buccal Cells
11655857 - A Study of Suggested Formula (ADJ) of Specific Refraction
11655856 - Design and Development of Five Phase Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor
11655855 - Ecology of Western Hoolock Gibbon in an Indo-Burma hot spot region
11655854 - Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of Hino KL 340 Military Vehicle
11655853 - Feasibility Analysis of 4G Wireless Technology in Ubiquitous m-Health
11655852 - Cross-cultural Impact On The Budgeting Cycle
11655851 - Concept of Hydroponics
11655850 - Chemistry of pyrazolin based metal chelates
11655849 - Ecotourism and Livelihood Diversification
11655848 - African Grandmother's Understanding of Motherhood & Attachment
11655847 - Education, Spirituality and Value Orientations of Adolescents
11655846 - Application of Electron Beam Irradiation in Food Processing
11655845 - Family Talk and Chronic Disease
11655844 - Extracellular Matrix Rigidity Sensing and Cellular Response
11655843 - Customer Relationship Marketing And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction
11655842 - Development of Polymeric Nanoparticles for Anti-Diabetic Drug
11655841 - Devlopment and Analysis of Stego Images Using Wavelet Transform
11655840 - A Conductor's Analysis of Joel Puckett's Short Stories
11655839 - English for Specific Purposes, Teaching English for Tourism
11655838 - A primary standard for microwave attenuation measurement
11655837 - Beneficial Role Of Surfactants in Petroleum Applications
11655836 - Battery testing with the calculated discharge curve method
11655835 - EPOSTL for Reflective Teaching
11655834 - Ability Of Different Posts To Reinforce Endodontically Treated Teeth
11655833 - Development And Characterization Of Aceclofenac Enteric Coated Tablets
11655832 - Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
11655831 - Factors Affecting Sport Participation of Undergraduates
11655830 - Analytical methods for determining Fe(III) and Cu (II) ions
11655829 - Factors Influencing on Customer Loyalty for BT Cotton Seeds
11655828 - An Overview of the Researches on Hip Prosthesis with Rolling Friction
11655827 - College Readiness in Participants in Concurrent Enrollment Programs
11655826 - Financial Management
11655825 - Ecology of Population and Habitat Family Ardeidae
11655824 - Dental Management of Handicapped Child
11655823 - An Examination of Customer Expectation & Experience of Service Quality
11655822 - Determinants of Decision-making by Managers in the Aviation Industry
11655821 - Creating Freedom out of Necessity - Adorno's Conception of the Artist
11655820 - Corporate Sector Social Responsibility for Reproductive Health
11655819 - Design & Cost Estimation of Ethylene Production Unit From Naphta
11655818 - Business Plan with the Qualitative Approach
11655817 - Eco-friendly Management of Alternaria Blight Disease of Mustard
11655816 - Equilibrium Models of the Malaysian Stock Market and Macroeconomy
11655815 - Binomial Approximation Methods for Option Pricing
11655814 - Environmental Impacts of Hydropower Projects in the Himalayan Region
11655813 - Breast Cancer in Young Women
11655812 - Comparison of Global Fisheries' Efficiency Levels Using Meta-frontier
11655811 - Earning Quality of Scheduled Commercial Banks In India
11655810 - Evaluation of mechanical properties of hemp reinforced HDPE composite
11655809 - Cement Modified Backfills for MSE Walls
11655808 - Edge Detection & Segmentation of Textured Images
11655807 - Decentralisation Policy and Social Service Delivery
11655806 - Commercialization Effect on Farm Household Consumption Expenditure
11655805 - American-style Asian Options Under Jump-diffusion Processes
11655804 - Automated Crosswalk Systems
11655803 - A study of "Face and Fingerprint Recognition" on FPGA
11655802 - Bridging The Gaps - Improving the Knowledge Together
11655801 - Ethnobotanical Study of Chapai Nawabganj District, Bangladesh
11655800 - Basic Income
11655799 - Fundamentals Of Hazara & Kuchis' Conflict In Afghanistan
11655798 - Effects of Exercise on Sports' Persons
11655797 - A new approach to science education for developing innovative thinking
11655796 - Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Compounds
11655795 - Analysis of Ischemic Strokes
11655794 - Economics of Religion; An Indian Analysis
11655793 - Diabetes
11655792 - A Critique of Critical Legal Studies' Claim of Legal Indeterminacy
11655791 - Ethnic Food and Common Acceptable Cuisine
11655790 - Beacon Frame Manipulation to Mitigate Smartphone Rogue Access Points
11655789 - Biomarkers for Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease
11655788 - Consumer Responses to Imported Products
11655787 - Electrical Energy Management in Power Delivery Systems
11655786 - Antegonial Notch and Craniofacial Morphology
11655785 - Biodegradable Fixation of Pediatric Mandibular Fractures
11655784 - 1500 MCQs In General and Clinical Immunology
11655783 - Cypermethrin Toxicity to the Growing Guppy's Larvae
11655782 - Bone scintigraphy in hip arthroplasty
11655781 - Economic evaluation of a comprehensive oral and dental HIV programme
11655780 - Digital Redesign Of Analog Controllers For Power Systems Using PIM
11655779 - Elimination of Domestic Violence against Women
11655778 - Dephosphorization of Agbaja Iron Ore by Hydrometallurgical Method
11655777 - Anharmonic correlated Einstein model in XAFS theory and application
11655776 - Bacteriological Profile Of Bacteremia in Nepal
11655775 - A Hand Book on MicroStation Software for GIS Applications
11655774 - Electrochemical study of Copper-Histidine complex
11655773 - Factors that Affecting Budget Utilization in Nekemte Technical College
11655772 - Economics of Production and Marketing of Paddy-An Overview
11655771 - Ethics of Engineering Students towards Teachers
11655770 - Colorectal Cancer Therapy
11655769 - AI and Session Based Password Authentication Schemes for Android
11655768 - An Introduction to Basidiomycotina
11655767 - Church Splits in African Independent Churches in Zimbabwe
11655766 - An Assessment of the Impact on Devolved Governance in Natural Resource
11655765 - Evaluation of Wild and Cultivated Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.)
11655764 - Anomaly Detection In Temporal Data Mining
11655763 - A Case for Transformational Leadership in Niamey
11655762 - Automatic extraction of concepts from texts
11655761 - Ethnic Politics Does it unroll from exclusion and identity crisis?
11655760 - Developing Students' Speaking Ability through Genre-Based Teaching
11655759 - A Critical Study on the Role of Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation
11655758 - Effectiveness of Employee Training Programme in Private Sector Banks
11655757 - A phenomenological view of PTSD from an African perspective
11655756 - An Analysis of Instructors' Criteria in Teaching Translation
11655755 - Deflation and Its Implications for Macroeconomic Stability in Europe
11655754 - Effective Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners
11655753 - Antitumor Efficacy of Gloriosa superba (Nanosynthesis)
11655752 - Delirium for Critically Ill Patients
11655751 - Analyzing the Features of Java And Map Reduce on Hadoop
11655750 - Bayesian Stochastic Differential Equation Modeling
11655749 - Biological activity of Cyanuric chloride Derivatives
11655748 - Analysis of Selection Indices and Genetic Divergence in Groundnut
11655747 - Anti-phospholipid syndrome at Cairo University hospitals
11655746 - Food Science and Food Proteins
11655745 - Enhancing Contextual Data Storage in the Clouds
11655744 - Factors affecting employee performance in Petroleum sector of Pakistan
11655743 - Exposure of honey bee colonies to organophosphorous insecticides in Egypt and Canada
11655742 - Creating & Managing Brand Image
11655741 - Agricultural Machinery Management
11655740 - Effect of NaCl priming on germination behavior of fenugreek
11655739 - A novel approach for topical delivery of SLNs
11655738 - Biodiversity of spider fauna in Pir baba District Buner, KPK
11655737 - Application of ICT in Management of Information Resources and Services
11655736 - Acid Mist Suppression During Industrial Zinc Electrowinning
11655735 - An Error Analysis of Arab Learners of English in Using Prepositions
11655734 - Beginner's Guide for Sandfly Taxonomy
11655733 - Alzheimer's Disease Estimation
11655732 - A Handbook on How to Improve Your Academic Writing Skills
11655731 - Barriers that Impact Hmong Students in Post-Secondary Education
11655730 - Fishes of the Chindwin River Basin
11655729 - From Rainbow to Rayleigh Scattering
11655728 - Critical Thinking Ability and Its Role in Reading Comprehension Achievement
11655727 - Determinants for Sustainability of Urban Dairy to enhance livelihood
11655726 - Compensation Management Practices in Bangladesh
11655725 - Empowerment of Rural Women and Microenterprises
11655724 - Effects of different insecticides on vegetable based cropping system
11655723 - Effect of transglutaminase on gassing power and specific loaf volume
11655722 - Application of GIS in Drought Analysis
11655721 - Community-Based Characterization of Afar Goat Breed, around Aysaita
11655720 - Conducting Mathematical Thinking Activities with Secondary Teachers
11655719 - Advances in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care for Nurses and Physicians
11655718 - Examining Pseudo-Republicanism
11655717 - Financial Market Crime in China
11655716 - Effects of Synergistic Blend-of Three Plant Extracts of Yarrow Wormwoo
11655715 - Biological shielding of low, medium and high- Z admixture concretes
11655714 - Coal seam gas produced water purification by multi-effect distillation
11655713 - Corruption, Bribery and Nepotism
11655712 - Biodegradation of Imidacloprid
11655711 - Extraction of Phenolic Pollutants from Industrial Wastewater
11655710 - Comparison Spain vs Macedonia-Links between HRM and Business Strategy
11655709 - An Environmental Gasoline
11655708 - Fatigue Data Editing for Blades of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
11655707 - A Case Study of Community Radio Policy in Bangladesh
11655706 - Defamiliarization and Foreshadowing of Death in Henry James'
11655705 - Cluster Intervention for Development of Handloom Sector
11655704 - Experimental Evolution of Silver Nanoparticle Resistance in Escherichi
11655703 - Competing Regional Political Parties and Federal Stability in Ethiopia
11655702 - Electrochemical behavior of antimony and its anodic oxide films
11655701 - An Alternative Approach to Tackle Medical Professionals Turnover
11655700 - Fire Protection Systems in Commercial High-rise Buildings
11655699 - Babycorn Production in Maharashtra
11655698 - Coordination & Incentive issues in Pakistan's Mobile Banking Industry
11655697 - Fundamentals of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
11655696 - Endosulfan Impacts on the Developing Chick Embryos
11655695 - Design of Internal Combustion Engines' Lab
11655694 - Artificial Economics
11655693 - Effect of antiretroviral therapy on pharmacokinetics of lumefantrine
11655692 - Enhancing productivity & quality of French bean in the hills of Nepal
11655691 - Exploring the Referentially-compressed Genomes
11655690 - European Economic and Monetary Union
11655689 - An Investigation of Learning Vocabulary Through Online-based Reading
11655688 - 4G Mobile Technology Features and Benefits for Business Solution
11655687 - Algorithmic analysis of Proneness in Object-Oriented Software
11655686 - A Numerical Experimentation on Fluid Flow through a Sudden Expansion
11655685 - Application of Amharic Speech Recognition System for Dictation
11655684 - Ethnomedicinal important plants of Hamirpur (H.P.), India
11655683 - Contemporarary Issues in Small-Scale Enterprises
11655682 - Antimicrobial activity of s-triazine derivatives
11655681 - Duration of vowels in Oriya Language
11655680 - Ethnic Based Conflicts
11655679 - Determinants of Livelihood Diversification Strategies
11655678 - Alternative Power Source
11655677 - Ecommerce Security Real Life Cases And Practical Solutions
11655676 - An Analysis of Sociocultural Identity of Iranian English Textbooks
11655675 - Condition Assessment of Subway Stations
11655674 - Commercial Motorcycling and Poverty Reduction in Ushongo LGA
11655673 - Breastfeeding
11655672 - Biosorption of micropollutants by a dairy sludge
11655671 - D H Lawrence and The Contemporary Thinkers
11655670 - Computer Aided Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
11655669 - Frontier Evolution and Mobility in the Brazilian Amazon
11655668 - Ecommerce Security Methods, Protocols & Solutions
11655667 - Epidemiology and public health importance of BTB Mekelle city
11655666 - Burglars
11655665 - Effect of gamma irradiation on nutritive value & shelf life of carrots
11655664 - "Communicative Competence" As Target
11655663 - Analysis of ECG and PPG Signal
11655662 - Evaluation of the nutritive value of some species of crustacea
11655661 - Design and evaluation of solid dispersion of water insoluble drug
11655660 - Effect of Nanofluid on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Rib-Groove Channel
11655659 - Elementary Encyclopedia of Statistics-Vol-V
11655658 - Assessing Determinants of population fertility in Hosanna town
11655657 - Cardiovascular And Neuromodulatory Effects Of Purine P1 Agonists
11655656 - Evaporative Coolers as Alternative Storage for Mechanical Refrigrator
11655655 - Conservation Agriculture
11655654 - Challenges to Sustainable Re-Integration in Conflict Situations in Sou
11655653 - Clustering processes in monohydric alcohols
11655652 - Discourse On Islamic Political Thought
11655651 - Analysis of Tannery Effluent with Special Reference to Avifauna
11655650 - Facing Water Scarcity in Egypt by Intercropping
11655649 - Developing VO2max Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Methods
11655648 - Discussing Sustainability
11655647 - Agro Processing Industries in Andhra Pradesh
11655646 - Development of an Online Repository & Search Engine for College Alumni
11655645 - Adenosine Versus Theophylline Toxicity
11655644 - A Study of Metonymic Words in Quran Translation
11655643 - A Fragment of Pedagogical English Grammar
11655642 - Children's Physical Activity in a Low-Income Neighborhood in China
11655641 - Biotecture Interaction of New Technology and Biophilic Architecture
11655640 - Cracks in the Rotor
11655639 - Equity Aspects in Transportation Projects
11655638 - Concepts In Electrodynamics
11655637 - Basic principles of food processing and preservation
11655636 - Department Management System
11655635 - Application and clinical significance of biological age in dentistry
11655634 - Earth's magnetic field in exterior
11655633 - Chaulmoogra Oil Nanoemulsion and Its Anti Cancer Studies
11655632 - Clean, Green and Endless| Renewable Energy and Global Value Chains
11655631 - Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings
11655630 - Biochemical Evaluation of Salicin against Gamma-Irradiation in Rats
11655629 - Fountain Codes for Mobile Wireless Channels
11655628 - Dynamics of People's Participation and Attitude
11655627 - Craniofacial changes of Suttur children 11-14yr Semilongitudinal study
11655626 - Elementary Encyclopedia of Statistics-Vol-II
11655625 - Datalanx
11655624 - Constructing classes for students' lifelong learning
11655623 - ERP- A Roadmap to Success
11655622 - A Multi-Dimension Framework For Modelling Educational Games
11655621 - Evaluation of Library Services
11655620 - Econometric modeling of price volatility of agricultural commodities
11655619 - Budgetary Alternatives for Post-disaster Recovery
11655618 - Adoption of Sustainable Water Resource Management Practices
11655617 - Environmental constraints affecting farmers in the Great-Kei region
11655616 - Bonding in Dentistry
11655615 - A textbook of Rainfed Farming
11655614 - Biorefining of Agroindustrial Wastes for Bioethanol Production
11655613 - 'Creative Accounting'
11655612 - An Evaluation Of Credit Card Business In India - A Comparative Study
11655611 - Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Passion Fruit Growers in Nagaland
11655610 - Complementarity, Jurisdiction and Admissibility
11655609 - A Hybrid Tech. Based on Std. SRS Modules for S/W Requirements Prioti
11655608 - Eastern Nile River Basin Enviromental Threats
11655607 - Analyses of Clastic Depositional Systems and Sequences
11655606 - Explicitation of Ellipsis in persian Translations of Nahjulbalagha
11655605 - Advances In Immunodiagnostic Aids In Periodontics
11655604 - Artificial Expert Systems Applications in Petroleum Engineering
11655603 - Efficiency
11655602 - An Introduction to Environmental Pollution
11655601 - Collective Effects in Negative Ion Photodetachment
11655600 - Efficient Gestures In Users' Preference For Non-Touch-Based Interfaces
11655599 - Framework For HR Management in Software Projects
11655598 - Discovering the Cluster World
11655597 - Em/Bodying Masculinity
11655596 - A Study on Fuzzy Graphs and Their Applications
11655595 - From Mass Atrocity to Truth Commission
11655594 - Best of SRS, Public Health and Art in Medicine
11655593 - Challenges and Achievements of Implementing BPR
11655592 - Clinical Supervision for Language Teachers
11655591 - Biodiversity Conservation in the Horn of Africa
11655590 - Characterization of near surface aerosols at a semi-arid station
11655589 - Characterisation of AMPK and Its Role in Mitochondrial Disease
11655588 - Adaptive Control of Shunt Active Power Filter
11655587 - Capital Structure
11655586 - Design & Implementation of High Performance Face Recognition System
11655585 - Economics of Organic Farming Systems and Policy Options in South Asia
11655584 - Accounting and analysis of financial performance in hotel indusry
11655583 - Color Image Denoising Based on Framelet Transforms
11655582 - Ecumenical Missiology
11655581 - Development of The Viet Nam competitive electricity market
11655580 - Design and Development of a 500 M3/h Capacity Biomass Gasifier - Based
11655579 - Epidemiological factors associated with prostate and bladder cancer am
11655578 - Detection Of Yersinia Pestis DNA From The Fleas And Rodents Of Lushoto
11655577 - Evaulating Community Forestry Processes and Outcomes
11655576 - Exploring Feng Shui
11655575 - Access to The EU and Hungary Fruit Juice Market
11655574 - ETF Index-Tracking Portfolio Selection for IDX
11655573 - Critical Analysis on Skills of Micro and Small Enterprises
11655572 - Biodiesel-The Green Fuel
11655571 - Carbon Emissions Calculations & A Case Study
11655570 - Challenges Facing Overseas Nurses
11655569 - A Critical Study of Interrelationship amongst Asian Financial Markets
11655568 - Analysis on Romanian Teachers' Training Needs on ICT and EMPD
11655567 - Analysis of Rainfall & Temperature Trend of Jharkhand State
11655566 - Design and Optimization of VCSEL-based Optical Interconnects
11655565 - Composites and its Commercial Systems
11655564 - Black Mayors And Policy Responsiveness
11655563 - Collaborative Autonomous English Language Learning in CALL
11655562 - Development of NiCuZn ferrites for stress sensor applications
11655561 - Creation of Organizational Creative Climate
11655560 - Cardiology of Systemic Sclerosis with Pulmonary Hypertension
11655559 - Common Musculoskeletal disorders in Lower limb
11655558 - Effective Parental Monitoring Trimming Conduct Problems
11655557 - Disciplinary Strategies for Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
11655556 - Community Directed Treatment(ComDT) Method of Lymphatic Filariasis
11655555 - Couples Victim of FGM
11655554 - Assessing The Extent of Saltwater Intrusion At Vadamaradchchi Lagoon
11655553 - Clashing Radicals
11655552 - Excellent Public Relations in Nigeria Police Force; Myth or Reality
11655551 - Best of Radiotherapy, Curietherapy, and Modeling of Pollution Oncology
11655550 - Effects of polymer fibers on the utilization of marble dust in Alker
11655549 - A Study of Competition Law in America and Iran
11655548 - Diabetic Neuropathy
11655547 - Distributed Privacy Preservation matchmaking Protocol
11655546 - Effects of Interpersonal Communication Skills on Library Services
11655545 - Ecotourism Sustainability in African Rangelands
11655544 - Democratic Governance and Active Citizenship in the European Union
11655543 - English Factories & Gunpowder Production Technology in Medieval India
11655542 - Ant Colony Optimization
11655541 - Circadian Rhythm and Sports Performance
11655540 - Enhancement of Artemisinin production in Artemisia annua
11655539 - Detection of Mercury Pollution Biomarkers in Yellowfin Seabream
11655538 - Fig Fruit Efficacy Against NMU induced mammary carcinoma
11655537 - Formulation and evaluation of atorvastatin calcium oral tablets
11655536 - Dissipation kinetics of spirotetramat and its metabolite in soils
11655535 - Creation of Dabatase of Heterogenous systems FT - IR Spectra
11655534 - Enhancing knowledge on indigenous conservation agriculture
11655533 - Extraction and identification of drug compounds from medicinal plants
11655532 - Ecology of birds at green urban area
11655531 - Artificial Intelligence in Motion Control of Road Transport
11655530 - Chemical Composition Of Sugarcane Bagasse
11655529 - Competing Effectively in international Business
11655528 - Discrete Order Statistics- A Review
11655527 - Business Organisation
11655526 - BIM data Integration, Framework and Information Visualization
11655525 - Characterization of genetic horse breeding resources in Russia
11655524 - An Economic Analysis of Jute Sector in Bangladesh
11655523 - Fabrication and Characterization of Zn Substituted Cu-Cr Ferrites
11655522 - A study of English & Kurdish connectives in newspaper opinion articles
11655521 - Effect of Herbicides on Weed Flora, Soil Microflora and Yield of Maize
11655520 - Fundamentals of Soil Science
11655519 - Analytical and Computer Assisted Approach for In-Well Thermal Support
11655518 - Assessment of Susceptibility of Anopheles to Pyrethroids on LLINS
11655517 - Energy Harvesting in Wireless Applications
11655516 - Analysis of Limit Cycle Stability and Control for Nonlinear Systems
11655515 - Communal Conflicts and Development in Takum and Ussa Areas, Nigeria
11655514 - E-Governance
11655513 - Assessment of knowledge attitude and practices of EBF
11655512 - Anthropometric Characteristics & Coordinative Abilities of Footballers
11655511 - A Performer's Guide to Ivor Gurney's The Western Playland
11655510 - Bioremediation of Textile Industry Effluent Contaminated Soil
11655509 - A comparative study on Biopolymers
11655508 - Blended Learning For Success
11655507 - Contemporary Researches in Banking and Financial Sciences
11655506 - A Guide to the Rural Caregievers of Children with Heart disease
11655505 - Child Labor in Ethiopia
11655504 - Facilitating Concept Learning Through Analogy Teaching in Physics
11655503 - Accuracy Assessment of Applanix DSS 439 for Photogrammetric Uses
11655502 - Financial law Aspects of the Development of Regions
11655501 - Block Backward Differentiation Method
11655500 - Demand Estimation for Indonesia's Rattan in Germany
11655499 - Creativity and Skills in School Environment
11655498 - Efficacy of different insecticides against Liriomyza trifolii Burgess
11655497 - Continued fractions
11655496 - Academic Writing for English Foreign Learners
11655495 - Adaptive Kinematic Control of Mobile Robot based on Neural Networks
11655494 - Dividend Policy and Corporate Governance In Emerging Markets
11655493 - Cosmology with Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
11655492 - Curcumin and Rheumatoid Arthritis
11655491 - Facility Layout for an Automated Guided Vehicle System
11655490 - Air Separation And Oxygen Storage Properties Of Hexagonal Oxides
11655489 - Change Management and Firms' Performance
11655488 - Alternative Energy Source by Characterization and Transesterification
11655487 - Comparative study between different speed controller techniques
11655486 - Controlled Delivery of Anti-diabetic Drug from Medicinal Plant
11655485 - Commercial Surrogacy and Lack of Regulations
11655484 - Debt Capital in Indian Corporate Sector
11655483 - Electrofloculation For Harvesting Microalgae
11655482 - Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Tsunami Early Warning Systems
11655481 - Developing 3 dimensional image analysis methods for aggregates
11655480 - "The FAMILY" or Families
11655479 - Failure Mechanism in Aluminium Thin Plates of Varied Thickness
11655478 - Elastic Strength and Combine Training of Handball
11655477 - Attention Deficit Behaviour due to media through Handwriting analysis
11655476 - Current Challenges and Future Opportunities in Malaysia
11655475 - Ecology of High Altitude Reptiles
11655474 - 19th Century Pera Apartments
11655473 - EMAS - a tool supporting eco-innovations
11655472 - All-Optical Multicast Routing under Optical Constraints
11655471 - Beyond the Structuralist Myth of Ecriture
11655470 - Application of Neural Network for Pattren Recognition of Plants Leaves
11655469 - Comparison Study of T-spline and NURBS in Modeling and Machining
11655468 - Critical Analysis of Teaching Learning Process of Physics in Schools
11655467 - Comedy of Manners and the Politics of Postwar British Drama
11655466 - Field Sales Management
11655465 - A Introduction to biodiesel extraction
11655464 - Experimental Comparison of Three Scale Control Materials
11655463 - Factor V Leiden in Ischaemic Heart Disease
11655462 - Envisioning the Future of Social Work in Hawaii
11655461 - Cost Management Change in Public Utilities
11655460 - Egyptian Geography
11655459 - Financial, Economic and Behavioral Aspects to Risk Management
11655458 - Enhanced Bioremediation
11655457 - A Competitive Analysis Of Deployment And Adoption Of 3G Mobile Service
11655456 - Employees Job Satisfaction in Ethiopia
11655455 - CSR Perception and Customer's Reaction
11655454 - Development of a Universal Remote Control application for Android
11655453 - Design and Development of Magnetic Variable Transmission
11655452 - All About High School Adolescents
11655451 - Animal Breeding
11655450 - Aerodynamic Shape Optimization using Vortex Particle Simulations
11655449 - Elementary Encyclopedia of Statistics-Vol-III
11655448 - Anti-cancer effects of ?-mangostin on human breast cancer cell lines
11655447 - Emotional Intelligence and Self-Concealment in VCT Seeking Behaviour
11655446 - EFL Teachers' Personalities, Beliefs and Pedagogical Success
11655445 - Characterization of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite
11655444 - A Comparative Study of Samuel Beckett's and Gh. Sa'edi's Pantomimes
11655443 - Experiments on scampi rearing with mussel extract incorporated diets
11655442 - Cotton Response to Subsoiling, Irrigation and Mulch
11655441 - Epidural & Paravertebral Block in Thoracotomy as Multimodal Analgesia
11655440 - Combatting Envy and Improving Curriculum
11655439 - Applicability of Online Sentiment Analysis for Stock Market Prediction
11655438 - Epidemiology & Zoonotic Implications of Giardiosis in Jammu
11655437 - A large glass masonry facade
11655436 - Computer Architecture
11655435 - Fish as a potential source of human bacterial infection
11655434 - Empirical Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency
11655433 - Early Intervention Matters
11655432 - Dual Drug Action of Drug Delivery System
11655431 - Development of a System for Mining Opinions from Product Reviews
11655430 - A GIS Based Methodology for Identifying the Pattern of Polio Disease
11655429 - An Essence Of Mindful Leadership
11655428 - Food Accessibility of the Rural "Hardcore Poor" Households
11655427 - Antiulcerogenic effect of the sea cucumber Holothuria arenicola
11655426 - Dynamic Line Rating Implementation as an Approach to handle Wind Power
11655425 - An Introduction To Polynomial Interpolation
11655424 - Exploring Consumer Attitudes towards Different Facets of Advertising
11655423 - An Integrated Management Model for Gold Mining in Northern Nigeria
11655422 - Development of conductive SPM probes for applications in Biology
11655421 - Aligning Strategic Growth with Practice
11655420 - Android Application Development
11655419 - Cloud Software Development Life Cycle (Cloud SDLC)
11655418 - A Comparative Study of Translating Medical Collocations
11655417 - A study on HIV infected children from Krishna district, A.P., India
11655416 - A Clinical Study on Dermatophytosis (Qooba)
11655415 - Energy Performance Modelling of Buildings Using Dynamic Simulation
11655414 - Focus on Form and Focus on Meaning in Teaching Reading
11655413 - Environmental & Socio-Economic study of Arun III Hydroelectric Project
11655412 - A Clean Technology Approach for Paper and Pulp Industry
11655411 - Area Under the Binormal ROC Curve Using Confidence Intervals
11655410 - Developing A Secure Cloud Storage System Using New RBE Scheme
11655409 - Effect of IAA on Biochemical and Phytochemical Content of Catharanthus
11655408 - An Ideal Outdoor Garden Design
11655407 - Earthworm Diversity and Soil Fertility of Bangladesh
11655406 - A Novel Proposal about Hundred percent of voting Based on information
11655405 - Design and Synthesis of ALK5 Inhibitors
11655404 - Cultural Perceptions of Foreigners Working in Rio de Janeiro
11655403 - Educational Lynching
11655402 - Biology of Cell
11655401 - Forensic mental health nursing and criminal justice system
11655400 - Banks' New Products and Customer Satisfaction in the Nigerian Banks
11655399 - Cattle Production and Marketing
11655398 - Epidemiological Features of Mental Disorders in Tikrit City of Iraq
11655397 - Beta2-Adrenergic Receptor Gene Haplotypes in COPD
11655396 - Agroforestry and Horticulture in North East India
11655395 - Assessing the quality of pharmaceutical care in an outpatient pharmacy
11655394 - Drug Releasing Properties of Cross-linked Cassava and Enset Starches
11655393 - Cloud-Hadoop and Grid-Globus Data Transmission Performance Analysis
11655392 - Difficulties in Learning English Language
11655391 - Flood Vulnerability Asessment in Downstream Area of Mono Basin
11655390 - An Investigation into the Bacteriological Quality of Dandora Sewage Treatment Plant and the Receiving Waters of Nairobi and Athi Rivers
11655389 - Death and History
11655388 - A Multidimensional Manuscript on Research
11655387 - An empirical investigation among Malaysian manufacturing companies
11655386 - Chromium Removal from Tannery Effluent
11655385 - Effect of Multimedia Teaching Strategy in Environmental Awareness
11655384 - A study on Customer preference for the private brands of Big Bazaar
11655383 - Classification of Pure Sextic Number Fields w.r.t. Their Monogeneity
11655382 - DMSO
11655381 - Customer Centricity
11655380 - An Evaluation of Operations Management at HOPCOMS
11655379 - Effect of location, season, variety and solution on quality of Gerbera
11655378 - Drying and storage of Kothimbda (Cucumis callosus)
11655377 - 1941. Why did the Red Army step back?
11655376 - Collaborative work
11655375 - Cross-cultural Influences
11655374 - Comparative Study of Women War Poetry
11655373 - Characterization of starches from underutilized tubers and yams and development of modified starches from sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas (L) Lam)
11655372 - Communication's Infusion in Organizational Culture and Behavior
11655371 - Deactivation of Tannins in Some Desert Fodder Plants
11655370 - Anna Hazare
11655369 - Fostering Resilience Through a Leadership Development Program
11655368 - Detecting Black Hole Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks
11655367 - Drivers of Avian Diversity on Mount Cameroon
11655366 - Chemical Recycling of PET Wastes
11655365 - Depreciation Accounting Principles, Policies And Practices
11655364 - Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Caesarean Section
11655363 - Development of solid waste management in China
11655362 - Application of heterogeneous catalyst for Organic synthesis
11655361 - GIS and Remote Sensing Application in Pipeline Routing
11655360 - Agro-industrial byproducts based complete ration for small ruminants
11655359 - Bioprospection of Gentiana kurroo Royle (Gentianaceae)
11655358 - Direct Health Payments and Household Welfare in Uganda
11655357 - Analysis of job satisfaction of faculty in universities in Rwanda
11655356 - Cooling by natural and mixed convection inside vented enclosure
11655355 - Automatic Ontology Construction for Query Based Information Access
11655354 - 3D Slope Stability Modeling
11655353 - Conjugated polyrotaxanes for optoelectronic applications
11655352 - Colon targeted drug delivery of Aecelofenac Microcapsules
11655351 - Customer satisfaction for Banking Services - A comparative Analysis
11655350 - A Confucian Interpretation of King Lear
11655349 - Building an Ontology Based Access Control Model for Multi-Agent System
11655348 - Factors Influencing Micro Insurance Penetration in Kenya
11655347 - Epidemiology and Management of Alternaria Blight of Marigold
11655346 - Advanced Concepts of Lipoproteins
11655345 - A Semiotic and Rhetorical Study of Anti-Islam and Pro-Islam Cartoons
11655344 - Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Leaders
11655343 - 2D Versus 3D Treatment Planning Systems For Bladder and Breast Tumor
11655342 - Electronic Small-signal Amplifier Circuits Using VFOAs And CFOAs
11655341 - Effect of vitamin D deficiency on ICAM in UC
11655340 - Commonly occuring syndromes in children
11655339 - Bilirubin secretory pathway and its disorders
11655338 - An Empirical Evaluation of Forensic Accounting
11655337 - Evolution Changes in the Gait of Pupils Aged 11 - 15
11655336 - Determination of the Performance Characteristics of a Modified SWHS
11655335 - Different Paths of Corporate Governance Reform after the 1997 Crisis
11655334 - Estimation of Serum aminotransferases & bilirubin in hepatic patients
11655333 - Child Abuse In Odisha
11655332 - Decision Making Process in Corporate Sponsorship
11655331 - Fractal Space
11655330 - Bioenergetics
11655329 - African American Grandmothers and the Education of Grandchildren
11655328 - Developing a Framework for Political Party Finance Monitoring
11655327 - Concept of Nature in William Wordsworth's Poems
11655326 - Disaster or not?
11655325 - A Study of the Determinants of External IT Audit and Its Success
11655324 - Cultural and Linguistic Hybridity in Postcolonial Text
11655323 - Development of Abrasive Sandpaper using Periwinkle Shell
11655322 - Drought risk & vulnerability assessment
11655321 - Agriculture Insurance In Tamil Nadu
11655320 - ARMA-CIGMN - A neural network model for time series
11655319 - Challenges and Difficulties in Translating Medical Texts
11655318 - Earnings Management
11655317 - Esterification of legume proteins for enhancing functional properties
11655316 - Feasibility of Mortgage Securitization in Emerging Market Economies
11655315 - Design and Implementation of Novel Algorithm using Zero Watermarking
11655314 - Automatic Irrigation Systems With SCADA
11655313 - A Matter of Fat
11655312 - Distalization in orthodontics
11655311 - Allergic reactions to dental materials
11655310 - Economic Status of Handloom Weavers in Tamil Nadu
11655309 - Development of Experimental Setup for Various Magneto-Optical Study
11655308 - Bulmer Hobson
11655307 - Controlled Drug Release Systems in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit
11655306 - Effect of local use of bisoprolol(beta blocker)on bone healing
11655305 - Efficiency of Emotional Intelligence
11655304 - Fish Skeletal Deformities
11655303 - Bioinformatics assisted bioremediation
11655302 - Examining the Writing Composition Competency of Grade Seven Students
11655301 - Functionality of an Academic Library Using SPAL Model
11655300 - Chemistry of cyanuric chloride
11655299 - Detection and characterization of listeria species from market meat
11655298 - Adjustment and Ageing
11655297 - Energy Performance Modelling and Heat Recovery Efficiency Assessment
11655296 - Determinants of the population's health state. Case study
11655295 - Biological activities of active ingredients from green macroalga Enter
11655294 - Alevi Visibility in Turkey
11655293 - Effects of testosterone and anabolic steroids on muscle hypertrophy
11655292 - A study for targeting the bioburden of oxygen mask by Gamma Radation
11655291 - Design FLC for Dual Sensors Cardiac Pacemaker in Bradycardia at Rest
11655290 - Ecommerce Security Issues, Policies and Model
11655289 - Elimination of micro flora on drainage bags by gamma radiations
11655288 - Customers' price satisfaction in banking industry of Pakistan
11655287 - Basic physics equations and complex phenomena
11655286 - Effect of Different Drying Methods on Nutritional Value of Fruits
11655285 - Employment Guarantee
11655284 - Distribution and ethology of Petaurista philippensis in Rajasthan
11655283 - Fitting of Statistical Distribution for ATM and Other Bank Transaction
11655282 - Design of Multifunctional nanostructures for Theranostic Applications
11655281 - Business Game
11655280 - Contemporary Approaches to Music Teaching and Learning
11655279 - Fundamentals of Experimental Chemistry
11655278 - Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 as Novel Marker of Phosphate Homeostasis
11655277 - Analytical Study for Characterization of the Icon Materials
11655276 - Demand side of international students tourism market
11655275 - Deforestation and climate impact in the Pantanal of Nhecolandia
11655274 - Biofuels
11655273 - A BPNN for the identification of Rheumatoid arthritis
11655272 - Fuzzy Logic Based Transmission Power Control in WSNs
11655271 - Best Practices of Leading Pension Funds
11655270 - Determinants of Export Competitiveness
11655269 - An Algorithmic Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography
11655268 - Awareness, Perspectives and Practices on Multifaceted Pedagogies
11655267 - Could 3D printers be used for reconstruction of societal functions?
11655266 - Experience of Male Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Ghana
11655265 - Dealer Quality Management
11655264 - EQ and Life Skills
11655263 - Distributed Agile Development System
11655262 - Bacterial Infections Affecting Marine Fish
11655261 - Application of Mindmapping Techniques to Enhance EFL Learners' Writing
11655260 - Branding and Online Banking Perspectives in Bangladesh
11655259 - Effect of Mobile Banking Software Complexities on Users Behaviour
11655258 - Feasibility Study for Multi-Megawatt Scale Solar Photovoltaic Plant
11655257 - Amorphous bilayered CoFeCrSiB ribbons
11655256 - Ecosystem functions of forests in Prague and their valuation
11655255 - Do Determinants of Happiness Vary across Demographic Groups?
11655254 - Diatom communities of the Doon and Vindhyan Region
11655253 - Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Biofuels
11655252 - Development of a Geographical Information System - Based Support Tool
11655251 - Competency-based learning
11655250 - Evaluation of the Scholarship and School Construction in Rural Lao PDR
11655249 - Color, Optics & Shade Selection
11655248 - Application of Lean Management in Emergency Department of Hospitals
11655247 - Effect of Outsourcing on Organizational Performance
11655246 - Carbohydrate fermentation in rumen and gastro-intestinal permeability
11655245 - A Text Book of Biostatistics
11655244 - CDA of Shylock's Speech in Contexts of Power, Ideology and Identity
11655243 - Forest Carbon Stock and Variations along Environmental Gradients
11655242 - Evidence
11655241 - Aspects of differentiated stem cells for in vivo reconstitution
11655240 - Effect of Fund Accounting Practices on Accountability to Stakeholders
11655239 - Deposition of Copper Oxide Thin Films by Chemical Techniques
11655238 - Craniofacial changes of Suttur children 7-10yrs semilongitudinal study
11655237 - Examining Experiences
11655236 - Democracy in a Multi-Ethnic Society, Nigeria as Case Study
11655235 - Business Incubators for the Development of SMEs
11655234 - Effective Variables on People Participation in watershed Management
11655233 - GISAXS and Complementary Microscopy Studies of Nanomaterials
11655232 - Carbon stock of Humbo forest and Its role in Climate change mitigation
11655231 - Breast Cancer Associated Immune Infiltrates
11655230 - A Study On Prescriber's Perception Towards Ayurvedic Products
11655229 - Effects of Departmentalization on Students
11655228 - Biology of Cirrhinus mrigala and Oreochromis niloticus
11655227 - Assessment of Biomass and Carbon Stock in Plantations of Uttarakhand
11655226 - Fully Homomorphic Encryption on Octonion Ring
11655225 - Bovine fluorosis in Central East India
11655224 - Collaborative research of the pedagogical practice
11655223 - Company, its performance and perceived employer attractiveness
11655222 - Diagnosis of Broken Rotor Bar in Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drives
11655221 - Critical Gap Analysis of U-turn Median Openings Under Mixed Traffic
11655220 - Depression and Suicide
11655219 - Adaptive MIMO OFDM Channel Estimation
11655218 - Effects of Activity-Based Strategies in Primary Schools
11655217 - Decentralized Control of Multi-Area Power Systems
11655216 - 'OEDIPUS COMPLEX' in "Sons and Lovers" and "To the Lighthouse"
11655215 - Extracellular Lipase Production from Bacillus Sp. Partial Purification
11655214 - Annotated Translation Project of The Old Man and The Sea
11655213 - Failure Forecast of B737 Bleed Air System Using ANN
11655212 - Family support System of Invulnerable Children in India
11655211 - Bio-inspired Optimization Methods
11655210 - Diffusion of nanotechnology in Turkey
11655209 - Elementary Encyclopedia of Statistics-Vol-IV
11655208 - Business Sustainability
11655207 - Farmer-to-Farmer Communication for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
11655206 - Forensic Accounting
11655205 - A Primer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
11655204 - Dental Composites
11655203 - Causes of Road Accident of Particular Road
11655202 - Determinants of Rural Households Food Insecurity
11655201 - Explaining Investor Preferences
11655200 - An Introduction to Copper Electrowinning
11655199 - Aetiopathology of Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus Patients
11655198 - Eye Detection and Tracking Algorithm
11655197 - Age and Second Language Acquisition
11655196 - Expressed Emotion, Quality of Life, and Burden of Caregivers
11655195 - A Study on Risk Management in Execution of Construction Projects
11655194 - Adaptive Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection in MRI
11655193 - Formulation development of deferasirox dispersible tablet
11655192 - Endodontic Regeneration
11655191 - Evaluation of Underground Water Quality and Effect on Semi-Arid Soil
11655190 - Biotechnology and the Biological impact of genetically modified feed
11655189 - Evaluation Of Bio-Ethanol Potentials Of Selected Lignocellulosic Waste
11655188 - Factors affecting writing skill of G-9 students of Adaba High School
11655187 - Analysis of Metal Matrix Composite camshaft using FEM
11655186 - Construction Details of a Low Cost Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
11655185 - Community Development with Black Mental Health Peer Support Groups
11655184 - Employment-Unemployment situation of Muslims in India
11655183 - Edible Bird's Nest
11655182 - Association of Osteoprotegrin With Diabetes complications and Bone
11655181 - Electronic Waste
11655180 - Demographics of Fodder Growers and Fodder Production in Tripura,India
11655179 - Anatomical Studies on the Cranial Nerves of the Snake Coluber rogersi
11655178 - Electrical currents impact in human physiology
11655177 - Cloud Based e-learning System
11655176 - Design And Analysis Of A Low Pass FIR Filter Using Genetic Algorithm
11655175 - Determinants Influencing Students Achievements of Biology Examination
11655174 - Dry Deshaling of Thermal Coals in India
11655173 - Ecotourism along Cameroon's coast
11655172 - Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Construction and Development
11655171 - Financial Distress&its Determinants in Manufacturing Firms in Ethiopia
11655170 - Design and manufacturing of a single channel medical ECG device
11655169 - Analytical Study of Production Inventory in a Manufacturing Industry
11655168 - Design and evaluation of simple pvc drip irrigation system
11655167 - Comparative Study Of Mutual Funds In India
11655166 - Contraceptive use Among Adolescents
11655165 - A Study on Noise Level in Vadodara City of Gujarat
11655164 - Diacritics in the teaching and learning of Samoan in the primary level
11655163 - Evaluating The Power Of Teacher Empowerment
11655162 - Breeding,Estrus Synchronization and Mass Artificial Insemination
11655161 - Effect of environment and nutrients on herbage and oil yield of davana
11655160 - Combined laccase-ultrasound processes for industrial applications
11655159 - Determination of Organic Pollutants and Some Physicochemical Parameter
11655158 - Estimated Control for PMSM
11655157 - Developing Google Areal Images Using Flying Robot with Specified Path
11655156 - Citizen Interaction online - Egovernance
11655155 - Examining Determinants of Female Employment in Paid Labor Market
11655154 - Construction of Real Time Panoramic Video in a Surveillance System
11655153 - An Improved Distance Vector Routing Protocol
11655152 - Ethical Issues in Public Sector in Nigeria
11655151 - Effects of School Outdoor Activities on Students' Retention in Ecology
11655150 - An introduction of Crown Ether Schiff Bases & Its Applications
11655149 - Effect of L-Arginine on Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Diabetic Rats
11655148 - Aspects of CO2 Corrosion in Oil and Gas Industry
11655147 - Effect of vegetable based oil as lubricants in extrusion process
11655146 - Adhesively-bonded joints in hybrid structures
11655145 - Elevated Enhancement Techniques for Fingerprint Recognition System
11655144 - Effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine(BAP) on in vitro shoot multiplication
11655143 - A Model for Training Effectiveness
11655142 - Brownfield Redevelopment
11655141 - Estimation of Helminths in Field Rats and Effect on Farming Community
11655140 - Criticality assessment of Barge Loader
11655139 - A Comprehensive Medical Mnemonics Guide
11655138 - Determining the Effectiveness of Web Based Learning in Sport
11655137 - Eye of the Storm
11655136 - Evaluation of Jaundice Meter in Preterm Neonates in Nigeria
11655135 - Energy efficiency of power plants with use of Smart-MES System
11655134 - Conflict and Food Security in North East Nigeria
11655133 - Biofouling in pipelines
11655132 - Emergency Response System
11655131 - Force Delivery System In Orthodontics
11655130 - Does estrogen deficiency cause hepatic disorders?
11655129 - Elementary Study on the Electric Power Generation from Sea Wave
11655128 - Effect of Newer Insecticides on Podborer of Pigeonpea Cajanus cajan
11655127 - Applied Marketing of Fodder in Tripura,India
11655126 - An Economic Analysis of Price Control & Adoption of Bt Cotton in India
11655125 - Combination Therapy
11655124 - Development of Contrast Enhancement Techniques for Digital Images
11655123 - Comparative analysis of Production efficiency in knitwear industry
11655122 - Fostering Role Transition
11655121 - Domestic Production and Marketing under varying Trade Policies
11655120 - Eviction of Agro-Pastoralists from Ihefu
11655119 - Apoptotic bax and proliferative PCNA Expression in Pleomorphic Adenoma
11655118 - Bioethanol Production from Eucalyptus Wastes
11655117 - Customer Service at Kenya's Uchumi Supermarket, 1999-2006
11655116 - Gall stone disease and associated risk factors in Basra/Iraq
11655115 - Bibliometric Analysis using COMPENDEX
11655114 - Benzyl Alcohol Selective Oxidation via In-situ Generated Oxidants
11655113 - Employee Performance as Influenced by TVE Administrator's Leadership
11655112 - CSR Practices in Bangladesh
11655111 - A handbook of Theory and Practice of Social and Management Sciences
11655110 - A Success Model for Geographic Information Systems
11655109 - Ecosystemic Approach to Fisheries
11655108 - Exploring Chinese EFL Teachers' Knowledge of Vocabulary Instruction
11655107 - Adaptive Cruise Control with Auto-Steering for Autonomous Vehicles
11655106 - Algorithm to Achieve Optimized Handover Margin in LTE system
11655105 - Estimating Earthquake Risk
11655104 - EMU 2.0
11655103 - Fair Mac Protocol for Achieving Proportional Fairness in Multirate WSN
11655102 - Fourth Graders' Purposeful Writing
11655101 - Causes of Delays in Road Construction Projects in Kenya
11655100 - Finite Difference Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems
11655099 - Challenges of Implementing Inclusive Education
11655098 - Commentary on the Principle of Non-Refoulement in Refugee Law
11655097 - Democratization Experience in Africa
11655096 - A Socio Legal Dimension of Television in India
11655095 - Contribution of Female Primary Education to Economic Growth
11655094 - Estimation of Demand for Fertilizers - A Case Firm Approach
11655093 - BI based LMS system readiness & acceptance for higher learning studies
11655092 - Automotive industry in real time using digital image segmentatiom
11655091 - A Comparative Study of Foreign Trade Reforms in India and China
11655090 - Effect of Physical Exercise on Older Adult's Daily Living Activities
11655089 - Evidence Based Decision Making using Neural Networks for Software App
11655088 - Charismatic Adolescence
11655087 - Designing and implementing an English to Persian MachineTranslation
11655086 - Collection and classification of Services and their context
11655085 - Conference Tourism Building Destination's Brand
11655084 - Designing Novel Electroluminescent Polymers Suitable in PLED Devices
11655083 - Education in Iraq
11655082 - Exploring how civics education constructs youth social action
11655081 - Beta-2 Microglobulin
11655080 - Baking quality of composite flour
11655079 - Ecological & Economical Importance of Fishing at Jakhau Harbor, India
11655078 - American Democrat for Social Justice and World Peace - Upton Sinclair's (1878-1968) Fiction
11655077 - Dynamics of Internet usage on corporate communication in Kenya
11655076 - Care and support to HIV infected mothers
11655075 - Emerging Issues In Climate Change
11655074 - An Investigation of How Self-Assessment Impacts Oral Reading Fluency
11655073 - Foreign Language Education in Colombia
11655072 - Foreign Direct Investment related Effects, GDP and Innovation
11655071 - Descriptive Statistics and the Least Square Method
11655070 - Effect of Biofertilization and Soil Solarization on Pepper quality
11655069 - Antenatal Exercises and Pregnancy Outcome at Cairo University Hospital
11655068 - Alternative Rural Livelihood in Sundarban, India
11655067 - A Text Book On Kabaddi
11655066 - Artificial Diet Formulations for Commercial Beekeeping in India
11655065 - A Research on Systematic Theology, a Foundation of Faith as a Believer
11655064 - Antigravity - Its Origin and Manifestations
11655063 - Bio cement- A new approach for healing cracks in concrete structures
11655062 - Congnitive Style (FI&FD) Mathematical According Bloom's Taxonomy
11655061 - Elections to AP Legislative Assembly with Reference to Kurnool Dist
11655060 - Black Tea Manufacturing Operations
11655059 - ASEAN Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Toward AEC 2015
11655058 - Dough Rheology and Statistical Correlation
11655057 - Egyptian Quartz Deposits as Strategic Source of High Purity Silica
11655056 - Employee Satisfaction Survey
11655055 - Assessment of Groundwater Contamination
11655054 - Advanced Gold, Silver and Iron Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics
11655053 - Early Bleeding During Pregnancy
11655052 - Experimental and Numerical Study of Dilute Gas-Solid Flow
11655051 - Color Calibration Techniques for True Color Measurement
11655050 - Factors Affecting Student Satisfaction In Different Deliveries
11655049 - Assembly,overhaul and testing of aero engines
11655048 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of PSNP in Assuring Food Security
11655047 - An old civilization waning in the darkness of treasury in Mesopotamia
11655046 - Classification Of Pulp Stones
11655045 - Computational discovery of Natural Drugs against Tuberculosis
11655044 - A study on size and shape of erythrocytes of normal and malarial blood
11655043 - Application of BIM Concept in the Design of Energy-Efficient Buildings
11655042 - A Biblical Theory of Everything
11655041 - Effect of sulphur on groundnut under different irrigation regimes
11655040 - Dental Neglect
11655039 - Computability in Informetrics
11655038 - An Exploration in to Students' Writing Performances at Tertiary Level
11655037 - Economic Liberalisation and Industrial Restructuring in Kenya
11655036 - Challenges of Classroom Management in Colleges and Universities of UAE
11655035 - Current Trends in Management of Household Pests
11655034 - An insight to Orofacial Pain
11655033 - Accessibility of educational facilities for children with disabilities
11655032 - Bleaching of Vegetable oil using Organic Acid Activated Fuller's Earth
11655031 - Aerodynamic stability analysis of bridge
11655030 - A two-edged sword - interaction between law and science
11655029 - A costs/benefits analysis of the government nhs pension scheme reforms
11655028 - Form Finding and Structural Analysis of Cables with Multiple Supports
11655027 - E-Commerce in India
11655026 - Assessment Framework for Cyber Security
11655025 - English Teachers' Perceptions about the Use of Facebook
11655024 - A study of emotional intelligence in relation to academic achievement
11655023 - Antifungal Potential of Pongamia pinnata L. Against Botrytis cinerea
11655022 - E-Agriculture
11655021 - External root resorption-an overview
11655020 - Banking Management in India
11655019 - A critical analysis of power sector reforms in Orissa
11655018 - Clinico-Radiographic Co-relation of Pulp stones in Systemic disorders
11655017 - Father Involvement in Adolescent Development
11655016 - Adoption of Improved Animal Husbandry Practices by Gujjar Tribe of J&K
11655015 - Attitudes towards Benefits of and Barriers to TELL
11655014 - A Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks MAC Protocol
11655013 - Determinants of Loan Repayment
11655012 - An Investigation into Economic Migration
11655011 - Critical Heat Flux Enhancement using NanoFluids
11655010 - Advanced Technique For Leak Detection and Location in Water Networks
11655009 - Development of Soundex Algorithm for IsiXhosa Language
11655008 - Embedding Encrypted Text in MP3 Steganography
11655007 - Denture Base Materials
11655006 - GMAW welding of aluminium alloys
11655005 - Formulation Development of Niacin Extended Release Tablets
11655004 - Adolescents
11655003 - Application of Neural Network in Radiation-Based Multiphase Flow Meter
11655002 - Effect of Legume Residue and Nitrogen Fertilizer in Sorghum Production
11655001 - Diagnostic and Taxonomical Study of Digestive Tract Parasites in Ducks
11655000 - ANSYS Workbench for Mechanical Engineering
11654999 - A Reference Book on IC Engine Connecting Rod Design by CAD/CAE Aproach
11654998 - Building Energy Sustainability
11654997 - Code-Mixing
11654996 - Cloud Based Application New Methodology
11654995 - Bunkering in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector
11654994 - Cognitive Patterns In Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder
11654993 - A Study of Urban Sprawl Management in Ghana
11654992 - Allometric Equation For Biomass Determination
11654991 - Banking and Finance
11654990 - A Journey through Nearly Pseudocompact and Nearly Realcompact spaces
11654989 - An Estimate of An Optimal Level of Inflation in Namibia
11654988 - Corrosion and Scale Inhibition for Cooling Water Systems
11654987 - An adaptive Framework for run-time Group-based Communication
11654986 - Design and Control of Contactless Active Robotic Joint using AMB
11654985 - AICTE Project Performance on Human Arm EMG Signal Interpretation
11654984 - Experimental analysis of micro EDM process during machining of Ti6Al4V
11654983 - Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
11654982 - An analysis of the Implementation of Audit Recommendations
11654981 - Copyright Protection in Tanzania and Development of Technology
11654980 - An Introduction to Well Trajectory and Number Optimization
11654979 - Efficient Dynamic Distributed Load Balancing Technique
11654978 - Exchanging Data from Institutional Repositories to the Semantic Web
11654977 - Bismuth Ferrite Nanoparticles
11654976 - Beliefs about Written Feedback
11654975 - Arylboronic Acids
11654974 - Advanced control strategy based on a Sliding Mode approach
11654973 - Efficiency of Production Factors at Agroindustry Palm Sugars
11654972 - Citrus tristeza virus
11654971 - Defining public open space - not a walk in the park
11654970 - Assessment of learning needs of hypertensive patients
11654969 - DNA fingerprinting, morphological identification of some maize lines
11654968 - An assessment of values concerning luxury brand purchase intention
11654967 - Food of Animal Origin - Production and Safety Incidents in Romania
11654966 - An Assessment on Wildlife Crime Control Efforts in CNP, Nepal
11654965 - Drying techniques of tomato pomace and lycopene extraction
11654964 - Development of Rainfall IFD Relationship for Mulde
11654963 - Agronomic efficiency of Phosphate rock enriched FYM in Soybean
11654962 - Approximations of Stochastic Models with Applications
11654961 - Blending Models for Image Enhancement and Coding
11654960 - A Study of Fe Ka Spectral Lines of the mCV
11654959 - Electromagnetic Therapy and Menopausal Wellness
11654958 - Coherent ?-Production off Deuteron Near ?-Threshold
11654957 - Basic Electricals with Conventional & Renewable Electrical Power Plant
11654956 - Clonal Evaluation In Kapok (Ceiba pentandra Linn. Gaertn.)
11654955 - Computer aided animations for resonance in G.C.E. A/L Chemistry
11654954 - Arthritis
11654953 - Compaction Characterization and Model Prediction of Stabilized Mbo Residual Soils
11654952 - Characteristics of traffic flow variability and their impact on AADT
11654951 - A Case Study Concerning the Inconsistencies in Postsecondary Programs
11654950 - Degradation of GPS Signals in the Equatorial Ionosphere
11654949 - Corporate Social Responsibility
11654948 - Fundamental pharmacognostic, phytochemical and pharmacological studies
11654947 - Customer satisfaction in the steel industry, South Africa
11654946 - Coupling climate and crop model for impact assessment
11654945 - Cropland Agroforestry Practices
11654944 - Advanced Medical Biochemistry
11654943 - Establishment and Management of Tea Nurseries
11654942 - Cadastral Level Natural Resources Planning
11654941 - African Woes in the 21st Century
11654940 - Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in ovarian cancer
11654939 - DC Magnetron Sputtered Pure and Al Doped Cu2O Thin Films
11654938 - Engineering of metal oxide nanoparticles
11654937 - A Model to Facilitate Male Partner Involvement in Reproductive Health
11654936 - Assessment of Maternal Mortality in Edo State, Nigeria
11654935 - Agile Adaptability and Scalability for Large Size Projects
11654934 - Challenges of Small Arms to Peacebuilding in Liberia and Sierra Leone
11654933 - Communication Behaviour of Livestock Farmers
11654932 - Computational Image Evaluation of Multi-Square Aperture Optical System
11654931 - Common Zooplankton of North-west region (Tabuk) of Saudi Arabia
11654930 - Evaluation of Machining Parameters in WEDM for Cutting Tool Materials
11654929 - Conservation Agriculture
11654928 - Effect Of Mulberry Cultivars On Enzymetic Activity Of Bombyx Mori L
11654927 - Bioconversion efficiency in grass-legume forage systems
11654926 - Antiamoebic, Antigiardial, and Cytotoxicity of Some Sudanese Plants
11654925 - Correlation between Maternal Nutrition and Neonatal outcomes
11654924 - Childhood sexual abuse in Arbaminch town, Southern Ethiopia
11654923 - Forecasting Systems for Loans at Banks
11654922 - Anticeramide antibodies and cytokines in Leprosy
11654921 - Acrylic Polymers for Medical Uses
11654920 - French Geography
11654919 - Does Money Guarantee Success in Football?
11654918 - Business Analytics in Production & Operations Management
11654917 - Bridge Scouring Under Flooding Condition
11654916 - Digital Literacy and Youths' Political Activism
11654915 - Automated Intensity Manipulation Using Histogram Matching For 2D-Image
11654914 - Capacitance Measurement Techniques - a New Challenge
11654913 - Effect of Oral Sucrose on Reducing Infantile Sensation of Pain
11654912 - Agricultural Production and Food Insecurity in Ethiopia
11654911 - Ergonomical Study of Farm Workers in India
11654910 - Childhood diarrhoea among Indian slum population
11654909 - Computer Networking
11654908 - Fusion Oncogenes & Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adults
11654907 - Accuracy of IRI- 2012 and IRI- 2001 models
11654906 - Effect of N, P and S on summer castor
11654905 - Causes Identification of Employees Politics
11654904 - Dairy Farming In The Netherlands - Farmers' Future Views & Prospects
11654903 - Analysis and Reduction of warranty cost
11654902 - Eye Configuration And Navarasa Using Fractal Dimension
11654901 - Comparative study of cutaneous mycoses in different types of leukemia
11654900 - Controversy Analysis
11654899 - Error correction
11654898 - Bangladesh Ready-made garment industry and women workers
11654897 - Design & Simulation of Patch Array Antenna for IRNSS
11654896 - Efficient and Reliable Cloud Architecture for Big Data Handling
11654895 - Convergence and Inverse of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices
11654894 - A Non-Destructive Timber Testing Approach for Developing Countries
11654893 - Financial Liberalization and the Direction of Capital Flows
11654892 - Financial Inclusion To Reach Out Rural Area
11654891 - An Investigation of Implicature of Four American Short Stories
11654890 - Child Sexual Abuse in Sudan
11654889 - A Digital Herbarium Book - II On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
11654888 - Affordable Robot Calibration for Industrial Robots
11654887 - Effects of fast food on health
11654886 - Evidence Based Dentistry
11654885 - Assesment of Effective R-Value Of Building Envelope using InfraRed
11654884 - E-Waste Management
11654883 - Economic Valuation of Recreational Benefits of Environmental Resources
11654882 - Effect of bio-regulators on grape var. Flame Seedless
11654881 - Applied Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis
11654880 - A Program for Persistent Integration of Faith and Learning Online
11654879 - "Tradition and the Individual Talent"
11654878 - Curriculum Development
11654877 - Critical Inquiry into Culture Teaching and Practices
11654876 - Defluoridation techniques around the World
11654875 - A Social Profile of Street Children in Ankara
11654874 - Anthelmintic Activities of Lime Orange Peels
11654873 - Antibacterial Activity of Sudanese Bee honey
11654872 - Evaluation of essential oils extracted from local medicinal plants
11654871 - Archwires in Orthodontics
11654870 - ESBL producing E. coli and antimicrobial resistance in Cattle
11654869 - Efficacy of Echinostoma liei Antigens against Schistosomaisis mansoni
11654868 - Design and Implementation of Electromagnetic Pulse Propulsion System
11654867 - Employee and Consumer Protection in Mergers and Acquisitions
11654866 - GMRES Solver with ILU(k) for Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems on GPUs
11654865 - Economic Reforms and Money-Output Relationship in Indian Economy
11654864 - Drive Cycle Performance of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
11654863 - Augmented Bioethanol from wild and mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
11654862 - Characterization of Protagonists
11654861 - Concern and Conservation of River
11654860 - A Pedagogical Comparison of In-Class Cases and Out-of-Class Projects
11654859 - Building Infrastructures for Peace
11654858 - Communication
11654857 - Biochemical Studies on Some Plant Secondary Metabolites
11654856 - Analysis Of Scheffler Reflector Performance by Response Surface Method
11654855 - Benefit of Mindfulness
11654854 - El rol de las oposiciones filosoficas en la crisis postestructuralista
11654853 - Exvotos Pictoricos
11654852 - Desarrollo de la personalidad
11654851 - Economatica
11654850 - Dependencia no lineal entre variables aleatorias
11654849 - Competencia docente del sistema abierto
11654848 - Analisis de la eficiencia en el sector de la intermediacion turistica
11654847 - Estudio comparativo entre uso sistematico y no uso de la episiotomia
11654846 - Deficit de vivienda prioritaria en Bogota
11654845 - El ajuste entre formacion y empleo de los universitarios en Espana
11654844 - Abordaje endomeatal del implante coclear
11654843 - Arqueologia y Cultura material de Baza en el siglo XVI
11654842 - Aspectos formales de los dialogos platonicos como claves hermeneuticas
11654841 - Contribucion de la autoevaluacion a la autorregulacion del aprendizaje
11654840 - Equipos mecanicos
11654839 - Derechos Humanos
11654838 - Conflictos al resolver tareas matematicas
11654837 - Estres oxidativo y retinopatia diabetica
11654836 - Colonos e Indigenas por Tierras Patagonicas
11654835 - English-Transylvanian contacts in the 17th century - The Early Stuarts and Transylvania During the Thirty Years' War
11654834 - E-recruitment
11654833 - Developing Gallery Outreach Policy
11654832 - Constitutional Regulation of Takings in Comparative Prospective
11654831 - Burnt Boats and Barbeques
11654830 - Exploring a Bioinformatics Clustering Algorithm - Methodology, Experiments, Analysis
11654829 - Composing the Sacred in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
11654828 - Biases and Stages in Phonological Acquisition
11654827 - Combining First-Order Logic and Logic Programming Using Fol-programs
11654826 - A Total Synthesis of Leucascandrolide A
11654825 - Algorithmic Study on Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics - Methods for Proteomic Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis
11654824 - Design Optimization of FRP Composite Panel Building Systems
11654823 - From Fat to Fabulous
11654822 - A Hybrid Fixed and Flexible Transportation Service
11654821 - A Study of the Conductive Properties of Nanostructured Metal Oxide Films
11654820 - E-Government
11654819 - European City Tourism Organisations - How City Tourism Organisations in Europe Prepare Themselves for Rough Times in Saturated Markets
11654818 - Diversity Management and Corporate Communication
11654817 - Effects of Stress - Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity, Salivary Cortisol, and Subjective State
11654816 - The Ultimate Guide to Doing Business in Africa
11654815 - Entrepreneurs
11654814 - Design of a Resonator Dipole Trap
11654813 - Empowering Women
11654812 - Cognitive and Affective Empathy - Exploring the Differential Effects of Empathy Components on Work-family Conflict and Emotional Labor
11654811 - Adaptive and Assisted Educational Hypermedia
11654810 - Automated Reasoning and Common Sense
11654809 - Ups and Downs
11654808 - Breakthrough Leadership
11654807 - Biezakas pedu deformacijas geriatriskajiem pacientiem
11654806 - Binary Agb Stars Observed with Herschel
11654805 - Exkursionsdidaktik im fachpraktischen Bereich
11654804 - Die Verzahnung Der Gesellschaftsvertrage Bei Der Gmbh & Co. Kg
11654803 - Die Nutzanwendung Des Hexenthemas
11654802 - Demenz - Umsetzbare Elemente der Langzeitpflege fur den Akutbereich
11654801 - Die langfristigen Erfolge in der Adipositastherapie bei Kindern
11654800 - Convergence of Corporate Governance Systems
11654799 - Chancen und Herausforderungen der Stromversorgung in Nepal
11654798 - Bilinguale Aphasie
11654797 - Der Einfluss der Weinverpackung auf das Verhalten vom Konsumenten
11654796 - Bindungsgestorte Kinder und Jugendliche
11654795 - Das medial konstruierte Bild der Frau im Ersten Weltkrieg
11654794 - Einsatz Von Edv Zur Prozessoptimierung Bei Mobilen Pflegediensten
11654793 - Die Technische Analyse
11654792 - (Berufs-)Motivation von Quereinsteiger/innen in den Lehrerberuf
11654791 - Das Hofhaus als Bindeglied
11654790 - Ethno-Marketing
11654789 - Die Euro-Rettungsschirme
11654788 - Die Bedeutung Der UNESCO-Auszeichnung Fur Den Ort Lunenburg
11654787 - "Napoleon" - Der nie gedrehte Film von Stanley Kubrick
11654786 - Einflusse Der Natur Auf Das Bewegungsverhalten Junger Erwachsener
11654785 - Die Finanzierung der Altersvorsorge in der Schweiz und Osterreich
11654784 - 3 G and Beyond - Future Pricing Strategies in the Mobile Market
11654783 - Dynamics of exchange rate changes
11654782 - Didaktische Konzepte zur Friedenserziehung am Beispiel der UNO
11654781 - Design of a Multiple Gas Turbine Exhaust Piping System
11654780 - Entwicklungstendenzen der Hochsprungtechnik
11654779 - EU Beyond GDP
11654778 - Die Wirkung Von Alternativen Wohnformen Auf Altere Menschen
11654777 - Bewegung und Sport im Freien in der Volksschule
11654776 - Ensemble Learning for Method-Call Recommendation
11654775 - Das Reisen als nicht-empirische Erfahrung des Autors
11654774 - "Drogenkonsum in Jugendcliquen"
11654773 - Das Politische T-Shirt ALS Wahlhelfer Oder
11654772 - Das Alt- und Totholzkonzept Baden-Wurttembergs
11654771 - Anreizsysteme fur Mitarbeiter
11654770 - Dosis en mamografia
11654769 - El tratamiento juridico de los creditos maritimos privilegiados
11654768 - Epidemiologia del cancer de laringe en Cuba
11654767 - El extracto de Mangifera indica en la apoptosis
11654766 - Analisis de interacciones en aulas de matematicas de secundaria
11654765 - Caracterizacion de la ataxia de Friedreich en Cuba
11654764 - Del Liberalismo al Neoliberalismo en Colombia
11654763 - Aplicacion de la metodologia SIX SIGMA (DMAIC)
11654762 - Breves Notas sobre Tecnicas de Desarrollo de Sistemas
11654761 - Fundamentos de Exoesqueletos Mecatronicos
11654760 - Diseno Concientizado y su aplicacion
11654759 - Einfluss Des Strommixes Auf Die Volatilitat Des Day-Ahead Strompreises
11654758 - Das Hellenistische im Werk Osip Mandel’stams
11654757 - Die psychologischen Hintergrunde der Folter
11654756 - Arbeit und Gluck
11654755 - Betrieb Von Warenwirtschaftssystemen in Der Cloud
11654754 - Einzelne Handlungsbereiche der Berufsbetreuung
11654753 - Bewertung Von Biomasseheizkraftwerke Zu Finanzierungszwecke
11654752 - Forschungs- und Innovationsstandort Wien
11654751 - Endstation hofische Integration
11654750 - Freiwilligenmanagement in Non-Profit-Unternehmen
11654749 - Autorenrechte an Musikalischen Werken
11654748 - Die Kindertagesstatte ALS Resilienzforderliche Einrichtung
11654747 - Feedback
11654746 - Emergent Leadership
11654745 - Ausverhandeln - Alltagliche Muhsal und zentrale Kunst
11654744 - Deutsch ALS Zweitsprache
11654743 - Die "unheilbare Zerruttung" der Ehe
11654742 - Absicherungsstrategien & Abbildung Von Hedge Accounting Nach IAS 39
11654741 - Der Solar-Cruiser
11654740 - Der Blick Ins Gehirn!?
11654739 - Corporate Identity
11654738 - Baracoa, afectado por el ciclon y por el mar
11654737 - Frauen Am Mannerstammtisch
11654736 - Aussergerichtliche Sanierung versus gerichtliches Insolvenzverfahren
11654735 - Aggressives Verhalten Jugendlicher im Internet
11654734 - Fleischeslast
11654733 - 24h Online - Verloren in Sozialen Netzwerken?
11654732 - Die Wiener Lehrerbildungsanstalten in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
11654731 - Die Europaische Staatsschuldenkrise
11654730 - Braune Natur
11654729 - Clowning for Peace
11654728 - Aerodynamics of the TERA Fennek
11654727 - Die Insolvenzrechtliche Schlussrechnungslegung
11654726 - Ethik Und Nachhaltigkeit in Der Bav
11654725 - Challenging Libor
11654724 - Der Judische Krieg und dessen Rezeption in neutestamentlichen Texten
11654723 - Das Medium „Buch" als Verbindungsglied
11654722 - Farbbedingte Voraktivierung von Markenkonzepten
11654721 - Denken in Ost Und West
11654720 - Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior in Switzerland
11654719 - Der Zahlungsauftrag Im Lichte Des Zadig
11654718 - Demografische Alterung ALS Personalstrategische Herausforderung
11654717 - Bilingualitat ALS Multikulturelle Wegweisung
11654716 - ENP - Ostliche Partnerschaft
11654715 - Die Zerrissenheit des Selbst im „Tod des Vergil" von Hermann Broch
11654714 - Bedeutung von Kundenkarten & -clubs fur Kundenbindung & -zufriedenheit
11654713 - Das volkerrechtliche Friedenskonzept in Europa zwischen 1648 und 1815
11654712 - Die deutschen Lander in der EU
11654711 - "Uncle Sam" meets the "Red Dragon"?
11654710 - Der Automatisierungsmarkt in Osterreich, Ungarn und Slowenien
11654709 - Erganzende Geschlechter oder ideologische Gender
11654708 - Ertragsteuerliche Behandlung Von Aufwendungen Fur Ein Erststudium
11654707 - Christian Jorhan der Altere
11654706 - Berufsschule - Betrieb - uberbetriebliche Ausbildungsstatte
11654705 - Erfolgsfaktor Buchcover
11654704 - Eyetracking Kooperativer Anwendungen
11654703 - Forest Ecosystem Services
11654702 - Analyse Der Aktuellen Wirtschaftskrise
11654701 - Design - more than a layer
11654700 - Benchmarking fur ITIL in grossen Organisationen
11654699 - Die Textilindustrie in Deutschland
11654698 - Fiscal Rules and Subnational Debt
11654697 - Demenzkranke Menschen im Krankenhaus aus der Sicht von Angehorigen
11654696 - Das Streitbeilegungsverfahren der WTO anhand ausgewahlter Falle
11654695 - Film und Magie
11654694 - Abfall vermeiden und trennen, halt die Umwelt im Rennen!
11654693 - Fundraising als Managementaufgabe
11654692 - Die Risikoanalyse in der stationaren medizinischen Versorgung
11654691 - Aktives Rezeptions-Verhalten und Technologien der Musikdistribution
11654690 - Christliche Fundamentalisten in Der Deutschen Politik
11654689 - Der Wegwerfgesellschaft den Kampf ansagen
11654688 - Erfolgreiche Entwicklung Eines Exportmarktes
11654687 - Farbige Glaser verandern meine Welt
11654686 - Coaching trifft Forschung
11654685 - Der Weg Zur Qualitat
11654684 - Die Erwartungshaltung Von Weintouristen
11654683 - Eine Solvency II-Analyse des Run-Off-Versicherungsmarktes
11654682 - Export-Opportunities for Austrian Companies in Malaysia
11654681 - Der Tod in der Kunstkammer der fruhen Neuzeit
11654680 - Front-of-pack Food Labelling
11654679 - Fuhrungsstil
11654678 - Bindungsstorung und Stigmata
11654677 - Der Tatbestand Der "Fortgesetzten Gewaltausubung" ( 107b Stgb)
11654676 - Bedeutung des Finanzsektors fur die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
11654675 - Fraktale Organisation & Kollaboration im Cloudumfeld
11654674 - Business Strategies for Long-Distance Train Operators
11654673 - Ensuring a Functional Food Supply Chain in Emergency Situations
11654672 - Die Kraft des Feedbacks
11654671 - Der internationale Emissionshandel Post Kyoto
11654670 - Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf die kommunalen Haushalte
11654669 - Can Europe Deliver?
11654668 - Aufstellung und Prufung des Lageberichts
11654667 - Development of an SNP application
11654666 - Belieferungskonzept von Kundenzentren
11654665 - Einfluss Des Mobilen Internets Auf Das Kaufverhalten
11654664 - Die Raumdarstellung in Lars von Triers Europatrilogie
11654663 - Anwendbarkeit der FEM bei der Registrierung magnetischer Vektorfelder
11654662 - "Das Sokratische Gesprach Nach Leonard Nelson"
11654661 - Elektrisches Lastverhalten und DSM-Potential von Burogebauden
11654660 - Alternative Technische Losungen Im Antriebsstrang Im Automobil
11654659 - Auswirkungen einer Cloud Computing Applikationsumgebung auf Endnutzer
11654658 - Die Arbeit des Davoser Kirchenrats im 19. Jahrhundert
11654657 - Betriebliche Handlungsfelder Zur Burnout-Pravention
11654656 - Alte Gelander - normgerecht und wirtschaftlich nachrusten
11654655 - Born Globals und klassische Internationalisierung
11654654 - Adalbert Pilch (1917-2004)
11654653 - Forderung Der Stromerzeugung Aus Erneuerbaren Energien
11654652 - Familiare Krankheitsbewaltigung bei Kindern mit Krebs
11654651 - Die aristotelische Katharsis in der Theater- und Literaturwissenschaft
11654650 - Addis Abeba, eine echte „Neue Blume"?
11654649 - Der „Knigge" fur Chinesen?
11654648 - Digital Storytelling
11654647 - Der Demografische Wandel Und Die Anforderung an Das Personalmanagement
11654646 - Collaborative Consumption
11654645 - Fragmentieren, Animalisieren und Verdinglichen
11654644 - Die Macht der Zahlen
11654643 - Behavioral Economics
11654642 - Controller Implementation on a PLC via MatLAB-Simulink
11654641 - Der Key Person-Ansatz
11654640 - Changing sensory bias
11654639 - Fashion Designers in Barcelona
11654638 - Die Frauenstimmen aus dem Harem
11654637 - Diabetes Mellitus Research
11654636 - Arbeitsvorbereitung Im Ingenieurhochbau
11654635 - Europe goes Rio?!
11654634 - Autoimmunita in Pazienti Con Tumore Colorettale E Con Altri Tumori
11654633 - Fordern Partnerschaft Und Kinder Das Lebensgluck?
11654632 - Brand Behavior
11654631 - Aggressionen Im Klassenzimmer
11654630 - Abschreibungen im Steuerrecht
11654629 - DIN EN ISO 50001
11654628 - Bildungspolitische Aspekte Zur Integrativen Berufsbidung
11654627 - Arbeitsbedingungen der Zukunft
11654626 - Besondere Herausforderungen an das Projektmanagement
11654625 - Familie im Wandel. Eine neue Aufgabe fur Erziehungsberatungsstellen?
11654624 - Expatriate Managers' Cross-cultural Adjustment to Singapore
11654623 - Assoziationsregeln
11654622 - Der Sprung ins kalte Wasser
11654621 - Die Bedeutung der Politischen Bildung im osterreichischen Schulsystem
11654620 - "Bombay Talkies"
11654619 - Das Melodramatische bei Rainer Werner Fassbinder
11654618 - Dolmetschauftritt
11654617 - Bewertung und Bedeutung von FM-Prozessen
11654616 - Die Veranderungen in Der Ernahrung
11654615 - Die Leiblichkeit des Verhaltens
11654614 - Die Frage des Nationalismus in Puerto Rico
11654613 - Abschatzen
11654612 - Das Holodeck-Museum
11654611 - Analyse von Verwertungsstrategien fur bankeigene Bestandsimmobilien
11654610 - Elektronisch Gestutzte Soziale Netzwerke Im Sprachunterricht
11654609 - Die Erkennung positiver und negativer Stimmungen beim Autofahren
11654608 - Blended Learning in der Praxis
11654607 - Beobachtung Und Manipulation Magnetischer Nanostrukturen
11654606 - "Wisch Und Weg"
11654605 - Der sogenannte Kritios-Knabe
11654604 - Business-Plan des ersten Biomusli Start-Ups in Lateinamerika
11654603 - Embedded Systems
11654602 - Die Tatowierung in der modernen Kunst
11654601 - "Das angenehme Grauen"
11654600 - Die Integration Europaischer Identitat
11654599 - Forderung bilateraler Handelsbeziehungen durch Messen
11654598 - Freiheitsbeschrankung Durch Pflegende. Eine Qualitative Untersuchung
11654597 - Einfluss von Patenttrollen auf die produzierende Wirtschaft
11654596 - Das Denken strukturieren
11654595 - Entwicklung eines modularen Simulationsframeworks in Java 7
11654594 - "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out"
11654593 - Das Erbe Paul Goodmans
11654592 - Competition between MNCs and Emerging Domestic Opponents in China
11654591 - Das Nabucco Pipeline-Projekt
11654590 - Die Regulierung des Insiderhandels
11654589 - Brasiliens Suche nach Identitat
11654588 - Effektive Anlagestrategien im Portfoliomanagement
11654587 - Das Gesetz des Dienens
11654586 - Addiction, Impulsivity, and Temporal Curves of Desire
11654585 - Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility via Corporate Web Pages
11654584 - Der Kimono Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Tradition Und Moderne
11654583 - Die Tariqa Burhaniya
11654582 - Die Provinz Quebec als 'National' Business System
11654581 - "Lummeln? Nein, Danke!"
11654580 - Entries, Exits And Business Model Transformations
11654579 - Carsharing - Einsatz von Gamification zur Steigerung der Kundenbindung
11654578 - Der Teller im Spiegel
11654577 - Alien Sounds
11654576 - Das Aufsichtsverfahren in Der Territorialen Selbstverwaltung
11654575 - Analysis of different materials and the manufacture of surfboards
11654574 - Future of Leniency
11654573 - Das Schulwesen in Osterreich
11654572 - Boomsprache Spanisch?
11654571 - Eine Untersuchung zu den Auswirkungen des UEFA-Financial Fair Play
11654570 - "Abtreibungstourismus" der Polinnen nach Osterreich
11654569 - Die Bedeutung der "Glucksspirale" fur die Finanzierung Sozialer Arbeit
11654568 - Die geschichtliche Entwicklung von Lesesozialisation in der Literatur
11654567 - Einsatzmoglichkeiten und Nutzen der RFID-Technologie
11654566 - Der Mauerbau 1961
11654565 - Die Rolle Von Politischer Bildung Im Lehramtsstudium
11654564 - Die Vorhersagbarkeit Der Subprime-Krise
11654563 - Digitale Piraterie im Wandel
11654562 - Bilanzierungsvergleich immaterieller Vermogenswerte nach UGB und IFRS
11654561 - Einfluss der Jahreszeit der Geburt auf die Lebenserwartung
11654560 - Energetische Modellierung einer Papierfabrik
11654559 - Entwurf und Realisierung eines Peer-to-Peer-basierten Overlaynetzwerks
11654558 - Brand Equity in the Banking Industry
11654557 - Einsatzpotenziale des iPads auf der Sekundarstufe II
11654556 - Beschleunigungsbasierte Trajektoriengenerierung Fur Industrieroboter
11654555 - Analyse von Investmoglichkeiten in Next Eleven Landern
11654554 - Channeling Csr Funds Through Public Private Partnerships
11654553 - Beyond Sangria and Sun
11654552 - Experimentelle Optimierung eines High-Cycle-Fatigue-Tests
11654551 - Die Marke Und Ihr Wert
11654550 - Cutback Management in Gemeinden
11654549 - Construction of Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication
11654548 - Die 'De-Mut' Judits
11654547 - Eu Power Examined
11654546 - Ein Buch, zwei Filme - drei Geschichten?
11654545 - Die Frauenfiguren in Hamlet-Verfilmungen des 20. Jahrhunderts
11654544 - Destination Osterreich
11654543 - Die Ostpolitik von Metternich (1821-1827)
11654542 - Anwendung von Konfliktlosungsverfahren im Bauwesen
11654541 - Die Umsetzungsproblematik solarthermischer Kraftwerke in Nordafrika
11654540 - Autistische „traits" und Empathie bei Eltern von Autisten
11654539 - Ernahrungsverhalten von HAK- und HLW SchulerInnen im Vergleich
11654538 - Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes von Social Media beim Stadtmarketing
11654537 - Feminizide in Mexiko
11654536 - Der Ernst-Thalmann-Park in Berlin
11654535 - Familie - Krieg - Trauma - Sucht
11654534 - Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Dosisaufsattigungsverfahrens
11654533 - Analytische Studien Zum Klarinettenquintett
11654532 - 240 Tage Sodom
11654531 - Erfolgsfaktoren von Social CRM
11654530 - Das Unterrichtsprinzip Umweltbildung
11654529 - Akupunkturtherapie bei Schlaganfallpatienten in der akuten Phase
11654528 - Andres Segovia, Emilio Pujol, Miguel Llobet
11654527 - "Die" Jugend Sucht Keine Neuen Werte in Der Familie!
11654526 - Das Burgenland Braucht Mehr Frauen Im Kunst- Und Kulturbetrieb
11654525 - Der Tod
11654524 - Bauen in Mexiko
11654523 - Convergence Journalism
11654522 - Die Ernahrungsbotschaft im osterreichischen Jugendfernsehen
11654521 - Competitive Balance in der Formel 1
11654520 - Burnout - chice Modekrankheit oder ernsthafte Bedrohung?
11654519 - Die Entwicklung Ausgewahlter Kennzahlen Europaischer Banken
11654518 - Die "Karriere" der Metapherntheorie
11654517 - Bewegungstherapie im stationaren Langzeitpflegebereich
11654516 - Die Bankgarantie im Bauwesen
11654515 - Arbeitszufriedenheit Von Lehrerinnen Im Grundschulbereich
11654514 - Demokratisierung und Burgerkrieg
11654513 - Einfluss von Airport Cities auf den Tourismus
11654512 - Communication Strategy of the Benetton Group
11654511 - Corporate Language - Die Sprache als Bestandteil der Markenidentitat
11654510 - Die Anwendung der Grundrechtecharta durch den Verfassungsgerichtshof
11654509 - Das Real Estate Asset Management in Der Praxis
11654508 - Electoral Budget Cycles and Strategic Use of Debt
11654507 - Freiheitsbeschrankende Massnahmen an Pflegeheimbewohnerinnen
11654506 - Das Phanomen der Proliferation internationaler Spruchkorper
11654505 - Energetischer Variantenvergleich verschiedener Glasfassadensysteme
11654504 - Die Respirationsrate Von Dekapodenlarven
11654503 - Erpresser- und Mahnbriefe
11654502 - Die Fremdsprache Deutsch in Nigeria
11654501 - Dokumentation oder Inszenierung
11654500 - Film - der Retter des Theaters?
11654499 - Die Gestaltung von Arbeit auf Abruf
11654498 - Ernahrungssicherung Und Land Grabbing
11654497 - Der "Work- Privacy Conflict" in Der Pflege
11654496 - Die Verwendung eines Gyrometers zur Messung der Ruckfussbewegung
11654495 - Acoustic Feedbacks in Sound Reinforcement Systems
11654494 - Dynamische Zahnkraftverlauf einer beschadigten Verzahnung
11654493 - Celebrity Endorsers
11654492 - Felskeilstabilitat Im Widerlager Einer Bogenstaumauer Bei Erdbeben
11654491 - Balanced Scorecard & Corporate Memory
11654490 - Destination Governance
11654489 - Demenzielle Auswirkungen Auf Sprache Und Gedachtnisstrukturen
11654488 - Empowerment Von Jugendlichen
11654487 - BURN-OUT - Erschopft - Verbittert - Ausgebrannt
11654486 - Die Rolle Der Verbindungsburos Der Bundeslander Auf Eu-Ebene
11654485 - Die Bedeutung der Wurde in der Pflegewissenschaft
11654484 - Enuresis Nocturna Bettnassen
11654483 - Datenschutz gegen Verbrechensbekampfung
11654482 - Die Finanzkrise in den Medien
11654481 - Das Belastungserleben naher Angehoriger von Menschen mit einer Demenz
11654480 - Betriebliche Gesundheitsforderung in Kleinstunternehmen
11654479 - Europas Zukunft oder Utopie? Der Weg der EU zur gemeinsamen Verfassung
11654478 - Der Chavismo in Venezuela
11654477 - 1 Tim 5,3-16 als Herausforderung fur eine gendersensible Hermeneutik
11654476 - Das Recht Auf Eine Gute Verwaltung
11654475 - Die Ersatzaussonderung
11654474 - Die Umweltbewegung ALS Religion in Einer Globalisierten Welt?
11654473 - Analyse Der Bewirtschaftungskosten Von Immobilien
11654472 - Bewertung von Freiberuflerpraxen
11654471 - Der Transformationsprozess in Estland
11654470 - Erarbeitung Der Prozessarchitektur Fur It-Gestutzte Geschaftsprozesse
11654469 - Environmental effects of agricultural trade policies
11654468 - Erfolgsfaktoren Von Kunden-Werben-Kunden-Kampagnen
11654467 - Die historische Entwicklung des Berufbildes der Fursorgerin
11654466 - Burnout im Palliative Care Team?!
11654464 - Der Mythos des Kriegers in der Russischen Kultur
11654463 - Biosorption in Single and Multi-metal systems
11654462 - Determinants of Implied Volatility Movements in Equity Options
11654461 - Fruhkindlicher Autismus
11654460 - A Sociological Study on the Use of Child Immunization in Kano, Nigeria
11654459 - Entstehung und Entwicklung der Volkshochschule(n) Wien und Berlin
11654458 - Biomarkers in Heart Diseases
11654457 - Agrarian Distress and Changing Rural Livelihoods in Kerala
11654453 - Das gemeinsame Sorgerecht in Italien und die Folgen fur die Kinder
11654452 - Gall Formation in Mango, Mangifera indica L.
11654451 - Arabic Text-To-Speech Synthesizer
11654450 - Breaking the Bulgarian Economic Model
11654448 - Exploring -ing
11654447 - Breeders vs Farmers
11654446 - Die Zukunft des Horspiels im kommerziellen und kunstlerischen Bereich
11654444 - Aaron Copland's "Clarinet Concerto"
11654443 - Business and Ethics in a Country with Political, Socio-economic crisis
11654442 - "Thinking Back Home"
11654440 - Exports and Economic Growth in Pakistan
11654439 - Congenital Heart Defects
11654438 - DNA Polymorphism A Tool For Molecular Characterization
11654437 - Federalism and Conflict Management in Ethiopia
11654436 - Deriving Refactorings for AspectJ
11654435 - Assessing the ecological status of coastal waters
11654434 - Biography and Fiction in Virginia Woolf's Novels
11654433 - Enhancing EFL Reading Comprehension and Motivation
11654432 - Current challenges linked to the EU health claim Regulation
11654431 - Fundamental Issues in the Philosophy of Science
11654430 - Economics of Water Resources
11654429 - Extreme and adventure activities as experiential marketing tools
11654427 - Chancen und Probleme des Namingrights von Stadien im Amateursport
11654426 - Contract Farming and Smallholders
11654425 - Breaking the silence of sexual abuse
11654424 - Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires
11654423 - Boolean Models for Genetic Regulatory Networks
11654422 - Design of Scientific Workflows for analysis of Microarray Experiments
11654421 - Eventmarketing im Rahmen der Imagebildung
11654419 - Climatic Variability and Rice Productivity
11654418 - An Approach to Regional Growth Analysis
11654413 - Engineering Geology
11654412 - Double consciousness as a fantasy theme
11654411 - Effective People Performance Strategies
11654410 - An Unintentional Liaison
11654409 - Feeding Pattern of Rodents Damaging Rice and Wheat Fields in Pakistan
11654408 - From Animosity to a Community of Reconciliation
11654406 - Assessment of Factors Affecting Sales Volume of MIE PLC
11654404 - Creating Community by Chatting It Up Around The Virtual Kitchen Table
11654403 - Bodywriting Retreats For Women
11654402 - Falling Film Evaporation
11654400 - Distribution of Fluid Milk
11654398 - Electrochemistry of Human Dental Enamel
11654397 - Environmental Study of Rawal Lake Using Satellite and Secchi Disc Data
11654396 - Cyclopoid copepod nauplii Apocyclops panamensis
11654395 - Die Schulsozialarbeit in der Schweiz
11654394 - Behaviour of DNA replication at isochore transition regions
11654393 - Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
11654392 - Dynamische Schuttgut Simulation mit Diskreter Elemente Methode DEM
11654391 - Das behinderte Kind
11654390 - Design of a carpark
11654389 - Culturally Heterogeneous Teams and Team Effectiveness
11654388 - Decision making satisfaction for IT-decisions
11654386 - Britannia's Lineage
11654383 - Active Ageing
11654382 - Computergestutzte Datenvisualisierung
11654381 - Effective Deposit Insurance System
11654380 - Die Rekrutierung fur den Endkampf um Berlin
11654379 - Elitebildung an Universitaten
11654378 - Die digitale Revolutionierung der Musikindustrie
11654377 - Anthropology of the Entrepreneur
11654376 - Beta-thalassaemia
11654375 - Connected?
11654374 - Auf dem Weg zur Service Organisation
11654373 - Bread Making from Quality Protein Maize
11654372 - Business Communication Challenges
11654371 - Angststorungen im padagogischen Grundtext
11654370 - Alternativ Trading Systems Featuring Hidden Liquidity
11654369 - Dreimonatiges Ausdauertraining bei Mannern mit Diabetes Mellitus Typ 2
11654368 - Cooperative Learning
11654367 - Appetitliche Animation
11654366 - A process to increase Solid Oxide Fuel Cells durability
11654365 - "HEALTH FOOD" & CO
11654364 - Flexibilisierung der Arbeit durch atypische Beschaftigungsverhaltnisse
11654363 - Ethics and Regulations of Legal Service Providers in Japan
11654362 - Correlates of Inter Ethnic Conflict Among University Students
11654361 - Dopaminergic neuromodulation of reward seeking and pain avoidance
11654359 - A Business Analysis Methodology
11654358 - DIABETES
11654357 - Die Landschaften der aktuellen Fernsehwerbung
11654356 - Effects of Sociocentrism and Sensible Altruism on Economic Rationality
11654355 - Auswirkungen von Gerauschen auf die Nutzung von Freiraumen
11654354 - "Schatz, lass uns reden."
11654353 - Climate Change and the Extreme Events in the Himalayas
11654352 - Cooperative Banks and Agriculture Development
11654351 - Ambush Marketing
11654350 - Der Minderjahrige im Verwaltungsverfahren und -strafverfahren
11654348 - Expert System for Automatic Cataloguing
11654347 - Fiscal Decentralization and Urban Service Delivery
11654345 - Frauenerwerbstatigkeit
11654344 - Aspekte der Bildungssysteme von Spanien und Osterreich
11654343 - Efficient in vitro regeneration and transformation protocol for tomato
11654342 - Applying Reengineering (BPR) in Public Institutions Reform in Ethiopia
11654341 - Die Bilanzierung von latenten Steuern nach IFRS
11654340 - Asylpolitik vermittelt durch die Printmedien.
11654339 - Comprehensive Approach for Environment and Sustainable Development
11654338 - Community Participation and Public Works in SafetyNet Program
11654336 - Business to Business Marketing
11654335 - Essential wood oil of Callitris species
11654334 - Corporate Governance
11654333 - Basics of Cognitive Radio
11654332 - Eddy currents in magnetic nano-structures
11654331 - Boiler, Piping and Pressure Vessel Cross-Bore Design Stresses
11654330 - Facilitating Reading Comprehension in EFL Classrooms
11654328 - Drinking Water Crisis and Vulnerable Livelihood
11654327 - Enterprise Resource Planning System
11654326 - Agroforestry Adoption in African Smallholder Communities
11654325 - Automatic Prosody Manipulation Using LPC-Residual Technique
11654324 - Dominion Geometries
11654323 - Assessing Glycemic Control
11654322 - Arguing in a Loud Whisper
11654321 - Endogenous market structures
11654319 - Complete Guide to Diabetes
11654316 - Analysis of QoS for Mission Critical Services over Wireless Networks
11654315 - Fish Genetics
11654314 - Decision making and Feature reduction through Rough Sets
11654313 - Co-combustion of Coal with Biomass
11654312 - Fish Resource Potential and Some Biological Aspects
11654310 - A Guide to Biostatistics
11654309 - Funds Management in Commercial Banks
11654308 - Determinants of Rural Household Micro-Credit Utilization and Repayment
11654307 - Factors that influence teachers' sense of efficacy
11654306 - Child Out-Migration
11654305 - Antecedents and Outcomes of IT-Business Strategic Alignment
11654304 - Effect of Air Pollution on Urban and Periurban Agriculture
11654301 - Automated Storage Layout for Database Systems
11654300 - Choral Music in Mexico
11654299 - Demand and Supply aspects
11654298 - Fantasy Worlds
11654296 - Digital Image Watermarking
11654294 - Diarrheal Morbidity Prevalence in Under Five Children
11654293 - Access to finance and its challenge for small businesses
11654292 - Academic Leadership
11654291 - Das ayyubidische Agypten
11654290 - Automatic Generation of Testbeds for (BPEL)Workflows
11654289 - Exploring biologically relevant chemical spaces with metal ions
11654288 - Cloud Computing and Virtualization
11654287 - Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth
11654286 - Dynamic measurement of Surface Tension
11654285 - Deportment of Copper, Silver, Bismuth and Selenium During Solvent Extraction of Gold
11654284 - Determination of Hydrogen Concentration in Coated and Uncoated Steel
11654283 - Ein Usability-Test nach der Relaunch-Phase
11654282 - Evaluation of Small Dairy package interventions
11654281 - Ambient air carbon-dioxide concentration in Uttarakhand Tarai region
11654280 - An Investigation of the Use of EFL Learning Strategies
11654279 - Das Geheimnis der Prominenz von Richard Lugner
11654278 - Die Zerstorung von Kulturdenkmalern im Balkanraum
11654277 - David Schnell und seine konstruierten Landschaften
11654275 - Dubious Benevolence
11654273 - Design and Development of Java Code Generator Framework
11654272 - Die nationalen Minderheiten in Rumanien
11654270 - Development Journalism
11654269 - Dramaturgische Struktur und Figurenkonstellation von „P.S. I Love You"
11654268 - Entering Russian Market
11654266 - Development of Reporter's Video Recorder Based on Android
11654265 - Einfluss der Steuerreform 2009 auf Entscheidungen von Unternehmen
11654264 - Dynamics of Complex Urban Engineering Systems
11654263 - Einfluss von flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodellen auf die Produktivitat von Fertigungsmitarbeitern
11654262 - Barmherzigkeit
11654261 - Das Bewohnbarmachen kultureller Planung
11654259 - Als Held fliegen, als Mensch sterben
11654258 - Finanzinvestoren in der Fussball-Bundesliga
11654257 - Das Traumen und seine Bedeutung im Film "The Science of Sleep"
11654256 - Factors Affecting Cereal Crop Production to Ensure Food Security
11654255 - Determinants of Cut-flower Export Supply
11654254 - Access Control in Adhoc Networks
11654253 - Ethnobotany Of Pabna Region, Bangladesh
11654252 - Developmetal Risk Factors for Gifted Children
11654249 - Fundamentals of Mobile Wimax
11654248 - Data Center- Concept, Planning And Management
11654247 - Analyse des Problemloseverhaltens beim Sachrechnen
11654245 - ADHS - Eine Herausforderung fur Kind und Lehrer
11654244 - Analysis And Design Of Secure Sealed-Bid Auction
11654243 - Diagnosis of industrial troubleshootings
11654242 - Advanced Control Concepts for a 3-DOF Laboratory Helicopter
11654241 - Analyse semantischer Distanzen zwischen Texten
11654240 - Fish Imitation "Surimi" from Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus)
11654239 - Art-Based Research in New Media Art
11654238 - ECOC 2.0
11654237 - Community Violence and Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS)
11654236 - Faculty Development
11654235 - Capacity Building for Sustainable School Improvement
11654234 - A Perspective on Three Novels From World Literature
11654233 - Exploiting opportunities in Africa through Networking
11654232 - Fruhchen und Schule
11654231 - Analysis of the Japanese Senior Market
11654230 - Comparing Electronic Commerce Solutions for Small Businesses
11654228 - Comprehensive Electroanalytical Study at Carbon Electrode Surfaces
11654227 - Durch Exklusion zur Subkultur
11654226 - Corporate Social Responsibility und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
11654224 - Call for Healthy Drinking Water in Ilaje, Nigeria
11654223 - Attitudes to Bilingualism Among Japanese Learners of English
11654222 - A Communicative Agonistic Theory of Governance
11654221 - Chloride Transport in Concrete
11654220 - Environmental Aspects of Hispano-Islamic Architecture
11654219 - Barriers facing the uptake of e-Learning
11654218 - A Text Book of Automobile Engineering
11654217 - From the Examination Hall
11654214 - Current Trends in Arbitrability in the United States
11654213 - Essentials of Arabic Machine Translation Evaluation
11654212 - Feinstrukturierte Ventilatorrader
11654211 - Evaluation of Virtualization Technologies for Embedded Systems
11654210 - Franz Liszt
11654208 - A Quest for the Unicorn
11654207 - A Theoretical Framework for Optimization Issues With Applications
11654206 - Feminine Gospels
11654203 - Characterization of rigid polyurethane foam (PU) extracted from
11654202 - Effects of TQM on Library Service Provision
11654201 - Folktales For Life's Journey
11654198 - Die Risikosituationen im deutschen Mittelstand
11654197 - Die identitatsorientierte Markenfuhrung im Stadtmarketing
11654196 - Agricultural Practices and Farm households' Food Insecurity
11654195 - Antenatal, Delivery Care and Family Planning Utilization
11654194 - A case Study of Myomorphs of a Low Country forest reserve
11654193 - Aid as a Path on the Muddled Road Toward Democratization?
11654192 - Establishing sound corporate governance regime Ethiopia private banks
11654191 - Expressionism and Expressionist Theatre
11654189 - "Skate and Destroy"?
11654188 - Das Spiel hinter dem Spiel
11654187 - Effects of interventions on childhood diarrhoeal Morbidity in Kenya
11654186 - Copy? Paste. Signalling Listenership in Everyday Spoken Language
11654184 - East Meets West
11654183 - A Pragmatic Analysis of Military Coup Discourse
11654181 - Ethnological Significance of Esoteric Doctrine
11654180 - Contribution of Cultivating Haricot Bean to Household Food Security
11654179 - Dermo-Follicular Proliferation
11654178 - Fracture Processes in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
11654177 - Fuel Accessibility, Affordability and Supply Dynamics in Conflict Areas
11654176 - Female Sexual Dysfunction among Diabetic and Non Diabetic Patients
11654175 - Community Participation in improving quality of Education
11654174 - Cut Freesia Production in Ethiopia
11654173 - A Study on Corporate Philanthropy
11654172 - Contract Farming for Production and Export of Vegetables in Bangladesh
11654171 - Cross-Language Production and Perception
11654170 - A Novel Assay for Optimizing Nanoparticle-Bacterium Interactions
11654168 - Entertainment Television
11654167 - Combining Ability in Sunflower for Yield and Oil Quality
11654166 - Climate Variability and Wheat Productivity
11654165 - Current Fertility Status in Cattle of Mini-Dairy Farms
11654164 - English language Needs Analysis
11654163 - Bioactive Microbial Metabolites
11654162 - Der Prozess der Wissenskonstruktion aus ethnologischer Sicht
11654159 - Colonial Zimbabwe as Depicted in Some Shona Novels
11654157 - ESL High School Students' Experiences
11654156 - Adoption of mobile route planning applications for Backpackers enroute
11654155 - Exploring the Antecedents of Consumer Animosity in Indian Context
11654154 - "Downcast Eyes" on a Downward Path to Wisdom
11654153 - A human machine-interface for computer-assisted liver surgery
11654152 - An Oasis of Peace in the midst of conflict
11654151 - Cotton Sucking Insect Pest Management
11654150 - E-Crime under Section 86 of the Electronic Communications Act
11654149 - Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Ethiopia
11654148 - Forecasting seat sales in passenger airlines using the reverse traffic
11654147 - Ansatze des Komplexitatsmanagements in der strategischen Planung
11654146 - Fussball-Kapitalgesellschaften und ihre Problematik der Gewinnerzielung
11654145 - Assessment of Consumer Credit
11654144 - Dialektkompetenz, -wandel und -attituden in Reichenau an der Rax
11654143 - Der menschliche Korper in Crash-Situationen
11654142 - Complexation of Complementary Polyelectrolytes
11654140 - Fichte on Human Motivation and Action
11654139 - Die Soziale Verantwortung von Betrieben gegenuber jungen Menschen
11654138 - Effect of Road Geometrics on Accidents
11654137 - Die grenzuberschreitende Gesundheitsversorgung in Europa
11654136 - CANOLA PROTEIN PRODUCTS Enhancing the Biological Aspects
11654135 - Effektives Sprungbrett oder wunderbarer Stolperstein?
11654134 - Die Beurteilung der Zahlungsunfahigkeit bei Unternehmen
11654133 - Ethnobotanical Study of Agrore Valley, Pakistan
11654132 - Chemical Composition of Rainwater
11654131 - "Zeit fur Brautschau"
11654130 - Der Deutsche Filmforderfonds
11654128 - Brand Leveraging
11654127 - Development Communication Enhancing Agroforestry in Ethiopia
11654126 - Erstspracherwerb und Sprachdefizite bei Kindern
11654125 - "Warum schicken Eltern ihr Kind auf die KinderuniBoku?"
11654124 - A Dissertation Report on Tuberculosis Immunology
11654123 - Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standard
11654122 - From OpenSocial to Enterprise 2.0
11654121 - An Evaluation of Change in a Human Resource Department
11654120 - Analysis on Place of Child Delivery in Bangladesh
11654117 - Fuzzy Control for Nanopositioning Piezoelectric Actuators
11654116 - English Language and Bilingualism
11654114 - Arthur Bird's Suite in D for Double Wind Quintet
11654112 - Der Einfluss des Tonfilms auf die Filmgestaltung der 20er und 30er
11654111 - Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlandos "Gaulschreck im Rosennetz"
11654110 - Einlagen
11654109 - Frauenfussball in Deutschland
11654108 - Digital Reference Service
11654107 - Crab Pathogens
11654106 - Clinical Sport Psychology Perspective West and East Volume I
11654104 - Economic Valuation of land use options in Ethiopia
11654103 - Die sub- und objektiv umweltfreundlichsten Automobilhersteller
11654102 - Entwicklungsmoglichkeiten einer Schulbibliothek
11654101 - Africa's Great Leap Forward?
11654100 - Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof uber das ehemalige Jugoslawien
11654099 - Funktionale Charakterisierung des yhbDEF-Operons aus Bacillus subtilis
11654098 - Fluorescene Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) in RNA Binding Studies
11654097 - Breaking Bread, Building Justice
11654096 - Child Care and Utilization of Reproductive Health Services in Maharashtra
11654095 - Aspects of tax spillovers
11654094 - Complexity of intercultural work processes
11654092 - Ansatze eines Qualitatsmanagements im Personal Training in Deutschland
11654090 - Concurrency Control in Transactions Processing Systems
11654089 - Diseases of Central Nervous System
11654087 - Farewell to the Crown Colony
11654086 - Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete
11654085 - Das Recht auf Rechte!?
11654084 - Assessment of Financial Performance
11654083 - Bulging capacity of granular pile-anchors
11654082 - Exploitation of CRM for Strategic Marketing in Higher Education
11654080 - Der Euro als Konkurrenz zum Dollar
11654079 - Confronting the Monster
11654078 - "A LONG ROW TO HOE"
11654077 - Controlling Dynamic Stall with an Electrically Actuated Flexible Wall
11654076 - Advances in Periodontal Plastic Surgery
11654075 - Die betriebliche Leistungsbeurteilung
11654074 - Comparative optimisation of perfusion based bioprocesses.
11654073 - Ecological Economic model for watershed management
11654072 - Analytical modeling of Fiber Metal Laminate stiffened by bonded straps
11654070 - Corporations as Social Institutions
11654069 - Disruptive Innovationen
11654068 - The Love of Angels (Spiritual Encounters)
11654067 - Die poetische Variation des Medea-Mythos bei Christa Wolf
11654066 - Adolescent Girls' Embodied Identities
11654065 - Chemical Signal Analysis with Fourier Microfluidics
11654064 - Assessing the Psychometric Soundness of a Mathematics Placement Exam
11654063 - An Integrated Assessment Model for Reuse Strategy
11654062 - Community involvement in services for children, families
11654061 - Buffering effects of activities upon community violence exposure
11654060 - Animal's Rights in Islam
11654059 - Clinical and Laboratory Studies on Some Camel Affections
11654058 - Evaluation of rapid genotypic rifampicin and isoniazid drug
11654056 - Adapting Darkness
11654055 - Analytical Biomechanics
11654054 - Filicide as Child Sacrifice in the Judeo-Christian Worldview
11654053 - Assessing Project Success
11654052 - Babies un-Ravel music
11654051 - Evolutionary Platform for Retargetable Image Processing Applications
11654050 - Determinants of Ethical Behaviour of Managers in Malaysia
11654049 - A Statistical Examination of the Climatic Human Expert System
11654048 - Contemporary Aboriginal peoples- State treaty negotiations
11654047 - A Comparison of American and Chinese Teacher Education Candidates
11654046 - Cornish CASCs workbook
11654045 - Academic Remediation for Adolescents with EBD
11654044 - An approach for examining the third-person effect hypothesis
11654043 - "Racial Democracy" in Literary Works
11654041 - Coming into Focus
11654040 - Affirmative Action in Higher Education
11654039 - A Sportive Matka Polka - Nationalism and Feminism in Women's Physical Culture in Modern Poland
11654038 - Academic Entrepreneurship
11654037 - Context-Aware Web Applications
11654036 - Design of Modulation Code for Storage System
11654035 - A training program in cross-cultural psychiatric assessment
11654034 - Atomic Reaction Mapping
11654033 - Fabrication of Pt/C Nanofiber Electrode for Fuel Cell Application
11654032 - Enhanced Benefit Finding in Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer
11654031 - Co-Branding as a Tool for Strategic Brand Activation
11654030 - "I Love You...What's Your Name?"
11654029 - Agenda-Setting and Gatekeeping Functions of Higher Education - An Analysis of the Coverage of Two State Institutions by the State's Two Metropolitan Newspapers
11654028 - From "Sit and Listen" to "Shake it out yourself"
11654027 - Abbott v. Burke
11654026 - Epistemologies of Death, Desire, & Disgust in the Films
11654025 - A Computational Investigation of Selective DNA Methylation
11654024 - An Inquiry into High School Students' Understanding of Logarithms
11654023 - Crystal defects in multicrystalline silicon
11654022 - Bilateral shipping and trade
11654021 - A Gender for Change in the New ReproductiveTechnologies
11654020 - Election Finance in New South Wales
11654019 - Adventure, Self-Efficacy, and Students of Color
11654018 - Attraction to Government Public Service Professions - Predicting this Career Decision
11654017 - Artstories
11654016 - Collective Memory and Home in the Diaspora
11654015 - Computational Case-based Redesign for People with Ability Impairment
11654014 - Acceptance of Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests
11654013 - Coercion-Resistant Cryptographic Voting
11654012 - .the thing with the ping. A Study on the Area Christiania, a Self Ruling Community in Copenhagen, Denmark
11654011 - Economic and Monetary Union and Its Housing Consequences
11654010 - Conflicts in Kosovo and Abkhazia,Georgia
11654009 - Collaboration
11654008 - An Optical Profilometer for Ultra HighVacuum Conditions - Design, Construction, and Implementation
11654007 - Conscious Body Management of Breathlessness
11654006 - Faculty Practices in Asynchronous Online Distance Education
11654005 - "When the whole 'bloke' thing starts to crumble" - Men's Access to Chronic Illness (Qrthritis) Self Management Programs
11654004 - Emotional Intelligence, Sense of Humor, and Job Satisfaction
11654003 - Analysis of NTRUSign
11654002 - Beer Supply Agreements in EC Competition Law
11654001 - Argentina and Brazil’s Politics of Taxation
11654000 - EU Opposition to Genitically Modified Wheat - Its Impact on Global Food Security
11653999 - Competitive Strategy in the Supply Chain
11653998 - Does Venue Selection Affect the GPA
11653997 - Collective Ignorance?
11653996 - Folding-up
11653995 - Developing Practice or Management Struggle?
11653994 - Densification of Biomass
11653993 - Cooperative Learning in Computer-Supported Classes
11653992 - Characterisation of Jack Jumper Ant Venom - Definition of the Allergic Components and Pharmaceutical Development of Myrmecia pilosula (Jack Jumper) Ant Venom for Immunotherapy
11653991 - Blended Learning in Engineering Mathematics
11653990 - EFL Learners' Listening Strategies Use and Their Learning Preferences
11653989 - Deployment of High Performance Work Systems in Firms of Pakistan
11653988 - Cross- Border Mergers
11653987 - Chinese aid to Togo
11653986 - Farmers Perceptions Towards Swc Around Simen Mountain National Park
11653985 - Development of an Airfoil for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
11653984 - Effect of Cobalt Supplemented Diets on Cyprinus Carpio (Common Carp)
11653983 - Detskaya Tvorcheskaya Konstruktologiya
11653982 - Fluid Displacement and Mixing Phenomena in Confined Geometry
11653981 - A Ritual in Perspective
11653980 - Active Detection of Deformable Contours using B-Snake Model for MRI
11653979 - Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among Adults
11653978 - Adoption of Innovation and Socio-Economic Development
11653977 - Changing Trends in Oral Hygiene AIDS
11653976 - Arsenic Removal Technologies from Ground Water
11653975 - Antioxidants on Mithun (Bos Frontalis) Semen Preservation
11653974 - English Spelling
11653973 - Cephalometrics-Past to Present
11653972 - Farmer Field School
11653971 - Dental Ceramics
11653970 - Brain Drain of Medical Doctors in Ethiopia
11653969 - Detecting Fusarium species from maize seed
11653968 - Albanian Mining
11653967 - Efl Students' Perceptions of Group Work
11653966 - Effectiveness of Decentralization in Enhancing Community Participation
11653965 - Biodiversity, Economics & Skill Dynamics
11653964 - Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
11653963 - AIDS Awareness Among School Dropouts
11653962 - An Approach to Battered and Breaded product from Catla Fish
11653961 - Basic Economics
11653960 - Countering Tax Avoidance in the Provision of Personal Services
11653959 - Evaluation of Impact
11653958 - Derivatization and Transition Metal Complexes of Herbicidal Compounds
11653957 - Forest Management and Plant Species Diversity in Chestnut Stands
11653956 - Ethnographic Communication
11653955 - Decision Making by Urban Women
11653954 - Avtomatizirovannoe Upravlenie Dvizheniem Bystrokhodnoy Gusenichnoy Mashiny
11653953 - Comprative Study on Effect of Natural & Synthetic Superdisintegrants
11653952 - Ekhografiya Zheludochno-Kishechnogo Trakta Ploda
11653951 - A Comprehensive Lecture Notes on RSA-1024 Cryptography
11653950 - Environmental Journalism in Bangladesh
11653949 - Chastnaya Tekhnologiya Rafinatsii Rapsovykh Masel
11653948 - Aboriginal Perspectives in the Teaching and Learning of Science
11653947 - Estimation of direct runoff and sediment yield in an AgNPS-GIS link
11653946 - Effect Of Wedelia Chinensis On Immunosuppressed Albino Mice
11653945 - Controlling Ammonia Volatilization From Urea Surface
11653944 - Experimental Study on Heat Transfer of Solar Air Heater
11653943 - Dikhotomiya Bog - D'Yavol V Drevnerusskoy Yazykovoy Kartine Mira
11653942 - Adsorptive Biological Treatment Of Landfill Leachate
11653941 - Diakhroniya kategorii vremeni glagola
11653940 - Behavior of Axially Moving Nanobeams With Transverse Oscillation
11653939 - Aspekty Ranney Diagnostiki Raka Predstatel'noy Zhelezy
11653938 - A concise insight on muco adhesive buccal drug delivery systems
11653937 - Asthma among children using Peak Expiratory Flow Rate as an indicator
11653936 - Family Preferences of Normal and Neglected Children
11653935 - Development of Textile Industry
11653934 - Demograficheskoe I Sotsial'no-Ekonomicheskoe Razvitie Rossii
11653933 - Dynamics Of Corporate Capital Structure And Firm Value In Nigeria
11653932 - Complementary Food Products from Maize and Defatted Sesame
11653931 - Comparative Study of Local Pseudopotentials and a New Proposal
11653930 - Customary Justice in South Sudan
11653929 - Effects Of The Capitation Grant Policy On Education In Ghana
11653928 - Efficacy of Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccines in Broiler Chickens
11653927 - Akusticheskiy Metod Opredeleniya Skrytykh Polykh OB"Ektov Slozhnoy Formy
11653926 - Design And Development Of Avionics System Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
11653925 - 'Women' as Work Force in Rural India
11653924 - Attitudes of Yoruba Muslim Communities
11653923 - Causes, Consequences and Histories of Rural Urban Migration
11653922 - Design and Implementation of Coding Algorithms for Network on Chip
11653921 - Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Teaching
11653920 - Doris Lessing and the Crisis of Identity
11653919 - Anemia and Risk Factors Among Female Secondary Students in Gaza Strip
11653918 - Effect of Supervised Progressive Resistance Training
11653917 - Economics Can Be Interesting
11653916 - Domination and Empowerment
11653915 - Existential Counselling with a 17th Century Flair
11653914 - Ethnobotany of Paderu Division of Visakhapatnam District, A.P., India
11653913 - Entrepreneurial Personality for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
11653912 - A Study on Spwm Boost Inverter and Its Reactive Power Control Strategy
11653911 - Female Representation in Advertisement & Its Affect
11653910 - Aspects of Sociolinguistic Variation in an Algerian Context
11653909 - Departed Time Compensators for Stable Processes
11653908 - Efficacy of Liquid Formulation of Azospirillum on Rice
11653907 - Elektricheskiy Privod Sel'skokhozyaystvennykh Mashin I Ustanovok
11653906 - Aleksandr Blok
11653905 - Applying Constraint Programming to the View Selection Problem
11653904 - Design and Bandwidth Improvement of Circular Microstrip Array Antennas
11653903 - Biochar
11653902 - Clear Cell Lesions of the Oral Cavity
11653901 - Electrical Discharge Machining of Austempered Ductile Iron
11653900 - Avtomobil'
11653899 - Enhanced Iris Recognition System For Person Identification
11653898 - E-Billing System by Using MIS Concept
11653897 - A Tutorial on Java Socket Programming and Source Code Analysis
11653896 - Domestic Movement of Indian Export Cargo Containerized on Sea
11653895 - Eating Disorders in Black Women
11653894 - Economic Dimensions of Inland Fisheries of Ghana
11653893 - A Treatise on Homoeopathic Help, Research and Allied Work
11653892 - Dream in motion
11653891 - Co-Movements Between Developed and Africa's Frontier Stock Markets
11653890 - Bio-Demographic Study of Malas of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh
11653889 - Environmental Awareness and Attitudes among School-Age Children
11653888 - Fanerozoyskiy Vulkanizm I Poleznye Iskopaemye Arkticheskoy Zony Evrazii
11653887 - Exploring Factors Affecting Erp Implementation in Indian Smes
11653886 - Control of Stick-Slip and Chaotic Motions
11653885 - Estetika I Etika Vo Vsekh Sferakh Zhiznedeyatel'nosti Cheloveka
11653884 - Descartes' Foundationalism and Popper's Fallibilism
11653883 - Dikiy Tikhookeanskiy Losos' Severo-Zapada Patsifiki
11653882 - Contractor Selection with Risk Assessment by Using Ahp Fuzzy Method
11653881 - Formirovanie Ustoychivogo Moral'nogo Vybora U Podrostkov
11653880 - Connecting the Dots
11653879 - Assistive Technological Gadgetry for Learners with Low Vision
11653878 - An Assessment of Church Leaders' Competence in Counselling
11653877 - Communications Management
11653876 - Creating Contemporary African Art
11653875 - Economic Role of Zakat in Reducing Poverty and Income Inequality
11653874 - Critical analysis of the intervention on agricultural markets
11653873 - Career Aspirations and Job Satisfaction
11653872 - Delenie Transuranovykh Yader Pod Deystviem Chastits Razlichnogo Sorta
11653871 - Detection of Lesions in Digital Mammogram Images
11653870 - Aspects of Translation
11653869 - Determinants of Sovereign Creditworthiness of a Country
11653868 - A Study On Securitisation And Its Role In Indian Banking Industry
11653867 - Formirovanie I Razvitie Msu Kak Sledstvie Detsentralizatsii Vlasti
11653866 - From Financial Meltdown to a New Global Economic Order
11653865 - Adolescent Psycho Social Well Being and Parenting Behavior
11653864 - An Analysis of Oscar Lewis' Culture of Poverty Thesis
11653863 - Adhesive Dental Materials for Reinforcing Weakened Root Structure
11653862 - Emotional-Social Intelligence
11653861 - Assessment of the Waza Logone Floodplain wetland loss and degradation
11653860 - Diseases and Parasites in Commercial Tropical Mollusks
11653859 - Experimental Investigation of Diesel Engine Fueled by Biodiesel Blends
11653858 - Elderly and Social Interaction
11653857 - Asian University for Women
11653856 - Challenges Facing Small Scale Food Processing Industries in Ghana
11653855 - Compatible Mapping of Type(c)-Certain Fixed Point Theorems
11653854 - Beam Forming Network For WLAN
11653853 - Evaluation of Literacy Skills of Hearing-Impaired Children
11653852 - Fast Feed Forward Neural Networks to Solve Boundary Value Problems
11653851 - Development Of Svpwm Controller For Three Level Inverter
11653850 - Chemical and Biological Screening of Two Plant Species
11653849 - Design of Solid-State on Load Tap-Changing for Transformer
11653848 - Chastotnyy Analiz V Sistemakh Obnaruzheniya Anomaliy
11653847 - Efficiency of Bacterial Isolates in the Degradation of Pesticides
11653846 - Environmental Awareness Among Senior Secondary Student
11653845 - Application of Public Transport Accessibility Level in Vijayawada
11653844 - Design, Fabrication & Testing of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle
11653843 - Faculty Beliefs and Needs
11653842 - Dielectric Relaxation in Abo3 Type Ceramic Material
11653841 - A Hand Book on Identification of Benthic Organisms
11653840 - English Language Teaching and Linguistic Imperialism
11653839 - Biotypic Status of the Russian Wheat Aphid in Ethiopia
11653838 - An Empirical Study of Anxiety Level Among College Students
11653837 - An Analysis of the Impact of Oil Pollution in the Niger Delta
11653836 - Adipokinetic Neuropeptide Hormones of Orthaga Exvinacea Hampson
11653835 - Essential Elements And Lead In Males Using Finger Nails And Scalp Hair
11653834 - Dozirovanie Kapsuloreksisa
11653833 - Consensus in Group Decision Making Under Linguistic Assessments
11653832 - Adjustment Problems of Hearing Impaired Students - A Study
11653831 - Design and Simulation of Trench Gate Power Mosfet
11653830 - Enriched Kocho (Enset ventricosum) Biscuit Production
11653829 - Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction
11653828 - Effect of some ecological factors on entomopathogenic nematodes
11653827 - Fasting and Postprandial lipid profile in patients of CHD
11653826 - Epidemiology of gingival and periodontal diseases
11653825 - Endovenous Administered Tramadol in Horses
11653824 - Curriculum Development For Early Childhood Teacher Education In Kenya
11653823 - Efficient Resources Allocation for Ofdm Systems
11653822 - Completeness of Birth and Deaths Registration in a Nigerian Community
11653821 - Consistent Condom-Use Against HIV Infection and Unwanted Pregnancy
11653820 - Environmental Management Plan
11653819 - Economic Transition In Ethiopia
11653818 - Consequences, Detection and Forecasting with Autocorrelated Errors
11653817 - Efficacy of Anti-Hypertensive Agent (Clonidine) in Zucker Fatty Rats
11653816 - A Study of Peace Problems in Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru
11653815 - Antifungal Potentials of Medicinal Plants
11653814 - Avtomobil'nye Ekspluatatsionnye Materialy
11653813 - Experimental Investigations for Development of MMC
11653812 - GIS Assisted Qualitative Land Suitability Evaluation
11653811 - DAM-ADC Nuclear track detector
11653810 - Confocal Microscopy and Its Role in Dentistry
11653809 - Cassava pellets
11653808 - Analysis of mining activity in Rajsamand using GIS and Remote Sensing
11653807 - Drought Resistance Mechanisms in Cereal Crops
11653806 - Conception of Computer Fundamental and Its Inspiration
11653805 - Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia
11653804 - Fundamentals of Test, Measurement and Evaluation
11653803 - Banking System Optimization, the Condition of Economic Globalization
11653802 - Factors Influencing Institutional Delivery in Awash Fentale Wereda
11653801 - Aerial Photography, Photogeology, GIS, R.S. and Image Processing
11653800 - An Analysis of Software Security Attacks and Mitigation Controls
11653799 - Emotional Intelligence
11653798 - An Epidemiological Study Of Nosocomial Infection
11653797 - Contemporary service practice in UK
11653796 - A Study on Temporal Variability of Rainfall
11653795 - Doing Business in the Middle East, the Art of Success
11653794 - Detection of Selected Heavy Metals in Human Blood Samples
11653793 - Estrogen Receptors Role in Breast Cancer
11653792 - Evolution of Dictate
11653791 - Control of an Electrohydraulic Actuation System
11653790 - GC-MS Studies on Local Cultivars of Musa X Paradisiaca L.
11653789 - Business Environment Case
11653788 - Fenotipicheskaya Izmenchivost' Zemnovodnykh
11653787 - Dosrochnoe Prekrashchenie Polnomochiy Glavy Munitsipal'nogo Obrazovaniya
11653786 - Between Sticky Floors and Glass Ceilings
11653785 - Fundamental Domains and the Riemann Hypothesis
11653784 - Chislennoe Modelirovanie Fil'tratsionnykh Soprotivleniy
11653783 - DESIGN & Fabrication of Electric Hovercraft
11653782 - African Traditional Religion, the Misunderstood Faith
11653781 - Freedom and Existence
11653780 - Bio-conversion of cassava peels by white rot fungi for Ruminants
11653779 - Female Feticide and Infanticide
11653778 - Caries susceptibility of medically compromised child patients
11653777 - Anderson localization in disordered systems with competing channels
11653776 - Contact Allergy to Textile Dyes
11653775 - A Study of New Trends and Analysis of Special Function
11653774 - Eco-physiological Study on Three Economic Weeds
11653773 - Evaluation of Infertility
11653772 - A Study of the Metaphysics of Samkhya-Yoga
11653771 - Elektricheskie Fluktuatsii V Tverdykh Telakh
11653770 - Fiction and Freedom
11653769 - Fotografiya V Avtorskom Prave Rossii I Germanii
11653768 - Decolourization Of Direct Azo Dyes By Bacteria And Fungi
11653767 - Breeding of Tomato Genotypes for Yield and Disease Resistance
11653766 - Discrete Mathematics
11653765 - Design of Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger
11653764 - Distraktsionnyy osteosintez v lechenii obstruktivnogo apnoe u detey
11653763 - Experimental Study of Diazepam and Buspirone
11653762 - Factors Behind the Poor Performance in Reading Comprehension
11653761 - Adaptatsiya Zernovykh Kul'tur K Poleganiyu Ekzogennym Fitogormonom
11653760 - Economic Organization and Paradigm of the Living Logical System
11653759 - From Financial Crisis to Economic and Political Distress
11653758 - Chirchita
11653757 - An Overview on Platform Technologies for Nanomedicines
11653756 - Acute Complications of Pyogenic Meningitis in Children
11653755 - A Clinicopathological Study of Ovarian Tumours
11653754 - Economic Empowerment of Women and Family Structures
11653753 - Femtosecond Laser Processing of Materials
11653752 - Ecology and Economic Evaluation of Lake Mansar
11653751 - Fundamentals of Medical Parasitology
11653750 - Contemporary Southeast Asian Self-Portraiture
11653749 - Cell Search and Synchronization in a 3gpp Lte Downlink Ofdma Receiver
11653748 - Dental Cements in Operative Dentistry
11653747 - A WEB-based software related to the Kinetic Models
11653746 - Deploying Enterprise Bulk SMS Server Powered by Kannel Gateway
11653745 - Environment Impact Assessment
11653744 - Consumer Perception about Chinese Goods
11653743 - Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and Cardiovascular - The Swing of Connection
11653742 - Electron Scattering
11653741 - Customer Buying Behavior of Insurance Policy
11653740 - Aspects of Sociolinguisitic Variation in the Berber Speech of Igli
11653739 - Bolezni Vodoplavayushchikh Ptits
11653738 - A Preliminary Study on Association of Adiponectin Gene Polymorphism
11653737 - Diversity of Bee Pollinators in Farming System of Karnataka
11653736 - Biology and Management of Caryedon Serratus
11653735 - Airdoc - An Approach to Improve the Quality of Requirements Document
11653734 - Broadcasting System of a Satellite TV Channel
11653733 - Efficacy and safety of anti-obesity drugs with type 2 diabetes
11653732 - Dal'nevostochnye Goloturii Roda Cucumaria
11653731 - Calligonum the mystery desert species
11653730 - Evaluation of Serum Sialic Acid as Tumor Marker for Lymphoma
11653729 - Exploring Consumer Preferences Towards Fast Food Industry, Delhi, India
11653728 - Bio-Diesel Extraction and Performance, Emission Characteristics
11653727 - Determinants of Corporate Governance Internet Reporting
11653726 - Forward Reach Ability and Early Activation Amplitude of Gastrocnemius
11653725 - Fatigue Property Improvement of Ti6Al4V by Thin Film Metallic Glass
11653724 - Brucella in Saudi Arabia and Egypt
11653723 - Careers in cross-cultural context
11653722 - Design and Implementation of Discrete Multitone Modulator Using FPGA
11653721 - Biological Treatment of Dairy Industry Wastewater
11653720 - Energoeffektivnost' Sistem Elektrosnabzheniya Predpriyatiy
11653719 - Evaluation of Synchrophasors
11653718 - For Their Mutual Benefit
11653717 - Capital Market and Stock Exchanges - Getting Started Guide
11653716 - Biodesulfurization of Fossil Fuels
11653715 - Fizika Atmosfery
11653714 - Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Paddy Production
11653713 - Entrepreneurship Development Concepts
11653712 - Farmakoekonomicheskie Issledovaniya Lekarstvennogo Obespecheniya
11653711 - An Acoustic Echo Cancellation System Based on Adaptive Algorithms
11653710 - Ekologicheskoe Pravo
11653709 - Exploitation of Medicinal Plants for Potential Bioactive Compounds
11653708 - Formirovanie Matematicheskoy Kompetentnosti Budushchikh Psikhologov
11653707 - Cognitive Reactivity
11653706 - Analiz Telekommunikatsionnykh Billingovykh Sistem
11653705 - Economical and Mathematical Models Subject to Incomplete Information
11653704 - Design of Wide Band Hybrid Coupler
11653703 - Cfd Analysis for Non-Newtonian and Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Flow
11653702 - Dekompozitsionnyy Raschet Khimiko-Tekhnologicheskikh Sistem
11653701 - Differences in Sick role Behavior of Essential Hypertension Patients
11653700 - Basic Metal Works and Practice
11653699 - Chloroplast Targeted Expression of Cry1Ac and Cry2A Genes in Cotton
11653698 - Design and simulation of fleet tracking system via satellite for multi-beam operation
11653697 - "Sus" the Unified Script with a Difference
11653696 - Epistemic Justification in Post-Gettier Epistemology
11653695 - Chuvstvitel'nost' Optimal'nogo Rezhima K Variatsii Kineticheskikh Konstant
11653694 - Bio-Ecology of Acacia Bagworm (Auchmophila Kordofensis Rebele)
11653693 - Atomno-Emissionnyy Analiz V Geokhimii
11653692 - Effect of Country Image on Consumers' Hypermarket Patronage Intentions
11653691 - Environmental Management in Tanzania
11653690 - An Efficient Algorithm for Shortest Path Tree in Dynamic Graph
11653689 - A Text Book Of Industrial Chemistry
11653688 - CAD CAM Modelling of Twin Wheel Hand Hoe
11653687 - Backtesting Of Value-At-Risk
11653686 - Cyber crime in a world without borders
11653685 - Exploring the Illness Perception and Treatment Seeking Behaviour
11653684 - Chiropractic treatment for Temporomandibular disorders
11653683 - A Correlation of CpG Islands, Motifs and Sequence Variants
11653682 - Consumer Attitude
11653681 - Apocalypse Sooner or Later
11653680 - Bioinformatic Analysis of cDNA Clones from Human Y Chromosome
11653679 - An Energy-Aware Path Selection Algorithm
11653678 - Eradication of Child Labour - A Case Study of M.V. Foundation
11653677 - Collaborative Classroom Management through Modular Instruction
11653676 - Cereal Beetles
11653675 - Corruption and unethical practices in project management in Nigeria
11653674 - Bioactive Properties Of The Catfish Plotosus Limbatus
11653673 - Dormancy Breaking and Germination of Rice Seed
11653672 - Fundamentals of Fish Marketing in Nigeria
11653671 - Extraction, Characterization and Utilization of Sorghum Protein
11653670 - Aglomeratsionnyy Podkhod
11653669 - A Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm Hybrid Model for Forecasting
11653668 - English Grammar and Composition for Class 9-10
11653667 - Efficient Hexagonal 2-Coverage By Mobile Sensor Nodes
11653666 - A Study of Nuclear Momentum Distributions and Elastic Form Factors
11653665 - Fatigue Behaviour and Creep Resistance of Fe-Ni Superalloy
11653664 - Condylar Features, Facial Morphology and Symphyseal Width in Class II
11653663 - A Framework of Intelligent Tutorial System
11653662 - Diseases of the tongue
11653661 - Auditory Brainstem Response In Normal Menstruating Women
11653660 - Application of Benchmarking to Assess & Compare of Irrigation SYS
11653659 - Discovery of Natural Antioxidants from Sudanese Medicinal Plants
11653658 - Effect of local application of bupivacaine on post tonsillectomy pain
11653657 - Corporate Governance
11653656 - Eutrophication In Gulshan Lake And Its Remedial Measure
11653655 - Elementy Garmonicheskogo Analiza Vektornoznachnykh Funktsiy
11653654 - Factors affecting loan repayment among women enterprises
11653653 - Career/Vocational Guidance/Counselling at Secondary School in Pakistan
11653652 - Ekologicheskie faktory sredy i zdorov'e cheloveka
11653651 - Drug Eluting Stents
11653650 - Corporate Credit Risk of Indian Manufacturing Companies
11653649 - Assessing Financial Performance Through EVA
11653648 - Elektrodinamika Zdravogo Smysla
11653647 - Assessment on the Performance of AAWSA Controlled Sewerage System
11653646 - Factors Influencing Potato Growing by Maasai Agropastoralists of Kenya
11653645 - Formulation and Characterization of Ranitidine Hydrochloride
11653644 - Effects of EMS alone and in combination with DMSO in faba bean
11653643 - Contexts of Creative Thinking
11653642 - Fizicheskie Yavleniya V Pole Moshchnogo UL'Trazvuka
11653641 - Citizenship Education and Secondary Schools in Europe
11653640 - Are capital gains equitably taxed in Australia?
11653639 - Brain Computer Interface
11653638 - Electromagnetic Theory without the Lorentz Transformations
11653637 - Fiziko-Geograficheskiy Aspekt Planirovaniya Gorodskikh Territoriy
11653636 - A Study on Differential Subordination
11653635 - Actimetry and Telemedicine in Cognitively Impaired Elderly Inpatients
11653634 - Aktivnost' Azotsoderzhashchikh Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedineniy
11653633 - Change Detection of Facial Emotional Expressions
11653632 - Anomalous Behavior of Stock Prices in India- Volume II
11653631 - Elektrovzryvnoe Legirovanie Poverkhnosti Stali 45
11653630 - Fortress Built on Sand
11653629 - Foreign Aid and the Fiscal Behaviour of the Government
11653628 - Chronic Ulcers Management by Nimbaadya Taila
11653627 - Design and Simulation of Fractal Metamaterial Antenna for Wireless Use
11653626 - A Systemic Analysis
11653625 - Diagonal Quasi-Newton's Methods
11653624 - Credit management in selected mission hospitals in Kenya
11653623 - An Analysis Of Uganda's Legal Regime On Capital Gains Taxation Of Oil
11653622 - Constructing Overlapping Consensus in Liberal Democratic Regime
11653621 - Crack Propagation in Bonded Joints
11653620 - Building Resilience Through Outdoor Adventure
11653619 - Draught Cattle Valuation for Improving the Sustainability of Farmers
11653618 - Dinamicheskie Protsessy V Elektroprivodakh Zaboynykh Skrebkovykh Konveyerov
11653617 - Experimental Studies on Savonius and Bach Type Rotors
11653616 - Applied Drama Through Narratives
11653615 - Antimicrobials In Treatment Of Periodontal Disease
11653614 - Cultural Influences On Aspirations For Higher Education
11653613 - Cleaning Validation - A Brief Review
11653612 - Development of Magnesium Alloys for Automobiles
11653611 - Energosberegayushchie Tekhnologii
11653610 - Feature Development Process harmonization with Lean Development
11653609 - Assessment of Blog in Course Delivery
11653608 - Chelovek v leksiko-frazeologicheskom prostranstve kubanskikh govorov
11653607 - Apologiya Dinozavrov
11653606 - Assessment of Chem.Spp.in Water/Sediments of Imo, QuaIboe&Cross Rivers
11653605 - Dlya Torgovli Na Forex
11653604 - Commercial Bank's Investment Portfolio
11653603 - Essentials in credit risk management in microfinance institutions
11653602 - Chemistry Practical
11653601 - Edge Enhancement Based on Wavelet Transform In Indoor Digital Images
11653600 - Drosophila Melanogaster as Models for Molybdo-Flavoenzymes
11653599 - Exploring Kiddo Land
11653598 - A Novel Stemming Algorithm for Albanian
11653597 - Chemical, Biological and Chemo-Biological Pretreatment of Paddy Straw
11653596 - Contextual Effect in SLA
11653595 - Climate change impact on livelihood and vulnerability
11653594 - A new dimension to Role-plays
11653593 - FDG PET/CT scans of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
11653592 - Evaluation of botanicals and entomopathogenic fungi
11653591 - Fenomen Partii Vlastikak Yavlenie Politicheskoy Zhizni Rossii I Albanii
11653590 - Formirovanie Professional'noy Kompetentnosti Budushchikh Pedagogov V Vuze
11653589 - Discourse Analysis
11653588 - Changes in the Production Practices of Ari People, Southwest Ethiopia
11653587 - Assessing the Performance Appraisal System of Teachers
11653586 - Endodontic Periodontal Relationship
11653585 - Dostoinstvo Lichnosti I Pravovye Problemy, V Svyazi S Soderzhaniem Sobak
11653584 - Dissolution For Sodium Alginate Floating Pellets Of Metronidazole
11653583 - Developing a Multicultural Teacher Education Curriculum
11653582 - Chaos-based Encryption
11653581 - Early Warning of Sediment Related Disasters in Mountain Ranges
11653580 - Cloud Computing
11653579 - Domestication Of International Human Rights Treaties
11653578 - Drug Abuse in Secondary Schools in Kenya
11653577 - An Architecture for Indexing and Querying Dataspaces. Vol.2
11653576 - A Six Sigma based Risk Management Framework
11653575 - Aphididae del sureste de Coahuila
11653574 - Caifos
11653573 - El estado de los obreros agricolas migrantes en Sinaloa
11653572 - Aprendizajes, una aproximacion desde el caos
11653571 - Caracterizacion fisica de un varistor (pastilla MOVs)
11653570 - Diseno de modelo de RSE en Textiles de Punto S.A.
11653569 - Eysenhardtia polystachya
11653568 - Comercializadora Internacional de las Artesanias de Narino, Colombia
11653567 - Active Noise Control
11653566 - A Monograph On Digital Image Watermarking
11653565 - Classification of Mouth Action Units
11653564 - Determination of Contaminants in Triphala Churna Marketed in India
11653563 - Financial Statements Analysis
11653562 - Basel Regulations and Operational Risk Management
11653561 - Assessment of the Kenyan marine fisheries
11653560 - Analysis of Technical Efficiency in Sorghum Production
11653559 - Formirovanie Zdorov'esberegayushchey Kompetentnosti Studentov
11653558 - From Research to Practice in Stone Columns and Reinforced Stone Columns as Soil Improvement Techniques
11653557 - Contemporary Nigerian Female Playwrights
11653556 - Espacio-temporal de (Mythimna unipuncta) en el cultivo de maiz
11653555 - El profetismo en Israel
11653554 - El impacto del mercado de microcreditos productivos rurales
11653553 - Cuadro Mando Integral para Implementacion Curricular por Competencia
11653552 - Clima Laboral Y Compromiso Organizacional en Docentes Universitarios
11653551 - Actividad respiratoria en el compost de la planta de compostaje
11653550 - Extraccion de compuestos antioxidantes en plantas autoctonas
11653549 - El examen inteligente
11653548 - Efecto de cuatro plantas medicinales sobre la calidad espermatica
11653547 - Adiestramiento canino basado en caracteristicas del comportamiento
11653546 - El pensamiento creativo para la resolucion de problemas matematicos
11653545 - Diseno e implementacion de una red con autenticacion en servidores AAA
11653544 - El enigma del "lactante sano sibilante"
11653543 - A new approach for diabetic therapeutics
11653542 - Aktivnaya Zona Reaktora Yaderno-Raketnogo Dvigatelya
11653541 - Filosofiya Kak Formotvorchestvo
11653540 - Decade of Deceit
11653539 - Countering Strategies Against Transnational Organized Crime
11653538 - Deystvie plotnoioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na myshey i ikh potomkov
11653537 - Design of Capacitorless Memory Cell based on GaN Heterostructures
11653536 - Carbon Footprints of Energy Consumption
11653535 - Ace Inhibitors and Its Safety Assessment
11653534 - Efectos de los partos operatorios en el suelo pelvico
11653533 - Galletitas dulces dieteticas de bajo valor glucidico
11653532 - El Estado Solidario en Chile
11653531 - Educacion ambiental con enfoque intercultural
11653530 - El Sistema de los Pastos en el Derecho Constitucional Indigena
11653529 - Clima Afectivo - Social en el aula de Educacion Inicial
11653528 - Definicion del ano Meteorologico Tipico en Ecuador
11653527 - Azotsoderzhashchie Soedineniya
11653526 - Bibliometric Analysis of Information Systems
11653525 - Food Choices and its Determinants among Children
11653524 - Electronic Device For Non Invasive Monitoring of Blood Glucose Levels
11653523 - Effekt Obucheniya Na Proizvodstve
11653522 - Essays on Theories of Management
11653521 - From Forbidden Planet to Solaris
11653520 - Filosofiya poznaniya
11653519 - Determinants of Male Youth Crimes
11653518 - Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Implantology and Dentistry
11653517 - Collaborative E-Learning in an ICT text based learning environments
11653516 - A Network Model
11653515 - Developing Accuracy in the Writing Skills Through Error Analysis
11653514 - Biomaterials Associated Infection after Oral Surgical Procedures
11653513 - Dental Plaque As A Biofilm
11653512 - Evaluacion de harinas para linea de produccion de galletitas dulces
11653511 - Desarrollo y optimizacion de materiales compuestos de origen renovable
11653510 - Administracion y Control de un Departamento de Mantenimiento
11653509 - Fabricacion de hormigon con Chuzca en la region de Antofagasta
11653508 - Akmeologicheskiy Potentsial Budushchego Uchitelya
11653507 - Cybersquatting vis-a-vis Trademark Law
11653506 - Credit Risk Efficiency in Indian Commercial Banking
11653505 - Conservation Status And Plant Biodiversity Of Batrasi Pass Pakistan
11653504 - Experiencing Social Marketing in Limiting Family Size
11653503 - Digital video content exploitation by a digital content service
11653502 - Fatalities Due to Hurricane Katrina's Impacts in Louisiana
11653501 - A look at factors affecting attitudes
11653500 - A Study of Black Liquor in Egypt
11653499 - Allelopatiya Ovoshchnykh Zontichnykh (Umbelliferae)
11653498 - Diabetes mellitus
11653497 - Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in Ethiopian Public Universities
11653496 - Cualidades organolepticas y antioxidantes de uvas pasas Pedro Ximenez
11653495 - Dinero y economia en tiempos de crisis
11653494 - Decisiones economicas que toman aficionados
11653493 - Clima Organizacional en Metro de Santiago
11653492 - El marketing y la demanda insatisfecha
11653491 - Competencias intelectuales, conocimiento y afinidades sociales
11653490 - Analisis del uso de la moneda fraccionaria del peso mexicano
11653489 - CMOS Second Generation Current Conveyors
11653488 - Avtorizatsiya V Nauchnom Stile Russkogo Yazyka
11653487 - Emotional Intelligence and the Learning Organization
11653486 - A nursing theory For facility-based antenatal care
11653485 - Ecotourism Development in Africa
11653484 - Detektsiya aromaticheskikh soedineniy s pomoshch'yu bakteriy-destruktorov
11653483 - Effect of Fat and Storage Period on Mozzeralla Cheese Quality
11653482 - Cloning of Maltase Gene of Bacillus Licheniformis in Escherichia Coli
11653481 - Common Heteromorphisms in Human Chromosomes
11653480 - Fizika i mekhanika vzryvnogo razrusheniya gornykh porod
11653479 - Antimicrobial properties of some Nigerian Medicinal Plants
11653478 - Estabilizacion de corte en ruta A-616 Iquique mediante refuerzo suelo
11653477 - Cronobacter sakazakii en leches en polvo de lactantes en Chile
11653476 - Accion preservativa del sorbato de potasio en jugos de guayaba
11653475 - Condiciones de seguridad en el trabajo - Sector de logistica
11653474 - Factibilidad para la constitucion de una Empresa Constructora
11653473 - Caracterizacion Hidrologica de la Microcuenca del Rio Illangama
11653472 - Bacterias lacticas productoras de nutraceuticos
11653471 - Aprovechamiento de Materias Oleaginosas en la Produccion de Biodiesel
11653470 - Cytology
11653469 - Effective Communication and Student Discipline in Schools
11653468 - Artificial Neural Network in Pharmaceutical Research
11653467 - Avtoklavnye Yacheistye Betony Na Osnove Peschano-Glinistykh Porod
11653466 - Dualistichnost' Struktury Lichnosti I Ee Dukhovnost'
11653465 - Formatting Titles in Food Science Research
11653464 - Finansovyy menedzhment agrarnykh predpriyatiy Ukrainy
11653463 - Ergonomic Assessment of Old Age Homes
11653462 - Galoalkalofil'nye geterotrofnye denitrifikatory
11653461 - Conflict Revolution
11653460 - Enhanced & Generalised E-Governance Security Framework (EG)2SF
11653459 - Finansovye Osnovy Pereprofilirovaniya Byudzheta RF Na Obshchestvennye Tseli
11653458 - Formirovanie Avtonomii Kak Sredstvo Razvitiya Nepreryvnogo Obrazovaniya
11653457 - Flujos comunicativos y busqueda del talento
11653456 - Funcion del QFB en la determinacion de resistencia a los antibioticos
11653455 - Comparacion del esfuerzo a la traccion en tres grupos de brackets
11653454 - Etnocultura de Resistencia en Escenografia de las Diabladas de Pillaro
11653453 - Diseno de un cuadro de mando integral para tienda online
11653452 - Aprendiendo Ingles de la forma facil
11653451 - Erosion por particulas solidas en recubrimientos de SiC y DLC
11653450 - A Review of Risk Management
11653449 - Emphirical Study of Upcoming Port Projects
11653448 - Ekologiya v innovatsionnom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve
11653447 - A comparison between ASP.NET and PHP
11653446 - Afferentnoe zveno vistseral'noy sensornoy sistemy
11653445 - Estimation of 1,4-Benzodiazepines in Biological Samples
11653444 - Fear of crime and the role of the police
11653443 - Easy way to learn Microsoft Word
11653442 - Adsorption of Metal Ions From Water and Wastewater
11653441 - Chiral Separation
11653440 - Apropiacion de interficies de realidad aumentada por videojugadores
11653439 - Control de fusiones en Derecho Comparado
11653438 - Diseno e implementacion de una pagina web como medio de comunicacion
11653437 - El Ser del Espiritu como Don
11653436 - C.V. y senderos como F.T de apoyo al desarrollo de la I.A. en Nangulvi
11653435 - Del Cuerpo Teatralizado en la Posmodernidad
11653434 - Farmers Broiler Rabbitry for Livelihood Security of Small Farmers
11653433 - Funktsionirovanie Neologizmov-Leksem V Sovremennom Russkom Yazyke
11653432 - Escherichia coli
11653431 - Caste in Indian Diaspora
11653430 - Cyanobacteria in South Asia
11653429 - Contact Problems of Smart Meems
11653428 - Cost Effectiveness
11653427 - Dvizhenie Soprotivleniya V Yuzhnoy Ukraine (1941-1944 Gg.)
11653426 - Derecho Humano a la Alimentacion Adecuada(DHAA)
11653425 - Concepto y funciones de los principios juridicos
11653424 - Formacion de valores humanos
11653423 - Aspergillus parasiticus
11653422 - Eduardo Nicol y Ernst Cassirer
11653421 - El surgimiento de la Masoneria
11653420 - Competencias especificas y el perfil profesional del adminstrador
11653419 - Cancer y odontologia
11653418 - Analisis sobre la concentracion demografica de Chile en Santiago
11653417 - Fallo terapeutico de levotiroxina en hipotiroidismo
11653416 - Buena Fe y Teoria de la Causa
11653415 - Absorcion del Sonido en Suelos
11653414 - Conductas Asociadas al TDAH y la Flauta Dulce un Estudio de Caso
11653413 - Analisis estructural de tanques a presion del Tipo III
11653412 - Analisis multivariado de la morfologia de la cadera
11653411 - Flora vascular del Barranco de La Hocecilla y su entorno
11653410 - Diversidad de Epifitas Vasculares en Bosque Altoandino Colombiano
11653409 - De la atraccion a la eleccion
11653408 - El ciberactivismo en Twitter de los estudiantes venezolanos
11653407 - Corrupcion Emergente
11653406 - Ecotoxicologia y algunas enfermedades en abejas
11653405 - Epistemocritica
11653404 - Coordinacion tecnica de entornos virtuales de capacitacion deportiva
11653403 - Conquistas silenciadas
11653402 - "Qedeshim Qedeshoth" ?Como se manifiesta el amor en Gonzalo Rojas?
11653401 - Cine
11653400 - Derecho Electoral, las elecciones en Baja California, Mexico
11653399 - Crisis identitaria y narcocultura en Mexico
11653398 - Estrategia de capacitacion en la educacion de la sexualidad
11653397 - Estudios de compatibilidad intergenerica en Calibrachoa y Nierembergia
11653396 - Egoismo y dano ambiental a la luz de Arthur Schopenhauer
11653395 - Competencias en Quimica universitaria
11653394 - Emisiones atmosfericas de fuentes moviles en el Valle de Aburra
11653393 - Evaluacion hidraulica de una red de gas con el simulador PIPEPHASE
11653392 - El Tossal de les Basses (Alicante, Espana)
11653391 - Clampeo Tardio del Cordon Umbilical
11653390 - El problema del conocimiento de la realidad en el genero informativo
11653389 - Coleccion de reptiles del Instituto de Ecologia y Sistematica, La Habana
11653388 - El Bioderecho en Mexico
11653387 - El proceso de profesionalizacion pedagogica del docente universitario
11653386 - Apego Prenatal
11653385 - Focusing
11653384 - En busqueda de la salud fetal
11653383 - Alcoholismo
11653382 - Diseno de una red de fibra optica OPGW en lineas de 230Kv
11653381 - Educacion etica en las universidades
11653380 - Conservacion de hierbas aromaticas mediante deshidratacion
11653379 - Flujo de aire en la combustion de bagazo de cana en lecho fijo
11653378 - Aportes de epistemologia en el nivel inicial
11653377 - Comparacion de dos estrategias educativas
11653376 - Construccion del concepto de onda utilizando un modelo virtual
11653375 - Argentina 1940 - 2014 Analisis de la Primera Ley de Kaldor
11653374 - Como preparar una audicion de contrabajo para orquesta
11653373 - Estudios Histologicos de tincion y estabilizacion fisiologica en rosa
11653372 - Algoritmos geneticos aplicados en la programacion de la produccion
11653371 - Derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres privadas de libertad
11653370 - Eficacia de los extractos vegetales sobre la Rhipicephalus b.microplus
11653369 - "Yo estare contigo y te bendecire"
11653368 - El Medico Residente como Educador
11653367 - Alergia alimentaria
11653366 - Evaluacion neuropsicologica en ninos
11653365 - Capacitacion del docente como gerente de aula segun la LOPNNA
11653364 - Emprendimiento y gerencia de los procesos organizativos
11653363 - Evaluacion del impacto de los resultados cientificos
11653362 - Caracteristicas nutricionales de conductores de autobus en Costa Rica
11653361 - Caracterizacion difusa de pacientes con hemiplejia espastica
11653360 - El paisaje del bosque de manglar y las implicaciones en su manejo
11653359 - Calidad del Agua
11653358 - Como cargar una colt con una locomotora en llamas
11653357 - El Software Libre como una alernativa tecnologica de soporte
11653356 - "El discurso de Eva" Significados del ser mujer
11653355 - Cooperativas como estrategia de rehabilitacion de delincuentes urbanos
11653354 - Contratos administrativos y Estado de Derecho
11653353 - Evaluacion de recursos para el desarrollo del turismo comunitario
11653352 - Docencia Universitaria
11653351 - Condicion de aprendizaje virtual. Caso estudiantes de postgrado
11653350 - Analisis comparativo de dolor postoperatorio de cirugia de torax
11653349 - Desarrollo de almacen de datos para deteccion de intrusos en redes
11653348 - Diseno de modelo de costos ABC en las areas de emergencia y C. externa
11653347 - Analisis del crecimiento del cultivo de papa fertilizado con fosforo
11653346 - Determinacion de carbono en biomasa bajo el suelo en cultivo de Cacao
11653345 - Carbono almacenado en la biomasa aerea en plantacion de bolaina blanca
11653344 - Arancel Judicial, Gratuidad de la Justicia y Padecimiento Presupuestal
11653343 - Efecto de la suplementacion con fuentes de cobre en pollos de carne
11653342 - El oficio de investigar
11653341 - Comportamiento termico de invernaderos asimetricos automatizados
11653340 - Atencion nutricional y guia alimentaria para karatecas
11653339 - Animacion lectoescritora y compresion de textos en Educacion Primaria
11653338 - Comparacion del consumo de remifentanil en perfusion manual versus TCI
11653337 - Agresion y violencia en las relaciones interpersonales
11653336 - Efecto de dosis de abono compuesto en dos variedades de cafe
11653335 - Analytical Methods for Epalrestat and Methylcobalamin
11653334 - Animal Hair Fibres and Their Mechanically Milled Ultrafine Particles
11653333 - Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling of Cell Deformation in Airways
11653332 - Consumer Behaviour Towards Safe Drinking Water
11653331 - Food Hygiene and Consumer Protection
11653330 - Elektronnye Svoystva Nanostruktirovannykh Materialov Soedineniy A2v6
11653329 - Choice of Business and Perception on Success of Women Entrepreneurs
11653328 - Clinicopathological Profile of Rhabdomyosarcoma in Children
11653327 - Challenges Facing Financial Institutions in Marketing their Products
11653326 - Absolute Physics
11653325 - Conflict Management in School
11653324 - Desmoid Over Appendicectomy Scar
11653323 - Discretion, Disclosure and Confidentiality at the ICC
11653322 - Construction of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines A beginners Approach
11653321 - Fruit Market Chain Analysis
11653320 - Child Abuse and Neglect
11653319 - Aesthetics in complete dentures
11653318 - Automatic Load Balancing of ISP Multi-Homing
11653317 - Exergetic Analysis & Thermoeconomic Analysis of Harare Power Station
11653316 - Dinamika Udarnykh Voln V Osesimmetrichnykh Kanalakh S Konfuzorami
11653315 - Aspect of Averrohoa bilimbi
11653314 - An effort towards MDG and EFA
11653313 - Doped and Modified Zno Nanoparticles for Optoelectronics Application
11653312 - Cultural Hegemony in Kipling's "Kim" & Forster's "A Passage to India"
11653311 - Emotion by Proxy
11653310 - Evaluating Supplier Quality Performance
11653309 - ADHD & Major Mental Illness Risks & Rescue
11653308 - Devonskie I Nizhnekamennougol'nye Otlozheniya Prikaspiyskoy Vpadiny
11653307 - Formirovanie Mekhanizmov Obespecheniya Ekonomicheskoy Bezopasnosti Rossii
11653306 - Efficacy and Tolerability of Antihypertensives - A Comparative Study
11653305 - Fruit Fly Management in Mango
11653304 - Development of Infant Formula for Casein Intolerance Babies
11653303 - Barriers to Customer Integration Into New Product Development Process
11653302 - Effects of cassava leaf and root mixture on the performance of chicks
11653301 - Antiscalant & Corrosion Inhibitor for Cooling Water System
11653300 - Fingerprint Recognition System Using Image Processing Technique
11653299 - Coherent Raman Spectroscopy from a Single Femtosecond Oscillator
11653298 - Distance Function Approach to Measure Efficiency
11653297 - Competitives Strategies & Organizational Crisis
11653296 - Finansovaya Piramida Kak Institutsional'naya Lovushka V Ekonomike Rossii
11653295 - Coeliac Disease Among Arabs
11653294 - Futures Trading of Agricommodities in India
11653293 - Evaluating Skeletal Maturation
11653292 - Determinants of Loan Repayment in Micro Finance Institutions
11653291 - Children of the Lesser God
11653290 - Filosofiya Taynogo
11653289 - Donskoe Kazachestvo V Kontse XIX - Nachale XX Veka. Istoricheskiy Portret
11653288 - A Similitude Analysis in Case of Water Turbines
11653287 - Environment and Human Health
11653286 - Effectiveness of FGM Projects
11653285 - Effect of PGRs as foliar spray of cauliflower
11653284 - Aromatic Rice, Nitrogen Fertilizer and Lodging
11653283 - An Investigation of Selenium Toxicity on Biochemical Changes in Mice
11653282 - Fishing Community and Fish Diversity in the Chitwan Valley of Nepal
11653281 - Assessment of Apical Leakage of Different Endodontic Sealers
11653280 - Cyberbullying - Ciberacoso
11653279 - Effects of Cost Sharing on Access to High School Education
11653278 - Affections
11653277 - Formivanie myasnosti u ovets raznogo napravleniya produktivnosti
11653276 - Duckweed as a poultry feed
11653275 - Effect of Mulching on Growth and Yield of Hot Pepper
11653274 - A study on the involvement of Calcium in ischemic and normal heart
11653273 - Colonial/Post-colonial Paradigms in Chinua Achebe's Novels (TFA & AOG)
11653272 - Dramaturgiya Federiko Garsia Lorki
11653271 - Anticholestatic effect of Holothuria arenicola extract in rats
11653270 - Egyptian Business Income Taxation
11653269 - Corporate Disclosure Through Web
11653268 - A review on G Protein Coupled Receptor Activation
11653267 - Bioconversion of Wheat Straw for the Production of Biofuel
11653266 - Compartment Pressure Measurement
11653265 - Combining Ability and Heterosis in Rapeseed
11653264 - Development of a User-Centered Evaluative Model for IR Systems
11653263 - Evolyutsiya Tsivilizatsii
11653262 - Efficacy of Brisk Walking Pilates & Calcium on Bone Mineral Density
11653261 - Feminization of Migration and Trafficking of Women in Mexico
11653260 - Academic Procrastination
11653259 - Comparative Assessment of Qol and Cognitive Function in Diabetic Drugs
11653258 - Discipleship and Spiritual Nurture Among Christians
11653257 - Filosofsko-Metodologicheskiy Analiz Igrovoy Real'nosti. Versiya 2.0
11653256 - Acute, Sub acute and Chronic Toxicity Studies
11653255 - Concepts in Public Health Dentistry
11653254 - Efficacy of Gopeechandanadi Kashaya in Childhood Skin Manifestations
11653253 - Biodiversity and biochemical profiles on mollusca
11653252 - Exploring Aodv Vs Dsr
11653251 - Candida albicans; probable role in ecology of Early Childhood Caries
11653250 - Effects of Flyash on the Chemical & Autogenous Shrinkage Behaviour
11653249 - Collaborative Supply Chain Practice and Customer Service
11653248 - Adaptatsiya Studentov Vuza K Rabote S Molodyezh'yu
11653247 - Changes in Functional Traits of Bacopa Monnieri Due to Water Treatment
11653246 - Alcohol Consumption in Russia 1970-2014
11653245 - Adaptatsiya Zhivotnykh K Ostroy Nitritnoy Gipoksii
11653244 - Adaptivnost' Mladshikh Podrostkov S Zaderzhkoy Psikhicheskogo Razvitiya
11653243 - Dr Izhar Textbook of Toxicology
11653242 - Design of Boost Converter with Coupled Inductor
11653241 - Avoiding the Airline Graveyard
11653240 - Development&Utilization of Rural Human Resources in Murshidabad Dist
11653239 - Comparison of Rural and Urban Quality of Life of Bolpur P.S.
11653238 - Dairy Development In Chittoor District
11653237 - Fuzzy Finite Element Method for Steady State Heat Conduction Problem
11653236 - Biological Invasion by Forest Weed - Lantana
11653235 - Efficiency Improvement of Natural Gas Stove Burner
11653234 - Biopharmaceuticals in India
11653233 - Education and Employment Scenario of Women
11653232 - Economic Conditions of Pineapple Growers in Tripura- A Case Study
11653231 - Diagnosis and Control of Plasma Instabilities in TOKAMAKs
11653230 - Analysis of Radial Stresses in Hydrodynamic Deep Drawing Process
11653229 - Capacity Analysis of Cognitive Radio Using Soft Computing Techniques
11653228 - Exploring Middle School Science Students' Computer-Based Modeling Practices and Their Changes Over Time
11653227 - Developing an 8 DoF Humanoid and Achieving Human Robot Interaction
11653226 - Datskie Obrazovatel'nye Tekhnologii V Starshikh Klassakh Rossiyskoy Shkoly
11653225 - Enhancing Oil Production
11653224 - Estimation of Lead in Black Kite from Punjab, Pakistan
11653223 - Elektroekstraktsionnaya Pererabotka Zoloto-Serebryanykh Splavov
11653222 - Bioremediation
11653221 - Fotonnaya Teoriya Elementarnykh Chastits
11653220 - Antibacterial activity of some medicinal plants
11653219 - Economic Development in Viet Nam
11653218 - Does It Matter with Whom You Trade?
11653217 - Environmental Decision Support
11653216 - Caring for Preterm Baby After Discharge
11653215 - Biosorption of lead(II) using Gossypium hirsutum seed cake biomass
11653214 - Critical Thinking
11653213 - Fiziologo-Geneticheskie Aspekty Yavleniya Fastsiatsii
11653212 - Antikorruptsionnaya Ekspertiza Normativnykh Pravovykh Aktov V RF
11653211 - Biognostika
11653210 - Ayurveda, Biomedicine, and Indigenous Medicine
11653209 - Best Practice For Managing Public Procurement
11653208 - Factors affecting microcredit recovery
11653207 - Formirovanie I Prodvizhenie Imidzha Territorii (Na Primere Vladivostoka)
11653206 - Exploratory Study
11653205 - Fluent Programming and Effective Software Engineer Training
11653204 - An Investigation of Sutherlandia Frutescens L. R. (Br.) Fabaceae
11653203 - Environmental Trace Analysis of Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides
11653202 - Female Slave Resistance in the Roman Empire
11653201 - Determination of Dioxins/Furans in Jordanian Clay
11653200 - An Ecological Perspective to Adolescent Smoking
11653199 - Evaluation of Potable Water Demand and Supply
11653198 - Burning Effects on Soil Properties and Growth of Maize
11653197 - Fastcrypto
11653196 - Chemical Analysis of Some Indigenous Seeds of Nigeria
11653195 - Examples of Crop Adaptation to Climate Change
11653194 - Development of Oral Aerosol for Relieving Migraine Headaches
11653193 - Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Asparagus spp.
11653192 - Dimensionality Reduction For Small, medium And Large Scale Data
11653191 - Denoising of Speech and ECG Signal by Using Wavelets
11653190 - Bunshaft & His Concrete Doughnut
11653189 - ESP Textbook Evaluation
11653188 - An invitro sudy on the flexural strength of porcelain veneers
11653187 - Ethiopian Environmental Policy
11653186 - Cancer vs Natural Origins
11653185 - Acipimox Exerts a Feedback of Gh on Ghrelin in Bulimia Nervosa
11653184 - Diskretnye Khaoticheskie Protsessy I Obrabotka Informatsii
11653183 - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (All) and Interferon Beta-1 Gene
11653182 - Ayurvedic Shodhana Processing of Aconite
11653181 - Assessment of Honey Production and Marketing System in Tigray,Ethiopia
11653180 - Formulating and Solving Warehouse Location Problems
11653179 - Bio-ethanol for Future from Woody Biomass
11653178 - Chitosan
11653177 - Differential metabolic control analysis in cancer research
11653176 - China's Maritime Relations with South Asia
11653175 - Esbl Producing E. Coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infected Patients
11653174 - Evroskeptitsizm I Krayne Pravye Partii V Sovremennoy Evrope
11653173 - Essays on Bank Fragility, Dynamic Depositor Discipline and Disclosure
11653172 - Fiziologicheskaya Rol' Biologicheski Aktivnykh Tsentrov Zhivotnykh
11653171 - -Glucans Effect on LDL Lowering and Hdl Enhancing
11653170 - B.T., Pyrethroid, A.Indica & Boric Acid Effect on T.Castaneum
11653169 - Flowshop Scheduling Techniques
11653168 - Biochemical Markers of Plant Salt Tolerance
11653167 - Children's Assessment of Well-Being
11653166 - Biosorption and Bio-remediation of Synthetic Dyes
11653165 - Defekty Frenkelya I Shottki V Ionnykh Kristallakh
11653164 - A Comparative Study
11653163 - Formirovanie Psikhomotornykh Kachestv Detey Rannego Vozrasta
11653162 - Endoskopicheskoe Lechenie Bronkhoobstruktsii Aspiratsionnogo Geneza
11653161 - Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment
11653160 - A Study of high-Tc Superconductor Submicron Josephson Junction Devices
11653159 - Biologiya Lichnis Chalcedonica L. V Usloviyakh Introduktsii
11653158 - Becoming Metapolis
11653157 - Dental Management Of The Medically Compromised Patient
11653156 - Development of Carvedilol Phosphate Sustained Release Tablet
11653155 - Formulation and Evaluation of Osmotic Pump Tablet of Zaltoprofen
11653154 - Cricket Batsman Performance Evaluator Using Fuzzy Logic
11653153 - Allocation of Sample Size in Stratified Sampling
11653152 - Applications of Lie Group to Some Nonlinear Equations
11653151 - Financial Feasibility Analysis of a New Cement Plant in Mongolia
11653150 - Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
11653149 - Autonomic Neuropathy in Type 2 DM Patients in Enugu Nigeria
11653148 - Bioimaging Applications and Biocompatibility of Nanoparticle
11653147 - Ekspertiza Kachestva Meditsinskoy Pomoshchi Khirurgicheskim Bol'nym
11653146 - Complex Dynamics of Ishikawa Iterates in Fractals and Chaos
11653145 - Compatibilization and Dynamic Vulcanization of Nylon(6,66)/Epdm Blends
11653144 - Ekologiya I Mikrobiologicheskie Aspekty Identifikatsii Shtammov Legionell
11653143 - Antiapoptotic Strategies in Retinal Degeneration
11653142 - A Palestinian Canadian Educator's Narrative Inquiry
11653141 - An Analysis of CATV Transmission Using Different Modulation Formats
11653140 - Environmental Science
11653139 - Availability and Marketing of Fishes in Mymensingh, Bangladesh
11653138 - Educating and Empowering the Innocent Orphan; Yes We Can
11653137 - Constrains to Rural Women's Participation in Pmtct Programmes
11653136 - A Computer Simulated Study on Applications of Fractals
11653135 - Ekonomika Predpriyatiya
11653134 - Dual Drug Delivery System Containing Ornidazole and Ofloxacin
11653133 - Computational Methods to Optimize Supersonic Nozzles
11653132 - Frantsuzskiy Yazyk V Shveytsarii (Svoeobrazie Territorial'nogo Varianta)
11653131 - Analysis of Blood Pressure Levels for Different Factors of Adults
11653130 - Cassava Farmers'access to Agricultural Information in Delta State
11653129 - E-Commerce in Business Applications
11653128 - Attitude of Policyholders and Agents Towards Life Insurance Business
11653127 - Fabrication of Polymeric Composite
11653126 - Constructing Design Concepts
11653125 - Constitutive Models for Lattice Materials
11653124 - Advanced Membranes for Treatment of Oily and Highly Impaired Waters
11653123 - Analytical Strategies for the Analysis of Related Compounds
11653122 - Boosting Population-Health Literacy Through Intervention
11653121 - Climate change, Tohoku earthquake and sex ratio of fetal death & birth
11653120 - Electrical Power System Analysis
11653119 - Business Writing
11653118 - Defence Armaments and Intelligence Estimate
11653117 - Englisg Needs in Psychology Major in Iranian Universities
11653116 - Factors Influencing Anti-retro Viral Therapy Adherence
11653115 - Bibliya Kak Uchebnik Obshchestvennogo Zdravookhraneniya
11653114 - Basic Principles of Taping Techniques in Sports Rehabilitation
11653113 - Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies
11653112 - Folk Medicine Used in Gynaecological Disorders-An Indian Overview
11653111 - Formirovanie Professional'no-Orientirovannoy Kreativnosti Spetsialistov
11653110 - An Assessment of Organizational Culture at Adama University
11653109 - Determinacion y estandarizacion de cafeina por HPLC
11653108 - Estilos de crianza, transmision de roles en familias monoparentales
11653107 - Educacion y barbarie
11653106 - Alcohol al 70% en la Terapia Endodontica
11653105 - Evolucion de la ley natural intuida en parlamento Mapuche Espanol 1641
11653104 - Educacion en valores, base contra la corrupcion e impunidad en Mexico
11653103 - Evaluacion del Modelo de Gestion de la EPMAPS de Quito, 2010-2014
11653102 - El Tribunal Calificador de Elecciones chileno
11653101 - El Octavo Oraculo del Profeta Amos
11653100 - Antologia de teoria literaria clasica Griega
11653099 - Estudio Comparativo Sobre La Percepcion de La Ensenanza de La Quimica
11653098 - Cocinas Solares
11653097 - Atencion Farmaceutica en epidemias de colera
11653096 - "Mas que hombres sabios necesitamos hombres buenos"
11653095 - El Ceremonial
11653094 - Cesacion tabaquica e infarto en poblacion general geriatrica
11653093 - Diseno de un modulo de alimentacion electrica auxiliar
11653092 - Analisis sobre evaluacion y retroalimentacion del aprendizaje
11653091 - Efecto de La Niacina En Un Modelo Experimental de Obesidad
11653090 - Entre el ir y venir de los objetos
11653089 - Dosis en radiologia de diagnostico
11653088 - Control IMC basado en platitud para motores de corriente directa
11653087 - Escenarios Vulnerables En La Educacion Actual
11653086 - Derecho Fiscal Desde Una Perspectiva Empresarial
11653085 - El violin en la musica folclore
11653084 - Dinamica del nitrogeno ante enfermedades fungicas foliares en trigo
11653083 - Contraloria Social
11653082 - Factores Perinatales Relacionados Con La Cesarea Primitiva
11653081 - El Discernimiento Como Propuesta Pedagogica
11653080 - Algoritmos y estructuras de datos
11653079 - Creatv Digital
11653078 - Cultura etica, gobernabilidad, legitimidad en la administracion publica
11653077 - Bibliotecarios Escolares del Siglo XXI-Web 2.0
11653076 - Ascomicetales y Gasterales
11653075 - Diseno y Montaje de Una Microcerveceria
11653074 - Desarrollo de Una Cepa Etanologenica a Partir de B. Subtilis
11653073 - Caracterizacion molecular de cepas Nativas de Bacillus thuringiensis
11653072 - Cultivo del calamar tropical Sepioteuthis sepioidea
11653071 - El Efecto Mariposa, Una Metafora Socialmente Creativa
11653070 - Capital Intelectual vs. Factor Educativo
11653069 - Funcion e importancia de la implantacion y evaluacion de estrategias
11653068 - Caracas, La Ciudad de La Memoria
11653067 - Actinobacterias raras
11653066 - Ciencias en Mapudungun
11653065 - Acciones de capacitacion para la preparacion de los cuadros
11653064 - Dinamica poblacional del camaron
11653063 - Competencias para la investigacion en el posgrado
11653062 - Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) en adolescentes colombianos
11653061 - Educacion ambiental en escuelas rurales de areas protegidas
11653060 - Cuantificacion y caracterizacion de residuos peligrosos hospitalarios
11653059 - Estrategias Para El Desarrollo del Pensamiento Complejo
11653058 - Diseno de la unidad estrategica de negocio - Global Conduit
11653057 - Accidentalidad Laboral En Una Ips de III y IV Nivel de Complejidad
11653056 - Adaptacion del Panicum virgatum (L.) al territorio argentino
11653055 - El Teatro de Galdos
11653054 - El Estado de La Ciencia
11653053 - Alegoria al patrimonio
11653052 - Conflictos entre pares en la escuela media
11653051 - Estabilizacion de una arena con ceniza de cascara de arroz y cal
11653050 - Aporte de la codornaza a la diversidad microbiana de suelos cacaoteros
11653049 - Diagnostico ambiental y diseno red de calidad del agua Quito-Ecuador
11653048 - Estrategia de inversion para gestion de portafolios en Renta Variable
11653047 - El concepto de contemplacion en la mistica del "Silex del divino amor"
11653046 - Educacion y cultura
11653045 - Biomecanica del pase de la valla en la carrera de 100 metros femenino
11653044 - Efectos comerciales del TLC Chile-China
11653043 - Acciones didacticas para la asignatura de Fitotecnia General
11653042 - Apuntes de Enfermeria Materno Infantil
11653041 - Construccion Teorico-Empirica de Las Clases Sociales
11653040 - Analisis de La Distribucion Espacio-Temporal del Cuchama
11653039 - Este cuerpo que rechazo sin poder hacerlo mio
11653038 - Armas biologicas y toxinicas
11653037 - El Turismo y El Color del Viento
11653036 - El Potencial Canero En El Costo de Produccion del Azucar Crudo
11653035 - Analisis de Interfaces Para Usuarios Con Paralisis Cerebral
11653034 - Estrategia de transferencia tecnologica de un Campo Experimental
11653033 - Comunicacion y Sociedad
11653032 - Expectativas de Los Profesores y Motivacion de Las Alumnas
11653031 - Bioestadistica en problemas
11653030 - Complementariedad de La Judicializacion y El Trabajo Social
11653029 - Actividades para trabajar la Historia local en Historia de Cuba
11653028 - Conocimiento y Aplicacion de Medidas de Bioseguridad. Merida Venezuela
11653027 - E-Learning, alternativa para la formacion en organizaciones
11653026 - Encadenamiento de la produccion de madera en el Ecuador
11653025 - Evaluacion nutricional interdialitica en pacientes pediatricos
11653024 - Actividades para el trabajo independiente en la Gestion de Proyectos
11653023 - Estrategia de Gestion de La Formacion Investigativa de Los Profesores
11653022 - Apuntes Para La Historia Temprana de Velasco
11653021 - Diseno de experimentos
11653020 - Entorno militar martiano
11653019 - Biomonitoreo de metales pesados en la atmosfera
11653018 - Diseno de un programa de induccion
11653017 - Educacion y Cultura
11653016 - Contenidos Relacionados Con Las Ciencias Farmaceuticas
11653015 - Eficiencia y eficacia de los surfactantes pulmonares en Colombia
11653014 - Cooperacion En La Provision de Electricidad
11653013 - Erotismo En La Trilogia Cincuenta Sombras
11653012 - Estados Acotados En El Continuo de Pozos y Barreras Simples
11653011 - Evaluacion numerica del abatimiento de Oxidos de Nitrogeno (NOx)
11653010 - Employee Motivation
11653009 - Fast Parametric Sweep in Computational Electromagnetics
11653008 - Chastitsy Boga
11653007 - Determinants of Market Participation by Maize and Cassava Farmers
11653006 - Barriers and facilitators that influence green product consumption
11653005 - Antropotsentrizm i modernizatsiya Rossii. Al'ternativa planu Putina
11653004 - Abortion and Evangelical Christians
11653003 - Dynamic Modeling Of Machinery Replacement Problems
11653002 - Cytogenetic Studies
11653001 - Corruption and Development
11653000 - Application of Bio-Inspired Techniques to Telecommunication Problems
11652999 - Context Aware and Adaptive Mobile Learning Application Development
11652998 - Consequence for Women's Health in India
11652997 - Different ways to organize the processes of financial administration
11652996 - Automated Modified Region Growing Technique for Ultrasound Images
11652995 - Designing of an Information Retrieval System in Veterinary Science
11652994 - Brain Dominance And Leadership Style
11652993 - Design of Metal-Semiconductor- Metal Photodetector
11652992 - Formirovanie Konspirologicheskikh Kontseptov Politicheskikh Protsessov
11652991 - Depression
11652990 - A Investigation of Tuberculosis Treatment in HIV Patients
11652989 - Educational Planning and Financing
11652988 - Bean Parasitic Nematodes
11652987 - Design and Implementation of a School Management Information System
11652986 - A Risk Assessment Framework for Evaluating Software-as-a-Service
11652985 - Development of Sustained Release Tablets of Eplerenone
11652984 - A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experience of the Abused Elderly
11652983 - A Theoretical Study of Centrifugal Pumps with Liquid-Solid Mixture
11652982 - Application of Ordinal Logistic Regression to Pregnancy Outcome
11652981 - Crises Management
11652980 - Community Forests For Local Income Generation And Livelihood
11652979 - Endophytes - Source of Novel Bioactive Molecules
11652978 - Finance and Macroeconomic Dynamics
11652977 - Bricks, Ballots and Bullets
11652976 - Byudzhetnyy Protsess Na Regional'nom Urovne
11652975 - Diagnostika Psikhofizicheskogo Razvitiya Detey Rannego Vozrasta
11652974 - Abdominal'nyy Sepsis
11652973 - Faith in International Development - an Islamic Perspective
11652972 - A Study on Investors' Expected Rate of Return
11652971 - Fizicheskie mekhanizmy biologicheskogo deystviya inertnykh gazov
11652970 - Dynamic Resource Management for Cloud-hosted Internet Applications
11652969 - Antioxidants in Dentistry
11652968 - Conditional Covering Problem
11652967 - Female Consumer Behavior
11652966 - Evaluation of Staff Performance in Cocoa Research Institute of Ibadan
11652965 - Demand forecasting and management practices
11652964 - A Comparative Study Of Financial Performance Tisco And Telco
11652963 - Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Film of Zolmitriptan
11652962 - Development of a GeoICT System for Federal Universities
11652961 - Computer Network
11652960 - Corporate Governance in Health Organisations
11652959 - Chromium Biosorption
11652958 - Aleksandr Grin
11652957 - Charge-Transfer Complexes in Liquid and Solid States
11652956 - An Econometric Analysis of Zambian Industrial Electricity Demand
11652955 - Anthropecology and Applied Biodiversity
11652954 - Analysis of Lisinopril and Tranexamic acid Tablets
11652953 - Aeroelastic Characteristics of Wing with Embedded Shape Memory Alloys
11652952 - Application of Kanban, Work Study & Simulation to Reduce High Wip
11652951 - Factors Influencing Business Growth Of Cooperatives
11652950 - Fishery Resource Management for Rural Development
11652949 - Cancer and Medicinal Plants
11652948 - A Comparative Study of Public and Private Healthcare Services
11652947 - Deathly Erichtho as Vital to Lucan's Bellum Ciuile
11652946 - An Analysis of Quality Universal Primary Education in Uganda
11652945 - Cold Spray Coating Deposition
11652944 - Development of Compression Coated Colon Targeted 5-Fluorouracil Tablet
11652943 - A Study of Behavioral Techniques for Sales Performance Improvement
11652942 - Academic Cognitive Readiness
11652941 - Eco-physiological study of Finger millet during drought
11652940 - DTMF based Remote Sensing Landrover
11652939 - Bereavement and the Church
11652938 - Analysis of Tracer Molecules from Organic Aerosols
11652937 - Evaluation of the etch pattern by bonding systems in primary teeth
11652936 - Biobjective combinatorial optimization and the TSP with profits
11652935 - Environmental Education
11652934 - Changing Role of Sami Women in Reindeer Herding Communities
11652933 - Distributed Control and Computing
11652932 - Developing EFL Integrative Task-based Language Assessment
11652931 - Biochemical Aspects in Typhoid Fever
11652930 - Anthropometric Indices and Cardiovascular Parameters of Children
11652929 - Chlorophytum borivilianum
11652928 - Chronic Psychological Stress and Aging
11652927 - Cost of maternal healthcare service utlised by NHIS clients in Ghana
11652926 - Ekonomika I Ekologiya Rossii
11652925 - Doveritel'noe Upravlenie Imushchestvom V Sfere Predprinimatel'stva
11652924 - Foundation of Hamiltonian Systems
11652923 - Fidelity in Religious Life
11652922 - Dynamics of Area, Production and Export of Grapes in India
11652921 - Analysis of Stomach Wall Changes in Chronic Doudenal Ulcer Patients
11652920 - Angloyazychnyy Chat
11652919 - Effect Of Organic Manures And Biofertilizers On Rice And Blackgram
11652918 - Deyatel'nost' Konsul'tanta Po Formirovaniyu Proektnoy Komandy
11652917 - Fundamentals of the systemic organizations management
11652916 - A Study of Janani Suraksha Yojana
11652915 - Aquatic Mycelial Organisms, Their Adaptation And Possible Applications
11652914 - Customer Store Loyalty on Supermarkets in Kenya
11652913 - Arkhitekturnyy Dekor Pamyatnikov Srednevekovogo Khorezma (XII-XIV VV.)
11652912 - Deteriorating condition of the Bishnumati river in the Kathmandu basin
11652911 - Changing Evaluation Criteria for TV Journalism Course
11652910 - Clinical outcome of OPCAB with HTEA
11652909 - Branchless Banking as a Financial Solution for Unbanked Poor
11652908 - Analytical study
11652907 - Engendering Visual Disability and The Human Right to Water
11652906 - Constraints Affecting Education For All in Kenya
11652905 - Algorithmic Based Fault Tolerance In Cloud Computing
11652904 - Enhancing Democratic Communication?
11652903 - Aksiomaticheskoe Postroenie Fiziki - Vykhod Iz Kontseptual'nogo Krizisa
11652902 - Breast Self Examination
11652901 - Enhancement of artemsinin content in Artemisia annua L
11652900 - Criminal Face Identification System
11652899 - Emkostnye Preobrazovateli Mems
11652898 - Begining With jQuery
11652897 - Dislocation and strain relaxation at III-V semiconductor interface
11652896 - An integrated communications approach to user multimedia interactions
11652895 - Corporate Governance
11652894 - Bezoblachnye Kompozitnye Mozaiki
11652893 - Centers of Endemism in Animal Distribution
11652892 - Application of Remote Sensing for Gold Exploration in the Sudan
11652891 - Essays in Electromagnetism and Matter
11652890 - Enhancement of the Dissolution of a Poorly Water Soluble Drug
11652889 - Current Trends in Life Sciences
11652888 - Design and Devlopement of Floating Tablet
11652887 - Core Stability Exercises Effects on Pain Status
11652886 - Formulating Value Proposition for a Java Mobile Application
11652885 - Computer Vision Based Gender Detection from Facial Image
11652884 - Characteristic Symptoms of Pollutant Elements
11652883 - Acute Phase Proteins in Cattle
11652882 - CONFLICTS & CRISIS Intervention in Autism and Single Parenthood
11652881 - Fiziko-Mekhanicheskie Svoystva Konstruktsionnykh Materialov
11652880 - Automatic Amharic News Text Classification with C# and Python
11652879 - Entrepreneurship - With a Mission
11652878 - Cloud Computing
11652877 - Darenie Imushchestvennykh Prav
11652876 - Ecological Assessment of Phytoplankton in the Southwestern Caspian Sea
11652875 - Decolonizing Nahua/Mexica/Aztec Children's Literature
11652874 - Environmental Impact Assessment of Doon city
11652873 - Entrepreneurship, Finance and Education in the Digital Age
11652872 - "Image of God" in the History of Christian Thoughts
11652871 - Dental Treatment of Geriatric Patients
11652870 - Feature Extraction from CAD Using Artificial Intelligence
11652869 - Effect of Mediums on the Germination and Growth of Jatropha Curcas
11652868 - Do Entrepreneurs Under-Report Their Income?
11652867 - Determinants of Farmers' Innovativeness in Alaba Woreda, Ethiopia
11652866 - An Introduction to Thrust-Vectored Aircraft Nozzles
11652865 - Foreign Language Reading Comprehension Under the Impact of Two Factors
11652864 - Common Security and Defense Policy from a Geopolitical Perspective
11652863 - Employee Suggestion Scheme in Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Iocl)
11652862 - Dynamic Risk Management Approach Using Immune System
11652861 - Effektivnost' Brendinga Territorii
11652860 - A Novel Technique for Edge Detection Using Logical Operations
11652859 - Development, Displacement and Social Disarticulation
11652858 - Emission and Performance Test on Motorcycles
11652857 - Drama, Dattani, Discourse
11652856 - Drought Detection & Quantification
11652855 - Deystvie Brassinosteroidov Pri Porazhenii Yachmenya Setchatoy Pyatnistost'yu
11652854 - Angliyskoe Predlozhenie
11652853 - Assessment of Local Economic Initiative, Focus on Oopc. Ondo State
11652852 - A Study of the Marketing of the Products of NTC Mills of MN Region
11652851 - A Study of Screaming Behavior in Pervasive Developmental Disorder
11652850 - Agricultural Project Planning and Appraisal in the 21st Century
11652849 - An Exploration on the Hydration of Admixtured Special Cement Sample
11652848 - Autonomous Sailboat Navigation
11652847 - Formulation, Development & Evaluation of Multi-Compartment Dosage Form
11652846 - Fiscal Decentralization and Millenium Development Goals
11652845 - Comparsion Of Greenhouse And Open Field Grown Tomato Varities
11652844 - Believe Me or I'll Loose
11652843 - Efficacy of Strength Exercises on Grip & Wrist Extensor Peak Torque
11652842 - Formoustoychivost' Tkaney, Dublirovannykh Termokleevymi Materialami
11652841 - Action Research to Promote Health in One Elementary School
11652840 - Basic French for Non Natives
11652839 - Floating Architectural Design Process Modeling by Fuzzy Logic
11652838 - Development of Central Makkah
11652837 - A Contrastive Study of Hyperbole in Czech and English
11652836 - Fluid and Loci
11652835 - Cleaner Production in Downstream Lubricants Industry
11652834 - Effectiveness of Humour in Advertising
11652833 - Bezopasnost' Tekhnologicheskikh Protsessov I Oborudovaniya
11652832 - Biomedical Instrument and Robotic Surgery System
11652831 - Enhanced Power Flow/Voltage Control in the Gcc Grid by Sssc Robustness
11652830 - Contemporary Problems of Corporate Communication
11652829 - Economics of Toilet Soap Production in Kerala
11652828 - Core Materials Versus Luting Cements
11652827 - An Approach to Social Science Research - A Step by Step Guide
11652826 - Estimation of carbon footprint in Jatropha curcas seed production
11652825 - Fault-Tolerant Control of Multiphase Induction Motor Drives
11652824 - Company Performance and Measures of Value Added
11652823 - An Enquiry to Moral Reasoning
11652822 - Changes in Waste Utilization Practices Among Estonian Old Believers
11652821 - Dykhatel'nye Uprazhneniya V Ozdorovitel'nykh Zanyatiyakh So Studentami
11652820 - Determinants of Fertility in Ethiopia
11652819 - Chekhov Neischerpaem
11652818 - Development of a Virtual Automated Manual Transmission System
11652817 - Compatibility and Nitrogen Management of Amaranthus with Simarouba
11652816 - Evaluation Study of Women Development Programme in Haryana
11652815 - A Discourse Analysis of the Policy-Making Process
11652814 - Diet Survey and Nutritional Status
11652813 - A Search for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Compounds
11652812 - Embryology & Development of Seed in Euphorbia MILLI.(E.Splendens)Boj.
11652811 - Borrowing and Adaptation of Loanwords
11652810 - Fostering Creativity Within the Classroom
11652809 - Desiccant Cooling System-Performance Studies and Applications
11652808 - Diabetic Retinopathy
11652807 - Albinism in Two Islands of the Caribbean
11652806 - Early Reliability Prediction of Object-Oriented Systems
11652805 - Design and Development of Time Dependent Montelukast Sodium Tablet
11652804 - Design and Development of Diclofenac Sodium Microsphere
11652803 - Fitoekdisteroidy V Lechenii Gnoynykh Zabolevaniy Legkikh I Plevry
11652802 - Credit Euroization in the New Eu Member States
11652801 - Alfred N. Whitehead on the Relation between Religion and Science
11652800 - Dimensions of Africa's Poverty
11652799 - Coffee Leaf Rust
11652798 - Economic and Environmental Assessment of Jatropha Biodiesel Production
11652797 - Collective Bargaining and Its Usage in Nigeria
11652796 - Bogota Metro's Funding Strategy and Dynamic Financial Model
11652795 - Byudzhetirovanie Kak Universal'naya Tekhnologiya Upravleniya
11652794 - Afghan Crisis and Indian Sub-Continent
11652793 - Ethnomedicine of Vizianagaram District
11652792 - Factors Affecting the Delivery of Quality Education in Ethiopia
11652791 - Content and Uptake of Nutrients by Maize and Accompanying Weeds
11652790 - Does Individual Flexibility Matter in Project-Based Organizations?
11652789 - Applied Practical Chemistry
11652788 - Biosorption of Direct Dyes from Aqueous Solution Using Rice Husk
11652787 - Arsenic Induced Cancer
11652786 - Difraktsiya Elektromagnitnykh Voln Na Kiral'nykh Telakh Vrashcheniya
11652785 - An Appraisal of Enterprise Risk Management
11652784 - Comparative Study of Karate and Wushu
11652783 - FDI in Retail Sector and Its Benefits
11652782 - Analysis of Dispersion in Chalcogenide Glass Pcf
11652781 - Ctrelkovaya Podgotovka Biatlonistov S Uchetom Svoystv Vnimaniya
11652780 - Exploring Environmental Policy Integration in the Education Sector
11652779 - Design and Development of Sildenafil Citrate Mouth Dissolving Film
11652778 - Advanced Production Methods of Yellow Sarson
11652777 - China's 1980s Generation
11652776 - Dynamics of the Homestay Market in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
11652775 - Autoimmune Diseases Effecting Face and Oral Cavity
11652774 - Chronic Renal Failure - An Ocular Insight
11652773 - Filologicheskiy Analiz Teksta Kak Deyatel'nost'
11652772 - 99 Faces of Parkinson's Disease
11652771 - Education for Muslim Girls in India
11652770 - Exploring the Treasure of Ethnobotany
11652769 - Arsenic Mobilization
11652768 - Effectiveness of Ict Based Model of Curriculum Transaction
11652767 - Comparison of Expert Systems and Weighted Overlay Analysis in GIS
11652766 - Agonies of the World's Most Humiliated Race
11652765 - Competing Phases in Correlated Electron Systems with Frustration
11652764 - Artificial Teeth and Its Resistance to Wear
11652763 - Fruits, Frugivores and Fleshy-Fruit Plants in Sriharikota, South India
11652762 - Digenetic Parasites Transmitted from Freshwater Snails to Other Hosts
11652761 - Advances in Electronics for Digital Electrocardiography
11652760 - Biosorption of Toxic Metals
11652759 - Formirovanie Sistem Informatsionnoy Logistiki Biznes-Struktur
11652758 - 3D Motion Capture by Computer Vision and Virtual Rendering
11652757 - Chaotic Time Series Prediction
11652756 - A Study on Performance Appraisal of Employees in Shar Centre
11652755 - Endotelial'naya disfunktsiya i fibroz pecheni
11652754 - Antimicrobial Activities of Metallic Nanoparticles
11652753 - Alphabet Villa Game
11652752 - Cephalometry
11652751 - Community Participation for Immunization Programme Sustainability
11652750 - Approaches to Conflict Management Among the Tugen and Pokot of Kenya
11652749 - Draining Injected Invalid Data Using Ebcas Scheme in Wsn
11652747 - Cell Fate Analysis of Embryonic Stem Cell Neuronal Differentiation
11652746 - An Unlikely Achievement
11652745 - Does love reduce marks?
11652744 - An Evaluation of Use of Ontology in Web Assessment Systems
11652743 - Feeding Patterns Practiced by Toddlers' Parents
11652742 - Azbuka Logichnogo Myshleniya
11652741 - Advancing Cyber Security
11652740 - Design Methods of Safety-Critical Electronic Automotive Systems
11652739 - Empiriomonizm A.A.Bogdanova
11652738 - Emotional Intelligence and Literary Appreciation
11652737 - Doctrine of Mergers & Acquisitions
11652736 - Design of Controller for Higher Order Discrete Systems
11652735 - Feedback Controller Design for Simultaneous Stabilization
11652734 - A Socio-Technical Analysis of Knowledgeable Practice
11652733 - Effect of Sudanese Aragi in the Etiology of Liver Disorders
11652732 - Effect of Crude Oil on Marine Clam, Volume II
11652731 - Constructing Predictive Model for Network Intrusion Detection
11652730 - Between Two Worlds
11652729 - D.O.E. Based Optimization of Compression Coated Tablets
11652728 - An Idea Whose Time Had Come
11652727 - CAM, An Irish Solution to a Global Question?
11652726 - Barkcloth in Uganda
11652725 - Employee's Job Satisfaction
11652724 - Africa Invests
11652723 - Doxorubicin Induced Cardiotoxicity
11652722 - Family Planning Practices in two semi urban communities of Pune
11652721 - Asymmetric Membrane Capsule- An Osmotic Approach
11652720 - Air Assisted Sprayer for Sweet Orange
11652719 - Anglitsizmy Kontsa Khkh Veka V Russkoyazychnoy Presse
11652718 - Antibacterial Activity of Seed of Raphanus Sativus Linn
11652717 - Criminal and Criminological Aspects of Insurance Fraud
11652716 - Determinants of Firm's Profitability
11652715 - Drainage Basin Morphometric Methods and Analysis
11652714 - Agrostology of Thal Desert (District Khushab), Pakistan
11652713 - Ethanobotanical Study of Vicia Faba
11652712 - Ekonomika Irana i Turtsii segodnya
11652711 - Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans
11652710 - Deyatel'nost' Belarusi v OON (2001-2010 gg.)
11652709 - Current Assets Management of Trading Houses in India
11652708 - Experimental Myocardial Ischemia in Rats
11652707 - Commercial Mediation
11652706 - A Novel Digital Image Watermarking Scheme
11652705 - Carbon Nanotube Modified Thermoset Resin Suspensions
11652704 - Analysis of Patient Satisfaction
11652703 - Advanced data-driven approaches for modelling and classification
11652702 - Chitosan Based Carbon Nanodots and Nanoparticles for Bio-Applications
11652701 - Ekologicheskaya Reklama
11652700 - Colleges and Development of Economically Challenged Girl Students
11652699 - Female Hypertensive and Normotensive Type II Diabetic Patients
11652698 - Bayesian Modelling of Children Growth Retardation
11652697 - Effects of Northern Uganda Insurgency on Education
11652696 - Effect of Work Hardening on Sensitization of Austenitic SS
11652695 - Binary Classification of Internet Traffic for Educational Institutions
11652694 - Corn Fertilization Management in Egypt
11652693 - Filosofiya Russkogo Masonstva Kontsa XVIII - Nachala XIX Vekov
11652692 - Bonding in Orthodontics
11652691 - Building Strategic Leadership Competencies
11652690 - EEG Correlates of Cognitive Workload during Multitasking Work
11652689 - Air Traffic Scheduling
11652688 - Biostatistics in Research
11652687 - Entrepreneurship Education
11652686 - Choice Between Physics And Other Science Subjects Among Girls In Kenya
11652685 - Dietary Habits Across the Lifespan
11652684 - Atmospheric Particulate Matter around Phosphate Mining Basin
11652683 - Credit Risk Analytics
11652682 - Biosintez anabazina v kul'ture kletok Anabasis aphylla
11652681 - File Transfer System
11652680 - Alkogol' i suitsidy v Belarusi
11652679 - Applications of Stochastic Models in Finance
11652678 - Aesthetic Shapes Evaluation Through Haptic Technology
11652677 - Finansovaya Bezopasnost' Na Primere Tsentral'noy I Vostochnoy Evropy
11652676 - Compliments and Compliment Responses Among Young Japanese
11652675 - Delineation of the Eco - Climatic Zones in Northern Nigeria
11652674 - Combating HIV/AIDS
11652673 - Ekologiya i kul'tura
11652672 - Formirovanie Klassa Modal'nykh Glagolov V Nemetskom Yazyke
11652671 - A Sound for Recognition
11652670 - Analytical Method Development and Validation
11652669 - Effectiveness of Root Canal Irrigants on Enterococcus Faecalis
11652668 - Camless Engine with Electromechanical Valve Actuator
11652667 - A Near-Complete Skeleton of Tenontosaurus Tilletti from Montana, USA
11652666 - Customer Relationship Marketing in Indian Steel Industry
11652665 - Advances in Polyurethane Wire Enamels as High Performance Coatings
11652664 - Efficacy of Uterotonic Agents in Prevention of Pph
11652663 - Evaluating Seed Priming Techniques In Direct Seeded Fine Rice
11652662 - Atherosclerosis and Extracts of Acacia Senegal and Prosopis Cineraria
11652661 - Evaluation of Three Universal Extractants
11652660 - Dialog V Romane F. Dostoevskogo Unizhennye I Oskorblennye
11652659 - A Practical Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology
11652658 - Farmtekhnologiya Rosa Corymbifera
11652657 - Determinants of Fertility Status of Married Women in Ethiopia
11652656 - Funktsional'nye Osobennosti Politicheskogo Portreta Kak Mediateksta
11652655 - Effect of Flyash Seed Pelleting on Growth and Yield of Mungbean
11652654 - Fundamentals of Research Methods and Statistics
11652653 - A Bullock Drawn Ground Nut Seed Drill for Developing Nations
11652652 - Assistive Technology Based Elevator System (Ates)
11652651 - Compatibility of Trichogramma Chilonis Ishii with Chemical Pesticides
11652650 - Chelovek V Ekonomicheskoy Teorii
11652649 - Effect of Charcoal on Soil Fertility, Kenya
11652648 - Female Western Leaders in the Hospitality Industry in North Africa
11652647 - An Update on Functional Expression of Recombinant Human Adiponectin
11652646 - Archaeological Sites of Delhi and Their Relation to Tourism
11652645 - Fatigue Life Prediction of Parabolic Spring
11652644 - Electroanalytical Studies on Some Phenolic Compounds
11652643 - Downstream of Biomolecules and Instrumentation- Volume 1
11652642 - Congestion Control in Wireless Mesh Networks
11652641 - Controllability of Discrete Dynamical Systems
11652640 - Dynamics of Potassium in Paddy Soils
11652639 - Advanced Caching Methods for Multiple CPU Systems
11652638 - Creative Opposition
11652637 - Energy-Performance Characterization of CMOS/Mtj Hybrid Circuits
11652636 - Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks
11652635 - Development of Milk Employees
11652634 - Biolog Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of S.Aureus
11652633 - Corporate Recovery Strategies
11652632 - Electromagnetic Waves in Space
11652631 - Drinking Water Treatment
11652630 - Alleviating Hidden Hunger Using Black Tea
11652629 - Conservation GIS
11652628 - Formirovanie Kachestva Promyslovykh Ryb Eniseyskogo Severa
11652627 - Effect of Different Phosphorus Levels on Growth and Nitrogen Fixation
11652626 - Biotsidy I Biorazlozhenie Organicheskikh I Neorganicheskikh Materialov
11652625 - Dental Age Estimation
11652624 - Different Views of the Human World
11652623 - Challenges Associated with Primary Education in Rural Punjab, Pakistan
11652622 - Accessible Biology Lab for Visually Impaired
11652621 - Formirovanie sotsiolingvisticheskoy kompetentsii
11652620 - Biomass Energy
11652619 - Dinamika Gravitiruyushchikh Tel S Peremennymi Massami I Razmerami
11652618 - Development of Microcontroller
11652617 - Education and Childbearing
11652616 - Communication with Patients Seeking Prosthetic Treatment
11652615 - Dopolnitel'noe Obrazovanie V Kontekste Forsayta
11652614 - Etnokul'turnyy Vektor Innovatsionnykh Metodov
11652613 - Antigenic and Molecular Diversity
11652612 - Assessment of Teaching Practice
11652611 - Cluster Computing Using Mpi Paradigm
11652610 - Dye Degrading Potential of Rhizobacteria and Enzyme Responsible
11652609 - Flexible Specialization - A Case Study of Foundry Industry from India
11652608 - Barriers To The Implementation Of Inclusion Of Learners With Autism
11652607 - A Feminist Critique of Beowulf
11652606 - Adaptivnoe Upravlenie Postavkami I Reklamoy
11652605 - Farmers Field Schools in Karnataka
11652604 - Fundamentals of Software Testing
11652603 - Digital Image Processing - An Introduction
11652602 - Fomulation and Evaluation of Nsaid's by Liquisolid Compact Technique
11652601 - Bioconversion of Berberine for enhanced inhibition of Phospholipase A2
11652600 - Dairy Business Management
11652599 - Communicating Medicine Instructions to Hearing Disabled Consumers
11652598 - Empowering Youth-At-Risk Through Adventure-Based Counseling (ABC)
11652597 - Bulk and Thin Films Cu1-Xtlxba2cacu208-Y Superconductors
11652596 - Bayesian Approaches for Pixel-Wise Quantification in Pet
11652595 - Assessment of Tea Bush Health and Yield Using Geospatial Techniques
11652594 - Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopian Agricultural Sector
11652593 - Fluid Structure Interaction with Nonlinear Free Surface Flow
11652592 - Food and Cash Crop Production
11652591 - Drivers for Ict-Based Information Exchange by African Smallholders
11652590 - Al'ternativnyy Podkhod K Matematicheskomu Obrazovaniyu
11652589 - Electronic Speaking Glove for Speechless Patients
11652588 - Class Action in French Corporate Law
11652587 - Deregulation and Foreign Direct Investment
11652586 - An Investigation of the Use of the iPad and Textbooks in High School
11652585 - Consumer Behavior and Loyalty Programs
11652584 - A Novel Pulsatile Drug Delivery System with Colon Specificity
11652583 - Bacteriological and antimicrobial profile of meat and meat products
11652582 - Aging Problems of Indigenous People of Bangladesh
11652581 - Effect of Npf on Lung Function and Postop Pulmonary Complications
11652580 - Cross-Cultural Competency Adaptability of Dental Hygiene Educators
11652579 - Characterization of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci from Mastitis
11652578 - Formirovanie Issledovatel'skikh Umeniy Starsheklassnikov Sel'skoy Shkoly
11652577 - From Panamax to Panamix
11652576 - Business Growth Manual
11652575 - A Story of SynPTP from Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803
11652574 - Bioactive Compound Production by Advantitious Root Culture of Noni
11652573 - Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic; A Statistical Approach
11652572 - Advances in Bioremediation of Heavy Metals
11652571 - Computational Techniques to Solve Part Family Formation Problem
11652570 - Efl Teaching Practices VIS-A-VIS Students' Learning Styles
11652569 - Algorithms For Optimal Coverage In Wireless Sensor Networks
11652568 - Cultural weeds managment in Pea
11652567 - Common Interest Groups in Kenya
11652566 - Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows in Small Open Economies
11652565 - Evaluation of Genetic Diversity
11652564 - A Linguistic Agreement Mapping System Model
11652563 - Fumigation Protocols for Safe Storage of Wheat
11652562 - Fiziologicheskaya Korrektsiya Reologii Krovi U Mlekopitayushchikh
11652561 - Agro-Meteorology and Climatology
11652560 - Bor'ba S Ugolovnoy Prestupnost'yu Na Severnom Kavkaze V Gody Vov
11652559 - Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic Delivery System
11652558 - Academic Performance in Relation to Social and Emotional Problems
11652557 - Eia Follow Up
11652556 - Antikorruptsionnoe Vospitanie Shkol'nikov
11652555 - Emulsomes
11652554 - Fraktal'naya Geometriya I Ee Primeneniya V Analize Arkhitekturnykh Obektov
11652553 - Awareness of Local Government Finances on Community Development
11652552 - Electrical Engineering AC-DC Solved Problems
11652551 - Flora Vysokogoriy Nakhchyvanskoy Avtonomnoy Respubliki
11652550 - Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Therapy
11652549 - E-Journal Consortium in India
11652548 - Chieftaincy as an Efficient Institution
11652547 - Algoritm Geneticheskogo Programmirovaniya
11652546 - Development of a Rapid Immunoaffinity Spin Column
11652545 - Determination of Metals in Cow's Milk
11652544 - Alyuminiy-Osazhdayushchiy Mikroorganizm Monografiya
11652543 - Co-precipitation And Formation Of Nano Composites
11652542 - Faith, Hope and Charity
11652541 - American Ethni/Cities
11652540 - Effects of Principals' Leadership Styles
11652539 - Birdsong Analysis
11652538 - Buryatskaya Poeziya II Poloviny XX Veka
11652537 - American Restaurant Chains Failures in Argentina
11652536 - Eu-NATO Relations
11652535 - Critical Analysis of Patient's Problems in Outdoor Department
11652534 - Denture Teeth Bond Strength to Microwave Cured Denture Base Material
11652533 - Ekobiotekhnologicheskie Aspekty Noosferogeneza
11652532 - Core-Shell Nanoparticle
11652531 - Bacterial Pathogen and Their Antimicrobial Susceptibility
11652530 - Alternative Democracy and Good Government
11652529 - Customer Shopping Behaviour in Indian Organised Retail Scenario
11652528 - Evaluation of Mono-Sex and Mixed-Sex Culture of Nile Tilapia
11652527 - FEA of Residual Stresses in Butt Welding of Two Stainless Steel Plates
11652526 - Factors Affecting Students' Academic Achievement in Science Education
11652525 - Are Composts Suppressive to Plant Diseases?
11652524 - Administrativno-pravovoy mekhanizm regulirovaniya krizisa 2008 g. v RF
11652523 - Field and Molecular Evaluation of Jatropha Curcas Germplasm in Ghana
11652522 - Cooperative interaction of photons and phonons with radiation centers
11652521 - Aura MLS Hcl Depletion and Psc-Induced Areas in the Antarctic
11652520 - Ecological Changes and Its Adaptation Among the Lodha Tribe ( India)
11652519 - Assessment of Risky Sexual Behavior and Parental Communication
11652518 - Biostatistics Course Teaching Package
11652517 - An Inquiry Into Rural-Urban Migration
11652516 - Bullying And Its Psychological Effects On Students
11652515 - Drevovidnye Liany V Tadzhikistane
11652514 - Diffusion of a Learning Management System
11652513 - Agroekosistema- Osnova Zelenoy Ekonomicheskoy Modeli
11652512 - Field Study of a Soil Nailed Loose Fill Slope
11652511 - Air Ion Generators for Fog/Smoke Dispersion
11652510 - Avtorskoe Pravo Na Muzykal'nye Proizvedeniya V Rossiyskoy Federatsii
11652509 - Cognitive Functioning in Remitted Bipolar Patients
11652508 - Aktual'nye Problemy Formirovaniya Zdorov'ya Studentov
11652507 - Benefits of Non-Formal Education to Jua Kali Artisans
11652506 - Blood and Renal Pathology in Labeo Rohita Exposed to Mercuric Chloride
11652505 - Flowshop Scheduling Problems on Makespan Criterion by Heuristic Models
11652504 - Emerging Frontiers in Chemistry
11652503 - Ekonomicheskaya Otsenka Deyatel'nosti Sel'skokhozyaystvennykh Organizatsiy
11652502 - Chislennoe issledovanie zadach so svobodnoy granitsey
11652501 - Devastating Floods
11652500 - Control Chart for Mean and Lindley Distributed Quality Characteristic
11652499 - Assessment of Psychosocial Problems of Resettlers
11652498 - An Approach to Evaluate Integrated Human - Machine System Reliability
11652497 - Fesiliti-Menedzhment
11652496 - Cytosine DNA Methyltransferases in the Moss, Physcomitrella Patens
11652495 - Fotonnye kristally i fotonnye stekla na osnove kremnezema
11652494 - English Grammar
11652493 - Dukhovno-Nravstvennoe Stanovlenie Studenta Vo Vneuchebnoy Deyatel'nosti
11652492 - Ekologicheskaya Bezopasnost' Avtotransportnykh Sredstv
11652491 - Autonomy of Language
11652490 - An Exploration of the OECD's Pisa 2006
11652489 - Compatible Materials for Photovoltaic & Semiconductor Device Utility
11652488 - Design of a Solar Energy Based System
11652487 - Calcium Looping Process for Carbon Dioxide Capture
11652486 - Adventivnye Rasteniya Nizov'ya Dnestra
11652485 - Ekonomicheskoe Povedenie Potrebiteley V Usloviyakh Global'nogo Krizisa
11652484 - College Algebra - Magnified
11652483 - From Worthless Feedstock to Green Fuel
11652482 - Benign/Malignant Tissues Classification
11652481 - Agricultural Diversification-Concept, Determinants and Prospects
11652480 - An Assessment of Effects of Competition on Performance of Letter Mail
11652479 - Constitutional Protection of Individual Rights Under Terrorism Laws
11652478 - Achieving Efficiency Through True-Cost Pricing in Water
11652477 - Amoebiasis
11652476 - Cfd Modeling of a Compact Pin Fin Heat Exchanger
11652475 - Diskurs
11652474 - Dumping Potential and Trade Induced Employment Function
11652473 - Formirovanie Emotsional'nogo Blagopoluchiya U Detey 5-6 Let
11652472 - Advocacy Journalism
11652471 - Environmental Attitude of Students
11652470 - Analysis of Patch Antenna Having Ebg Substrate
11652469 - Early Versus Late Orthodontic Treatment
11652468 - Examining Magnitude of Operational Risk in Lending Process
11652467 - Blits-Igry, Ili Kak Sdelat' Uchebnyy Protsess Interesnym
11652466 - Design Guidelines for Subsurface Roadway Drainage Systems
11652465 - Aluminum- Silica Gel Metal Matrix Composite (MMC)
11652464 - Breeding Investigations of Biparental Mating in Okra
11652463 - Effect of Altitudinal Gradient on Indigenous Woody Species and Uses
11652462 - Einstein's Mistakes and Delusions
11652461 - Dominican Philosophy of Education
11652460 - Embedded Land Disputes and Conflict Resolution in Peri-Urban Ghana
11652459 - Demystifying the Benefits of Participatory Forest Management
11652458 - Epigenetic Regulation of Asthma
11652457 - Edinstvo Makromira I Mikromira
11652456 - Fabrication of Organic Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications
11652455 - Detection of Bhv-1 Infection in Breeding Bulls
11652454 - Computational Drug Development Strategies to Target HIV-1
11652453 - Estrogen Receptors
11652452 - Exit Rights of Minority Shareholders
11652451 - Design and Analysis of Mathematical Model for Human Respiratory System
11652450 - Analysis of the Law and Practice of Ratification of Treaties in Uganda
11652449 - Antioxidant and Pharmacological Activity of Muntingia Calabura Fruits
11652448 - Epidemiological Study of Fatal Road Traffic Accident in Haryana India
11652447 - A Study on Certain Wetlands of District Mainpuri (U.P.)India
11652446 - A Situational Analysis of the Informal Economy in Gondar City
11652445 - Bioactive and nanostructured surfaces
11652444 - Cement Composites Modified with Selected Carbon Materials
11652443 - Elementary School Structures
11652442 - Effects of Vasoactive Agents on Blood Loss in Liver Transplantation
11652441 - Business Development Concepts
11652440 - Eco-Friendly Dyeing of Silk with Natural Dye
11652439 - Effektivnost' Primeneniya Meksidola V Kompleksnom Lechenii Glaukomy
11652438 - Assessment Of Women's Empowerment - A Study Based On Five Districts
11652437 - Assessment of Cholesterol Lowering Activity by Saponin
11652436 - Foreign Direct Investments and Developing Economies
11652435 - Black Pepper in Diarrhoea and Intestinal Spasm
11652434 - Bioavailability and Disposition Kinetics of Atorvastatin
11652433 - Evangelie ot nauki
11652432 - Cervical Cancer
11652431 - Advocacy Journalism
11652430 - Energy in Transition
11652429 - Analiz Oshibok I Zabluzhdeniy V Sovremennoy Elektrodinamike
11652428 - Biodegradable Plastics
11652427 - Effects of Phytoestrogen on Breast Cancer
11652426 - Calcium Chloride Recovery in Soda Ash Production by Solvay's Process
11652425 - Critical Analysis of Production,Economics and Export of Raw Silk
11652424 - Comparing Conventional & Multislice Spiral CT in Dental Implantology
11652423 - Basic English Language Usage
11652422 - Energy Imperatives for Developing World
11652421 - Development of Ipm Module for the Management of Major Pests of Coleus
11652420 - Drivers of Economic Growth in Pakistan
11652419 - Belarus' I Mirovoy Rynok Moloka I Molochnykh Produktov
11652418 - Determination of the Modes of a 5-Story Reinforced Concrete Structure
11652417 - A Novel Cryptographic Key-Exchange Algorithm
11652416 - Dinamika prikhoda blochnykh shifrov k sostoyaniyu sluchaynoy podstanovki
11652415 - Administrativnoe Pravo I Ekologicheskaya Politika Gosudarstva
11652414 - An Assessment of Access to Land by Lra Formerly Abducted Women
11652413 - Biologicheskaya aktivnost' slabykh magnitnykh poley
11652412 - Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (Cars) Microscopy for Bioimaging
11652411 - Etalon Erudinskogo Migmatit-Plagiogranitnogo Kompleksa
11652410 - Effect of Primary Biomethanated Spentwash on Properties of Sodic Soil
11652409 - Fracture Behaviour
11652408 - Bullying Laws and Policies in Schools in United States and Nigeria
11652407 - Empowering Multimedia English Langauge Labs
11652406 - Blood Lead Levels During Pregnancy in District Faisalabad Pakistan
11652405 - Accountability In Public Organizations
11652404 - Detecting Outliers
11652403 - Biochemical Studies in Relation to the Gonadal Cycle of Fishes
11652402 - Dvigatel'nye Kachestva I Navyki Pervoklassnikov G. Kirova
11652401 - Bioproduktivnost', Ryby I Rybolovstvo V Mirovom Okeane
11652400 - City Branding Based on Marketing Aesthetics
11652399 - Cadd Studies on Enzymes of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
11652398 - Auditing Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures
11652397 - Data Mining Approach for Classifying Gene Expression Data of Cancer
11652396 - Ekologiya tekhnosfery
11652395 - Conceptual Evaluation of Attitudinal Models
11652394 - Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing
11652393 - Afroetno-Sotsioleksikografiya V Velikobritanii Kontsa XX Nachala XXI Veka
11652392 - Clinical Trial Protocol Designing of Linagliptin
11652391 - Diagnostic Manual for Plant Diseases in Hamelmalo Agricultural College
11652390 - Electro-Optical Studies
11652389 - Environmental Review of Salinity Intrusion of Coastal Bangladesh
11652388 - Facilitating Authentic Diversity
11652387 - Effect of Estradiol Supplementation on Blood Parameters in Beef Cattle
11652386 - Diakhroniya Kategorii Opredelennosti/ Neopredelennosti
11652385 - A Science Classroom Activity Schedule
11652384 - Determination of GPS Coordinates Transformation Parameters
11652383 - Dizayn I Tekhnologii Izgotovleniya Dekorativnykh Toporov V Abkhazii
11652382 - Dehydration of Coriander
11652381 - Embracing Globalization And 21st Century Skills
11652380 - Contextual Weather & Climate System
11652379 - Estestvennonauchnye Osnovy Energoinformatsionnogo Analiza Ekonomiki Apk
11652378 - Applied Financial Econometrics with Cases
11652377 - Elektrokhimicheskaya Obrabotka Detaley Iz W-Co Tverdykh Splavov
11652376 - Fundamentals of Gas Proportional Counter
11652375 - China-Turkey Strategic Partnership in the Modern Period
11652374 - Fraktograficheskiy analiz ustalostnogo razrusheniya stali v vodorode
11652373 - Elektrokhimicheskaya regeneratsiya kisloty ot zheleza
11652372 - English As A Medium Of Instruction In Zimbabwe
11652371 - Effect of Height of Greenhouse on Microclimate
11652370 - Cancer and Infectious Diseases Modern Approaches of Treatment
11652369 - Autonomous Design Systems (Ads) in HVAC Field
11652368 - Dvukistochnik Trostnikovyy
11652367 - Environmental Safety
11652366 - Fenomen Potrebleniya
11652365 - Discrete Symmetries for the Higher Dimensional Heat Equation
11652364 - Effect of Intercropping Legumes on Yield, Biomass and Sheep Growth
11652363 - FM Radio Language and Its Effect on the Young Listeners
11652362 - Creating the Link
11652361 - Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloy
11652360 - Diagnosticheskaya Laringoskopiya
11652359 - A Facile Route for Industrial Production Process of Polyacrylamide
11652358 - C-Arm and Jig Guided Iln in Repair of Femoral Fracture in Dogs
11652357 - Chelovecheskoe dostoinstvo i ego obespechenie
11652356 - Bambara Groundnut, the Crop for New Millennium
11652355 - Capital Accumulation and Economic Development in Nigeria
11652354 - Forest Degradation In The Tropical Savannah Of Nigeria
11652353 - Avtomaticheskaya Sistema Dlya Sozdaniya Tablichnogo Referata Gruppy Tekstov
11652352 - Ergonomic Studies on Agricultural Workers of Gujarat, India
11652351 - Civil Society in a Non-Western Setting
11652350 - Examining Differences in Stress Symptoms Based on Sexual Orientation
11652349 - Carbon Footprint in the Colombian Chemical Industry
11652348 - Back to the Future
11652347 - Conflict in the Sudanese Diaspora
11652346 - An Analysis of HRD in Secondary Schools Mauritius
11652345 - Environmental Impact of Resettlement
11652344 - A Simulation of Ultra Wideband Transceiver System
11652343 - Adaptatsiya I Kachestvo Zhizni U Rabotnikov Proizvodstva Alyuminiya
11652342 - Credit Risk Management
11652341 - Doubt Dispelling Explanation
11652340 - Determinants of Dividend Payout Policy
11652339 - Analiz Birzhevykh Indeksov Razvitykh I Razvivayushchikhsya Stran
11652338 - "If Everyone Kept Quiet, There Would Never Be Any Justice"
11652337 - Aktual'naya Zona Smeshnogo I Ee Svyazi
11652336 - Comparative Castellology
11652335 - Families of Distributions Differing in Higher Order Moments
11652334 - Developement of Dedicated Cng Engine for Optimum Performance
11652333 - Evaluation of Good Pharmacy Practice
11652332 - Afrika I Ukraina. Sem' Let Vmeste - 2005-2012 Gg.
11652331 - Attitude of Farmers Towards Integrated Pest Management Practices
11652330 - Faulty Towers
11652329 - Effect of Thermal Gradient on Vibrations of Tapered Plates
11652328 - Assessing Settlement Quality of Condominium Housing in Addis Ababa
11652327 - Effect of Chromium Toxicity on Dengue Virus Infection in Mice
11652326 - Consumer Decision-Making Model of Soft-Drinks Selection
11652325 - Bilingualism
11652324 - Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and experimental lessons in Iran
11652323 - Formirovanie Graficheskikh Umeniy I Navykov
11652322 - Filicide
11652321 - Conceptualising The Impact of Past Wars in International Relations
11652320 - An Intro Tree Borne Oil Seeds
11652319 - Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
11652318 - Evil in William Golding's Novels
11652317 - Breeding Hot Pepper (Capsicum) for Better Horticultural Traits
11652316 - Environmental Management Issues of the Bangsi River Floodplain
11652315 - Exploring Students' Green Lifestyles
11652314 - English Language at Secondary Education in Bangladesh
11652313 - Camel Esterase
11652312 - "Balancing Spare Parts Demand in the Automobile Sector" -A Case Study
11652311 - Direction of Arrival Estimation in Passive Sonar Systems
11652310 - Diffusion of Innovation, Fashion and Attitude while Buying an iPhone
11652309 - Boron suboxide (B6O) materials with improved properties
11652308 - E-Banking
11652307 - Alley cropping for maximum agricultural productivity & soil fertility
11652306 - Election & Electoral Violence in Nigeria
11652305 - Design of a microcontroller based alcohol detector device
11652304 - Evaluating Knowledge Sharing Conditions
11652303 - Advanced Control System for a Vibration Control for a Road Vehicle
11652302 - Cultural Perspectives of Selected Novels of Bharati Mukherjee
11652301 - Credit Problems of Resource Poor Farmers in Punjab (India)
11652300 - Advanced Motion Compensation for Video Coding Based on Delaunay Meshes
11652299 - Effects of Chronic Mild Stress on the Cardiovascular System in Rats
11652298 - A Fast Feedback Control System Using FPGA for RF Signals
11652297 - Automatic Categorization Of Amharic News Text
11652296 - Applicatin and Effect Vat Tax in Republic of Kosovo
11652295 - Effects of Mnu in Albino Mice on the Histology of Selected Organs
11652294 - Elution Characteristics of Selected Antibiotics from Tendons
11652293 - Business Education
11652292 - An Improved K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Data Mining
11652291 - Family Planning and Contraception in Islamic Countries
11652290 - Change, Project, Knowledge
11652289 - Contribution of Ngos in Promoting Basic Education in Wa West District
11652288 - Algorithms of High Accuracy Position Estimation
11652287 - Akterskoe Nablyudenie
11652286 - Differences of Plasma Osmolarity
11652285 - Digital Imaging in Dentistry
11652284 - Design & Performance Evaluation of Arithmetic Units in DSM
11652283 - Demographic Dividend and Its Economic Implications in Vietnam
11652282 - Bioactive Bone Substitutes for Load-Bearing Applications
11652281 - Consumer Durables
11652280 - Diverse Research on Corporate Governance with Models
11652279 - Effect of Some Oxidants and Some Antioxidants Plants on Uremia
11652278 - Faktory I Preventsiya Suitsida Molodezhi V Sovremennom Obshchestve
11652277 - Floods and Education
11652276 - Ecological Sanitation
11652275 - Arsenic Toxicity and Its Remediation
11652274 - Dorozhno-Transportnyy Travmatizm - Natsional'naya Problema Rossii
11652273 - Authenticated Trusted Server Controlled Key Establishment
11652272 - Design and Development of an Embedded System for Micro Stepper Motor
11652271 - DFT and Quantum Chemical Studies for Heterocyclic Compounds
11652270 - Ecological and Biological Studies on Some Species of Rodents
11652269 - FARME-D Approach to Knowledge Acquisition
11652268 - Constructs of Job Satisfaction a Study in an Indian Organisation
11652267 - Development of the Health Empowerment Scale for Students in Thailand
11652266 - Comparative Assessment of Petroleum Sharing Contracts in Nigeria
11652265 - Comparative Study of NSAIDs in Management of Low Back Pain
11652264 - Characterization of 0-1 Possibility Measure
11652263 - An Evaluation of "Do Your Thing"
11652262 - Agricultural Information System
11652261 - Family Size and Poverty in Benue State
11652260 - Enzymatic Strips For Bio-Diagnostics
11652259 - Effectiveness of Witness Security Program
11652258 - Characterization and Modeling of Phase-Change Memories
11652257 - Digital Watermarking Techniques
11652256 - Fasciolosis in Sheep & Goats
11652255 - Evaluation of nootropics
11652254 - Automatic Extraction of Biographical Data
11652253 - Foreign Banks in India
11652252 - Epifiz I Ritmy Funktsiy Immunnoy Sistemy Pri Starenii
11652251 - Diatoms Atlas of Fresh Waters Bodies from Haryana (India)
11652250 - G6PD Activity and Deficiency in a Selected Population of Nigerians
11652249 - Determinants of Private Investment Behaviour in Nigeria
11652248 - Adjudication of Trade Disputes in Nigeria Under the Law
11652247 - Development of a Geo-Hazard Warning Communication System
11652246 - Distribution and Growth of Population in India since Independence
11652245 - Flood Modeling by HECRAS and HEC-GeoRAS Hydrological tools
11652244 - Buddhism Moves West
11652243 - A History of Anka a Warada, Western Gojjam, 1935-1991
11652242 - Apiculture
11652241 - Community-Based Rural heritage management in Syria
11652240 - Fluoride Phytotoxicity
11652239 - Children's Participation and Rural Community Development in Zimbabwe
11652238 - Cassava Value Chain Mapping, Uganda
11652237 - Communicative Foundations of Military Sciences
11652236 - Ck - 17 Expression in Osmf
11652235 - Academe-Industry Imbalance in Mechatronics in the Philippines
11652234 - Borrowing Constraints, Health Care Choices and Health Outcomes
11652233 - Avtoritet Lichnosti.Sistemnoe Sotsial'no-Psikhologicheskoe Issledovanie
11652232 - Bengali Medium Students' Vulnerability in Speaking English
11652231 - A Study on Fixed Point Theory
11652230 - Detection Techniques in Plant Virology
11652229 - Foreign Direct Investment in the Arab World
11652228 - A Review on Application of Some Linear Models
11652227 - Chlorhexidine Thymol Varnish an Adjunct to Scaling & Root Planing
11652226 - Active Engine Mount System of a Vehicle
11652225 - Consumer perception in pantaloon
11652224 - Design, Testing and Fabrication of Ultra Wide Band Radar Antenna
11652223 - Communication Risks and Best practices in Global Software Development
11652222 - Firewalls
11652221 - Damping Behavior of Rice husk ash reinforced Metal Matrix Composites
11652220 - College Principals of Sindh Pakistan
11652219 - Formulation and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets
11652218 - Effect of Rosemary Extracts on the Growth of Skin Infections
11652217 - Digital Technology And The Challenges Of Copyright Protection
11652216 - Academic English Writing
11652215 - An Efficient Lossless Medical Image Compression
11652214 - Bioresorbable Plates And Screws In Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
11652213 - Entrepreneurial Motivation
11652212 - Frankoyazychnye elementy v russkom yazyke
11652211 - Determinants of Farmers' Access to Market
11652210 - GIT Microflora 0f Thryonomys Swinderianus
11652209 - Crystal Engineering of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
11652208 - Emotional Intelligence, Adjustment and Academic Performance
11652207 - Arkhitektura Altaya XVIII-Nachala XX Veka
11652206 - Estestvennoe Pravo V Rossii
11652205 - An Authentication Model for Cloud Computing Application
11652204 - Financial Markets and Institutions in the 21st Century
11652203 - Development Interventions, Gender and Social Change in Rural China
11652202 - Commercialization of Microfinance in Africa
11652201 - Facial Esthetics - An Overview
11652200 - An analysis of the impact of university expansion on service quality
11652199 - CTLA4 Gene in Type 1 Diabetes
11652198 - Agricultural Development and Demographic Change
11652197 - Financial Management
11652196 - Automatic Gear Transmission in Two Wheelers using Embedded System
11652195 - A Study of Blended Gezawa Clay as a Refractory Lining Material
11652194 - Factors Influencing Commercialization of Smallholder Agriculture
11652193 - Computational Analysis of Drought Stress in Plants
11652192 - Eu Environmental Directives in the Czech Republic
11652191 - Digital Signal Processing for Cancellation of Fiber Optic Impairments
11652190 - Analysis of Microwave Devices Containing Strong Chiral Metamaterial
11652189 - Critical Discourse Analysis and Literature
11652188 - Communication and Behaviour Change
11652187 - Acremonium Zeylanicum- An Entomopathogen on Sugarcane Woolly Aphid
11652186 - Conflicts & Customary Rights
11652185 - Database and Interface Issues of an E-Learning Tool
11652184 - Biologicheskaya Diagnostika Pochv Rekreatsionnykh ZON
11652183 - Aktual'nye Problemy Pivnoy Alkogolizatsii Podrostkov
11652182 - Fatty Acids And Cancer
11652181 - Fluorescent biomarker ABM
11652180 - A Road Map
11652179 - Economics of Milk Production, Marketed Surplus and Disposal Pattern
11652178 - Antioxidants for Cryopreservation of Goat Spermatozoa
11652177 - Development and Characterization of Nanoemulsion
11652176 - Continuity and Change in Tiv Concept of Death and Burial Rites
11652175 - Evolution, Outbreak and Impact of Local Insects on Conifer Plantations
11652174 - Agrifood Economy
11652173 - Eksperiment Vyshe Teorii
11652172 - Anharmonic Properties of the Vibrational Two-Qubit System
11652171 - DFT study of Zn(II) and Cu(I) ion interactions with nucleic acid bases
11652170 - Determiners in the English-French Translation Classroom
11652169 - Conducting Polymer Composite Films Based on Triblock Copolymer
11652168 - Downfall of Film Industry in Pakistan
11652167 - Community Resources Used by Principals in the Management of Schools
11652166 - Application of chitosan solution in on some typical food microbes
11652165 - Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E on the Production of Broiler
11652164 - Ekologicheskoe Vozdeystvie Na Khimicheskiy Sostav Lekarstvennykh Rasteniy
11652163 - Deficit Irrigation of Potato
11652162 - Consumer Behaviour In Rural Market
11652161 - Adsorption Of Light Hydrocarbons By Molecular Sieves
11652160 - Crown Ether-Fluorene as Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent
11652159 - Agricultural History of Basona Warana District, Ethiopia 1974-1991
11652158 - Aktivnye Polosovye Fil'try Vch- I Svch-Diapazonov
11652157 - Biochemical and Pharmacological Studies of Casuarina Equisetifolia
11652156 - Breaking the Dependency Syndrome and Poverty in the Developing World
11652155 - Analiz tochnosti i stabil'nosti protsessov
11652154 - Etiology And Epidemiology of dental caries
11652153 - Boraty Ittriya, Lantana, Skandiya
11652152 - A GUI Framework for Detecting Intrusions Using Bro Ids
11652151 - A Framework for Semantic Descriptions of e-Science Resources
11652150 - Aragonitovaya zashchita ot korrozii v teplovykh setyakh
11652149 - Diagnostic aids in potentially malignant disorders & oral cancer
11652148 - Calreticulin from Rhipicephalus annulatus infected by Babesia bigemina
11652147 - Agent Based Snort in Distributed Environment
11652146 - Burnout, Ways of Coping and Job Satisfaction Among Doctors
11652145 - Behavior based on Knowledge
11652144 - Buccal fat pad and collagen in management of oral submucous fibrosis
11652143 - Arsenic in freshwater
11652142 - Derevyannoe Zodchestvo
11652141 - Digitalization of Objects by Photogrammetry
11652140 - A methodology for developing and composing business services
11652139 - Eutrophication South Africa
11652138 - Business Economics serries 1
11652137 - Ensemble decision trees
11652136 - Demetalation of Metallocorroles
11652135 - Dobrosovestnost' (Bona Fides) V Grazhdanskikh Pravootnosheniyakh
11652134 - Carbon Capture and Storage
11652133 - Diagnosis of Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues Via Machine Learning
11652132 - Evaluation of digital X-ray detectors for medical imaging applications
11652131 - Development of Antigen Detection Assay for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
11652130 - Development of Liposomal Drug Delivery System
11652129 - Bioritmy Zhivykh Sistem
11652128 - Effective Green Management
11652127 - Alkaline Chitinase and Protease from an Alkaliphilic Actinomycete
11652126 - An RF Signal Processing Based Diversity Scheme for Mimo-Ofdm Systems
11652125 - Bracon hebetor as a biocontrol agent for olive lepidopterans in Egypt
11652124 - Female Education and Adult Literacy-Exploring the connection
11652123 - Constraints to the growth of the emerald industry in Zambia
11652122 - Bayesian Multiple Hypothesis Testing for Normal Distribution
11652121 - Coomunication Strategies Used by Students in Classroom Interactions
11652120 - Factors Affecting The Development Of Cooperatives In Ethiopia
11652119 - Conversations in Story(ality)
11652118 - Algorithmic Superactivation of Zero-Capacity Quantum Channels
11652117 - Estimating Vertical Dimensions with Cephalometric Analysis
11652116 - Ayurvedic management of sciatica
11652115 - Diversity and Distribution of Fishes in Damodar River System(India)
11652114 - Developmental-like responses in injured mature central neurons
11652113 - Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry
11652112 - Cognitive Radar Systems Design
11652111 - Arkhitektura Stalinskogo Ampira
11652110 - A Study Of Exton's Triple Hypergeometric Series
11652109 - Evaluating effectiveness of Areca catechu extract on Rat
11652108 - The Bruces of Airth and Their Cadets (Classic Reprint)
11652107 - On Leaving School, and the Choice of a Career (Classic Reprint)
11652106 - A Laodicean, or the Castle of the De Stancys, Vol. 3 of 3
11652105 - Pulaski County, Virginia
11652104 - Second Interim Report on an Investigation of Industrial Fatigue by Physiological Methods (Classic Reprint)
11652103 - Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures
11652102 - Directory for Richland County
11652101 - Burn's Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, Vol. 1 of 5
11652100 - Papers Relating to America
11652099 - The Silver on the Iron Cross (Classic Reprint)
11652098 - The Ladye Nancye, Vol. 1 of 3
11652097 - Art and Life (Classic Reprint)
11652096 - A Treatise on Currency and Banking (Classic Reprint)
11652095 - How to Write a Popular Song (Classic Reprint)
11652094 - The Adventures of an Elephant Hunter (Classic Reprint)
11652093 - Valentine's Manual of Old New York, 1922, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint)
11652092 - War Claims of Certain States Against the United States (Classic Reprint)
11652091 - The Open Court, Vol. 28
11652090 - Origin and Composition of Genesis (Classic Reprint)
11652089 - Livestock on the Farm (Classic Reprint)
11652088 - Biography and Bibliography of Jesse Walter Fewkes (Classic Reprint)
11652087 - Basil and Annette, Vol. 3 of 3
11652086 - Travelers' Handbook to Southern California (Classic Reprint)
11652085 - Tibetan Grammar (Classic Reprint)
11652084 - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands, Vol. 11
11652083 - The Housewife's Guide, or a Complete System of Modern Cookery
11652082 - We Bless Thy Holy Name for All Thy Servants Departed This Life in Thy Faith and Fear, Especially William, Bishop of Gibraltar, and Mary, His Wife
11652081 - Diane of the Green Van (Classic Reprint)
11652080 - Emblem, 1922 (Classic Reprint)
11652079 - The First National Bank of Syracuse
11652078 - Heroes of Science
11652077 - Welcome Songs
11652076 - The Prose and Poetry of Ireland
11652075 - The Poetical Works of John Langhorne, D.D., Rector of Blagdon, Somersetshire, and Prebendary of Wells, Vol. 1 of 2
11652074 - Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 2 of 10 (Classic Reprint)
11652073 - Researches on Modern Brisant Nitro Explosives (Classic Reprint)
11652072 - Illustrated Catalogue of Solid Gold Society Emblems, Pins and Charms (Classic Reprint)
11652071 - A Modern Minister, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
11652070 - Public Health and Preventive Medicine (Classic Reprint)
11652069 - Who's Who Among the Wild Flowers (Classic Reprint)
11652068 - Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Indiana, Being the Tenth Session of the General Assembly
11652067 - Thoughts on the Spiritual Life (Classic Reprint)
11652066 - Historical Collections Relating to the Town of Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
11652065 - A Treatise on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood (Classic Reprint)
11652064 - Economics and Politics in Maryland, 1720-1750
11652063 - The Babylonian and Oriental Record, Vol. 2
11652062 - The Brier Hill Reference Book (Classic Reprint)
11652061 - Goethe's Knabenjahre, (1749-1759)
11652060 - The Teaching of the Vedas
11652059 - Hazell and Sons, Brewers (Classic Reprint)
11652058 - The Naturalist's Library, Vol. 17
11652057 - The Letters Patent of Southampton, 1415 to 1612, Vol. 2
11652056 - Songs of the New Crusade
11652055 - Pintoricchio
11652054 - Fitz-John Porter
11652053 - Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
11652052 - Jewish Marriages and the English Law (Classic Reprint)
11652051 - A Historical Sketch of Bolton Connecticut for the Bolton Bicentennial Celebration
11652050 - Penman's Art Journal, Vol. 24
11652049 - Birds of Prey, Vol. 1 of 3
11652048 - Journey to Ararat (Classic Reprint)
11652047 - Text Book of the History of Doctrines, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
11652046 - Minutes of the Forty-Fifth Annual Session of the Unity Baptist Association
11652045 - A History of the George Worn on the Scaffold by Charles I (Classic Reprint)
11652044 - The Illustrated American Biography, Vol. 1 of 6
11652043 - La Pecadora (Daniela)
11652042 - Rifle and Spear With the Rajpoots
11652041 - The Life of William Thomson
11652040 - Robinson's Beginner's Book in Arithmetic
11652039 - Palestine and the Hebrew People (Classic Reprint)
11652038 - The Law of Gambling, Civil and Criminal
11652037 - Supplements to the Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes, 1474 1700 (Classic Reprint)
11652036 - An Inquiry Into the Rights of the British Colonies
11652035 - Pictures and Portraits of Foreign Travel (Classic Reprint)
11652034 - A List of Plays for High School and College Production (Classic Reprint)
11652033 - The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 25
11652032 - Collins's Peerage of England, Vol. 6 of 9
11652031 - Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, Vol. 1
11652030 - The Monticola, 1926
11652029 - Solid Geometry (Classic Reprint)
11652028 - The Charter of the City of Oakland (Classic Reprint)
11652027 - Sussex Archaeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, 1908, Vol. 51 (Classic Reprint)
11652026 - The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Classic Reprint)
11652025 - Rev. Benajah Williams (VII) And His Descendants
11652024 - Journal of the House of Representatives at the Twenty-Third Session of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana
11652023 - The Early History of India From 600 B. C. To the Muhammadan Conquest
11652022 - The Unequalled Collection of Engraved Portraits of Eminent Foreigners
11652021 - Cost Accounting
11652020 - Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Peebles, 1652-1714
11652019 - In the Wilds of South America
11652018 - Organizing a Business (Classic Reprint)
11652017 - A Catalogue of the Fruits Cultivated in the Garden of the Horticultural Society of London (Classic Reprint)
11652016 - Hookworm Infection in Foreign Countries (Classic Reprint)
11652015 - History of England Under Henry the Fourth, Vol. 4
11652014 - Heart-in-the-Lodge
11652013 - Prolegomena to Analytical Geometry in Anisotropic Euclidean Space of Three Dimensions (Classic Reprint)
11652012 - The Wit and Humor of America, Vol. 7 (Classic Reprint)
11652011 - Reminiscences of A K. C (Classic Reprint)
11652010 - The Ritual of the Commandery, Containing the Work, Lectures and Monitorial of the Orders of Red Cross, Knight Templar and Knight of Malta
11652009 - The Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Haven of Lynn
11652008 - Speech of Henry Clay
11652007 - United States
11652006 - The Charitable Institutions of Kings County and Brooklyn (Classic Reprint)
11652005 - Feeding Prickly Pear to Stock in Texas (Classic Reprint)
11652004 - Windsor Castle, Vol. 2
11652003 - Crete in the Greek Tradition (Classic Reprint)
11652002 - The Sigma Phi Epsilon Journal, Vol. 2
11652001 - Rear-Admiral William Branford Shubrick
11652000 - The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma
11651999 - Who's Who in South Carolina
11651998 - Heyse and His Predecessors in the Theory of the Novelle (Classic Reprint)
11651997 - Saul
11651996 - Niles' Weekly Register, Containing Political, Historical, Geographical, Scientifical, Statistical, Economical, and Biographical Documents, Essays and Facts, Vol. 29
11651995 - The Resources of the Rocky Mountains
11651994 - The Medford Historical Register, 1910, Vol. 13 (Classic Reprint)
11651993 - Trapshooting
11651992 - Illustrated Catalogue of the Very Valuable Art Property Belonging to the Estate of the Well-Known Connoisseur, the Late James A. Garland, Esq., A Former Trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
11651991 - The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, and Ordinances and Precedents of the General Society of Cincinnati, Construing and Interpreting the Institution or Enforcing Its Provisions
11651990 - Memoir of De Witt Clinton
11651989 - The Ticknor Family in America
11651988 - The Princeton Colloquim
11651987 - The Normandy Coast (Classic Reprint)
11651986 - Literature of Theology
11651985 - Working Lads' Clubs (Classic Reprint)
11651984 - The Relation Between the Elastic Strengths of Steel in Tension, Compression, and Shear (Classic Reprint)
11651983 - Picturesque Monroe County, Pennsylvania
11651982 - The Holston Annual, 1897
11651981 - Memoirs of Scottish Catholics During the 17th and 18th Centuries, Vol. 2
11651980 - Food and Fitness, or Diet in Relation to Health (Classic Reprint)
11651979 - Diet for the Sick and Convalescent (Classic Reprint)
11651978 - The Works of Arthur Murphy, Esq., Vol. 6 of 7 (Classic Reprint)
11651977 - The Focus, Vol. 8
11651976 - The Love of Monsieur (Classic Reprint)
11651975 - History of Harrison and Mercer Counties, Missouri, From the Earliest Time to the Present
11651974 - The Holston Annual, 1919
11651973 - Genealogy of Richard Currier of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts (1616-1686-7) And Many of His Descendants, And, Genealogy of Ezra Currier of Bath, New Hampshire, (1749-1825) And His Descendants (Classic Reprint)
11651972 - A History of Peru (Classic Reprint)
11651971 - A Book of Dates, Operatic, Dramatic, and Musical
11651970 - Transport by Aerial Ropeways (Classic Reprint)
11651969 - Out West Magazine
11651968 - Sketches of the History, Genius, Disposition, Accomplishments, Employments, Customs, Virtues, and Vices of the Fair Sex, in All Parts of the World
11651967 - The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
11651966 - Practical Farming and Grazing
11651965 - As It Looked to Him
11651964 - The Johnstown Flood
11651963 - Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Works of Art and Vertu, Known as "the Vienna Museum"
11651962 - Printing Types, Their History, Forms, and Use, Vol. 1
11651961 - General Alumni Catalogue of George Washington University (Classic Reprint)
11651960 - Orlando Furioso, Vol. 2
11651959 - Catalogue on the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum, Vol. 3
11651958 - The Story of Rushen Castle and Rushen Abbey, in the Isle of Man (Classic Reprint)
11651957 - General Catalogue of the Meadville Theological School, Meadville, Pennsylvania, 1844 1920 (Classic Reprint)
11651956 - Memoirs of Great Commanders (Classic Reprint)
11651955 - Columbus, Amerikanische Miscellen, 1827, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint)
11651954 - Nature Displayed, in Her Mode of Teaching Language to Man, Vol. 2
11651953 - A Dictionary of Pianists and Composers for the Pianoforte
11651952 - Biographical Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic, and of Other Eminent Characters, Who Have Distinguished Themselves in the Progress of the Revolution (Classic Reprint)
11651951 - A Latin Analyst on Modern Philological Principles (Classic Reprint)
11651950 - The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln (Classic Reprint)
11651949 - The Military Memoirs of an Infantry Officer, 1809-1816 (Classic Reprint)
11651948 - Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Vol. 2 of 2
11651947 - Bayne's Self-Instruction Book for Dress Cutting by the French Glove-Fitting Tailor System
11651946 - Analytic History, for Schools
11651945 - Original Communications, Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 17
11651944 - The History of Edward Poole of Weymouth, Mass; (1635) And His Descendants (Classic Reprint)
11651943 - Antithesis in the Attic Orators From Antiphon to Isaeus
11651942 - Institutional Food Conservation
11651941 - The Ancient History, Vol. 2 of 8 (Classic Reprint)
11651940 - Tracts on Moral and Religious Subjects, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
11651939 - Congres International Des Americanistes
11651938 - The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies (Classic Reprint)
11651937 - Continental Rulers in the Century (Classic Reprint)
11651936 - The New Doctrine of Intervention
11651935 - Apexification- Present and Future Concepts
11651934 - Carbon Nanotube Antennas
11651933 - Advanced Differential Geometry for Theoreticians
11651932 - Evaluation of the Level of Pesticides in Meat of Cattle from Pakistan
11651931 - Agony of Destitute Women
11651930 - Develop of Neural Network Models to Predict Construction Cost/Duration
11651929 - Environmental Theatre and the Second Circle
11651928 - Dukhovnaya Kul'tura Molodezhi
11651927 - Caries Diagnosis
11651926 - Autonomous Rescue Boat
11651925 - Energy Consumption and Human Development - Scinario 2025
11651924 - Evaluation of Carbopol & Methocel Loaded Verapamil Hcl Floating Tablet
11651923 - Financial Performance of Mncs in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
11651922 - Cfd Simulations-Sieve Tray
11651921 - Cyclophenix
11651920 - Evaluation of Bioactivity of Titanium After Varied Surface Treatments
11651919 - COX-2 inhibitors
11651918 - Blueprints of Destiny
11651917 - Baking with Xylanase
11651916 - Ekspluatatsiya I Issledovaniya Krupnykh Nasosnykh Stantsiy
11651915 - Challenges Facing Girl-Child Education
11651914 - Design a New Methodology for Fog Removing from Image
11651913 - Environmental Security and Armed Conflict in Jammu and Kashmir
11651912 - Anthropogenic Point Sources and Levels of Nutrients to Winam Gulf
11651911 - Drought Stress Tolerance and Biochemical Evaluation of Tomato
11651910 - Financial Performance of Paramlog Fabrics Pvt Ltd-Coimbatore District
11651909 - Ental'piya V Gigienicheskom Normirovanii Khimicheskikh Veshchestv
11651908 - Basic English Course for special education
11651907 - Design and Techno Economics of Solar Water Pumping System
11651906 - Constraints to Smallholder Maize Production in Tobacco Growing Regions
11651905 - Acute Myocardial Infarction
11651904 - Adolescents of Intact Families and Orphanages
11651903 - Armiya I Obshchestvo Vizantiyskoy Imperii
11651902 - Analysis of the Role of the Banking System for the Economic Growth
11651901 - Additives on Semen Preservation
11651900 - Diagnostika Zabolevaniy Podzheludochnoy Zhelezy U Detey
11651899 - Analgesic and Neuropharmacological Activity of Asparagus Root Extracts
11651898 - Advance Physiotherapy Techniques for Chronic Low Back Pain
11651897 - AN appraisal of Water and Sanitation issues in Beere, Ibadan, Nigeria
11651896 - Fundamentals of Soils
11651895 - Consideration on the Green Supply Chain Management (Gscm) in Malaysia
11651894 - Antenatal Screening for Postpartum Depression
11651893 - Epilepsiya. Kliniko-Psikhologicheskaya Diagnostika
11651892 - Digital Image Watermarking
11651891 - Benefits of Yoga on Academic Achievement
11651890 - Behaviour of Concrete Corbels Wrapped with Cfrp Sheets
11651889 - An Overview of Botanicals for Hair Care
11651888 - Consumer Preference on Cakes, Acceptability & Nutritional evaluation
11651887 - Biogas Generation from Leftover Foods of Bahir Dar University
11651886 - Complex Numbers
11651885 - Diverse Routing in Srlg Networks
11651884 - Algoritmy diagnostirovaniya ustroystv plavnogo puska
11651883 - Effects of New Onset Diabetes and Dyslipidemia on the Allograft
11651882 - Earnings Management by Acquiring Firms
11651881 - Electrical and Rheological Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles
11651880 - Bit Error Analysis in Wimax at Vehicular Speeds Using Nakagami-M Model
11651879 - A Comparison of Growth Regulators on Yield in Greengram
11651878 - Conflict and Climate Change
11651877 - Dry Ports in Brazil
11651876 - Critical Perspectives on the Accounting for Intangibles
11651875 - Formirovanie Prirody Kol'skogo Poluostrova V Golotsene
11651874 - Effect of Climate Change in Rice Production in Bangladesh
11651873 - Fishing as Livelihood in West Bengal
11651872 - Approaches in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
11651871 - Contributions to the Opt and Modeling of Amylolysis with Rec Enzymes
11651870 - Breeding Ecology of Mosquito
11651869 - After Marketing
11651868 - Comparison Between Sdp in Cloud Paas and Traditional Hosting Platform
11651867 - Best Skills for Education Organization Leaders in a Global Society
11651866 - Dental Tartar
11651865 - Advances in Genotype by Environment Interaction
11651864 - Agricultural Credit Market in Bangladesh
11651863 - Evaluating Social & Psychological Issues of Unwed Mothers
11651862 - Fenomen Empaticheskogo Poznaniya
11651861 - Arthroscopy in Craniomandibular Articulation
11651860 - Evaluation ATPase activity of purified proteins
11651859 - Endemic Diseases of Litopenaeus Vannamei and Penaeus Monodon in India
11651858 - Computer Based Learning In Mathematics
11651857 - Feasibility of Inquiry Based Teaching in Science
11651856 - Elimination of SCMV from Sugarcane through Apical Meristem Culture
11651855 - Diabetes Mellitus And Lung Functions
11651854 - Evidence Based Dental Practice
11651853 - Cryopreservation of Fish gametes
11651852 - Basics of TAD's
11651851 - Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment for Vernacular Houses
11651850 - Effects of Banning Corporal Punishment
11651849 - Distributed Coding Schemes for Cooperative Wireless Networks
11651848 - Climate Change and Human Activities on the Availability of Surface Water
11651847 - Deposition & Characterization of Molybdenum Thin Films
11651846 - Finance Research Works
11651845 - Factors Having Impact on the Career Decisions
11651844 - Distribution and Access to Basic Ameneties among Scheduled Tribes
11651843 - Dinamika
11651842 - Basal Cell Carcinoma
11651841 - Ekonomicheskaya Etnopsikhologiya
11651840 - GIS-based Land Suitability Analysis
11651839 - Computational Solution to Binomial Distribution Using Pascal
11651838 - Etnonatsional'naya Politika V Sovremennom Rossiyskom Regione
11651837 - Assessing the effectiveness of Municipal animal's by-laws
11651836 - Buckwheat Amylase and its nutritional importance
11651835 - A study of Ionospheric F2-layer Frequency & GPS Total Electron Content
11651834 - Cost-Utility-Analyses of Interventions to Reduce Smoking
11651833 - Determination of pollution status of two lakes using algal indices
11651832 - Affine Differential Invariants of Curves
11651831 - Dolgosrochnoe Bankovskoe Kreditovanie V Rossii
11651830 - Assessment and Simulation of Poverty and Income Inequality in Sudan
11651829 - Empirically Designed Framework for Junior Software Product Managers
11651828 - Calibration and Validation of EverFE2.24
11651827 - Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of Advanced Ceramics
11651826 - Analytical English Grammar
11651825 - Complex Compounds
11651824 - Buyer Behavior and Post-Purchase Decisions Towards Cars
11651823 - Appliance in Pediatric Dentistry
11651822 - Applicability of the Learning Organization Concept
11651821 - E-governance effect on corruption
11651820 - Developing and Implementing School Strategic Plan
11651819 - Client's Centeredness of the Governmental PHC Services Gaza-Palestine
11651818 - Demise of the South Side Community Art Center
11651817 - Benz(a)Piren V Pochvakh I Metody Ego Izvlecheniya
11651816 - Depth Estimation in Turbid Media
11651815 - A Novel Approach Towards Unifac-Visco Modelling for Liquid Mixtures
11651814 - Face Recognition Using Pclda Based Fourier Feature
11651813 - Avifaunal Diversity in Agriculture Ecosystem
11651812 - Cardiometeopathies
11651811 - Biological Farming
11651810 - Efficacy of Trichoderma Against Vector Mosquitoes
11651809 - Formirovanie Proiznosheniya
11651808 - Development & Empowerment of Rural Women's Organizations in Turkey
11651807 - Digital Image Segmentation Variational Models
11651806 - Exclosures in the Ethiopian Great Rift Valley
11651805 - Antibacterial Activity of Honey Against Staphylococcus Aureus
11651804 - Absenteeism/Turnover
11651803 - Bytiynyy Status Chisla I Vselenskaya Informatsionnaya Set'
11651802 - Effective Distribution Network & Perceived Customer Satisfaction
11651801 - Audio-Visual AIDS and Secondary School Teaching
11651800 - A Church Under Challenge
11651799 - Effect of Force Feeding
11651798 - Assessing Back-Of-The-Book Indexes
11651797 - Aluminum Panel Yielding Dampers
11651796 - Automaton of Bottling Using Image Processing
11651795 - Ekstraktsiya Khroma
11651794 - Development of Mosquito Repellents from Certain Plants of Tribal Usage
11651793 - Assembly and Evaluation of the Instrumentation System on a Soil Bin
11651792 - Exposure Chart Preparation Using X - Ray
11651791 - Exercise Interventions on Patients with Non Specific Low Back Pain
11651790 - Conflict
11651789 - Ecofriendly Leather Dyes Extracted from Different Plants Parts
11651788 - Corporate Stimulus
11651787 - Dishonour of Cheques
11651786 - Exon Intron Sequence Prediction
11651785 - Customer Retention and Satisfaction in Indian Banking Sector
11651784 - Concept Testing of Vacuum Freeze Dried Snacks
11651783 - Biohydrogen Production From Dairy Wastewater
11651782 - Egalitarianism
11651781 - Food Poverty
11651780 - Evaluation of Ethnomedicinal Plants for Herbal Leather Dyes
11651779 - Experimental Writing Within the Postcolonial Framework
11651778 - Fuzzy R0 and R1 Properties
11651777 - Бенчмаркинг нефтегазовых компаний
11651776 - Course Handbook for Effective Teaching and Learning Processes
11651775 - FPGA Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
11651774 - 2D Twins Face Comparison and Error Finding
11651773 - Dielectric Properties of Lead Based Complex Niobate Perovskites
11651772 - Feature Selection Methods Best Practices
11651771 - Dengue Fever Outbreak Investigation & Epidemic Prediction
11651770 - Elektrovzryvnoe Napylenie Elektroerozionnostoykikh Pokrytiy
11651769 - A Model for Developing Rating Scale Descriptors
11651768 - Effektivnost' Obucheniya Inoyazychnoy Rechevoy Deyatel'nosti Studentov
11651767 - A Training Scheme for College Communicative Teaching
11651766 - Domestic Water Need for a Rapidly Urbanizing Third World City
11651765 - Association Rule Mining - A Research
11651764 - Biological activities of superfood,Spirulina sp
11651763 - Female Characters in the Contemporary Kenyan Oral Narrative
11651762 - Extending the FTT-SE Protocol for Multi-Master/Multi-Slave Networks
11651761 - Adaptivnye Sistemy Upravleniya Slozhnymi Obektami
11651760 - Formirovanie Kommunikativnoy Kompetentnosti Na Urokakh Russkogo Yazyka
11651759 - Eastern New Town Plan
11651758 - Autogenic Drainage in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic COPD
11651757 - Academic Stress Among Adolescents
11651756 - Doped polymers as gamma-rays dosimetry
11651755 - Floronimy V Angliyskom Yazyke
11651754 - Cyriax's Physiotherapy For Lateral Epicondylalgia
11651753 - Evaluation of Modified HPMC based Gel
11651752 - Affordability of Middle Income People in Apartment Housing
11651751 - Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Africa
11651750 - Discourse Parsing
11651749 - Essential Background of Ultrasound Physics
11651748 - Fizicheskie I Matematicheskie Modeli Inertsionnykh Besstupenchatykh Peredach
11651747 - For a Free Nature
11651746 - Delhi Gurgaon Expressway-Implication on Growth & Development
11651745 - Failure Rate Analysis of IC Engines-A Case Study
11651744 - Automated Segregating Device for Reuse and Recycle Waste
11651743 - Case And Relation(CARE) Based Page Rank Algorithm In Semantic Space
11651742 - Essays on Commercial and Company Law
11651741 - A Study of Human Rights
11651740 - Economics of Plantain Production in Central Niger Delta, Nigeria
11651739 - Acoustic Echo Cancellation by Using Vss-Nlms-Um Adaptive Algorithm
11651738 - Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
11651737 - A Treatise on Stability of Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Systems
11651736 - Control Systems Structures of Synchronous Machines Excitation
11651735 - A History of Minangkabau Press (1859-1945)
11651734 - Evaluation of Quality of Paediatric Antimicrobial Drugs
11651733 - Experiential Strategies to Improve Elementary Science Teaching?
11651732 - A Conscientious Thought on Worldwide Latest Governance System
11651731 - Financial Management
11651730 - Frazeologizirovannye Konstruktsii V Mariyskom Yazyke
11651729 - Explorative Comprehension on Kakamachi (Solanum Nigrum)
11651728 - English for Specific Academic Purposes
11651727 - Chitosan Based Nanostructures
11651726 - E-Learning Readiness of Distance Education Students in Nigeria
11651725 - Effect of Moringa Leaf Extract on Growth and Yield of Crops
11651724 - Dorevolyutsionnaya Istoriografiya Modernizatsii Traditsionnogo Obshchestva
11651723 - Elastic Properties of Piezoelectric & Relaxor Ferroelectric Crystals
11651722 - Creolization of Tense/Aspect systems in Haitian, Jamaican & Papiamento
11651721 - Experimentation Employing Different Dielectrics During Micro-Edm
11651720 - Depression Among Higher Secondary School Girl Students
11651719 - Bioimpedansnyy Identifikator Lichnosti. Blok Obrabotki
11651718 - Business Model
11651717 - Fizikokhimiya Splavov Svintsa S Shchelochnozemel'nymi Metallami
11651716 - Cross- Border Cooperation and City Twinning
11651715 - Aligarh Muslim University- Student Information System
11651714 - Evrolatinskiy Aspekt Nemetskoy Metalingvistiki V Oblasti Grammatiki
11651713 - Advokat Kak Predstavitel' V Arbitrazhnom Protsesse
11651712 - Formirovanie Ekosistemy Znaniy Starshikh Doshkol'nikov O Zhivotnom Mire
11651711 - Eletskaya Royal'naya Garmon'
11651710 - Bacterial Profile of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
11651709 - Exergy Analysis of a Natural Gas Fired Thermal Power Plant
11651708 - Axial Bearing Capacity of Driven Piles
11651707 - An Insight Into the Translation of International Legal Language
11651706 - Chelovek V Yazyke
11651705 - Chelovek - Osnovnoy Vopros Chelovechestva
11651704 - Dialog Kul'tur Germanii I Rossii V Sfere Muzykal'nogo Vospitaniya
11651703 - Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Igg and Igm in HIV/AIDS Clients in Kano, Nigeria
11651702 - Effect of Particles Distribution on the Crack of Syntactic Foam
11651701 - A Review of Environmental Impact Assessment of a Hydropower Project
11651700 - Clean Milk Production Practices
11651699 - Empowerment or Disempowerment
11651698 - Filosofskie, Ekzistentsial'nye I Futurologicheskie Fenomeny
11651697 - Church - A Tool of Reconciliation
11651696 - Academic Adjustment of IX Class Pupils
11651695 - Applications of Statistical Engineering Tools in Financial Time Series
11651694 - Fabrication of Pvdf-Silica Ultrafiltration Membranes
11651693 - Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by A.P.S.F.C
11651692 - Characterisation of Broiler Chicken Litter Odour
11651691 - Adsorption Phenomenon and Thermodynamic Parameters
11651690 - A Design Tool for Sizing Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters
11651689 - 28 January 1980, Blackthorn and Capricorn
11651688 - Asimptoticheskaya Teoriya Neodnorodnoy Anizotropnoy Sfericheskoy Obolochki
11651687 - Entomopathogenic Fungi for vector control
11651686 - Evaluation of the Internal Control Practices
11651685 - Different Discounting Approaches Impacting Economic Evaluation
11651684 - Ecology of Plantago Major L. at Damietta, Egypt
11651683 - Briketirovanie Burogo Uglya S Ispol'zovaniem Modifitsirovannogo Gudrona
11651682 - Birth Rituals in the Amazigh Culture and Socio-Economic Development
11651681 - Employee Perception of Quality Management in the Uae
11651680 - Breathing Retraining in Copd Patients
11651679 - Expropriation Under International Investment Law
11651678 - Dimensions of Money Laundering
11651677 - Conflict and Development in the Bawku Traditional Area of Ghana
11651676 - Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
11651675 - Coping Strategies of Elderly Widows in Southeastern Nigeria
11651674 - Contribution of Small-Scale Fisheries to Household Food Security
11651673 - Effects of Live Parliament Broadcasts
11651672 - Decentralization in Zimbabwe
11651671 - Etnopodgotovka Pedagogov V Usloviyakh Polikul'turnogo Prostranstva
11651670 - Distantsionnye Obrazovatel'nye Tekhnologii
11651669 - Environmental Pollution In And Around Tirupati Town- A Case Study
11651668 - A Comparison of Arabic Literature Translation
11651667 - Credit Rating Agencies in India
11651666 - Fiziko-Khimicheskie Svoystva Vodnykh Sistem
11651665 - Evrei Yuga Ukrainy V Gody Nemetsko-Rumynskoy Okkupatsii (1941 - 1944 Gg.)
11651664 - A Case of Human Resettlement for Nature Conservation
11651663 - Cooperative Beamforming in Multi-User Multi-Relay Networks
11651662 - Computable General Equilibrium Model of Indonesia
11651661 - Divergent Thinking and Intelligence
11651660 - Fuzzy Logistic Regression Models with Their Application in Medicine
11651659 - Citizenship Behaviors, Organizational Justice &Psychological Well-Being
11651658 - A Study on Male Infertility
11651657 - Application of Extreme Value Theory, the Daily Brent Crude Oil Price
11651656 - Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants
11651655 - Communication Strategies of Human Rights
11651654 - Automatically building translation memories for subtitling
11651653 - Colonial identity in James Joyce's Novels
11651652 - Dynamics of Heavy Ion Reactions Using the Energy Density Formalism
11651651 - Embrional'noe Razvitie Matki I Vlagalishcha
11651650 - Arterial'naya gipertoniya i sheyno-plechevoy sindrom bez lekarstv
11651649 - A Study On Educational Values Reflected Through Newspapers
11651648 - Ekologicheskie Osnovy Formirovaniya Entomokompleksa Yablonevykh Sadov
11651647 - Funktsional'no-semanticheskoe pole passivnosti v russkom yazyke
11651646 - Finite element analysis of machining parameters in milling of Ti6AL4V
11651645 - Context Could Be Only in Our Heads
11651644 - Enforcement of Industrial Safety Laws in Ghana
11651643 - Effect of Ahara on Maternal Health and Foetal Outcome
11651642 - Bioelektricheskie Protsessy Mozga Pri Raznykh Funktsional'nykh Sostoyaniyakh
11651641 - Evaluation of Counselling Programmes
11651640 - Epilepticheskie Pristupy U Detey Kak Pervyy Simptom Opukholey
11651639 - Existence of Common Fixed Points in Generalized Metric Spaces
11651638 - Fertility Preservation of Female Cancer Patients
11651637 - Adverse Metabolic Effects of Conventional and Atypical Antipsychotics
11651636 - Chrysanthemum's Evaluation for Hills
11651635 - Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Retail Banking Industry
11651634 - Autentichnyy tekst v inoyazychnom obrazovanii
11651633 - Automated Timetable Scheduling System
11651632 - Formulation Development of Microspheres Using Mixed Solvency Concept
11651631 - Evaluation of Microwave Effect on Dry and Wet Polymethyl Methacrylate
11651630 - Cervical Cancer and Its Control in Nigeria
11651629 - Business Process Reengineering
11651628 - Factors Influencing the Girl Child Academic Performance
11651627 - Attitude of Nurses Towards Uses of Computer in Nursing Practice
11651626 - Dvigayushcheesya Prostranstvo-Materiya (Chast' 1)
11651625 - Decentralization and Social Development
11651624 - Community Perception Towards Tourism Industry in Hawassa City
11651623 - Analysis of VFSO System Integrated With BPLC
11651622 - Detection of Defects in Glass
11651621 - Contract Farming at Glance
11651620 - Diabetic Nutrition Self Help
11651619 - Aid Without Accountability
11651618 - Aonla Arthropod Diversity and Management of Its Sucking Insect Pests
11651617 - An analysis of sources and predictability of geomagnetic storms
11651616 - Bond Strengths of Orthodontic Brackets Using 3 Etching Techniques
11651615 - Biomonitoring Sostoyaniya Okruzhayushchey Sredy Gorodskikh Territoriy
11651614 - Chelovecheskiy Kapital
11651613 - Crawling the Website Deeply
11651612 - Antimicrobial activity& phytochemical contents of Croton bonplandianum
11651611 - Automatic Control of Csth
11651610 - A Grade Inflation Study in an Irish Business College
11651609 - Dairy Farming Amongst the Santhal Tribe of India
11651608 - Deviantnoe povedenie
11651607 - A Study on Marketing Mix of Marine Fish in Nellore District
11651606 - An Ecological Tale of Seer - A Shivalik Himalayan Hill Stream
11651605 - Determinants of Investing in Biogas Technology Among Rural Households
11651604 - Aktual'nost' Ispol'zovaniya Informatsionnykh Tekhnologiy V Sovremennom Dou
11651603 - Analytical Study of Certain Pharmaceutical Compounds
11651602 - Assessment of Land Degradation and Its Restoration in Jharia Coalfield
11651601 - Chetyrekhmernaya Psikhofizicheskaya Model' Real'nosti (4dpmr)
11651600 - Amerikanskoe Neoyazychestvo
11651599 - Audience Behaviour Towards Television Advertisements
11651598 - Algoritmy Poiska I Presledovaniya Tseli
11651597 - Antioxidant activity and preservative effect of Thymus Schimperi R.
11651596 - Effekt Dinamicheskoy Spinpolyarizatsii Gazovykh I Gazoobraznykh Sred
11651595 - Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
11651594 - Analytical Method Development and Validation by UV and HPLC Techniques
11651593 - Effect of Television Advertisements on Buyer's Decision Process
11651592 - Elektrogidravlicheskoe Ustroystvo Dlya Ochistki Fil'trov
11651591 - An Incremental Approach for Hardware Discrete Controller Synthesis
11651590 - Baskskiy Terrorizm Na Sovremennom Etape
11651589 - Challenges Before the Constitution of India
11651588 - Filters in Halftone Visual Cryptography Via Error Diffusion
11651587 - Buyer and Seller Relationship in Malaysia's Dairy Industry
11651586 - Formirovanie Obraza Tela U Podrostkov S Narusheniem Zreniya
11651585 - Chitatel'skie Predpochteniya Sovremennoy Molodezhi
11651584 - Comparing Obturating Materials in Children
11651583 - Diakhronicheskie Izmeneniya Slovarnogo Sostava Angliyskogo Yazyka
11651582 - Amoebiasis Among the Malaysian Aborigines
11651581 - Detskaya Besprizornost' V Vostochnoy Sibiri V 1920-1930-Kh Gg.
11651580 - Epidemiya Khronicheskikh Neinfektsionnykh Zabolevaniy
11651579 - Baker's Yeast
11651578 - Evropeyskaya Kompaniya
11651577 - Determinants of Rwht Adoption and Intensity of Use
11651576 - Elektrichestvo, Gravitatsiya, Teplota
11651575 - Effect of Propolis on Productive and Physiological Parameters in Quail
11651574 - Female Shrimp Farm Workers in Bangladesh
11651573 - Diagnostika I Lechenie Ektopii Anusa. Michael Levin vs. Alberto Pena
11651572 - Effect of Zinc on Sorghum Growth, Yield and Seed Zinc Content
11651571 - "Saliva" - a diagnostic tool
11651570 - A Tripartite Effort Toward Islamic Peace Dialogue
11651569 - All-Asset Market Portfolio and the Risk-Return Behavior of Assets
11651568 - Akustodempfiruyushchie Materialy Iz Deformiruemykh Alyuminievykh Splavov
11651567 - Determining the Need for a Student Health Service Center
11651566 - Ekoeffektivnaya Pererabotka Metallurgicheskikh Otkhodov
11651565 - Do the Future Teachers of Haryana (India) Have the Aptitude to Teach?
11651564 - Aspekty Problemy Smerti Cheloveka
11651563 - Distantsionnye obrazovatel'nye tekhnologii
11651562 - Acrylamide a Carcinogen and Indian Traditional Foods
11651561 - Algorithms for Unbalanced Maritime Container Transportation Problem
11651560 - Determining the Power Consumption of Electrical Lighting Devices
11651559 - Bolezni soskov molochnoy zhelezy korov
11651558 - Bioinformatics for Crop Improvement and Agricultural Development
11651557 - Etnospetsifika Kontsepta Obshchenie V Russkoy Yazykovoy Kartine Mira
11651556 - ELM in Nonstationary Environment
11651555 - Fault Tolerant Reversible Multiplier
11651554 - Dynamical Systems and Network Flows using Cellular Automaton
11651553 - Development of Solid Self Nano Emulsified Tablet of Furosemide
11651552 - Estimation of Var by Employing Economic News in Garch Models
11651551 - Dom, Kotoryy Postroila Vulf
11651550 - Employment and the Nigerian Agricultural Sector
11651549 - Agrarnye Regiony
11651548 - An Assessment of Marketing Constraints of Avocado in Uganda
11651547 - Clustering and Optimization Based Image Segmentation Techniques
11651546 - Formulation Of Dual Release Dosage Form By Mixed Solvency Concept
11651545 - Compatibility of Object Oriented Metrics With Component Based Systems
11651544 - Financial Reporting Practices Among Small Scale Enterprises
11651543 - Effect of Shade and Fertigation on Growth, Yield & Quality of Cucumber
11651542 - A Comparativ E Study of Cervical Hysteresis Characteristics
11651541 - Energy Based Pushover Analysis of a Building
11651540 - Drug Design at the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor
11651539 - Culture, Achievement, Mentoring and Education for Management
11651538 - Bilingvizm I Myshlenie
11651537 - Aktual'nye Problemy Inklyuzivnogo Obrazovaniya
11651536 - Design and Development of Credit Scoring Models for Commercial Banks
11651535 - Business Process Reengineering
11651534 - Effect of Medicinal Plant Extracts on the Viability of Protoscoleces
11651533 - Estetika Ivana Il'ina
11651532 - Beskonechnaya Vselennaya
11651531 - Ekologiya Beskhvostykh Amfibiy Bolgarii V Usloviyakh Antropogennogo Faktora
11651530 - Agentnyy Podkhod K Sozdaniyu I Soprovozhdeniyu Avtomatizirovannykh Sistem
11651529 - Evaluation of the Security Mechanisms in Cloud Networks
11651528 - Adaptivnye Programmy V Eksperimente I Klinike
11651527 - Education and Empowerment
11651526 - Bioremediation of Pesticide Contamination.
11651525 - Apical Membrane Antigen-1 of Malaria Parasite (Pf83/AMA1)
11651524 - Business Chains Dynamics
11651523 - A Comparative Study Between Tribal and Nontribal Sports Person
11651522 - Diski Valkovogo Grokhota Dlya Sortirovki Koksa
11651521 - Automated Tool for Sinus Region Extraction in Medical Images
11651520 - Development of Erp System for a Small Scale Industry
11651519 - Frazeologiya
11651518 - Control and Guidance System Investigation of Remoltly Piloted Vehicles
11651517 - Accountability and Transparency in the Nigerian Public Service
11651516 - FT-IR Spectral Study of Some Heterocyclic Compounds
11651515 - Asian Financial Crisis and Subprime Crisis
11651514 - Cross-Directional Development of L2 Prosody
11651513 - Experiences of Teaching Science with Limited Laboratory Resources
11651512 - Anti-neoplastic effects of Sepia ink and Coelatura aegyptiaca
11651511 - Effektivnost' Razlichnykh Tipov Podbora
11651510 - Compact Modelling of Dgmosfet's
11651509 - Cross-Border Mergers or Acquisitions Issues
11651508 - Extortion and Exploitation in the Name of God!
11651507 - Development & Validation of Child Behaviour Assessment Instrument
11651506 - Fenomen liberal'noy modernizatsii rossiyskogo obshchestva
11651505 - Deyatel'nostnyy Podkhod K Obucheniyu
11651504 - Fast Algorithms for Arithmetic Computations of Big Numbers
11651503 - Formy Realizatsii Sotsial'noy Otvetstvennosti Malogo Biznesa
11651502 - Climate Change and Forest in Bangladesh
11651501 - Change in Journalistic Practices in the Age of Networked Technologies
11651500 - Adsorption on Athi tree leaf Activated Carbon
11651499 - Analog approaches in digital receivers
11651498 - Binomics of Dengue vectors in Batticaloa district, Sri Lanka
11651497 - Akmeizm Kak Khudozhestvennaya Sistema
11651496 - Anxiety and depression in patients with myocardial infarction
11651495 - Evaluation of Antidiabetic activity of family Asteraceae
11651494 - Analiticheskoe Reshenie Obratnoy Zadachi Optiki Oblakov
11651493 - Ensuring Interoperability in eDiscovery Process
11651492 - Analiz Finansovoy Otchetnosti
11651491 - Adoption and Implementation of IFRS/IAS in China
11651490 - Analysis of genetic and epigenetic alterations in breast carcinomas
11651489 - Database
11651488 - Cascaded Synergistic effect of Anthropogenic Climate and Biodiversity
11651487 - Corporate Governance Practices
11651486 - DG Placement Using GA And PSO
11651485 - Formulation and Optimization of Solid Dispersions by BoxBehnken Design
11651484 - Fiziko-Khimicheskie Svoystva Alyuminidov Rzm Tserievoy Podgruppy
11651483 - A Comparative Case Study Between Full Acquisitions vs. Joint Ventures
11651482 - 2-hop and 3-hop Cognitive radio networks
11651481 - Family Socioeconomic Status and Inequality of Opportunity
11651480 - Comprehensive Study on Wastewater Treatment Using low cost Adsorbent
11651479 - A Clustering-Based Approach for Discovering Places in Trajectories
11651478 - Evolution of Drought Tolerant Wheat Variety 'Khirman'
11651477 - Distribution of birds in African
11651476 - Factors Determining Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking
11651475 - Broadcasting Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
11651474 - Benefits of Medicinal Plants in Chronic Diseases
11651473 - Fitomelioratsiya Kak Sredstvo Koevolyutsii Planety
11651472 - Breast Cancer Diagnosis
11651471 - A Novel BPNN Approach For Speaker Identification Using MFCC
11651470 - Adverse Drug Reactions To Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)
11651469 - Banking Risk
11651468 - Assembly Line Automation
11651467 - A Comprehensive Book on Patient Instructions for Prescribed Medicines - Volume 2
11651466 - Coping and Adapting Strategies of Women to Survive from Disaster
11651465 - Biosorption of Chromium (VI) using Plant Biomass
11651464 - Evolutionary Optimization Of Sheet Metal Forming
11651463 - Comparative study of dropout factors at Primary Level
11651462 - Chitosan Derivatives
11651461 - Fast Dissolving Tablet of Levocetrizine Hydrochloride
11651460 - Consequence of Schreier-Sims Algorithm in Solving Rubik's Cube
11651459 - Evaluation of Residues of Bifenthrin and ?-Cyhalothrin in Tomato
11651458 - Energy Efficiency Potential of Brick Production in Saarc Countries
11651457 - Chronopharmacology in Hypertension
11651456 - Examining the Experiences of First-Year Special Education Teachers
11651455 - Blagoustroystvo Gorodov Zapadnoy Sibiri
11651454 - Buffering in Video Streaming
11651453 - Evaluation of Renewable Energy Source;Biodiesel Potential of oil
11651452 - Anti-HIV Bioadhesive Microencapsulated Vaginal Gel
11651451 - Creativity, burnout and class dynamism
11651450 - Academic Researches
11651449 - Enhancing Industrial Safety through Training
11651448 - Economically Feasible Technique for Aonla Rejuvenation
11651447 - Factors affecting good governance practice in cooperative
11651446 - Efficient Routing Techniques for Ad Hoc Networks
11651445 - Factors influencing profitability of exporting SMEs
11651444 - Assessing Students' Proficiency Using An English Communicative Test
11651443 - Cpap-Terapiya V Lechenii Patsientov S Kardiogennym Otekom Legkikh
11651442 - Coffee Price Volatility and Trade Policy Effects
11651441 - Establishing stock exchange in Ethiopia
11651440 - DSM and energy efficiency in South African cement plants
11651439 - 'Incredible India' TVC and Youth Today
11651438 - Community Pharmacy Practice in Pakistan
11651437 - Corporate Governance
11651436 - Antiutopiya U.Goldinga Povelitel' Mukh - Svoeobrazie Zhanra
11651435 - Design and Analysis of 60 kW DC-DC Converter
11651434 - Effect of Fuel Price Increase on Private Car Usage Pattern
11651433 - Diskurs Kak Produkt Rechemyslitel'noy Deyatel'nosti
11651432 - Cultural Adjustment Among Iranian Professional Students in India
11651431 - European Union Economic Sanctions on Iran
11651430 - Arsenic in groundwater
11651429 - Arbitration and Conciliation of Labor Disputes in Ethiopia
11651428 - Dealing with Staff Conflicts at Schools
11651427 - Evolyutsiya Estestvennonauchnogo Mirovozzreniya Molodezhi
11651426 - Artificial Neural Network Control of a Magnetic Levitation System
11651425 - Bringing Together Sustainable and Human Development
11651424 - Accessibility to Construct Fused or Binary Heterocyclic Compounds
11651423 - A treatise on Banking and Finance
11651422 - Computational Studies of Metal Complexes
11651421 - Flood Damage Assessment
11651420 - Authentic Materials in Teaching Writing
11651419 - Frequency analysis of reference evapotranspiration
11651418 - Bacteriological and Immunological Aspects of Psoriasis
11651417 - A study on ENUM delegation model
11651416 - An Economic Analysis of Garlic Production in Rajasthan, India
11651415 - Control of Designed Developed Six Phase Induction Motor Using MATLAB
11651414 - Christian Ethics in an African Context
11651413 - Disability & General Education System of Pakistan
11651412 - Environmental Impact of a Chromite Mine in India
11651411 - Formulation and Evaluation of Colon Targeted Aceclofenac Tablet
11651410 - Centralized Group Aware Duty Cycle Control Protocol for Wsns
11651409 - Biometrical Techniques of Quantitative Traits
11651408 - Effectiveness of Contraceptives Advertisement through Electronic Media
11651407 - Eastern Mediterranean Foundling Narratives
11651406 - Bytovye Kholodil'nye Mashiny
11651405 - DSP Implementation of A-Control for A forwarder Crane Algorithm
11651404 - Appraisal of antiallergic profile of ethnomedicinal plants
11651403 - Cost and Benefit Analysis of Bogota Metro
11651402 - Elementy I Printsipy Stoimostnoy Otsenki Biznesa
11651401 - Effect of Music on Sleep Latency of Children with Special Needs
11651400 - Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health
11651399 - Earthquake
11651398 - Adventism in Tanzania in the Twentieth Century
11651397 - Collaborative co-teaching as a key to inclusion
11651396 - Allelopathy & Cyanobacteria
11651395 - Design and Analysis of Agile Frequency Synthesizer
11651394 - Derev'ya I Grafy V Relyatsionnoy Baze Dannykh
11651393 - Dukhovnye Traditsii Rossiyskogo Obshchestva I Ikh Proyavlenie V Armii
11651392 - Detskaya Natsional'naya Literatura Karelii
11651391 - Bridging the gap between E-learning and Knowledge Management
11651390 - Activity of Medicinal Plants Against Isolates of Oral Cancer Cases
11651389 - Computer Vision Application for Blood Cell Count and Recognition
11651388 - Entrepreneurship in Restaurant Business
11651387 - Belye Pyatna V Ekonomicheskoy Kompetentnosti Shkol'nikov
11651386 - Continuous Speech Recognition
11651385 - Arteriit Takayasu
11651384 - Fast Dissolving Tablet of Metoprolol Tartrate Using Superdisintegrants
11651383 - Approximate Algorithms for some NP-hard problems
11651382 - A Polar Bear in the Jungle
11651381 - Etnokul'turnaya Spetsifika Obraza Dom V Soznanii Russkikh I Nemtsev
11651380 - Executive Compensation
11651379 - Binding and compaction properties of microcrystalline potato starch
11651378 - Economic System Of Production
11651377 - Computer Aided Design of a 2-Stage Gear Reducer
11651376 - 16-bit Microprocessor Design and Implementation on FPGA
11651375 - A 2D Oil Spill Model Using Radial Basis Function Collocation Method
11651374 - Advanced Techniques for Image Analysis and Enhancement
11651373 - Ekogeokhimiya Gidrosfery Na Uchastkakh Neftedobychi Zapadnoy Sibiri
11651372 - Elementy Vysokoskorostnykh Volokonno-Opticheskikh Sistem
11651371 - A Comprhensive Study on the Stock Market of Khluna
11651370 - Economy of Kerala
11651369 - A Study on Datagram Congestion Control Protocol for Multimedia
11651368 - Formulation and in Vitro Evaluation of Buccal Tablet of Famotidine
11651367 - Comparison Between Python and Lua in Gaming Industry
11651366 - Explorations in the Standards of Second Language Teaching
11651365 - Distributed Objects
11651364 - Application of Ict on Marketing of Crops Processing Performance
11651363 - Chronopharmaceutical drug delivery of Salbutamol Sulphate
11651362 - Controlled Low-Strength Material Made Using Bottom Ash and Quarry Dust
11651361 - Amsterdam immigrants
11651360 - A CBR based new approach towards cost estimation quality enhancement
11651359 - Democratic Decentralisation
11651358 - Formirovanie Liberal'nykh Vzglyadov Voennoy Intelligentsii
11651357 - Developing Small Domain Statistics
11651356 - Apparaturnyy Spektral'nyy Analiz Signalov Akusticheskoy Emissii
11651355 - Dholuo Tonal Notations
11651354 - A Diagnostic Study of Common Spelling Errors In English
11651353 - Data Acquisition System for I.C. Engine
11651352 - Biotoxicity assay of Escherichia coli against Tribolium castaneum
11651351 - Assessing Heritage Values
11651350 - Acaricidal Resistance in Indian Ticks against Organophosphates
11651349 - Change Management in Primary Care
11651348 - Fracture Mecanics of Polymer Concrete
11651347 - Dukhovnye Osnovy Evraziystva
11651346 - Formulation and Characterization of Floating Tablet of Aceclofenac
11651345 - Causes and Impacts of Deforestation in Rampur Salban Reserved Forest
11651344 - Capacity Constraints in Denim Manufacturing Companies
11651343 - A Study of English Items in Kiswahili- Based Texts
11651342 - Diagnostika Potrebleniya Elektroenergii Na Magistral'nykh Nefteprovodakh
11651341 - Formirovanie Ekonomicheskoy Politiki
11651340 - A Comparative Analysis of Nigeria and Russia as Regional Powers
11651339 - Coagulation & Fragmentation Processes in Structured Population Models
11651338 - A market survey of Passive houses in the western region of Sweden
11651337 - Flood Extent Mapping
11651336 - Fixed Assets Management in Large-Scale Sugar Industries in India
11651335 - A framework based on the Cloud Computing Technology
11651334 - Effect of Lead toxicity on Growth Hormone levels in fish
11651333 - Developing a framework to integrate supply chain in Aerospace industry
11651332 - Edinstvo Potrebnostey I Obshchestva
11651331 - Alkogol'nye problemy v Belarusi
11651330 - A Critical Study of Organization and Management of Higher Education
11651329 - Economically and Environmentally Optimized Power System Operations
11651328 - Economics of Organic Apple Production in Jumla District, Nepal
11651327 - Chingisidy V Severnoy Evrazii
11651326 - Essays on Humanities
11651325 - Contributions To The Theory Of Orlicz Space Of Entire Sequences
11651324 - Colorectal Cancer in Kashmiri Population
11651323 - Effect of dilaton field on the entropic force
11651322 - A success story of the holistic development of a school
11651321 - Back-To-Back Power Electronic Converter Control for Active Damping
11651320 - A New Generaton Robot System Implementing Shortest Path Algorithm
11651319 - Capital Inflow and Economic Growth in Nigeria
11651318 - Craft's Village at Madhyapur Thimi
11651317 - A History of the Computer and its Networks
11651316 - Blochnyy Punkt Upravleniya Novykh AES
11651315 - Doctors in Erbil city
11651314 - Analysis of Interaction between Human Capital Development
11651313 - Acquisition of Optional Infinitives by Iranian Efl Learners
11651312 - Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Lab Manual
11651311 - Deforestation and Climate change In East Africa case of Ethiopia
11651310 - Atmospheric Radiative Forcing
11651309 - Consenting to Die
11651308 - Awareness and Practices on Injection Safety Among Service Providers
11651307 - Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria (1977-2008)
11651306 - Discourse Practices of Mathematics High Achieving Lep Nguni Learners
11651305 - Absence of Mass Media in Fighting HIV/AIDS in Remote Rural Population
11651304 - Administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za antimonopol'nye narusheniya
11651303 - Drinking Water Contamination in Kurdistan/Northern Iraq
11651302 - Bubaline Subclinical Mastitis
11651301 - Contributions to Solid Waste Management in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya
11651300 - Capital Market Efficiency and Stock Price Anomalies
11651299 - Design and Simulation of Fractal Antenna for WLAN
11651298 - Bouddhajan Panchayat Samiti
11651297 - Effects of Cultural Practices on the Realisation of Women's Rights
11651296 - Effective Leadership Qualities
11651295 - Decentralization of Secondary Education in Uganda
11651294 - Analyzing the Factors of Cognitive Engagement In Content Areas
11651293 - Error Detection & Correction using Reed-Muller Algorithm
11651292 - Fenomen vnusheniya
11651291 - Biotechnology
11651290 - Digital Linear and Non-linear Controllers for Buck Converters
11651289 - Ekspressiya Gena Subtilizinopodobnoy Proteinazy Bacillus Intermedius
11651288 - Formy Razuma I Metody Sotsal'no-Gumanitarnogo Poznaniya
11651287 - Asepsis in Dentistry- A Prospective View
11651286 - Bending Behaviour of Woven Fabrics
11651285 - Applied Multivariate Techniques on Soil Parameters
11651284 - Electronic Spectroscopy of Amino and Hydroxy Anthraquinones
11651283 - Food Security in India
11651282 - Fatigue Performance and Life-Cycle Prediction of Existing Bridges
11651281 - Deviantologiya
11651280 - Distributed Systems
11651279 - Channel Estimation for Lte Mimo-Ofdm Systems
11651278 - Ekonomicheskaya Konyunktura Tovarnogo Rynka
11651277 - Autocalalytic reactions in homogeneous systems
11651276 - Diagnostika i lechenie mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi v neotlozhnoy khirurgii
11651275 - Checkpoints in Mobile Distributed Systems
11651274 - Formirovanie Transportnykh Kommunikatsiy Rossiyskoy Sibiri
11651273 - Bezavtoklavnye Silikatnye Materialy
11651272 - Caste and Inclusive Development of Women in Bihar in Post 1970's
11651271 - Effect of amino acids on fracture healing
11651270 - Basics of Biotechnology
11651269 - Advertising Impact on Children
11651268 - CSR and CG for Sustainable Service Business
11651267 - Gaining Insights Into Volumetric Data Visualization
11651266 - Copper Sequestration potential of multi-metal resistant bacteria
11651265 - Adenovirus Infections in Pakistan
11651264 - Dengue Outbreak in Pakistan and its Prevention
11651263 - Brain Based Learning and Teacher Education
11651262 - Ethylene Polymerization with homogeneous FI Catalysts
11651261 - Factors Influencing Immunization Practices
11651260 - A Multi-Criteria Approach For Job Preferences
11651259 - Energetic Reasoning Revisited
11651258 - Computational Studies of Complexes and Biomolecules
11651257 - Demogenetic Aspects of the Aimol Tribe of Manipur
11651256 - Efficacy of VMO in PFPS
11651255 - Deviantologiya I Teologiya
11651254 - Data Compression - Exploring New Techniques
11651253 - Electrodeposition of Zinc and Zinc-Nickel from Bromide Electrolytes
11651252 - Comparative study of Mandibular nerve block techniques
11651251 - Filosofiya bezopasnosti-filosofiya zhizni
11651250 - Functionalized Carbon Nanostructures for Hydrogen Catalysis
11651249 - Building a Sustainable Business Strategy
11651248 - An Empirical Analysis of Contract Farming in Andhra Pradesh - India
11651247 - A Descriptive Analysis of Beethoven Piano Sonata
11651246 - Exploring of Computer fundamentals and office automation
11651245 - Design & Developement of Floating Tablet of Tolperisone Hydrochloride
11651244 - Comparative Analysis of Pakistani English Dailies about Cablegate
11651243 - Carrots, Sticks and International Cooperation
11651242 - Enforcement Of Human Rights Through African RECs
11651241 - A Handbook on business law
11651240 - Diskriminatsiya Zhenshchin Na Global'nom Rynke Truda
11651239 - Building Damage due to Tunneling
11651238 - Estestvennonauchnye Osnovy Teorii I Metodov Zashchity Okruzhayushchey Sredy
11651237 - Ethnic Minorities in Kenya's Emerging Democracy
11651236 - Dukhovnaya Sreda Rossiyskogo Prava
11651235 - Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms, SVM Methods for Epilepsy Classification
11651234 - Clonning and Expression of Caprine Growth Hormone in Mammalian System
11651233 - Corporate Governance and Internal Control System
11651232 - Cyberactivism in Egypt
11651231 - Balance in language teaching and learning
11651230 - Coastal Morphology - a systematic study
11651229 - Developing an International Manager
11651228 - From Research to Practice of Symmetrical Anchor Plates
11651227 - An evaluation of dairy cattle breeding policy for Kenyan smallholders
11651226 - Computer Based Learning in Higher Education
11651225 - Comparison of Various Segmentation Techniques in Iris Recognition
11651224 - A Survey of Translation Theory
11651223 - An Economic Analysis Of Agricultural Solid Wastes In Urban Kenya
11651222 - A Basic Reader on Phonetics
11651221 - Estimation of Refractivity
11651220 - Conversion of biomass to mixed acids
11651219 - Evaluation of Acid Lime Cultivars for Yield and Quality
11651218 - Exploring of the Behavioral Problems of the Disabled Students
11651217 - Effective Teaching Strategies in Selected Topics in Biochemistry
11651216 - Capital Structure Analysis of Sugar Companies in India
11651215 - A Programme for Facilitating Effective Leadership for Inclusion
11651214 - Aresnic In Crop Ecosystem And Potential Health Risk Assessment
11651213 - Effect of shape factor, slurry layers and temperature in IC
11651212 - Evaluation of Library Collections and Services
11651211 - Chrezvychaynye organy Sovetskoy vlasti
11651210 - Absenteeism among Rural Secondary School Children
11651209 - Avaliacao de marcadores genicos em portadores de Periodontite Cronica
11651208 - Apologia de Socrates
11651207 - Acendam as luzes, O Mambembe voltou!
11651206 - A queda do Poder
11651205 - Erosao hidrica do solo no sistema de sucessao de culturas soja e trigo
11651204 - Composicao corporal de ovelhas gestantes da raca Santa Ines
11651203 - Como realizar exercicio fisico para hipertensao arterial sistemica
11651202 - Controle da mineralizacao aurifera de Lamego, Quadrilatero Ferrifero
11651201 - Atividades biologicas e perfil fitoquimico da Mussaenda alicea
11651200 - A representacao discursiva
11651199 - Distribuicao das fracoes do fosforo nos sedimentos de rios
11651198 - A Historia das historias de amor
11651197 - A Justica do Trabalho do Ceara na imprensa
11651196 - Direito e Midia
11651195 - Expressao VEGFR1,PPARG, FABP4, IMP3, TFE3, IFI16 em melanomas cutaneos
11651194 - Analise fisico-quimica e microbiologica da qualidade da agua
11651193 - Estudo do taxon generico Mimosa para o estado do Ceara
11651192 - Compatibilidades da linguagem tecnica na gestao da inovacao
11651191 - A autoadvocacia e a educacao sociocomunitaria
11651190 - Apneia obstrutiva do sono
11651189 - Cultura
11651188 - APLs e o desenvolvimento regional
11651187 - Depois da Idade Media o diabolico invade a "Idade Midia"
11651186 - Estudo comparativo dos cursos superiores de contabilidade
11651185 - Firmin Picard Et La Rencontre de Trois Cultures Litteraires
11651184 - Discours Ideologique Et Manipulation Des Representations Cognitives
11651183 - Conatus Et Complexite de L'Organisation
11651182 - Dynamique Des Precurseurs de La Rupture Des Materiaux Heterogenes
11651181 - Conduction Par Pieges Dans Les Films Minces de Dioxyde de Silicium
11651180 - Expression Et Pression En Publicite
11651179 - Corps Multinationaux Et Edification D'Un Systeme de Defense En Europe
11651178 - Accessibilite Du Web Pour Les Personnes Visuellement Handicapees
11651177 - Demographie Et Problemes de Developpement Des Nations
11651176 - Acoustique Non Lineaire
11651175 - Analise de um sistema de microdrenagem urbana em Fortaleza/CE, Brasil
11651174 - Estudo da automacao de trocadores de calor do tipo casco e tubos
11651173 - Fenofibrato induz a formacao de celulas beges em modelo experimental
11651172 - Conceito de Consciencia Social
11651171 - Estudo da biorreducao de compostos carbonilicos ?,?-insaturados
11651170 - Avaliacao dos Recursos Eolicos em Regioes Litoraneas do Ceara
11651169 - Estrategias de Controle para Operacao Paralela de Inversores de Tensao
11651168 - Comunicacao e saude
11651167 - Deformacoes dependentes da Energia de Fermi em Nanotubos de Carbono
11651166 - Arte e Educacao no 1° Centro de Educacao Integral de Brasilia
11651165 - Estudo historico sobre a adolescencia infratora
11651164 - Decisoes em saneamento
11651163 - Custeio-meta aplicado estrategicamente em empresas de pequeno porte
11651162 - A taxacao da agricultura comercial e familiar no Brasil
11651161 - Analise da correspondencia entre Manuel Bandeira e Ribeiro Couto
11651160 - A existencia etica e religiosa em Kierkegaard
11651159 - Fluxo informacional em desastres naturais
11651158 - A logica da descoberta nos jogos digitais
11651157 - Adsorcao de corantes texteis pelo pseudocaule de bananeira (musa ssp)
11651156 - Febre amarela nas Americas
11651155 - Formacao e identidade do professor tutor
11651154 - Caminhos para o poder
11651153 - A configuracao do exodo rural
11651152 - Estruturacao de funcao de controles internos em bancos
11651151 - Filiere Maraichere a Kinshasa
11651150 - Extension Du Langage Lustre Et Application a la Conception de Circuits
11651149 - Classe Moyenne a Mexico (1970-2000)
11651148 - Fonctionnalisation de Surface Par Chimie Douce En Solution Liquide
11651147 - Externalites de Recherche Et Developpement En Europe
11651146 - Des Cycles Biogeochimiques Oceaniques A L'Ecotoxicologie
11651145 - Cyclogenese Tropicale Dans La Region Des Iles Du Cap Vert
11651144 - Expression Des Recepteurs Aux Retinoides Dans Les Cancers Bronchiques
11651143 - Des Donnees Anatomiques a la Simulation de La Locomotion Bipede
11651142 - Biologie Evolutive de Gerbillus Nigeriae
11651141 - A Arquitetura de uma Crise
11651140 - Discursos e praticas dos Catadores de Materiais Reciclaveis
11651139 - Avaliacao das acoes preventivas no Cancer de Colo Uterino
11651138 - Cooperativismo, Capital Social e Desenvolvimento Local
11651137 - Chaves eterno
11651136 - A didatica no ensino de violao em escolas de musica de Santa Catarina
11651135 - Administracao de desempenho
11651134 - Fluindo consciencias
11651133 - Fragmentacao florestal e teoria da decisao
11651132 - Direito comercial a luz do principio da proporcionalidade
11651131 - Entropia e informacao de sistemas quanticos amortecidos
11651130 - Cultura e enoturismo
11651129 - A construcao do si mesmo na adolescencia
11651128 - Analises biometricas e moleculares do teor de oleo e proteina em soja
11651127 - Desenvolvimento regional e convergencia de renda nos municipios
11651126 - Construindo cidadania de criancas
11651125 - Bossa Nova fora do eixo
11651124 - Educacao Ambiental
11651123 - A amplitude da imunidade dos templos religiosos
11651122 - A atividade inferencial como estrategia de leitura
11651121 - Epicurismo nas escolas
11651120 - A racionalidade moderna no pensamento de Max Weber
11651119 - As discrepancias na divulgacao das despesas financeiras
11651118 - Desenvolvimento de bebida lactea probiotica carbonatada
11651117 - Coherence Et Applications Multimedia Interactives Distribuees
11651116 - Calcul Predictif Du Facteur de Partage Isotopique Entre Mineraux
11651115 - Associations de Patients Et Strategies Pharmaceutiques
11651114 - Acquisition Automatique de Sens
11651113 - Creation D'Un Systeme de Calcul
11651112 - Culture Et Bonheur
11651111 - Francais, Creole, Quand Les Langues Se Melent A L'Ecole Reunionnaise
11651110 - Analyse Mathematique Et Numerique Appliquee Aux Modeles Geochimiques
11651109 - Contribution A L'Etude Du Fond Diffus Cosmologique
11651108 - Agents Intelligents de L'Internet
11651107 - Educando com esperanca
11651106 - Contaminacao de Pocos Artesianos Por Gasolina-Riscos e Prevencao
11651105 - A consciencia metalinguistica pragmatica e a escrita
11651104 - Cultura organizacional
11651103 - Coletanea de monografias em administracao - parte 1
11651102 - Comunicacao e memes
11651101 - Contribuicao ao conhecimento Quimico de plantas do nordeste
11651100 - Fogueira Santa de Israel e o consumismo religioso
11651099 - Convergencias entre Marshall McLuhan e Pierre Levy
11651098 - Assentamentos e ecovila
11651097 - Expressao da duvida em oracoes declarativas independentes do espanhol
11651096 - Bases experimentais para a automacao de celulas a combustivel tipo PEM
11651095 - Ferreira Gullar
11651094 - Avaliacao dos indicadores de sustentabilidade para os residuos solidos
11651093 - Financas estruturadas
11651092 - Antonio Teles
11651091 - Fundentes alternativos ao feldspato em composicoes de porcelanato
11651090 - Desenvolvimento protetor de tireoide a partir de material reciclavel
11651089 - Cinetica enzimatica da hidrolise do oleo de oliva
11651088 - Aniba parviflora (Lauraceae)
11651087 - Deteccao MIMO
11651086 - Contrapontos a 'etica protestante' na interpretacao do Brasil
11651085 - Analise de um modelo de padronizacao de processos na Construcao Civil
11651084 - Analise socioeconomica de um assentamento e sua integracao com usina
11651083 - Developpement Et Valorisation D'Un Emballage Biodegradable
11651082 - Etude Epidemiologique Sur Le Cancer Du Sein Et Le Diabete
11651081 - Autour de La Formule de Lie-Trotter
11651080 - Chikungunya
11651079 - Croissance Et Recession Economiques Des Pays En Developpement
11651078 - Dynamique de La Memoire Au Cours Du Developpement Post-Natal
11651077 - Etude de La Dynamique Collisionnelle Des Molecules N2h+ Et H2O
11651076 - Analyse Des Statistiques Imparfaites
11651075 - Enseigner L''Anglais a Distance
11651074 - Etude D'Impact Socio-Economique Et Environnementale Du Projet Petrole
11651073 - Brasil sem Recalque
11651072 - Estudo da atividade larvicida do oleo essencial das folhas de canela
11651071 - Antropofagapia
11651070 - As Representacoes dos Kaiowa e Guarani na Imprensa Escrita Douradense
11651069 - A Condicao de Adoracao
11651068 - Bandas Cabacais entre Toadas, Leis e Caches
11651067 - "Um olhar de perto"
11651066 - Crise da razao moderna
11651065 - Documentario e Mise en scene
11651064 - Criptografia na sociedade antiga e contemporanea
11651063 - Canais de Santos
11651062 - Consulta de enfermagem a pessoas em situacao de estomia intestinal
11651061 - Caracterizacao de atapulgita para reforco de materiais polimericos
11651060 - Divulgacao cientifica na formacao docente
11651059 - Deus ta vendo! Mudando habitos e gerando negocios nas midias sociais
11651058 - A visao de Kepler na Revolucao Copernicana
11651057 - Biomateriais com fibras e ?-TCP para uso em cultura celular
11651056 - Atlas Escolares Municipais e formacao de professores
11651055 - Criando lacos afetivos
11651054 - A analise da pre-venda de sistemas ERP
11651053 - A paisagem sonora dos shopping centers
11651052 - A metaficcao em Tutameia
11651051 - Colonia Ucraniana no Brasil. Dorizon
11651050 - Composicao centesimal e perfil de acidos graxos da carne de cordeiro
11651049 - Divulgation Volontaire D'Information Sur Internet
11651048 - Changements de Rationalite En Mathematiques Et Formation Initiale
11651047 - Elaboration Des Metaux Ferreux (Fontes Et Aciers)
11651046 - Concepts D'Analyse de La Vulnerabilite Des Infrastructures Critiques
11651045 - Creation de Valeur
11651044 - Evaluation de L'Enseignement Clinique En Soins Infirmiers
11651043 - Etude de La Procedure Penale Franco-Chinoise
11651042 - Devenir Eleve Et Parent D'Eleve A L'Ecole Maternelle
11651041 - Analyse Juridique D'Un Marche Des Ressources Halieutiques
11651040 - Etude Analytique de Gommes-Resines
11651039 - Cinema no espaco rural, hibridez e sensorialidade
11651038 - Cokrigagem da condutividade hidraulica no semiarido brasileiro
11651037 - A simulacao de processos e a gestao do design na industria moveleira
11651036 - Criacao de Vetores Tematicos de Dominios para Desambiguacao de Termos
11651035 - Compositos de Matriz Metalica a base de Ni
11651034 - Estudo da adicao de Bi2O3 na matriz Na2Nb4O11 em RF e micro-ondas
11651033 - Estudos Alcantarenses
11651032 - Criacao de Empresas a Luz do Modelo de Decisao Effectuation
11651031 - A plasticidade do corpo nos contos de Peter Carey
11651030 - A discussao de M. Heidegger
11651029 - Efeitos e Relacao da Atividade Fisica para a Saude
11651028 - Avaliacao estrutural de sistemas de geracao de energia eolica
11651027 - A solucao do sintoma ou o sintoma como solucao?
11651026 - A musica nas revistas culturais brasileiras
11651025 - Cidadania, poder e direito em contradicao
11651024 - Educacao Infantil
11651023 - Ascensao do Hamas na Palestina
11651022 - A formacao e atuacao do professor de violao
11651021 - Autobiografias de Simone de Beauvoir
11651020 - Caracterizacao morfologica de neutrofilos em superficies implantares
11651019 - Estabilidade de taludes em areas de risco por meio de ensaios de campo
11651018 - Efeito da aspersao termica na vida util de implantes revestidos
11651017 - Aconselhamento pastoral e homossexualidade
11651016 - Agricultura Urbana
11651015 - Estimation de La Consommation Dans La Conception Systeme
11651014 - Etude de Melanges de Polymeres
11651013 - Extraction Automatique de Connaissances Pour La Decision Multicritere
11651012 - Cultures
11651011 - Analyse Statique Du Comportement Des Structures a Parois Minces
11651010 - Effets Moderateurs Du Travail Sur Le Vieillissement Cognitif
11651009 - Ceramiques Innovantes Pour Sofc Fonctionnant a Temperature Reduite
11651008 - Attitudes Au Travail Des Employes Et Satisfaction Des Clients
11651007 - Calculs de Cout Et Prix de La Pierre
11651006 - "Para o que der e vier"?
11651005 - Dando vida a bonecas de papel
11651004 - A Adesao ao Tratamento Fisioterapeutico
11651003 - Estrutura de capital corporativo
11651002 - Corpo-Criacao
11651001 - Aglomeracao e desenvolvimento em localidades remotas
11651000 - Estrategia saude da familia em municipios de pequeno porte
11650999 - "Transformar Musica"
11650998 - Adolescencia e surdez
11650997 - Alocacao de alcaloides tropanicos em Brugmansia suaveolens
11650996 - Expressao ectopica do gene NIK em tomateiros
11650995 - Cosmovisoes e projeto politico-pedagogico
11650994 - Formacao do professor de arte do ensino medio publico em Juazeiro
11650993 - Cancer e Desnutricao
11650992 - Desenvolvimento embrionario de Melanoleucos niger
11650991 - A natureza na TV
11650990 - Cancelamento de registro das auditorias
11650989 - Criancas de 1 a 3 anos - acoes pedagogicas
11650988 - A agua da vida e o sentido da vida em Apocalipse 22,1-5
11650987 - Bate coracao
11650986 - A logistica da cadeia produtiva do leite na microrregiao de Imperatriz
11650985 - A obra do escritor Antonio de Alcantara Machado
11650984 - Balanced scorecard
11650983 - Filosofias de investimento
11650982 - Faire Du Produit L'Acteur de Sa Production
11650981 - Etude de La Professionnalisation D'Un Coaching Bio-Reflexif
11650980 - Ecritures Et Ecriture Du Livre de Pierres
11650979 - Estimation Du Mouvement Dans Des Sequences D'Images Echographiques
11650978 - Caracterisation de La Propagation RF Des Wlans Par La Methode Fdtd
11650977 - Apprentissage Des Idees Realistes Et Son Impact Sur Le Niveau de Stress
11650976 - Atmosphere Des Sites Web Marchands
11650975 - Etude Et Modelisation Des Phenomenes D'Adsorption-Desorption
11650974 - Elaboration de Nouveaux Materiaux D'Electrodes
11650973 - Chronostratigraphie Et Prehistoire de L'Yonne
11650972 - GTPase TcRjl e a diferenciacao celular em Trypanosoma cruzi
11650971 - A Amazonia de Alberto Rangel
11650970 - Cinema e televisao
11650969 - Epistemologia da Pesquisa em Contabilidade
11650968 - A Expressao da Modalidade Deontica
11650967 - Cartilha de orientacao sobre o tratamento quimioterapico
11650966 - A lingua geral Paulista
11650965 - Ensino a distancia
11650964 - FIES - Politica Publica de acesso e de permanencia no Ensino Superior
11650963 - Descontinuidades em soldas por atrito do tipo "FHPP"
11650962 - Culto e Criancas
11650961 - A proposta curricular da SEE/SP e os impactos no PPP da Escola
11650960 - Avaliacao e reprojeto para controle PI de sistemas multivariaveis
11650959 - Cultura escolar e racismo
11650958 - A leitura de metaforas como evento social
11650957 - Analise da cinetica da DBO de um curso de agua superficial
11650956 - Aprendizagem da linguagem escrita
11650955 - Americanidade
11650954 - Arcabouco estratigrafico e arquitetura deposicional da Bacia do Ceara
11650953 - Ensino da Matematica
11650952 - Diagnostico de alarmes em sistemas de distribuicao de energia eletrica
11650951 - Cultura popular
11650950 - Direitos Humanos no Brasil
11650949 - Educacao infantil e religiosidade
11650948 - Conception D'Un Espace Numerique Indexee A L'Analyse de L'Activite
11650947 - Comportement a la Flexion de Nouveaux Poteaux En Materiaux Composites
11650946 - Conceptualisation D'Un Systeme de Suivi Spatio-Temporel de La Campylobacteriose
11650945 - Efficacite, Qualite Et Productivite Dans L'Agriculture Europeenne Frontiere D'Efficience, Innovation de Produit Et Decomposition de La Croissance de L
11650944 - Dynamic Behavior of Predators and Prey in a Multihabitat System
11650943 - Caracterisation Des Barres Sableuses D'Une Plage de La Cote Aquitaine
11650942 - Entre Partage Et Exclusion
11650941 - Analyse de La Delocalisation Des Programmes D'Enseignement Superieur
11650940 - Caracterisation Des Cibles Radar En Mer
11650939 - Evolution Dirigee de La Neocarzinostatine
11650938 - Descricao Gramatical do Kaiowa (Guarani)
11650937 - Analise da Gestao Institucional e da Atuacao de ONGs Ambientalistas
11650936 - A Configuracao do Espaco como Ocorrencia da Violencia e do Medo
11650935 - Comparacao entre aloe vera e gema de ovo como crioprotetores de semen
11650934 - Formacao de graduandos atraves da avaliacao de egressos
11650933 - Analise multivariada dos parametros de qualidade de agua no Rio Coco
11650932 - Excelentissimas estatuas
11650931 - A crise ecologica no seculo XXI
11650930 - Cinco cineastas
11650929 - Antropologia, saude e religiao
11650928 - A Distincao analitico - sintetico
11650927 - A desmotivacao do professor no magisterio
11650926 - A expressao do arquetipo da crianca interior na vida adulta
11650925 - Dilemas de um partido de governo
11650924 - Assistencia estudantil e contrarreforma universitaria
11650923 - Ambiente termico e bemestar de suinos no periodo de descanso pre-abate
11650922 - A gestao das instituicoes de educacao infantil de 0 a 3 anos
11650921 - Crimes sexuais
11650920 - A sociabilidade como estrategia de saude. O caso do grupo Melhor Idade
11650919 - A instituicao loucura
11650918 - Educacao ambiental na visao das criancas indigenas
11650917 - Cirurgia intima masculina e feminina, 25 anos de evolucao
11650916 - Desenvolvimento de baixo impacto aplicado ao planejamento urbano
11650915 - Analise molecular de pacientes com sindrome de Smith-Magenis
11650914 - Composition Chimique Des Huiles Essentielles D'Origan
11650913 - Etude Theorique de Quelques Aspects de La Reactivite de L'Adn
11650912 - Du Crash-Test Aux Essais Mono-Filamentaires
11650911 - Alinhamento entre sistema de medicao de desempenho e praticas enxutas
11650910 - Analisando e investigando os laboratorios do IFPB
11650909 - Democracia na Cibercultura
11650908 - Aquisicao de escrita por surdo
11650907 - Avaliacao do sistema de coberturas na Mina Rio Paracatu mineracao
11650906 - Controle PID Embarcado em DSP
11650905 - Cultura e Transdisciplinaridade
11650904 - Estudo de nanocristais de LaF3 dopados com TR e tratados termicamente
11650903 - Aula Site-Specificity no contexto de formacao do artista
11650902 - Expansao de sistemas de transmissao de energia eletrica via PSO
11650901 - A concepcao da clonagem em uma perspectiva historica
11650900 - Entre a tecnica e a interpretacao
11650899 - Bom Jesus da Cana Verde
11650898 - Estado burgues, politicas orcamentarias participativas e participacao
11650897 - Direito a educacao e acessibilidade as tecnologias digitais
11650896 - A "Classe C" vai ao Paraiso?
11650895 - Enquanto o bebe nao vem...
11650894 - Candido Portinari e sua relacao com a educacao no Brasil
11650893 - Crencas de futuros professores de portugues sobre leitura e seu ensino
11650892 - Extracao incremental de sequencias com janelamento e pos-processamento
11650891 - Comunicacao na midia politica
11650890 - Especularidade e refracao em Primeiras estorias de Guimaraes Rosa
11650889 - Cliente oculto
11650888 - Global Learning in the 21st Century
11650887 - A escola perdida
11650886 - Escolhendo a pilula vermelha
11650885 - A cronica reacionaria de Nelson Rodrigues
11650884 - A hermeneutica do si - A interrogacao a si mesmo em busca de Deus
11650883 - Aprendizagem do saber ensinar
11650882 - Doencas Negligenciadas e Patente de Farmacos
11650881 - Ambientes Multimidiaticos de Aprendizagem
11650880 - Fotografia e informacao
11650879 - Crise de Imagem na Midia Social Facebook
11650878 - As recomendacoes do grupo de acoes financeiras
11650877 - A formacao cientifica no Brasil e o PISA
11650876 - Evidenciacoes contabeis dos governos brasileiros
11650875 - A formacao do nacional-popular no Brasil
11650874 - A Embrapa na politica externa brasileira
11650873 - Cachacas Araguaienses
11650872 - Caracterizacao Optica Estrutural de Materiais Isolantes
11650871 - A contabilidade em ambiente de guerra
11650870 - Aplicacao de modelos Bayesianas no diagnostico das doencas Geneticas
11650869 - Aggiornamento ou fumaca de Satanas
11650868 - Estudo da adicao de TiO2 e V2O5 na matriz Na2Nb4O11 em antenas
11650867 - Codimensoes e Cocaracteres de PI-Algebras
11650866 - Ensino de gramatica ou pratica de analise linguistica?
11650865 - Caracteristica de Euler-Poincare
11650864 - A valorizacao dos desvalorizados
11650863 - Cesare Borgia in a Nutshell
11650862 - (Des)Caminhos da Pos-Graduacao
11650861 - Diagnostico da Gestao do Conhecimento em Instituicao Federal de Ensino
11650860 - Avaliacao do desmatamento na amazonia
11650859 - Formacao continuada de educadores cristaos
11650858 - Envelhecimento feminino
11650857 - Avaliacao do Processo de Elaboracao de um Plano Estrategico
11650856 - A pratica pedagogica do professor de educacao Fisica
11650855 - Alguns obstaculos a politica de inclusao escolar de alunos especiais
11650854 - Avaliacao de metodos de previsao de chuvas sobre o Nordeste Brasileiro
11650853 - Espetacularizacao na sociedade midiatica
11650852 - A incorporacao Subordinada do Centro-Oeste ao Capitalismo Brasileiro
11650851 - Desempenho do conjunto mecanizado em funcao do preparo do solo e carga
11650850 - Dicionario Analogico e Tesauro Documentario
11650849 - Assedio Moral no trabalho
11650848 - Dinamica e diferenciacao dos sistemas agrarios em Pentecoste-CE
11650847 - Analise financeira e indices padrao para o setor eletrico brasileiro
11650846 - Corpo Docente-Corpo Doente
11650845 - A verdade dos autos versus a verdade real na justica criminal
11650844 - Conhecimento, amor e educacao em Platao
11650843 - Custo padrao auxilio do ERP no processo de planejamento e controle
11650842 - A producao de falsas memorias e a sua relacao com fatores emocionais
11650841 - Comportamento cooperativo X magnitude do reforco
11650840 - A concepcao de familia da politica de assistencia social
11650839 - Argumentacao e jornalismo
11650838 - Coleta, Processamento e Analise de dados Batimetricos
11650837 - As sociedades de responsabilidade limitada no Brasil e em Portugal
11650836 - Alteracoes Fis-quim. da Agua Tratada com Prep. Homeop. de Carb. de Ca
11650835 - A Educacao Sexual no contexto do Ensino de Biologia
11650834 - A necessidade de efetivacao das regioes metropolitanas
11650833 - A politica economica do Banco Mundial para os servicos hidricos
11650832 - 1AD de Nao tenho culpa que a vida seja como ela e de Nelson Rodrigues
11650831 - Combustao
11650830 - A teoria da complexidade aritmetica
11650829 - CEMIG - Avaliacao de satisfacao em agencia de atendimento ao cliente
11650828 - Avaliacao das funcoes de paisagem de parques urbanos
11650827 - Desenvolvimento de condutos porosos de PLGA para regeneracao nervosa
11650826 - Estudo da audicao e do handicap auditivo em motoristas de caminhao
11650825 - Analise da produtividade das distribuidoras de energia eletrica
11650824 - Beleza e ascensao social na imprensa negra paulistana
11650823 - Conselho Estadual de Comunicacao Social do Ceara
11650822 - A complexidade na educacao e na organizacao do trabalho formal
11650821 - Filme fino de FTO por Spray-pirolise e metodo Sol-Gel para Dye-Cells
11650820 - Aspectos epidemiologicos da Leishmaniose visceral no Brasil
11650819 - A educacao ambiental no ensino superior
11650818 - A religiao como necessidade metafisica
11650817 - As relacoes da China na America do Sul
11650816 - "Tornei-me budista sem querer"
11650815 - Estudo de Materiais Luminescentes
11650814 - Comportamento de Dutos de Aco com Reparos Compositos Hibridos
11650813 - A Representacao Social das Ciencias Sociais
11650812 - Avaliacao do sistema de secagem do acucar
11650811 - Dores e Delicias de Ser Professor
11650810 - Aplicando a Trigonometria
11650809 - Analise da Sustentabilidade da atividade canavieira
11650808 - Consorcio agroflorestal cafeeiro x seringueira
11650807 - Estudo sobre o Conforto Visual das Interfaces
11650806 - Atos Ineficazes
11650805 - Controle inteligente aplicado a um motor de corrente continua
11650804 - Bacterias hiper-produtoras de amonia do rumen e sua caracterizacao
11650803 - Entre a Educacao Infantil e o Ensino Fundamental
11650802 - Escoria silicatada na correcao da acidez do solo em plantio direto
11650801 - Atendimento Pre-Hospitalar a vitimas de violencia
11650800 - Dialogo sobre relacoes de genero com criancas do ensino fundamental
11650799 - Citacoes em Machado de Assis
11650798 - Cultura de gastos educacionais
11650797 - A abordagem dos conteudos estatisticos na licenciatura em Matematica
11650796 - Formacao continuada para professores de Classe Hospitalar
11650795 - Atividade fisica, saude e lazer
11650794 - De Aristoteles a Wittgenstein
11650793 - A cor do trabalho informal
11650792 - A efetivacao do direito de voto
11650791 - Adaptacao filmica
11650790 - A invencao de Cabaceiras(Brasil) como cidade turistica
11650789 - Cooperativa Agroindustrial
11650788 - Comparacao de metodos de deteccao de Salmonela em Abate de Frangos
11650787 - Blogs
11650786 - CAOS na TI
11650785 - Custeio dos gastos no Servico Publico de Saude
11650784 - Estilo de gestao
11650783 - Diagnostico e solucoes da producao de hortalicas folhosas do DF
11650782 - A expansao da Educacao Superior no Amapa
11650781 - Do paraiso infantil ao sentimento de culpa
11650780 - Biosorventes para adsorcao de azul de metileno
11650779 - Estudo sobre simulacao e operacao de celulas a combustivel do tipo PEM
11650778 - Caracterizacao de potencial eolico para fins de geracao eolioeletrica
11650777 - A desgramaticalizacao do ensino da lingua(gem)
11650776 - A Influencia Evangelica na Sociedade Anapolina
11650775 - Fotografia
11650774 - A palavra como processo reflexivo
11650773 - Estrategias de cortesia e polidez no genero forum educacional digital
11650772 - A Renuncia Tacita de Receitas Municipais
11650771 - Comportamento do ar em funcao da cobertura do solo e entorno
11650770 - Casa Inca ou Pavilhao da Amazonia?
11650769 - Energia fotovoltaica para fins de iluminacao em trechos ferroviarios
11650768 - Aspectos fundamentais da interpretacao
11650767 - Crescimento de DDB com variacao de B e C para tratamento de aguas
11650766 - Financement Exterieur, Croissance et Developpement Economique en RDC
11650765 - Etudes Des Impacts Sociaux Et Environnementaux D'Un Projet Routier
11650764 - Conservation dynamique de la biodiversite
11650763 - Ensino Religioso e seus Beneficios
11650762 - Complexidade, Criticalidade e Acoplamento - C2A
11650761 - Fluxo de capitais externos para o Brasil
11650760 - Efeitos potencias do NAFTA sob a agricultura do Estado de Colima
11650759 - Deteccao de organofosforados com uso biossensores em ambiente aquatico
11650758 - Da Provincia a Corte
11650757 - Empresarios e Neoliberalismo
11650756 - Formacao Profissional em Educacao Fisica
11650755 - A ideia de espaco na musica instrumental recente
11650754 - Balanco de radiacao e de seus componentes na regiao Amazonica
11650753 - Analise de tuberculostaticos por eletroforese capilar
11650752 - Conversor de Alto Ganho Aplicado a Energias Renovaveis
11650751 - As decisoes da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos no Brasil
11650750 - Corrosao da Liga 800GN no circuito secundario de reator PWR
11650749 - A implementacao da sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem em uma ILPI
11650748 - Creditos tributarios da previdencia social na construcao civil
11650747 - A Retorica de Gorgias
11650746 - A Existencia como Pathos em Kierkegaard
11650745 - Comparacao entre orquiectomia total e subcapsular
11650744 - Expressao genica em musculo branco por efeito de antibioticos
11650743 - A saude bucal em idosos
11650742 - A Natureza nas Ciencias
11650741 - A mudanca cultural no processo de aquisicao de uma empresa familiar
11650740 - Avaliacao em Filosofia
11650739 - Couches Minces Semi-Conductrices de Sulfure D'Antimoine
11650738 - Deformation Quantization Technics for Lie Theory Problems
11650737 - A New Generation of Polymer Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
11650736 - Consequences Des Etats Hors-Equilibles Des Polymeres En Couches Minces
11650735 - Capital Humain Specifique, Gouvernance Et Performance de L'Entreprise
11650734 - Analyse de La Pauvrete
11650733 - Etude D'Un Milieu Granulaire Sous Compression
11650732 - Exil Et Traumatisme
11650731 - Exprimer Le Passe En Francais
11650730 - Comportamentos ecologicos responsaveis e a psicologia ambiental
11650729 - Felicidade
11650728 - Dificuldades e Estrategias de inserir o homem na atencao basica
11650727 - Aderencia ao exercicio fisico na saude e na doenca cardiovascular
11650726 - Factores Para La Practica de La Actividad Fisica En Universitarios
11650725 - Entre La Guerra y La Paz
11650724 - El Taller de Arquitectura
11650723 - El Hay En Emmanuel Levinas
11650722 - Caracterizacion Nutricional de Una Coleccion Cubana de Maiz
11650721 - Comportamiento de compra de bienes de coleccion
11650720 - Epistemologia de lo Epistemico
11650719 - Al rescate de los pobres rurales
11650718 - Efecto de La Suplementacion de Metionina Sobre El Estres Oxidativo
11650717 - Estilos de Ensenanza para el Desempeno Pedagogico Docente
11650716 - Fiscalidad Ambiental
11650715 - Fenomenologia
11650714 - Analisis hamiltoniano de gravedad a la BF
11650713 - Bebidas deportivas y cafeina para la mejora del rendimiento deportivo
11650712 - Forasteros en la montana
11650711 - Actitudes Hacia Las Personas Con Discapacidad
11650710 - Construccion de Curvas de Luz de Estrellas Variables
11650709 - Excitabilidad de las neuronas simpaticas de raton
11650708 - Construccion del conocimiento profesional en docentes principiantes
11650707 - Evaluacion Nutrimental de Un Aderezo de Ajo
11650706 - Degradacion de Pelargonidina
11650705 - Desarrollo Local En El Tropico Mexicano
11650704 - Analisis-Simulacion En MATLAB de Lineas de Cobre Para Alta Frecuencia
11650703 - El DePorte
11650702 - Baker's Yeast, Ethanol, Vinegar, Citric Acid and -Amylase from Dates
11650701 - Fundamentals of Resource Management
11650700 - Delovaya Reputatsiya I Ustoychivost' Predpriyatiya
11650699 - Escherichia Coli from Waste Water Effluents of Food Industry
11650698 - Free Trade Agreements & Their Economic Impact
11650697 - Art and Design Professional Studies Curriculum in Zimbabwe Education
11650696 - Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Poverty in Egypt
11650695 - Experimental Studies on Flexural Properties of Textile Composites
11650694 - Bezrabotitsa I Zanyatost'
11650693 - Biotoxicity Assay of Bacillus Thuringiensis Against T.Castaneum
11650692 - Design & Implementation of the Storage Layout & Internal Material Flow
11650691 - Classification & Optimization to Evaluate the Fitness of an Algorithm
11650690 - Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Energy Rpl Routing Metric
11650689 - 2g Scam ....the Biggest Corruption Scam in India
11650688 - Approximation by Combination of Operators of Summation-Integral Type
11650687 - Design Consideration for Motorists at Urban Signalize Intersection
11650686 - Develop Self Concept and Self Confidence
11650685 - Breast Cancer
11650684 - Faecal Contamination of Drinking Water
11650683 - Food Inflation in Malawi
11650682 - Detstvo I Yunost' Kak Predmet Izobrazheniya V Proze G.Byellya
11650681 - Financial Derivative Markets
11650680 - From Point Clouds to Tensor Product B-Spline Surfaces
11650679 - A. Chekhov I S. Tsveyg
11650678 - Al-Qaeda And The New Media Of Terror Communications
11650677 - Ekonomicheskie aspekty tekhnologii lesopileniya
11650676 - Development of Combined GPS L1/L2c Acquisition and Tracking Methods
11650675 - Decision models for single-period inventory policies
11650674 - Discrimination in Higher Education
11650673 - Ekonomicheskiy Mekhanizm Reformirovaniya Sistem Teplosnabzheniya
11650672 - A New Approach for VAR Compensation Using Interval Mathematics
11650671 - Estimation of Aquifer Parameters Using Different Models
11650670 - Evaluation of the Most Used Agile Methods (XP, Lean, Scrum)
11650669 - Adaptivnaya Sistema Personifitsirovannogo Obucheniya
11650668 - Determinants of KCSE Examination Performance in SDA Sponsored Schools
11650667 - Arterial'naya Gipertenziya U Beremennykh
11650666 - Chastnopravovye Otnosheniya V Usloviyakh Globalizatsii (Chast' 1)
11650665 - Calculation of the Magnetic and Electronic Properties of YFe Compounds
11650664 - Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Osnovy Nizkointensivnoy Lazernoy Terapii
11650663 - Discrete Invariants of Curves and Surfaces
11650662 - A routing metric in a wireless mesh network with optimal cost
11650661 - Ekologicheskie Vyzovy Chelovechestvu I Puti Ikh Resheniya
11650660 - Bibliografovedenie. Dokumentologiya
11650659 - Etnopoliticheskaya Konfiguratsiya Rossiyskoy Anklavnoy Sotsiologii
11650658 - Antinotsitseptivnoe Deystvie Milimmetrovogo Izlucheniya
11650657 - Bal'zam
11650656 - Epilepsiya I Reproduktivnoe Zdorov'e Zhenshchiny
11650655 - Analiz Na Kvazimetricheskikh Prostranstvakh.
11650654 - Bezopasnoct' Vzryvnykh Rabot V Gazonosnykh Massivakh Ugol'nykh Shakht
11650653 - Tragediya rodnogo goroda. Kholokost v Disne
11650652 - Economic Empowerment of Women Through Entrepreneurship
11650651 - Anarquismo y educacion en Argentina a principios del Siglo XX
11650650 - Tinkering With Decimal Places
11650649 - Frenki N'Yumen Protiv Virtual'nosti
11650648 - "Predtecha Novogo Mira."
11650647 - Bol'shaya Igra
11650646 - Elevador
11650645 - Condition Monitoring
11650644 - Aktual'nye Problemy Pedagogiki Nepreryvnogo Obrazovaniya
11650643 - Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving tablet of Thiabendazole
11650642 - Challenges Of Intelligence Oversight In Transitional Democracies
11650641 - Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and Health-Related Quality of Life
11650640 - Cultural Dynamics in African Management Practice
11650639 - Analysis of SAR and Optical Data for Land Cover Mapping
11650638 - Chto Snizhaet Perenosimost' Fizicheskoy Nagruzki Pri Legochnom Serdtse
11650637 - Anodnoe Povedenie I Okislenie Splava Al+0.2% MG S Rzm
11650636 - Aktivnaya Zhiznennaya Pozitsiya Pozhilykh Lyudey
11650635 - A Comprehensive Stress Management Module
11650634 - Basel II
11650633 - Dimensions of Drug Abuse in Kashmir
11650632 - Formy Vyrazheniya Ekpressii V Ital'yanskom Yazyke
11650631 - Alternative Hydropower
11650630 - Bioethanol production from waste office paper by employing termites
11650629 - Arquitectura Efimera, Imaginario y Fiesta
11650628 - Cuando Papa No Esta
11650627 - El sistema de control interno gerencial
11650626 - Caracas, ciudad en movimiento
11650625 - Contribucion al Manejo Integrado de Plagas en Vid
11650624 - Comportamiento de La Fistula Faringocutanea
11650623 - Amor, Deseo y Goce en Psicoanalisis
11650622 - Emprendimiento empresarial para el sector panelero colombiano
11650621 - Dinamica de Fluidos y Fenomenos de Transporte
11650620 - Ecuacion de Schrodinger no lineal no local en intervalo
11650619 - Efecto de la Mancha de la Hoja sobre la Calidad del Grano de Trigo
11650618 - Actitud Ante El USO de Las Tic En Los Docentes Universitarios
11650617 - Equilibrio General Aplicado
11650616 - Elaboracion y Manejo de Bloques Nutricionales Para Bovinos En Tropico
11650615 - Analisis de cooperacion para el desarrollo socioeconomico poblacional
11650614 - Estudio Transcultural del Discurso Argumentativo
11650613 - Dispositivo electronico visual para la salida de natacion
11650612 - Cacicazgo Politico Populista
11650611 - Comunicacion y genero
11650610 - El Delito de Aborto. Jurisprudencia
11650609 - Cuba
11650608 - Evaluacion del Desempeno Docente En Educacion Medica
11650607 - El Problema de La Legitimidad En El Gobierno Global
11650606 - Agua Lluvia, Por Que No?
11650605 - Comparacion Del Tratamiento En Pacientes Con Tuberculosis (20-25 Anos)
11650604 - Barras Bravas, Odiame Mas
11650603 - Disciplina Escolar
11650602 - Arqueologia microbiana
11650601 - Evaluacion y Analisis de Riesgo a Desastres
11650600 - Estado Actual de La Avifauna de La Reserva Biologica Encenillo
11650599 - El Rio, La Industria y La Pujanza Obrera
11650598 - Evolucion del Bosquete de Elaeagnus Angustifolia L. En Valdemoro
11650597 - El derecho y las relaciones internacionales
11650596 - Aprendizaje en la organizacion
11650595 - Amplificador de Potencia de RF con Deteccion de Salida
11650594 - Abordaje psicoanalitico de las patologias adictivas
11650593 - Fundamentos de Matlab
11650592 - Francesc Xavier Llorens i Barba
11650591 - Analisis de Riesgos en Proyectos de Almacenamiento Geologico de CO2
11650590 - El proceso de insercion del psicologo en una organizacion deportiva
11650589 - Classificacio invariant d'imatges aplicant tecniques multivariants
11650588 - Elecciones no elegidas. La sociologia y sus aspirantes.
11650587 - Analisis de la Situacion Ambiental de los Manglares
11650586 - Encuentros Comunicacionales
11650585 - Competencias Profesionales Especificas En Educacion Fisica
11650584 - Evaluacion del Pago por Servicios Ambientales Hidrologicos en Mexico
11650583 - Estimacion del consumo de potencia a alto nivel de descripcion
11650582 - El derecho penal del enemigo
11650581 - Analisis de la reforma de los sistemas de salud
11650580 - Cuantificacion de Cortisol En Bovino En DOS Condiciones de Sacrificio
11650579 - Educacion y TIC
11650578 - Cribaje de pacientes con traumatismo craneoenfalico leve
11650577 - Effects of Meditation on Stress of People in a Substance Abuse Program
11650576 - Copyright Law in the Digital Environment
11650575 - Energy Systems Simulation and Optimization
11650574 - Administrativno-Pravovaya Sistema Zashchity Prav Izbirateley
11650573 - Design of a Real-Time Tracking System using packet transfer delay
11650572 - Environmental Quality Assessment of Roadside
11650571 - Ethical Contextualism
11650570 - Federalism for Unity and Minorities' Protection
11650569 - An Overview of Neuro Imaging
11650568 - Decentralization
11650567 - Dislipidemiya I Sposoby Eye Korrektsii Lipidami Iz Morskikh Gidrobiontov
11650566 - Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases in Urinary Isolates
11650565 - Ambivalence of Life and Death
11650564 - FEM Analysis Of Closed Die Forging
11650563 - Desktop Grid Computing for Commercial Simulation Packages
11650562 - Analysis of Performance and Scaling of the Scientific Code Octopus
11650561 - Fly Ash Concrete at Fire Temperatures
11650560 - Applied Shari'ah in Financial Transactions
11650559 - Design of Plywood Biogas Digester
11650558 - Designing Software Engineering Model for Web Enabled Embedded Systems
11650557 - Disease Outbreak Management a Planning Handbook
11650556 - Effectiveness of Television Advertising of FMCG'S
11650555 - Epidemiology of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in District Haripur
11650554 - Cultural Factors Inhibiting Effective Counselling in Kenyan Schools
11650553 - Edinstvo Pravovogo Prostranstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii
11650552 - Ekologicheskiy lobbizm v Rossii i Evropeyskom Soyuze
11650551 - A Study on Developmental Performance Appraisal
11650550 - Chetyre Poemy Anny Akhmatovoy
11650549 - Anatomy of Digestive System of pigeon with regard to age
11650548 - An Introductory Textbook of Linguistics for English Learners
11650547 - Ethno-cultural Vegetables in Ontario
11650546 - Asinkhronnye kolebaniya v differentsial'nykh sistemakh
11650545 - Factors Influencing Slow Growth of Small and Micro Enterprises
11650544 - Fundamental Status of Marine Pollution in Pakistan
11650543 - Agriculture Projects Offered For Examinations In Secondary Education
11650542 - Customer Loyalty in Small Companies
11650541 - Adsorption and Desorption in Carbon Nanotubes, Discovery and Evolution
11650540 - Devushki-Podrostki Sel'skoy Mestnosti Rossii. Reproduktivnyy Potentsial
11650539 - Apparatura Dlya Unichtozheniya Informatsii S Sovremennykh Nositeley
11650538 - Chelovek-Yazyk-Professiya
11650537 - Fizicheskoe Vospitanie Studentov V Razlichnye Periody Uchebnogo Protsessa
11650536 - Frantsuzskiy Yazyk
11650535 - Aktual'nye Problemy Lingvistiki
11650534 - Fiziologicheskiy Monitoring Fizicheskogo Vospitaniya Studentov
11650533 - Detskaya Literatura
11650532 - Bioindikatsiya
11650531 - Saratovskaya oblast' v gody perestroyki (1985-1991 gg.)
11650530 - El Regimen laboral en la inversion extranjera en Cuba
11650529 - Esbozo Para La Educacion y Democracia
11650528 - Ecuador En Relacion a la Reforma del Consejo de Seguridad de La Onu
11650527 - Alleya Angelov
11650526 - Blizkie. Za Chertoy Dozvolennogo...
11650525 - Does the U.S dollar have an effect on the price of oil?
11650524 - Charles G. D. Roberts
11650523 - Face Recognition
11650522 - Chelovecheskiy Kapital V Usloviyakh Innovatsionnoy Ekonomiki
11650521 - An Examination of the Factors Impacting on the Contribution of the
11650520 - Beyond the Record
11650519 - Factors Influencing Edible Caterpillar Abundance in Kopa Chiefdom
11650518 - Development of Empirical Metric for Aspect Based Software Measurement
11650517 - Evolutionary Analysis of Plants Using Chloroplast Proteome Sequences
11650516 - Customer Relationship Management
11650515 - Demystifying the Notion, "The West Is Better"
11650514 - Analysis of the Hydrocarbon Sector in Bolivia
11650513 - From Care to Virtue
11650512 - Dung seed bank of livestock
11650511 - Fotoizomerizatsiya Proizvodnykh 2- I 4-Stirilkhinolinov
11650510 - Fraktal'noe Szhatie Izobrazheniy
11650509 - Aerosol Pollution and Particle Size Distribution over Delhi
11650508 - El toro por las astas
11650507 - Aportaciones del Arteterapia a la Educacion Social en medio abierto
11650506 - Entre bambalinas
11650505 - El Trabajo Sociocultural En La Gestion de Extension Universitaria
11650504 - Cultivo y Gastronomia de Setas
11650503 - Construcciones de "hacer" mas infinitivo
11650502 - Formacion Integral del Profesor
11650501 - Como Organizar El Contenido de Ensenanza Aprendizaje Universitario
11650500 - Americania
11650499 - El catalan de la mano de Josep Pla
11650498 - Comunicacion institucional en el tercer sector
11650497 - El Sistema de Formacion Profesional Como Correlato de Responsabilidad
11650496 - El Analisis de Costo para la toma de decisiones en la Empresa
11650495 - Analisis cualitativo de manuales de chino a hispanohablantes-Tomo I
11650494 - Diseno y Optimizacion de Procesos Industriales Multietapa
11650493 - Efectos y Determinantes de La Cooperacion Para La Innovacion
11650492 - Encuestas Web en Linea
11650491 - Citricultura y sus enfermedades
11650490 - Analisis de la orientacion en la relacion Fabricante-Distribuidor
11650489 - Diversidad de Yuca
11650488 - Estructuras Disipativas En Catalisis Heterogenea
11650487 - El Proceso Realizacion Personal En La Antropologia de Julian Marias
11650486 - Cuidados y Vigilancia del Paciente Critico
11650485 - Actividades de La Vida Diaria y Envejecimiento Exitoso
11650484 - Fatiga muscular
11650483 - El Quid del Exito Academico
11650482 - Eutrofizacion Por Nitrogeno En Aguas Subterraneas Empleando Sig
11650481 - Cine y Sociedad En Cartagena de Indias
11650480 - Contenidos Mayoritarios de Las Cucurbitaceas de Zapallo y Lacayote
11650479 - Fondo de Comercio
11650478 - El Caton En La Literatura Europea
11650477 - Esquema de Genero En Adolescentes
11650476 - El arte de comunicar. Lo religioso como desafio
11650475 - Centros, periferias. Migraciones inter/intraurbanas en la literatura
11650474 - Analisis de espacios impermeables urbanos y su impacto en el acuifero
11650473 - Colombia
11650472 - El Curriculum de la Educacion Fisica y el Deporte en Espana(1883-2003)
11650471 - Desarrollo Economico Tardio y Trampa del Atraso
11650470 - Comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo
11650469 - Formacion y Evolucion del Centro de Oporto (1850-2001)
11650468 - Desarrollo de un algoritmo hibrido
11650467 - Estudio de Cinco Plantas Utilizadas para el Tratamiento de la Anemia
11650466 - Fauna Acompanante en Pesquerias de Arrastre
11650465 - El juego en el cuento y el cuento en el juego
11650464 - Auditoria Forense Aplicada a Las Instituciones de Educacion Superior
11650463 - El Principio de Responsabilidad Compartida En America
11650462 - Didactica de la lectura
11650461 - Caracterizacion de dureza de grano de maices cultivados en Venezuela
11650460 - Absorcion Gas-Liquido En Sistemas Superficialmente Contaminados
11650459 - Educacion sexual en estudiantes universitarios
11650458 - Evaluacion del Carbon de Isla Riesco
11650457 - De Pre a Pos
11650456 - Dendizm
11650455 - Alpha Lipoic Acid and Oral Submucous Fibrosis
11650454 - Effect of Irrigation Development on Household Income
11650453 - Development & Analysis of Transgenic Plants
11650452 - Applied Speech Enhancement in Mobile Communication Acoustics
11650451 - Funktsional'no-Semanticheskoe Pole Komparativnosti V Angliyskom Yazyke
11650450 - Effects of Merger & Acquisition in Companies
11650449 - Fizika Techeniy V Okeanakh, Moryakh I V Ozerakh
11650448 - Exercise Capacity and Health-Related Quality of Life in HIV/AIDS
11650447 - Diversity of the Genus Gaultheria L. (Ericaceae) in India
11650446 - Application of Data Mining in Education
11650445 - A Integrated Approach for Sustainability Assessment
11650444 - Effects of Mobile Phone Usage on Audiovestibular System
11650443 - Ecological Restoration
11650442 - Chemical Composition of Essential Oil of Cyperus Rotundus Linn
11650441 - Enhancing Scalability in Wireless Networks
11650440 - Biology Teacher Education in Kenya
11650439 - Design and Implementation of SIGMA-Delta Motion Detection Algorithm
11650438 - Credit Default; Need for Financial Sector Credit Reference Services
11650437 - An Ethical Evaluation of Man's Interaction with Nature
11650436 - Evaluation of Spindle Vibrations in Milling Operation
11650435 - Behind Students' Writing Assignments
11650434 - Ekonomichnost' I Energoemkost' Gorodskogo Transporta
11650433 - Formirovanie Refleksivnoy Kompetentnosti Studentov
11650432 - Brucellosis in Water Buffalo
11650431 - Flow control through an airplane's inlet device
11650430 - Advances in Aquatic Biotoxins
11650429 - Explicit versus implicit instruction
11650428 - Children's Outdoor Play in Two Neighbourhoods, the Netherlands
11650427 - A study of foreign direct investment stock in the U.S.economy
11650426 - Documentation of 'Irreecha' ceremony among Showa Oromo
11650425 - Biofilms in Drinking Water
11650424 - Chromatin and Transcription; Face to Face
11650423 - Design and Development of Dual-Band Microstrip Antennas
11650422 - Analiticheskiy Obzor Kadrovogo Obespecheniya Sel'skogo Khozyaystva
11650421 - Company Administration and Share Issues
11650420 - English for Secondary Schools
11650419 - Autonomy, Liberty and Neutrality in Liberal State
11650418 - Effects of Hiv/Aids on Pregnant Women in Benue state, Nigeria
11650417 - Creative Reformation of Existing African Tradition
11650416 - Assessment of Quality of care in Family Planning services
11650415 - Antimicrobial Lectins from Euphorbiaceae
11650414 - Apiterapiya V Meditsine
11650413 - Atlas Tuberkulyeza Vnelyegochnykh Lokalizatsiy
11650412 - Cvoi Slova U Vremeni Lyubogo
11650411 - Fenomen Subkul'turnykh Religiy
11650410 - Fenomen Tekhniki
11650409 - Adreno-Tireoidnaya Sistema I Nizkodozovoe Radiatsionnoe Na Organizm Vozdeystvie
11650408 - Ermak I Vzyatie Sibiri
11650407 - Avtomatizirovannye Sistemy Upravleniya Ekologicheskoy Bezopasnost'yu
11650406 - El Tercer Mundo Problemas de Ayer, Problemas de Hoy
11650405 - Egypt on the Way of Democracy Across Revolutions, Vol 3
11650404 - El Desafio de Los Gobiernos Municipales En El Uruguay
11650403 - Citas, Frases y Referencias Politicas
11650402 - Antonio Sal'eri I Ego Opera Danaidy
11650401 - Archaeologists as Authors and the Stories of Sites
11650400 - Challenges to the European Union's Energy Security
11650399 - An Introduction to Corporate Managerial Accounting
11650398 - Dialog Avtor-Adresat
11650397 - Climate Change Impacts on and Its Adaptation Strategies
11650396 - Emotion Recognition from Speech
11650395 - Elastic Scattering of Heavy Ions
11650394 - An Embedded Software Approach for the Customization of the Sip Stack
11650393 - Catalytic Pyrolysis of Waste Plastic & Tyres
11650392 - An Improved Fuzzy PD-Like Controller for MIMO Twin Rotor System
11650391 - Analysis of an Abr-Mbr System Treating Complex Particulate Wastewater
11650390 - Co-Movement Between South Asian and Developed Equity Markets
11650389 - Differentsial'nye Uravneniya S Razryvnymi Resheniyami
11650388 - Detection and Classification Of Normal and Anomaly IP Packet
11650387 - Awareness and Attitudes of Pregnant Mothers Towards Use of Vct
11650386 - Ekonomika Bednosti
11650385 - All About HTML
11650384 - Characteristics of Patients Presenting With First Episode Psychosis
11650383 - Challenges to the Democratisation process in Uganda
11650382 - Ensayando America
11650381 - Comunicacion, Identidad y Conflicto Social
11650380 - Caracterizacion de Emisiones de Particulas En Motores Diesel
11650379 - Codigo computacional aplicable a Medios Granulares Irregulares
11650378 - Efectos Metabolicos de La Gastrectomia Vertical
11650377 - Analisis de los Parques de la Comuna 5 de Santiago de Cali (2009)
11650376 - Administracion del Tiempo Libre y Recreacion Universitaria
11650375 - Etiologia de la violencia
11650374 - Desenvolvemento dun sistema de distribucion de contidos en Erlang
11650373 - Caos, Complejidad y Tecnologias en el Centro Educativo
11650372 - El trabajo social en Aragon
11650371 - El lenguaje de la Pedagogia en la vida de los centros escolares
11650370 - El desarrollo profesional de una maestra novel
11650369 - Ensenanza reciproca y adquisicion de competencias en la Universidad
11650368 - Efecto reductor de acidos grasos conjugados sobre la grasa corporal
11650367 - Enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales y factores psicologicos
11650366 - Factores de riesgo aterogenico
11650365 - Evaluacion de Desempeno Docente
11650364 - Estrategias Reduccionistas en Neurociencias
11650363 - 10 anos de produccion cientifica en la Universidad de Guadalajara
11650362 - Comunidad de Aves En Un Bst Intervenido, Sierra de Perija, EDO. Zulia
11650361 - Ejercicio Fisico En Ancianos
11650360 - Estudios Molusquicidas En Sustancias Naturales Derivadas de Plantas
11650359 - Estado Actual y Terapias Emergentes En El Higado Graso No Alcoholico
11650358 - De la Morbilidad a la Perdurabilidad Empresarial
11650357 - Formacion Docente para la Ensenanza del Derecho
11650356 - Atributos Sismicos y Estratigrafia en la Cuenca Cooper, Australia
11650355 - Diagnostico sobre la situacion del Estado de Mexico
11650354 - Fundamentos y Perspectivas de La Metodologia Indagatoria
11650353 - Analisis cualitativo de discursos con programa de software TextStat
11650352 - El Bioestimulante Fitomas-E En La Produccion de Hortalizas
11650351 - Dinamica de suelos en areas urbanas
11650350 - Diversidad, dialogo intercultural y justicia
11650349 - Como gestionar una estrategia de valores en las organizaciones
11650348 - Estudio sobre poblaciones de insectos en maiz y danos en los cultivos
11650347 - Estructura de Conocimiento Para El Servicio de Soporte de Tecnologia
11650346 - Dificultad En La Busqueda Moderna del Habitar
11650345 - Educacion Sexual para Estudiantes de Estudios Socioculturales
11650344 - Derechos Humanos en la Ninez
11650343 - Evaluacion computarizada, acercamiento teorico-practico
11650342 - Federalismo y descentralizacion fiscal en Mexico
11650341 - De lo comunitario a lo solidario
11650340 - Estrategias Logisticas Para Optimar La Gestion de Seguridad Bancaria
11650339 - Aspectos reproductivos de Guacamaya Verde Ara Militaris en el ZOOMAT
11650338 - Aplicacion de los SIG a la Valoracion Agraria
11650337 - Calidad de Energia Electrica
11650336 - Educacion para la Salud y Tecnologias Apropiadas en Salud Ambiental
11650335 - Control Biologico de Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp. Lycopersici En Tomate
11650334 - Evaluacion de la calidad de la tintura de la especie Calendula al 20%
11650333 - Estrategias de Financiacion Para Las Microempresas
11650332 - Evaluacion Costo/Beneficio de Servicios Ambientales
11650331 - Estudio de Un Captador Solar Termico Sombreador
11650330 - Elementary Education of Disadvantaged Girls
11650329 - 2 Stage Specially Structured Flow Shop Scheduling Technique
11650328 - Building a Non-Violent Social Justice movement
11650327 - Advanced Diagnostic AIDS in Oral Pathology
11650326 - Formirovanie Mezhkul'turnoy Kompetentsii Studentov Tekhnicheskogo Vuza
11650325 - Diffusion Value of the Pledge
11650324 - Development of Sustained Release Pellets of Salbutamol Sulphate
11650323 - Enjoying Mathematics in the Flipped Classroom
11650322 - Faculty Management Practices in Universities
11650321 - Determinants of Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Defaulting in Hosanna Town
11650320 - A Managerial Guide on It Outsourcing
11650319 - Franchise Management Systems
11650318 - Conservation of Pheasants of Kumaon Himalaya, India
11650317 - Bilateralism and Trips
11650316 - Determinants and Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment in South Asia
11650315 - Changes and Continuities of the European Union Social Policy
11650314 - Educational Management Information Systems (Emis)
11650313 - Coded Modulation for Power-Line Communication Channel
11650312 - Embodiment in Luo Ohangla Performance
11650311 - Culture and the Construction of Literary Meaning Among Young Readers
11650310 - Aksiologicheskiy Potentsial Sovremennoy Rossiyskoy Reklamy
11650309 - Effective Community Participation in Ecotourism Management
11650308 - A Java Based Development Environment for SpringFramework
11650307 - Diek Grobler
11650306 - Automatic Essay Scoring
11650305 - Formirovanie Sfery Grazhdanskoy Deyatel'nosti V Ural'skom Gorode
11650304 - A Study of Interest Free Micro Finance
11650303 - Apnoe SNA I Arterial'naya Gipertenziya
11650302 - Antioxidants on poor freezable crossbred bull semen
11650301 - Fundamentals of Thermodynamic Geometries
11650300 - Formirovanie I Razvitie Integrirovannykh Obedineniy V Rossii
11650299 - Decentralization and Women in Indonesia
11650298 - Ekologicheskie Aspekty Ekspluatatsii Ptitsefabrik
11650297 - Folksong as a Mode of Communication for Trade Advertisement in Abraka
11650296 - Emergency Education (Much needed option)
11650295 - Dzhaz Kak Sotsiokul'turnyy Fenomen
11650294 - Chronic Periodontitis in Pregnant Women With Previous Abortions
11650293 - EC Competition Law Procedure and European Convention on Human Rights
11650292 - Agressivnyy Podrostok I Uchitel'
11650291 - Ekologicheskie Problemy Tsvetnoy Metallurgii Rso-Alanii
11650290 - Analytical Pavement Design Based on Method of Equivalent Thickness
11650289 - Angliyskiy Yazyk
11650288 - Elektromagnitnoe Pole
11650287 - 12 Problem, Reshennykh Metodami Informatsionnoy Tekhnologii
11650286 - Biodegradiruemye Polimernye Kon'yugaty Biologicheski Aktivnykh Veshchestv
11650285 - Biofizicheskaya Korrektsiya Mikrotsirkulyatornykh Narusheniy Opornykh Tkaney
11650284 - FORTRAN-2008
11650283 - Arenda Kak Instrument Vovlecheniya V Oborot Zemel' V Sel'skom Khozyaystve
11650282 - Elektromagnitnaya Bezopasnost'
11650281 - Francois Hollande
11650280 - Aprehender El Pasado y Aprender de Las Catastrofes
11650279 - Anomia Regulada. Una Lectura Institucional de La Realidad Guatemalteca
11650278 - Construcciones Sociales y Culturales Sobre Corrupcion
11650277 - Callus Induction and Evaluation of Somaclones in Potato
11650276 - Acoustic Beamforming
11650275 - Air and heat movement by revolving doors
11650274 - Bolezni vodoplavayushchikh ptits
11650273 - Anodnye zashchitnye tsink-alyuminievye pokrytiya s berilliem i magniem
11650272 - Characterization and Desulphurization of Reactive Mine Tailings
11650271 - Community Involvement in Rehabilitation of Heritage Cities
11650270 - Designing an Inexpensive Sports Car for the South African Context
11650269 - Consumer Protection - Worthlessness or Necessity
11650268 - Design and Development of Obc of a Pico Spacecraft
11650267 - Formirovanie Professional'noy YA-Kontseptsii V Distantsionnom Obuchenii
11650266 - Distributed Database Systems Integration
11650265 - Floating Microparticles of Metoprolol Succinate
11650264 - Formirovanie innovatsionnogo mekhanizma upravleniya razvitiya predpriyatiy
11650263 - Devolution and Deconcentration in Action
11650262 - Bioengineering
11650261 - Algunos temas de Medicina neuropsicologica
11650260 - Acercamiento a la perspectiva Compleja de Anthony Giddens
11650259 - Aplicacion del enfoque globalizador de la ensenanza
11650258 - Figuras En La Bruma
11650257 - Consideraciones Para Juegos Pre Deportivos de Beisbol
11650256 - Cerebelo, Aprendizaje Motor y Biomecanica Palpebral
11650255 - Funcionamiento Familiar y Rendimiento Academico
11650254 - Falakenois
11650253 - Analisis de la rentabilidad de los Sistemas fotovoltaicos
11650252 - Estudio farmaco-toxicologico
11650251 - Correccion de defectos refractivos
11650250 - Desarrollo postnatal de las conductas termoregulatorias en ratas
11650249 - Estimacion del rendimiento a partir de la superficie foliar en yuca
11650248 - Condiciones de Autoignicion En Pilas de Materiales Solidos de Riesgo
11650247 - El Impacto Geografico del excursionismo religioso en Lujan
11650246 - El hombre, la personalidad y las competencias
11650245 - De doctrina de indios a parroquia
11650244 - Cuestiones Interetnicas
11650243 - Colombia, panela amarga
11650242 - Evaluacion Temprana del Desarrollo Linguistico Infantil
11650241 - Caracterizacion del Desarrollo Cognitivo En Estudiantes de Medicina
11650240 - Analisis Estrategico Multidimensional del Sector Salud En Mexico
11650239 - Curado de Resinas
11650238 - Factores de Comportamiento Directivo y Su Impacto En La Calidad
11650237 - Diferencias individuales en ratones derrotados cronicamente
11650236 - Estrategias sociales ante los eventos de sequia y globalizacion
11650235 - Extension de los diagnosticos graficos del modelo GLM al modelo GLMs
11650234 - Derechos Humanos en pugna
11650233 - Empresa Mexicana En El Tratado de Libre Comercio de America del Norte
11650232 - El Espiritu de Una Epoca (1922-1930)
11650231 - Acciones Para Elevar Conocimientos Sobre Las Its
11650230 - Condiciones Minimas Para La Oferta de Servicios de Salud
11650229 - Exportaciones Mexicanas
11650228 - Formacion Docente
11650227 - Cuadernos del Sur
11650226 - Con El Favor de Dios
11650225 - Desarrollo de yogures funcionales utilizando fibra dietaria
11650224 - El televidente y el uso de las nuevas tecnologias audiovisuales
11650223 - De labradores y campos de papel
11650222 - El proceso de Evangelizacion Agustina en el Sur de la Nueva Espana
11650221 - Ciencias Sociales para la vida
11650220 - De grandes cazadores a pobres semiproletarios
11650219 - El Nino, El Juego y Los Prejuicios
11650218 - El Encarte del Regional
11650217 - Evaluacion de la Gestion Ambiental Implementada en Bogota D.C.
11650216 - Contenidos Basicos sobre Formacion del Nino Televidente
11650215 - Estructuras de modelos de Quillen
11650214 - El Trastorno Autista
11650213 - El Crecimiento del Empresario
11650212 - El Campamento Como Medio Educativo
11650211 - Aprendizaje en Redes de practica
11650210 - Estrategias Didacticas Para La Promocion de La Literatura
11650209 - Economics of Public Expenditure in Nigeria
11650208 - Formirovanie Subektnoy Pozitsii V Usloviyakh Arkheologicheskoy Ekspeditsii
11650207 - A Study of Attitude of Post Graduate Students Towards Semester System
11650206 - Disease Management Practices in Black Tiger Shrimp Penaeus Monodon
11650205 - Evolution of Accounting in Solomon Islands
11650204 - Dissociation in the Philippines
11650203 - Determinants of International Trade in Defence Sector
11650202 - An Approach to Provide Type Safety of Languages for Programming Wireless Sensor Network
11650201 - A Global Prohibition Regime on Human Trafficking?
11650200 - Achieving Higher Housing Energy Efficiency Across Eu
11650199 - Fiziologiya Cheloveka (Lektsii)
11650198 - Fenomen Vizual'nogo Vyskazyvaniya
11650197 - Diagnostika I Terapiya Vnutrennikh Nezaraznykh Bolezney Zhivotnykh
11650196 - Design and Product Development of High Density Neural Connector
11650195 - Constitutive Emergence
11650194 - A Concise Textbook of Community Pharmacy
11650193 - Effectiveness of Total Quality Management in Education
11650192 - Dynamic Software Review Model
11650191 - Border-novel or Bordered Novel
11650190 - Bezopasnost' I Dolgovechnost' Truboprovodnykh Konstruktsiy
11650189 - Energosberegayushchie Tekhnologii Vozdelyvaniya Zernovykh Kul'tur
11650188 - Assessment of Fourth African Road Safety Conference-Ghana's Response
11650187 - Analysis of Singapore's Foreign Exchange Market Microstructure
11650186 - An International Comparison of Productivity Change
11650185 - Aktual'nye Problemy V Morfologii Azerbaydzhanskogo Yazyka
11650184 - Elektricheskiy Shum I Defekty Struktury Tverdykh Tel
11650183 - Frazeologicheskie Edinitsy V Nemetskom, Tadzhikskom I Russkom Yazykakh
11650182 - Conscientising the Singaporean Malay-Muslim Youth
11650181 - Fenomen sozavisimosti
11650180 - Antidiscrimination Rights of Contingent Workers in the United States
11650179 - Charge Controller and Inverter
11650178 - Accelerated Image Processing in Hardware
11650177 - Climate change adaptation in the dryland parts of Tanzania
11650176 - Copula modeling of tail dependence in the BRIC countries
11650175 - Divination
11650174 - Affect and Attention
11650173 - Forgotten Didactic Treasures
11650172 - Foreign Flows and Emerging Market Stock Returns
11650171 - Disparities of Urban Land Values and Shift in Land Use
11650170 - Antioksidantnaya Sistema Kak Osnova Ustoychivosti Rasteniy
11650169 - A Syntactic-Semantic Study of Metaphor in Modern English Journalism
11650168 - Elektricheskaya Duga I Fakel V Metallurgicheskikh Pechakh
11650167 - Absolyutnaya Gramotnost'
11650166 - Blochnaya Samoorganizatsiya Deflyuidizatsii Zemli.
11650165 - Ekonomicheskaya Organizovannaya Prestupnost' V Rossii
11650164 - Fizicheskaya Kul'tura
11650163 - Formirovanie Gotovnosti Uchashchikhsya K Polucheniyu Obrazovaniya
11650162 - Beskontaktnye Sinkhronnye Mashiny. Elektromagnitnye Podshipniki
11650161 - El "matrimonio homosexual" en Espana
11650160 - Apuntes de Ciencia Politica
11650159 - Elite, Nacion E Ilustracion
11650158 - ... y El Mundo Cambia
11650157 - Ensayos de Derecho Penal Internacional
11650156 - Evaluation of some brands of Albendazole tablets in Ghana
11650155 - Dispersion and Spectroscopic Study of Carbon Nanoparticles
11650154 - Filosofiya Ikony
11650153 - An Analysis of Dr Gono's Discourse on Zimbabwe's Economic Turn Around
11650152 - Colloid Transport and Attenuation in Saturated Porous Media
11650151 - Fizika Dukha Tvoryashchego Kosmicheskogo Soznaniya
11650150 - Barriers to Appropriate Technologies for Sustainable Development
11650149 - Copyright and Media Releases
11650148 - Blending
11650147 - Emotional Intelligence
11650146 - Facts and Fictions of ADHD
11650145 - Finding Ways of Saying No!
11650144 - Application of Reliability Techniques
11650143 - Biodegradation of Agricultural Waste by White Rot Fungus
11650142 - Cotsial'no-Gigienicheskie Faktory I Zdorov'e Studentov-Sportsmenov
11650141 - Biotechnology
11650140 - Edinoe Obrazovatel'noe Prostranstvo
11650139 - Angliya Na Pereput'e
11650138 - Eficiencia de Los Transportadores de Bandas En El Traslado de Mineral
11650137 - 10 Aspectos Claves Para La Gestion Ambiental
11650136 - Caracterizacion de La Investigacion En Psicologia del DePorte
11650135 - Comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo
11650134 - Deteccion de Anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum en bufalos del Peru
11650133 - De la Investigacion a la Praxis de los Profesores de Educ. Fisica
11650132 - Encuentros conmigo mismo
11650131 - Franja de Gaza,encrucijada en la seguridad fronteriza
11650130 - Evaluacion de la contaminacion hidrica del rio Jillusaya
11650129 - Descubriendo La Materia Mediante Luz Laser
11650128 - Ecologia y uso habitat del Playero Trinador en el Pacifico Colombiano
11650127 - Contaminacion por Hidrocarburos en el Norte de Baja California, Mexico
11650126 - El templo visto desde dentro
11650125 - Diabetes Mellitus
11650124 - Condiciones de vida prehispanica en la Sierra Nevada del Cocuy
11650123 - Antropologia del delito y el castigo
11650122 - En Movimiento
11650121 - Estudio y Desarrollo de Tecnicas de Conversion de Voz
11650120 - Desigualtats Socioeconomiques I Salut Maternoinfantil a Bolivia
11650119 - Comportamiento del Intento Suicida
11650118 - El Rol de Los Caracteres Regenerativos En La Coexistencia de Plantas
11650117 - Aplicacion de Los Conjuntos Aproximados En El Analisis de Datos
11650116 - Fundamentos Para La Admision de Capitulaciones Matrimoniales En Cuba
11650115 - Crecimiento de La Empresa Con La Tecnologia de La Informacion
11650114 - Eros y Psyche
11650113 - Aukantunkimun "Conocimiento de Los Juegos Mapuche"
11650112 - Analisis de imagenes mediante la pseudo-distribucion de Wigner
11650111 - Cuantificacion de la materia seca en Agrosistemas Ganaderos
11650110 - Cambiemos Los Estereotipos. El Desafio del Siglo XXI
11650109 - El Papel Amate, Soporte Plastico en la Pintura Indigena de Mexico
11650108 - El Contador Publico En Un Contexto de Pymes
11650107 - Crisis mundial y exportacion de vinos
11650106 - Dermatosis Profesionales En La Industria Marroquinera
11650105 - Estado del arte y analisis de investigaciones en educacion preescolar
11650104 - Concesiones de Sal de Zipaquira y Nemocon
11650103 - Estrategia de monitoreo y supervision del personal operativo
11650102 - Derechos Inherentes VS Consentimiento Informado
11650101 - De la Sociabilidad a la Dependencia en las Personas Mayores
11650100 - Alivio Del Dolor Radiestesia
11650099 - Enfermedades Que Causan Decomiso En Bovinos Beneficiados En Matadero
11650098 - Facoemulsificacion con core mecanico previo del nucleo cataratoso
11650097 - Contextos literarios de la Opera inglesa
11650096 - Alternativa Didactica Para La Comprension de Textos
11650095 - Clonacion y caracterizacion del antigeno celular porcino CD47
11650094 - Avance de las castas en el orden republicano en Cartagena de Indias
11650093 - Analisis Descomposicion Espectral e Integracion de Atributos Sismicos
11650092 - Entrecruzamientos Queer
11650091 - Ciudad, vida urbana y teoria social
11650090 - Evolucion de La Retinopatia Diabetica Durante La Gestacion
11650089 - Actividad fisica y estres traumatico secundario en bomberos
11650088 - Caracterizacion de Las Tecnicas Heuristicas Para La Planeacion
11650087 - Factores de Eleccion E Influencia de La Terapia Neural En Sus Usuarios
11650086 - Convergence Theorems of Fixed Points for Classes of Nonlinear Operator
11650085 - Active Vibration Control of Structures
11650084 - Finance Commission Transfers in India
11650083 - Emotional Intelligence
11650082 - Analytical Methods for Beta Adrenergic Blockers- A Review
11650081 - Care Experiences of Looked-after, Dual Heritage Young People
11650080 - Effects of Exercise & Daytime Sleep on Human Haemodynamics
11650079 - Agrarnoe Prirodopol'zovanie V Tsentral'no-Chernozemnom Rayone Rossii
11650078 - Air Quality Assessment
11650077 - Community Procurement for Effective Local Infrastructure Development
11650076 - Cerebral Palsy Speech Recognition System
11650075 - Food level of Colocacia esculenta Linn
11650074 - Financial Time Series Analysis
11650073 - A Mystery in Paint and Print
11650072 - Analysis of Different Currents & Their Effects on Organic Solar Cells
11650071 - EU Criminal Law in the Lisbon Treaty
11650070 - Fluorestsentnyy Zond - Laurdan.
11650069 - Comparative Study on Segmentation Using Texture Models
11650068 - "Bits & Pieces" and the Aesthetic Value of the Fragment in Modernity
11650067 - Antibacterial activity of Camellia Sinsnsis against dental caries
11650066 - Automatic Text Summarization of Frequently Asked Questions Web Pages
11650065 - Functioning of Health Extension Program
11650064 - Chiefs and Politicians in Dagbon - Ghana
11650063 - Formirovanie Polilingval'noy Kartiny Mira U Studentov Universiteta.
11650062 - Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning
11650061 - Anticancer, Antibacterial & Pesticidal Activities of Co(II) Complex
11650060 - Formirovanie tsennostnykh orientatsiy studentov v usloviyakh filiala vuza
11650059 - Drought Management among the Afar
11650058 - Development of bacterial biopesticide
11650057 - Child Malnutrition in Ethiopia
11650056 - Financial Liberalization vs. Bank Efficiency in Transition Economies
11650055 - Chemical Sensing Based on Tapered Fibre and Fibre Loop Resonator
11650054 - Demokraticheskiy Tranzit
11650053 - Finite element modelling of Electric Discharge Machining Process
11650052 - Ekologicheskaya kompetentnost' lichnosti
11650051 - Bird Flu Rumour in Bangladesh
11650050 - A Textbook of Immunology
11650049 - Balkany V Strategii Velikobritanii V Gody Vtoroy Mirovoy Voyny
11650048 - Dynamic Planning for the Redevelopment of a Site
11650047 - Alternative Energy Resources
11650046 - Customer and Employee Satisfaction
11650045 - Abrazivnoe polirovanie elastichnym instrumentom
11650044 - Fascioliasis in Goat and Sheep and Its Public Health Importance
11650043 - Ekspertnaya Deyatel'nost' Psikhologa
11650042 - Formirovanie Arkhitekturno-Planirovochnoy Sredy Istoricheskikh Poseleniy
11650041 - Dinamicheskaya Teoriya Martensitnogo Prevrashcheniya V Splavakh Zheleza
11650040 - Biota Vodoemov Baykal'skoy Riftovoy Zony
11650039 - Die kanadischen Metis als Nation
11650038 - Crisis In Iraq Vol 1
11650037 - El fraude procesal en la conciliacion extrajudicial
11650036 - Egypt After the Coup Vol (2)
11650035 - Disputas, Integraciones y Transgresiones En La Region de Frontera
11650034 - Actores y Factores de La Economia Politica Internacional
11650033 - Constitucionalismo Democratico, Minorias Etnicas En Colombia
11650032 - Denk Ich an Deutschland...
11650031 - Climate Change
11650030 - Backpropagation and It's Modifications
11650029 - Determinants of Working Capital Requirements
11650028 - Biofizicheskie Metody Diagnostiki I Lecheniya Raka
11650027 - Apparatura i metodiki YaMR - analiza neftyanykh dispersnykh sistem
11650026 - Challenges Facing Teen Mothers in Secondary Schools in Kenya
11650025 - Frequency Regulation by Free Governor Mode of Operation
11650024 - Cardiovascular Risk and Adolescents
11650023 - Evaluation of Tuberculosis Dot Program, Case Detection and Management
11650022 - Analysis and Design of Indonesia's E-Id and E-Voting Integration
11650021 - Empowering Women Through Rural Support Programs in Pakistan
11650020 - Christianity in a Secular State
11650019 - Forma Ili Soderzhanie? Davayte Razberemsya
11650018 - Environmental Performance Indicators of Batik Industry in Malaysia
11650017 - Blood Flow into the Main Artery via Mitral Valve
11650016 - Frustrations of Management
11650015 - Angloyazychnaya Perevodovedcheskaya Terminologiya
11650014 - Drevneangliyskiy I Sovremennyy Russkiy Yazyki
11650013 - A Study Report on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
11650012 - Arquitectos a la caza del mercado inmobiliario
11650011 - En el limbo decimononico
11650010 - Crecimiento Urbano y Vivienda En Una Ciudad Media Mexicana
11650009 - Cornea Plana Congenita
11650008 - Emisiones de Metano a la Atmosfera
11650007 - Bases Para El Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras
11650006 - El Concepto de Libertad en el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona
11650005 - Catemaco
11650004 - Estudio del comportamiento de conectores mediante modelacion numerica
11650003 - El reto de la reforma curricular en educacion superior
11650002 - Caracterizacion del extracto de Mangifera indica L. (QF808)
11650001 - El trabajo con la Expresion Oral