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Книга: How to Promote Your Business with Little or No Money: Save Money and Win Customers in Any Economic Climate

Товар № 10204618
Автор: Dr. Stan Stan
Вес: 0.430 кг.
Год издания: 2010
Страниц: 244 Переплет: Мягкая обложка
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Historically, small businesses do not hire marketing managers. In many cases the owner of the company drives the marketing and sales functions with gut instinct to survive. Many die a financially painful death. For a long time Dr. Stan Fine 'The Business Doctor' has seen the need for a general purpose 'how to' marketing book. As a reference book, it will provide answers to your marketing questions, how do I do it? And what do I do next? If you wish to contact Dr. Fine about speaking engagements or booksigning events you can reach him at 314-604-7350 orstanfinep

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