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Книга: African Giant Rats - an essay

Товар № 10208537
Автор: Dr. Ross Gordon Cooper
Вес: 0.090 кг.
Страниц: 32 Переплет: Мягкая обложка
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African giant (pouched) rats (Cricetomys gambianus) are the largest species of wild rat found in Africa. This pamphlet is written to add further information to the existing knowledge of the giant rat in the wild and captivity. Over the years the giant rat has become a pet of great interest. Its longevity and gentle nature are bonuses. A wild giant rat will immediately eat a piece of bread from its captor's hands. May the giant rat continue to provide many hours of enjoyment and thrill to owners all over the world. Giant rats are gentle and nice. They are worth our efforts. Let us be dedicated to their research, care and conservation.

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