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Книга: The New Housekeeping: Efficiency Studies in Home Management (Classic Reprint)

Товар № 10209531
Автор: Christine Frederick
Вес: 0.510 кг.
Год издания: 2010
Страниц: 300 Переплет: Мягкая обложка
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PREFACE A moderate income, two babies, and constant demands on nly time, was the situation that faced me several years ago. I liked housework, and was especially fond of cooking but the deadening point about the whole situation was that I never seemed to ?nish my work, never seemed to 'get anywhere,' and that I almost never had any leisure time to myself. I vanted to read a bit, or write out some ideas I had been thinking about, or take a half hour for personal grooming. If I devoted nly day to cooking, I vas appalled later at the confusion and dirt I had neglected. If I specialized on cleaning, our meals were hurried and ill-prepared. If I tried to do justice to both cleaning and preparing of meals, I quite certainly neglected the babies and nlysclf. lVly husband came home only to find me 'alltired out,' with no energy left to play over a song, or listen to a thoughtful a.rticle. I was coIi .. stantly struggling to obtain a little' higher life' for n1yTable of Contents CONTENTS I EFFICIENCY AND THE NEW HOUSEKEEPING II ApPLYING 'STANDARD PRACTICE' AND 'l{OTION STUDY' TO HOUSEHOLD TASKS III STANDARDIZING CONDITIONS IN KITCHEN ARRANGEMENT IV THE EFFICIE~T TOOL V DISPATCHI~G AND SCHEDULING HOUSEHOLD TASKS VI THE HOUSEWIFE AS PURCHASING AGENT VII EFFICIENT lIANAGEliENT OF HOUSEHOLD FINANCES VIII RELIABLE RECORDS IN THE HOUSEHOLD IX THE NEW HOUSEKEEPING COOK BOOK X ApPLYING THE 'VAGE SCHEDULE AND BONUS PAGE VIl 3 23 46 61) 88 102 115 126 146 IDEAS TO THE SERVANT PROBLEM 158 Xl INCREASING SERVANT EFFICIENCY 169 XII DEVELOPI~G THE HO~IE~IAKER'S PERSONAL EFFICIENCY 181 XIII lIEN A~ THE HOUSEHOLD EFFICIFli'lCY liOVE::IE:''T 197 XIV THE HOMEMAKER'S RELATION TO BUSINESS AN D ECONOMICS 204 XV EDUCATION AND TIlE HOME ECONOMICS lfOVEMENT 229 XVI THE' ApPLECROFT' EFFICIEil~CY KITCHEN 248 XVII BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOME ECONOMICS 258About the Publisher

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